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Created May 31, 2023 10:07
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  • Save konstin/cf6f633a73a701bc94b089d2066e4675 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save konstin/cf6f633a73a701bc94b089d2066e4675 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Found 10 errors (10 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to parse threemystic_cloud_client/cloud_providers/aws/config/ f-string: single '}' is not allowed
Found 9 errors (9 fixed, 0 remaining).
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.base.ID_LEN` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.base.Base` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.baseoperator.BaseOperator` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.baseoperator.BaseOperatorLink` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.connection.Connection` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.dag.DAG` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.dag.DagModel` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.dag.DagTag` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.dagbag.DagBag` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.dagpickle.DagPickle` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.dagrun.DagRun` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.db_callback_request.DbCallbackRequest` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.errors.ImportError` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.log.Log` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.mappedoperator.MappedOperator` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.operator.Operator` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.param.Param` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.pool.Pool` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.renderedtifields.RenderedTaskInstanceFields` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.skipmixin.SkipMixin` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.slamiss.SlaMiss` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.taskfail.TaskFail` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.taskinstance.TaskInstance` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.taskinstance.clear_task_instances` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.taskreschedule.TaskReschedule` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.trigger.Trigger` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.variable.Variable` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.xcom.XCom` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/serialization/ TCH004 Move import `kubernetes.client.models` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/serialization/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.kubernetes.pod_generator.PodGenerator` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/utils/ TCH004 Move import `multiprocessing.context` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 698 errors (667 fixed, 31 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 21 errors (21 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 140 errors (140 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 265 errors (265 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
src/labster/domain2/services/workflow/ TCH004 Move import `labster.domain2.model.profile.Profile` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 85 errors (84 fixed, 1 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 24, column 16
24 | line-length = {{ cookiecutter.max_line_length }}
| ^
invalid inline table
expected `}`
warning: No Python files found under the given path(s)
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
src/label_doconly_changes/hooks/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
Found 1 error.
error: TOML parse error at line 77, column 12
77 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 39 errors (39 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 109, column 12
109 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
error: TOML parse error at line 116, column 12
116 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 35 errors (35 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 12 errors (12 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 13 errors (13 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:40:8: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: Expected a valid marker name, found 'python_implementation'
mypy >= 1.2.0; python_implementation != "PyPy"
Found 17 errors (16 fixed, 1 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
aiogram/handlers/ TCH004 Move import `aiogram.Bot` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 58 errors (57 fixed, 1 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:3:17: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: invalid type: sequence, expected a string
Found 1 error.
3:17 RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: invalid type: sequence, expected a string
Found 1 error.
pyproject.toml:3:17: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: invalid type: sequence, expected a string
Found 1 error.
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
snakebids/ TCH001 Move application import `snakebids.utils.utils` into a type-checking block
Found 32 errors (31 fixed, 1 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 60 errors (60 fixed, 0 remaining).
geneticengine/core/ TCH004 Move import `geneticengine.core.representations.tree.utils.GengyList` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 170 errors (169 fixed, 1 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 1, column 1
1 | {%- set license_classifiers = {
| ^
invalid key
error: TOML parse error at line 119, column 12
119 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to parse pages/Education/ unindent does not match any outer indentation level
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 78, column 18
78 | target-version = "py36"
| ^^^^^^
unknown variant `py36`, expected one of `py37`, `py38`, `py39`, `py310`, `py311`
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
coredis/commands/ TCH001 Move application import `coredis.client` into a type-checking block
Found 117 errors (116 fixed, 1 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 18 errors (18 fixed, 0 remaining).
warning: `M001` has been remapped to `RUF100`.
Found 6 errors (6 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 24 errors (24 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:25:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 1 error.
error: TOML parse error at line 83, column 1
83 | extended-select=["ANN", "C4", "N", "SIM", "TCH"]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `extended-select`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 88 errors (88 fixed, 0 remaining).
src/df2img/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
src/df2img/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pandas` into a type-checking block
Found 2 errors.
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 7 errors (7 fixed, 0 remaining). TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
Found 1 error.
Found 42 errors (42 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
pages/ TCH002 Move third-party import `modelbase.ode.integrators.int_scipy._IntegratorScipy` into a type-checking block
pages/ TCH002 Move third-party import `modelbase.typing.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
Found 2 errors.
