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Last active April 11, 2017 16:52
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Github repo: Programmable Digital Synthesizers
Project name: Monk
Author: Kostas Sfikas
Date: April 2017
// declare the array to hold the analog pins values
byte myArray[13];
const int numReadings = 10; //number of readings
int readings[numReadings]; //array containing all the readings
int readIndex = 0; //index of current reading
int readAverage = 0;
void setup()
for(int thisReading = 0; thisReading < numReadings; thisReading++){
readings[thisReading] = 0;
void loop(){
// The main programme loop
int byteIndex = 0;
//set the first Byte to 0xc0 (this will be recognized as the start character of the message)
myArray[byteIndex] = 0xc0; // start character (binary: 1100 0000) (decimal:192) (hex: c0)
// go through the analog pins one by one
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { //cycles through potentiometers 0 to 5 -> A0 to A5
unsigned int knob = getSmoothReading(i);// analogRead(i);
byte knobByte1 = knob & 0x007f; //^ keeps the last 7 digits of a number... (007f -> binary: 0111 1111)
byte knobByte2 = knob >> 7; // moves the bits by 7 positions to the right...
byteIndex++; //advance index (index-values at this position: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11)
myArray[byteIndex] = knobByte1; // calculated above
byteIndex++; //advance index (ndex-values at this position: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12)
myArray[byteIndex] = knobByte2; // calculated above
Serial.write(myArray, 13);
int getSmoothReading(int potIndex){
/* This function smooths out the arduino's analog readings (eliminates some of the "noise").
It does so by reading multiple times from the same potentiometer and then calculating the average value. */
int addedValues = 0; // will hold the added values of all readings
for(int i = 0; i < numReadings; i++){ // loop for reading multiple values from the same potentiometer
readings[i] = analogRead(potIndex); // put the reading in the array, at the current index
delayMicroseconds(500); // a very small delay to ensure correct readings
for(int i = 0; i < numReadings; i++){ //loop for adding the values together
addedValues += readings[i];
readAverage = addedValues / numReadings; //calculate the average value
return readAverage;
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