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Last active March 12, 2023 21:19
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A script to uniformly (logarithmically) change screen brightness using xbacklight
#!/usr/bin/env python3
__author__ = 'Konrad Strack'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2014, Konrad Strack'
__license__ = 'MIT'
from math import log10
import sys
import subprocess
def get_backlight():
return float(subprocess.check_output(["xbacklight", "-get"]))
def set_backlight(backlight):["xbacklight", "-set", str(backlight)])
def backlight_to_step(backlight, backlight_min, backlight_max, steps):
x_min = log10(backlight_min)
x_max = log10(backlight_max)
return round(log10(backlight) / (x_max - x_min) * steps)
def step_to_backlight(step, backlight_min, backlight_max, steps):
x_min = log10(backlight_min)
x_max = log10(backlight_max)
x = step / steps * (x_max - x_min)
backlight = round(max(min(10 ** x, backlight_max), backlight_min))
return backlight
if __name__ == "__main__":
backlight_min = 2
backlight_max = 100
steps = 20
if len(sys.argv) < 2 or sys.argv[1] not in ["-inc", "-dec"]:
print("usage:\n\t{0} -inc / -dec".format(sys.argv[0]))
current_backlight = get_backlight()
current_step = backlight_to_step(current_backlight, backlight_min, backlight_max, steps)
action = sys.argv[1]
if action == "-inc":
new_step = current_step + 1
elif action == "-dec":
new_step = current_step - 1
new_backlight = step_to_backlight(new_step, backlight_min, backlight_max, steps)
print("Current backlight: {0}\nChanging to: {1}".format(current_backlight, new_backlight))
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