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.base.ID_LEN` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.base.Base` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.baseoperator.BaseOperator` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.baseoperator.BaseOperatorLink` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.connection.Connection` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.dag.DAG` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.dag.DagModel` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.dag.DagTag` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.dagbag.DagBag` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.dagpickle.DagPickle` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.dagrun.DagRun` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.db_callback_request.DbCallbackRequest` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.errors.ImportError` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.log.Log` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.mappedoperator.MappedOperator` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.operator.Operator` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.param.Param` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.pool.Pool` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.renderedtifields.RenderedTaskInstanceFields` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.skipmixin.SkipMixin` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.slamiss.SlaMiss` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.taskfail.TaskFail` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.taskinstance.TaskInstance` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.taskinstance.clear_task_instances` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.taskreschedule.TaskReschedule` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.trigger.Trigger` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.variable.Variable` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.xcom.XCom` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/serialization/ TCH004 Move import `kubernetes.client.models` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/serialization/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.kubernetes.pod_generator.PodGenerator` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/utils/ TCH004 Move import `multiprocessing.context` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 693 errors (662 fixed, 31 remaining).
error: Failed to parse examples/api/ inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
Fixed 38 errors:
- src/hera/events/models/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/events/models/grpc/gateway/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
4 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/events/models/io/k8s/api/core/
3 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/events/models/io/k8s/api/policy/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/events/models/io/k8s/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- src/hera/events/models/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/workflows/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/workflows/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/workflows/models/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/workflows/models/grpc/gateway/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/events/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
4 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/workflows/models/io/k8s/api/core/
3 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/workflows/models/io/k8s/api/policy/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/workflows/models/io/k8s/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- src/hera/workflows/models/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/workflows/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/workflows/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
Found 38 errors (38 fixed, 0 remaining).
Fixed 38 errors:
- src/hera/events/models/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/events/models/grpc/gateway/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
4 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/events/models/io/k8s/api/core/
3 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/events/models/io/k8s/api/policy/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/events/models/io/k8s/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- src/hera/events/models/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/workflows/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/workflows/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/workflows/models/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/workflows/models/grpc/gateway/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/events/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
4 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/workflows/models/io/k8s/api/core/
3 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/workflows/models/io/k8s/api/policy/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/workflows/models/io/k8s/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- src/hera/workflows/models/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/workflows/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- src/hera/workflows/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
Found 38 errors (38 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
fastapi_filter/base/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pydantic.fields.FieldInfo` into a type-checking block
Found 1 error.
error: TOML parse error at line 163, column 12
163 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 13 errors (13 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to parse asnakedeck/platform/linux/ unindent does not match any outer indentation level
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
magnus/ TCH001 Move application import `magnus.graph.Graph` into a type-checking block
magnus/ TCH001 Move application import `magnus.nodes.BaseNode` into a type-checking block
magnus/ TCH003 Move standard library import `types.FunctionType` into a type-checking block
Found 3 errors.
Found 12 errors (12 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 9 errors (9 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 9 errors (9 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 12 errors (12 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 30 errors (30 fixed, 0 remaining).
langchain/document_loaders/ TCH004 Move import `pandas` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
langchain/utilities/ TCH004 Move import `azure.core.exceptions.ClientAuthenticationError` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 112 errors (110 fixed, 2 remaining).
Found 22 errors (22 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 12 errors (12 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
awswrangler/ TCH003 Move standard library import `datetime` into a type-checking block
awswrangler/distributed/ray/datasources/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pyarrow.fs` into a type-checking block
awswrangler/distributed/ray/modin/s3/ TCH002 Move third-party import `boto3` into a type-checking block
awswrangler/distributed/ray/modin/s3/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pyarrow` into a type-checking block
awswrangler/redshift/ TCH002 Move third-party import `botocore` into a type-checking block
awswrangler/s3/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pyarrow` into a type-checking block
tests/unit/ TCH001 Move application import `awswrangler.data_api.rds.RdsDataApi` into a type-checking block
tests/unit/ TCH001 Move application import `awswrangler.data_api.redshift.RedshiftDataApi` into a type-checking block
Found 8 errors.
