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Created May 29, 2016 22:18
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Python script that cleans up my downloads folder
import shutil
import mimetypes
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
ORIGIN = r"C:\Users\Konstantin\Downloads\\" # Change these. Unless your system
# happens to have the same configuration.
MUSIC_DESTINATION = r"C:\Users\Konstantin\Music\\"
PICTURE_DESTINATION = r"C:\Users\Konstantin\Pictures\\"
PDF_DESTINATION = r"C:\Users\Konstantin\Documents\\"
ISO_DESTINATION = r"C:\Users\Konstantin\Documents\ISO\\"
ZIP_DESTINATION = r"C:\Users\Konstantin\Downloads\ZIPPED\\"
MSI_DESTINATION = r"C:\Users\Konstantin\Documents\MSI\\"
PPT_DESTINATION = r"C:\Users\Konstantin\Documents\\"
def move_files(origin, destination, filetype):
# Keep track of how many files get moved
total = 0
# Loop through the origin directory.
for file in listdir(origin):
filepath = join(origin, file)
if isfile(filepath):
# Uncomment if you want to see all the mimetypes of all the files.
#print(mimetypes.guess_type(filepath)[0], file, file.endswith(filetype))
if filetype in mimetypes.guess_type(filepath)[0]:
shutil.move(origin+file, destination)
total += 1
except shutil.Error as e:
except TypeError as e:
# Cant figure out the mimetype, so we'll just guess based on the file extension.
if file.endswith(filetype):
shutil.move(origin+file, destination)
total += 1
except shutil.Error as e:
return total
def print_status(total, filetype):
# Print a nice little message
if total > 0:
print(total, filetype, "files were found and moved.")
print("No", filetype, "files were found.")
print_status(move_files(ORIGIN, MUSIC_DESTINATION, 'audio'), 'audio')
print_status(move_files(ORIGIN, PICTURE_DESTINATION, 'image'), 'image')
print_status(move_files(ORIGIN, PDF_DESTINATION, 'pdf'), 'pdf')
print_status(move_files(ORIGIN, ZIP_DESTINATION, 'zip'), 'zip')
print_status(move_files(ORIGIN, ISO_DESTINATION, '.iso'), 'iso')
print_status(move_files(ORIGIN, MSI_DESTINATION, '.msi'), 'msi')
print_status(move_files(ORIGIN, PPT_DESTINATION, 'application/'), 'Power Point')
print_status(move_files(ORIGIN, PPT_DESTINATION, '.pptx'), 'Power Point')
print_status(move_files(ORIGIN, PPT_DESTINATION, 'application/msword'), 'Word')
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