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Last active January 4, 2019 16:39
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An example of proper use of events in c#. In this example there are 10 event publishers and 1 event subscriber that subscribes to all of them. The code is heavily commented, to cover all aspects of its functionality.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
/// <summary>
/// Example use of events in c#
/// Author: Konstantinos Sfikas
/// Date: January 2019
/// In this example there are 10 event publishers and 1 event subscriber.
/// The event publishers are all instances of the NumberCounter class,
/// while the event subscriber is an instance of the Notifier class.
/// As soon as any of the NumberCounter instances reaches its maximum number,
/// the MaxNumReached event is raised, and the Notifier instance responds to it
/// by printing some information to the console.
/// </summary>
namespace EventsExample
public class EventsTest
static void Main(string[] args)
Random rand = new Random();
// instantiate the notifier (event subscriber)
Notifier notifier = new Notifier();
List<NumberCounter> numberCounters = new List<NumberCounter>();
// - create 10 instances of the NumberCounter class,
// - set their MaxNum property to a random value (10 to 20),
// - subscribe the notifier's Notify method to all of the NumberCounter instances
// - and store them in the numberCounters list
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
// - create an instance of the number counter class
// - with a random value (10 to 20) for the MaxNum property
NumberCounter numberCounter = new NumberCounter(
rand.Next(10, 20) // MaxNum is set to a random value (10 to 20)
// subscribe the Notify method of the notifier object
// to the numberCounter's MaxNumReached event
numberCounter.MaxNumReached += notifier.Notify;
// - store the numberCounter in the numberCounters list
// - increase the value of all number counters 20 times,
// to ensure that all of them reached their maximum value.
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
foreach (var nc in numberCounters)
// wait for user input to end the programme
// event subscriber
public class Notifier
// - This method prints a description of the event to the console.
// - Note that it has the same signature as the MaxNumReached
// event's delegate (EventHandler<MaxNumEventArgs>)
// - Having the same signature (same return type and same parameters list)
// as the event's delegate, is a prerequisite so that this method can
// subscribed to the specific event.
public void Notify(object sender, MaxNumReachedEventArgs ea)
"Number Counter {0} has reached its maximum number of {1} at {2}",,
// NumberCounter: event publisher class
// This class has only one public method (IncreaseNumber)
// which increases the value of the _num parameter by one.
// As soon as the value of _num is equal to _maxNum,
// the MaxNumReached event is raised.
public class NumberCounter
// event declaration:
// Note that the event uses the EventHandler delegate type and that the
// custom type of event arguments (MaxNumReachedEventArgs) is used as a
// type parameter.
public event EventHandler<MaxNumReachedEventArgs> MaxNumReached;
// fields
private readonly int _id;
private int _num;
private readonly int _maxNum;
// properties
public int ID { get { return _id; } }
public int Num { get { return _num; } }
public int MaxNum { get { return _maxNum; } }
// constructor
public NumberCounter(int id, int initValue, int maxValue)
_id = id;
_num = initValue;
_maxNum = maxValue;
// IncreaseNumber: method for increasing the number of the number counter
public void IncreaseNumber()
if (Num < MaxNum)
_num += 1;
if (Num == MaxNum)
// OnMaxNumReached: method for raising the MaxNumReached event
// The method's name is On + [Event Name]:
// this is the standard way of naming event raising methods
// The method also performs a null check, to ensure that
// there are subscribers to the event, before raising it.
private void OnMaxNumReached()
// if there is at least one subscriber to the event,
// then invoke it (raise it)
if (MaxNumReached != null)
new MaxNumReachedEventArgs()
id = ID,
num = Num,
eventTime = DateTime.Now
// Custom event arguments definition:
// EventArgs is a class that is meant to represent the data that the
// event is carrying.
// In its pure form, EventArgs contains no parameters at all.
// However, by creating a subclass of the EventArgs class, we can
// include all the necessary fields that we want to use when
// raising the MaxNumReached event.
public class MaxNumReachedEventArgs : EventArgs
public int id;
public int num;
public DateTime eventTime;
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