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 7 errors (7 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 10 errors (10 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 37 errors (37 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 6 errors (6 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 9 errors (9 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 6 errors (6 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 8 errors (8 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 12 errors (12 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 220, column 1
220 | pyupgrade = {keep-runtime-typing = true}
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 138, column 12
138 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Fixed 4 errors:
- nbt_structure_utils/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- nbt_structure_utils/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- nbt_structure_utils/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- nbt_structure_utils/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
src/bentoml/_internal/ TCH004 Move import `starlette.responses` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/bentoml/grpc/ TCH004 Move import `bentoml.grpc.v1.service_pb2.Request` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/bentoml/grpc/ TCH004 Move import `bentoml.grpc.v1.service_pb2.Response` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/bentoml/grpc/ TCH004 Move import `bentoml.grpc.v1.service_pb2_grpc.BentoServiceServicer` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/bentoml/testing/grpc/ TCH004 Move import `...grpc.v1.service_pb2` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/bentoml/ TCH004 Move import `._internal.models.model.ModelSignature` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/bentoml/ TCH004 Move import `._internal.models.model.ModelSignatureDict` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
tests/unit/_internal/io/ TCH004 Move import `google.protobuf.wrappers_pb2` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 83 errors (75 fixed, 8 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 12 errors (12 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 106, column 12
106 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/modeling_flax_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:17:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/test_modeling_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:18:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/configuration_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:23:37: unexpected token '_PRETRAINED_CONFIG_ARCHIVE_MAP'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/to_replace_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:30:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/test_modeling_tf_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:16:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/modeling_tf_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:17:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/test_modeling_flax_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:16:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/modeling_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:17:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/tokenization_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:17:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/tokenization_fast_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:17:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_example_script/{{cookiecutter.directory_name}}/run_{{cookiecutter.example_shortcut}}.py:21:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_missing_tokenization_test/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/test_tokenization_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:20:2: unexpected token '%'
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_flax_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_keras_nlp_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_sentencepiece_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_speech_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_tensorflow_text_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_tf_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_tokenizers_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_torch_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_vision_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.logging` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 47 errors (37 fixed, 10 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 10 errors (10 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 138, column 12
138 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
warning: `M` has been remapped to `RUF100`.
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 234 errors (234 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to parse third_party/libwebrtc/rtc_tools/ unexpected token 'line'
error: Failed to parse third_party/libwebrtc/modules/audio_coding/audio_network_adaptor/ unexpected token "Invalid message in file"
error: Failed to parse third_party/libwebrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/test/ unexpected token "Not a float, skipped %s"
error: Failed to parse third_party/libwebrtc/video/ unexpected token "Saving to"
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ expected 'name', but got '{'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '//'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/cubeb-sys/libcubeb/googletest/scripts/ unexpected token "ERROR: Cannot find %s in directory %s."
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/cubeb-sys/libcubeb/googletest/scripts/ unexpected token "ERROR: %s expected at %s."
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/cubeb-sys/libcubeb/googletest/scripts/ unexpected token ','
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/cubeb-sys/libcubeb/googletest/scripts/ unexpected token "Updating file %s . . ."
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/cubeb-sys/libcubeb/googletest/xcode/Scripts/ unexpected token "Usage: input_dir output_dir"
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/cubeb-sys/libcubeb/googletest/test/ unexpected token "Expected: %s"
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/cubeb-sys/libcubeb/googletest/test/ unexpected token "Running "%s". . ."
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/cubeb-sys/libcubeb/googletest/test/ unexpected token ','
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/cubeb-sys/libcubeb/googletest/test/ unexpected token "Expected: %s"
error: Failed to parse dom/canvas/test/webgl-conf/checkout/conformance/ogles/ unexpected token "Wrong Python Version !!!: Need >= 2.6"
error: Failed to parse dom/canvas/test/webgl-conf/checkout/deqp/ unexpected token "The file "
error: Failed to parse dom/canvas/test/webgl-conf/checkout/deqp/ unexpected token "Generating "
error: Failed to parse third_party/libwebrtc/examples/androidapp/ unexpected token 'extras'
error: Failed to parse toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/src/tools/python/ unexpected token ','
error: Failed to parse third_party/aom/tools/ unexpected token "{"
error: Failed to parse third_party/aom/tools/ unexpected token 'FormatDiffHunks'
error: Failed to parse third_party/aom/tools/ unexpected token ','
error: Failed to parse third_party/aom/test/ unexpected token 'FillForm'
error: Failed to parse third_party/python/python-hglib/examples/ unexpected token "%d revisions"
error: Failed to parse third_party/python/PyYAML/lib/yaml/ unexpected token ','
error: Failed to parse third_party/python/PyYAML/lib/yaml/ unexpected token ','
error: Failed to parse third_party/python/PyYAML/lib/yaml/ unexpected token ','
error: Failed to parse third_party/python/PyYAML/lib/yaml/ unexpected token """^(?:yes|Yes|YES|no|No|NO⏎...
error: Failed to parse media/libvpx/libvpx/test/android/ unexpected token "Expects a file to write json to!"
error: Failed to parse media/libvpx/libvpx/test/android/ unexpected token "Error reading "
error: Failed to parse third_party/python/rsa/ unexpected token "%5i bit: %9.3f sec. (%i iterations over %.1f seconds)"
error: Failed to parse third_party/python/ply/example/unicalc/ unexpected token "\+"
error: Failed to parse third_party/python/ply/example/GardenSnake/ unexpected token "Skipping"
Found 46 errors (46 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 71 errors (71 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 12 errors (12 fixed, 0 remaining).
