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Last active June 6, 2016 17:51
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Yet another bridge puzzle in TLA+
---------------------------- MODULE bridgePuzzle ----------------------------
Use TLC from TLA Toolbox to solve this puzzle:
A family of four people (the father, the mother, the baby, and the grandmother)
have to cross a bridge at night having only one flashlight.
At most two people can cross the bridge at a time holding
the flashlight in their hands. It takes each member of the family the
following time to cross the bridge in either direction: father needs 1 minute,
mother needs 2 minutes, baby needs 5 minutes, and grandmother needs 10 minutes.
Can all of them cross the bridge as fast as in 17 minutes?
EXTENDS Integers, FiniteSets
(* time it takes each person to cross the bridge (in fact, it is inverted speed) *)
(* e.g., [x \in Persons |-> IF x = "father" THEN 1 ELSE IF x = "mother" THEN 2 ELSE IF x = "baby" THEN 5 ELSE 10] *)
pos, (* the positions of the persons and of the flashlight *)
clock, (* the global clock *)
turn (* whose turn is to move *)
Persons == {"baby", "father", "mother", "grandma"}
Objects == Persons \cup {"flashlight"}
(* only the following turns are allowed *)
AllowedTurn(t, p) ==
\E S \in SUBSET Persons:
(* at most two persons are crossing the bridge *)
/\ t = S /\ (Cardinality(S) = 1 \/ Cardinality(S) = 2)
(* the flashlight is on the same side of the bridge *)
/\ \A x \in S: p["flashlight"] = p[x]
(* the initial states *)
Init ==
/\ pos = [x \in Objects |-> "LEFT"]
/\ clock = 0
/\ AllowedTurn(turn, pos)
(* move a person or the flashlight *)
Update(x) ==
IF x # "flashlight" /\ x \notin turn
THEN pos[x] (* not moving *)
ELSE IF pos[x] = "LEFT" THEN "RIGHT" ELSE "LEFT" (* flipping sides *)
Next ==
/\ pos' = [x \in Objects |-> Update(x)] (* update the positions *)
/\ AllowedTurn(turn', pos') (* pick the next turn *)
/\ \E slowest \in turn: (* the slowest person in the moving set *)
slowest \in turn /\ clock' = clock + speed[slowest] (* update the clock *)
/\ \A x \in turn: speed[slowest] >= speed[x]
Spec == Init /\ [Next]_<<pos, clock, turn>>
We want to disprove the following invariant candidate.
NOTE: use the following state constraint to restrict the model checker's search space:
clock <= 17
Inv ==
\/ clock > 17 (* too slow *)
\/ \E x \in Objects: pos[x] = "LEFT" (* somebody has not crossed the bridge *)
This constraint is not required to find a solution, but it is a good idea to
specify a type invariant.
TypeOK ==
/\ speed \in [ Persons -> Nat ]
/\ pos \in [ Objects -> {"LEFT", "RIGHT"}]
/\ \A x \in Objects: pos[x] \in {"LEFT", "RIGHT"}
/\ clock \in Int
/\ AllowedTurn(turn, pos)
\* Modification History
\* Last modified Mon Jun 06 19:50:54 CEST 2016 by igor
\* Created Mon Jun 06 18:27:42 CEST 2016 by igor
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