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Created February 7, 2013 03:50
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basic streams2 readable example
var util = require("util");
var stream = require("stream");
var ee = require("events").EventEmitter;
var Readable = stream.Readable;
var emitter = new ee();
// basically just to show stuff going from one place to abother
var pushed = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'];
var pulled = [];
var endOfStream = false;
// Very base use of inherits
var MyReader = function(opts){, opts);
util.inherits(MyReader, Readable);
MyReader.prototype._read = function (n, cb) {
// When we're are the end of our pulls and pushes, end of stram
return cb(null, null);
// We wait for an event from our downstream and then pass it
// down the line
emitter.once('data_added', function() {
// add a newline to show that we're doing stuff
var thing = pulled.shift() + " -- \n";
cb(null, thing);
// Since we need a writable downstream, lets just use stdout
var readme = new MyReader();
// add stuff to be pulled every second and clear our interval and
// mark end of our stream
var meid = setInterval(function(){
if(pushed.length == 0){
endOfStream = true;
} else {
pulled.push( pushed.shift() );
emitter.emit('data_added'); // <--- incoming!
}, 1000);
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