blackboxopt/optimizers/staged/ TCH001 Move application import `blackboxopt.optimizers.staged.iteration.StagedIteration` into a type-checking block
Found 1 error.
fastapi_pytorch_postgresql_sandbox/ TCH002 Move third-party import `aio_pika.Channel` into a type-checking block
fastapi_pytorch_postgresql_sandbox/ TCH002 Move third-party import `` into a type-checking block
fastapi_pytorch_postgresql_sandbox/ TCH002 Move third-party import `` into a type-checking block
fastapi_pytorch_postgresql_sandbox/ TCH002 Move third-party import `aio_pika.pool.Pool` into a type-checking block
fastapi_pytorch_postgresql_sandbox/ TCH002 Move third-party import `fastapi.FastAPI` into a type-checking block
fastapi_pytorch_postgresql_sandbox/deeplearning/architecture/screennet/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib` into a type-checking block
fastapi_pytorch_postgresql_sandbox/deeplearning/architecture/screennet/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss` into a type-checking block
fastapi_pytorch_postgresql_sandbox/deeplearning/architecture/screennet/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.optim.Adam` into a type-checking block
fastapi_pytorch_postgresql_sandbox/deeplearning/architecture/screennet/ TCH003 Move standard library import `argparse` into a type-checking block
fastapi_pytorch_postgresql_sandbox/deeplearning/architecture/screennet/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torchvision` into a type-checking block
fastapi_pytorch_postgresql_sandbox/deeplearning/common/ TCH001 Move application import `fastapi_pytorch_postgresql_sandbox.settings.Settings` into a type-checking block
fastapi_pytorch_postgresql_sandbox/deeplearning/common/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
fastapi_pytorch_postgresql_sandbox/ml_client/clients/base/ TCH001 Move application import `fastapi_pytorch_postgresql_sandbox.ml_client._http_client._HTTPClient` into a type-checking block
fastapi_pytorch_postgresql_sandbox/ml_client/clients/base/ TCH001 Move application import `fastapi_pytorch_postgresql_sandbox.ml_client._http_client._HTTPClientAsync` into a type-checking block
fastapi_pytorch_postgresql_sandbox/tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `argparse` into a type-checking block
fastapi_pytorch_postgresql_sandbox/utils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `argparse` into a type-checking block
fastapi_pytorch_postgresql_sandbox/utils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `io.BytesIO` into a type-checking block
fastapi_pytorch_postgresql_sandbox/utils/ TCH002 Move third-party import `` into a type-checking block
fastapi_pytorch_postgresql_sandbox/web/api/screennet/ TCH002 Move third-party import `aio_pika.pool.Pool` into a type-checking block
tasks/ TCH005 Found empty type-checking block
Found 20 errors.
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 1 error.
error: TOML parse error at line 181, column 12
181 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 64 errors (64 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 63 errors (63 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 68 errors (68 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 23 errors (23 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 641 errors (641 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 37, column 1
37 | <PACKAGE_NAME> = "<COMMAND_NAME>.cli:main"
| ^
invalid key
error: TOML parse error at line 37, column 1
37 | <PACKAGE_NAME> = "<COMMAND_NAME>.cli:main"
| ^
invalid key
error: TOML parse error at line 46, column 12
46 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 16 errors (16 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
warning: `RUF004` has been remapped to `B026`.
warning: `RUF004` has been remapped to `B026`.
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to lint tests: Is a directory (os error 21)
Caused by: Is a directory (os error 21)
error: Failed to lint paddle-stubs: Is a directory (os error 21)
Caused by: Is a directory (os error 21)
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 117, column 12
117 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 7 errors (7 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 607 errors (607 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 41, column 1
41 | max-line-length = 120
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `max-line-length`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
error: TOML parse error at line 31, column 1
31 | max-line-length = 120
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `max-line-length`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 90 errors (90 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 1 error.
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 100, column 12
100 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Fixed 1 error:
- docs/source/
1 × TCH002 (typing-only-third-party-import)
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 20 errors (20 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 171, column 12
171 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: error parsing glob '/app/checkouts/climatepolicyradar/experiment-template/{{ cookiecutter.repo_name }}/': nested alternate groups are not allowed
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 3, column 1
3 | update-check = true
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `update-check`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 12 errors (12 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 12 errors (12 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 14, column 12
14 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
colour_datasets/loaders/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/loaders/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/loaders/ TCH001 Move application import `colour_datasets.records.Record` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/loaders/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Dict` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/loaders/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/loaders/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Dict` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/loaders/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Dict` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/loaders/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/loaders/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Dict` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/loaders/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Dict` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/loaders/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Dict` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/loaders/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Dict` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/loaders/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Dict` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/loaders/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Tuple` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/loaders/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Dict` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/loaders/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Dict` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/loaders/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Dict` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/records/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/records/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Callable` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/records/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Dict` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/records/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/records/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Callable` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/records/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Dict` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/records/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Generator` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/records/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.List` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/utilities/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/utilities/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Callable` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/utilities/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Dict` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/utilities/ TCH002 Move third-party import `xlrd` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/utilities/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Dict` into a type-checking block
colour_datasets/utilities/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.List` into a type-checking block
Found 31 errors.
colour_hdri/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/calibration/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/calibration/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/calibration/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/calibration/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/calibration/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Callable` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/calibration/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Dict` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/calibration/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/calibration/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Tuple` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/calibration/ TCH001 Move application import `colour_hdri.utilities.ImageStack` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/calibration/tests/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.List` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/exposure/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/exposure/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/exposure/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/exposure/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/generation/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/generation/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Callable` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/generation/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/generation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour_hdri.utilities.ImageStack` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/generation/tests/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.List` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/generation/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/generation/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/models/datasets/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Dict` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/models/datasets/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/models/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/models/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/models/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/models/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/models/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/models/tests/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/plotting/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/plotting/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/plotting/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Callable` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/plotting/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Tuple` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/plotting/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/plotting/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/plotting/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Callable` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/plotting/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Dict` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/plotting/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Tuple` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/process/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Callable` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/process/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.List` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/process/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Mapping` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/process/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Sequence` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/process/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Tuple` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/process/tests/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.List` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/recovery/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/recovery/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/recovery/tests/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.List` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/recovery/tests/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/sampling/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/sampling/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/sampling/tests/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.List` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/utilities/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Dict` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/utilities/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.List` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/utilities/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Sequence` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/utilities/ TCH003 Move standard library import `collections.defaultdict` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/utilities/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.DTypeFloat` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/utilities/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.DTypeReal` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/utilities/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.List` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/utilities/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.NDArray` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/utilities/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Real` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/utilities/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Sequence` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/utilities/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.SupportsIndex` into a type-checking block
colour_hdri/utilities/ TCH002 Move third-party import `colour.hints.Type` into a type-checking block
Found 64 errors.
colour/adaptation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/adaptation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/adaptation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/adaptation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/adaptation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/adaptation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/adaptation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/adaptation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/adaptation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/adaptation/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/adaptation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/adaptation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/adaptation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/adaptation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/adaptation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/algebra/coordinates/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/algebra/coordinates/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/algebra/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/algebra/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/algebra/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/algebra/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/algebra/tests/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/appearance/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/appearance/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/appearance/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/appearance/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/appearance/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/appearance/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/appearance/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/appearance/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/appearance/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Tuple` into a type-checking block
colour/appearance/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/appearance/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/appearance/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/appearance/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/appearance/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/appearance/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/appearance/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/appearance/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/appearance/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/biochemistry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/biochemistry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/biochemistry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/biochemistry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/blindness/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.characterisation.RGB_DisplayPrimaries` into a type-checking block
colour/blindness/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/blindness/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/blindness/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/characterisation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.continuous.MultiSignals` into a type-checking block
colour/characterisation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.continuous.Signal` into a type-checking block
colour/characterisation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/characterisation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/characterisation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/characterisation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/characterisation/datasets/colour_checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/characterisation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.continuous.MultiSignals` into a type-checking block
colour/characterisation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.continuous.Signal` into a type-checking block
colour/characterisation/tests/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.continuous.MultiSignals` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.continuous.Signal` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.colorimetry.SpectralDistribution` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Tuple` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Sequence` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/tests/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/tests/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/tests/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/tests/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Sequence` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/colorimetry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/continuous/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/continuous/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/continuous/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Callable` into a type-checking block
colour/continuous/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.DTypeFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/continuous/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Generator` into a type-checking block
colour/continuous/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/continuous/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/continuous/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ProtocolExtrapolator` into a type-checking block
colour/continuous/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ProtocolInterpolator` into a type-checking block
colour/continuous/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Real` into a type-checking block
colour/continuous/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Self` into a type-checking block
colour/continuous/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Type` into a type-checking block
colour/contrast/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/contrast/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/contrast/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/contrast/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/corresponding/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/corresponding/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/corresponding/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/corresponding/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Tuple` into a type-checking block
colour/corresponding/tests/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/difference/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/difference/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/difference/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/difference/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/difference/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/difference/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/difference/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/difference/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/difference/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/difference/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/difference/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/difference/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/difference/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/difference/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/difference/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/difference/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/geometry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/geometry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/geometry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/geometry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.DTypeFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/geometry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.DTypeInt` into a type-checking block
colour/geometry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/geometry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArray` into a type-checking block
colour/geometry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Tuple` into a type-checking block
colour/geometry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Type` into a type-checking block
colour/geometry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/geometry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/geometry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/geometry/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/io/luts/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/io/luts/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/io/luts/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/io/luts/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.List` into a type-checking block
colour/io/luts/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/io/luts/tests/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/io/luts/tests/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Callable` into a type-checking block
colour/io/luts/tests/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/io/luts/tests/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ProtocolInterpolator` into a type-checking block
colour/io/luts/tests/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Type` into a type-checking block
colour/io/luts/tests/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/io/luts/tests/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/io/luts/tests/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/io/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/io/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/io/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/io/tests/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/io/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/io/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Callable` into a type-checking block
colour/io/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/io/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Dict` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Callable` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Callable` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Tuple` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayInt` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayReal` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayReal` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayReal` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayReal` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/transfer_functions/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/rgb/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/models/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/notation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/notation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/notation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/notation/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayStr` into a type-checking block
colour/notation/tests/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/phenomena/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Callable` into a type-checking block
colour/phenomena/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/phenomena/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/plotting/ TCH002 Move third-party import `matplotlib.pyplot` into a type-checking block
colour/plotting/ TCH002 Move third-party import `matplotlib.pyplot` into a type-checking block
colour/plotting/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/plotting/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Dict` into a type-checking block
colour/plotting/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Sequence` into a type-checking block
colour/plotting/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Tuple` into a type-checking block
colour/plotting/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.characterisation.ColourChecker` into a type-checking block
colour/plotting/ TCH002 Move third-party import `matplotlib.patches.Patch` into a type-checking block
colour/plotting/ TCH002 Move third-party import `matplotlib.pyplot` into a type-checking block
colour/plotting/ TCH002 Move third-party import `matplotlib.pyplot` into a type-checking block
colour/plotting/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/plotting/ TCH002 Move third-party import `matplotlib.pyplot` into a type-checking block
colour/plotting/ TCH002 Move third-party import `matplotlib.pyplot` into a type-checking block
colour/plotting/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/plotting/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Callable` into a type-checking block
colour/plotting/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Dict` into a type-checking block
colour/plotting/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Sequence` into a type-checking block
colour/plotting/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Tuple` into a type-checking block
colour/plotting/ TCH002 Move third-party import `matplotlib.pyplot` into a type-checking block
colour/plotting/ TCH002 Move third-party import `matplotlib.pyplot` into a type-checking block
colour/plotting/ TCH002 Move third-party import `matplotlib.pyplot` into a type-checking block
colour/plotting/tm3018/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.quality.ColourQuality_Specification_ANSIIESTM3018` into a type-checking block
colour/quality/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.colorimetry.SpectralDistribution` into a type-checking block
colour/quality/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/quality/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/quality/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.colorimetry.SpectralDistribution` into a type-checking block
colour/recovery/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.colorimetry.SpectralDistribution` into a type-checking block
colour/recovery/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/recovery/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/recovery/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/recovery/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/recovery/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/recovery/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/recovery/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/recovery/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Callable` into a type-checking block
colour/recovery/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/recovery/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Tuple` into a type-checking block
colour/recovery/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.models.RGB_Colourspace` into a type-checking block
colour/recovery/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/recovery/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Callable` into a type-checking block
colour/recovery/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/recovery/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/temperature/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/temperature/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/temperature/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/temperature/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/temperature/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/temperature/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/temperature/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/temperature/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/temperature/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/temperature/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/temperature/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/temperature/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/temperature/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/temperature/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/temperature/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/temperature/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/temperature/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/temperature/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/temperature/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/temperature/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/utilities/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/utilities/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/utilities/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Callable` into a type-checking block
colour/utilities/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.List` into a type-checking block
colour/utilities/ TCH003 Move standard library import `array` into a type-checking block
colour/utilities/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/utilities/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ModuleType` into a type-checking block
colour/utilities/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/utilities/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/utilities/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Real` into a type-checking block
colour/utilities/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Tuple` into a type-checking block
colour/utilities/tests/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/utilities/tests/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Real` into a type-checking block
colour/utilities/tests/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Tuple` into a type-checking block
colour/volume/datasets/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/volume/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/volume/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/volume/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/volume/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/volume/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/volume/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/volume/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/volume/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/volume/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Callable` into a type-checking block
colour/volume/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/volume/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
colour/volume/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Any` into a type-checking block
colour/volume/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
colour/volume/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.Literal` into a type-checking block
colour/volume/ TCH001 Move application import `colour.hints.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
Found 459 errors.
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 56 errors (56 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 6 errors (6 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 22 errors (22 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 7 errors (7 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 24 errors (24 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 33 errors (33 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 10 errors (10 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 14 errors (14 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:7:12: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: invalid type: string "Youcef", expected a table with 'name' and 'email' keys
Found 1 error.
error: Required version `0.0.255` does not match the running version `0.0.270`
Found 35 errors (35 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 21 errors (21 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 17 errors (17 fixed, 0 remaining).
warning: `M` has been remapped to `RUF100`.
Found 75 errors (75 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 47 errors (47 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 12 errors (12 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 18 errors (18 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 13 errors (13 fixed, 0 remaining).
bloom/infra/database/ TCH002 Move third-party import `sqlalchemy.orm.Session` into a type-checking block
bloom/usecase/ TCH001 Move application import `bloom.domain.vessel.Vessel` into a type-checking block
bloom/usecase/ TCH001 Move application import `bloom.domain.vessel.VesselPositionMarineTraffic` into a type-checking block
Found 3 errors.
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to parse rancher/management/commands/ unexpected token 'for'
packages/language_server/src/robotcode/language_server/robotframework/diagnostics/ TCH004 Move import `robot.parsing.model.statements.TestTemplate` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
packages/language_server/src/robotcode/language_server/robotframework/diagnostics/ TCH004 Move import `robot.parsing.model.statements.Template` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 75 errors (73 fixed, 2 remaining).
Found 29 errors (29 fixed, 0 remaining).
pysad/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
Found 1 error.
Packs/CommonScripts/Scripts/GetDomainDNSDetails/ TCH004 Move import `dns.resolver` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 21 errors (20 fixed, 1 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyThirdPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
dc_logging_client/ TCH002 Move third-party import `mypy_boto3_firehose.FirehoseClient` into a type-checking block
Found 2 errors (1 fixed, 1 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 14 errors (14 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 53, column 1
53 | {{ cookiecutter.project_slug }} = "kiara_plugin.{{ cookiecutter.project_slug }}"
| ^
invalid key
src/kiara_plugin/network_analysis/ TCH001 Move application import `kiara_plugin.tabular.defaults.SqliteDataType` into a type-checking block
src/kiara_plugin/network_analysis/modules/ TCH001 Move application import `kiara.models.filesystem.FileModel` into a type-checking block
src/kiara_plugin/network_analysis/modules/ TCH001 Move application import `kiara_plugin.tabular.models.table.KiaraTable` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `kiara.models.values.value.Value` into a type-checking block
Found 4 errors.
pyproject.toml:22:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `requires`
Found 1 error.
pyproject.toml:5:11: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: Version `` doesn't match PEP 440 rules
Found 1 error.
error: TOML parse error at line 32, column 1
32 | max-line-length = 88
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `max-line-length`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 23 errors (23 fixed, 0 remaining).
disnake/ext/commands/ TCH004 Move import `importlib.machinery` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
tests/ext/commands/ TCH004 Move import `typing_extensions.assert_type` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
tests/ui/ TCH004 Move import `typing_extensions.assert_type` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
tests/ui/ TCH004 Move import `disnake.ui.MessageUIComponent` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
tests/ui/ TCH004 Move import `disnake.ui.ModalUIComponent` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 145 errors (140 fixed, 5 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 21 errors (21 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyStandardLibraryImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyStandardLibraryImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyThirdPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyStandardLibraryImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyStandardLibraryImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyStandardLibraryImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyThirdPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyThirdPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyThirdPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyThirdPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyThirdPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyThirdPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyThirdPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
docarray/display/ TCH001 Move application import `docarray.base_doc.doc.BaseDoc` into a type-checking block
docarray/display/ TCH002 Move third-party import `rich.console.Console` into a type-checking block
docarray/display/ TCH002 Move third-party import `rich.console.ConsoleOptions` into a type-checking block
docarray/display/ TCH002 Move third-party import `rich.console.RenderResult` into a type-checking block
docarray/display/ TCH002 Move third-party import `rich.console.Console` into a type-checking block
docarray/display/ TCH002 Move third-party import `rich.console.ConsoleOptions` into a type-checking block
docarray/display/ TCH002 Move third-party import `rich.console.RenderResult` into a type-checking block
docarray/display/ TCH002 Move third-party import `rich.measure.Measurement` into a type-checking block
docarray/display/ TCH001 Move application import `docarray.typing.tensor.abstract_tensor.AbstractTensor` into a type-checking block
docarray/store/ TCH001 Move application import `docarray.BaseDoc` into a type-checking block
docarray/store/ TCH001 Move application import `docarray.DocList` into a type-checking block
docarray/store/ TCH001 Move application import `docarray.BaseDoc` into a type-checking block
docarray/store/ TCH001 Move application import `docarray.DocList` into a type-checking block
docarray/store/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
docarray/store/ TCH002 Move third-party import `requests` into a type-checking block
docarray/typing/tensor/ TCH003 Move standard library import `types` into a type-checking block
docarray/typing/tensor/embedding/ TCH003 Move standard library import `types` into a type-checking block
docarray/typing/tensor/image/ TCH003 Move standard library import `types` into a type-checking block
docarray/typing/tensor/image/ TCH001 Move application import `docarray.typing.bytes.image_bytes.ImageBytes` into a type-checking block
docarray/typing/tensor/video/ TCH003 Move standard library import `types` into a type-checking block
Found 32 errors (12 fixed, 20 remaining).
Found 6 errors (6 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 10 errors (10 fixed, 0 remaining).
src/duqtools/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/duqtools/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
src/duqtools/ TCH001 Move application import `.schema.BaseModel` into a type-checking block
src/duqtools/ TCH001 Move application import `.schema.JettoOperation` into a type-checking block
src/duqtools/config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
src/duqtools/ids/ TCH001 Move application import `..schema.IDSOperation` into a type-checking block
src/duqtools/ids/ TCH001 Move application import `._mapping.IDSMapping` into a type-checking block
src/duqtools/jetto/ TCH002 Move third-party import `jetto_tools` into a type-checking block
src/duqtools/ TCH001 Move application import `.schema.IDSVariableModel` into a type-checking block
src/duqtools/models/ TCH001 Move application import `..config.Config` into a type-checking block
src/duqtools/schema/ TCH001 Move application import `._ranges.ARange` into a type-checking block
src/duqtools/schema/ TCH001 Move application import `._ranges.LinSpace` into a type-checking block
src/duqtools/ TCH001 Move application import `._types.PathLike` into a type-checking block
Found 13 errors.
src/gravitorch/creators/core/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.nn.Module` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/creators/core/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.optim.Optimizer` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/creators/core/ TCH001 Move application import `gravitorch.datasources.base.BaseDataSource` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/creators/core/ TCH001 Move application import `gravitorch.lr_schedulers.base.LRSchedulerType` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/creators/dataloader/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/creators/dataloader/ TCH002 Move third-party import `` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/creators/datapipe/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/creators/datapipe/ TCH002 Move third-party import `` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/creators/lr_scheduler/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.optim.Optimizer` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/creators/lr_scheduler/ TCH001 Move application import `gravitorch.lr_schedulers.base.LRSchedulerType` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/creators/model/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.nn` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/creators/optimizer/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.nn.Module` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/creators/optimizer/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.optim.Optimizer` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/datasources/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/engines/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.nn.Module` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/engines/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.optim.Optimizer` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/engines/ TCH001 Move application import `gravitorch.lr_schedulers.LRSchedulerType` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/engines/ TCH001 Move application import `gravitorch.utils.artifacts.BaseArtifact` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/engines/ TCH001 Move application import `gravitorch.utils.history.BaseHistory` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/engines/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.nn.Module` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/engines/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.optim.Optimizer` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/engines/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/engines/ TCH001 Move application import `gravitorch.lr_schedulers.LRSchedulerType` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/engines/ TCH001 Move application import `gravitorch.utils.artifacts.BaseArtifact` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/engines/ TCH001 Move application import `gravitorch.utils.exp_trackers.steps.Step` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/engines/ TCH001 Move application import `gravitorch.utils.history.BaseHistory` into a type-checking block
src/gravitorch/optimizers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.optim.Optimizer` into a type-checking block
Found 27 errors.
src/redcat/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/redcat/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/redcat/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/redcat/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/redcat/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/redcat/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.Tensor` into a type-checking block
src/redcat/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/redcat/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/redcat/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/redcat/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/redcat/utils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/redcat/utils/ TCH002 Move third-party import `numpy` into a type-checking block
tests/unit/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/unit/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/unit/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/unit/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/unit/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/unit/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/unit/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/unit/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/unit/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/unit/ TCH001 Move application import `redcat.tensor.IndexType` into a type-checking block
Found 22 errors.
Found 8 errors (8 fixed, 0 remaining).
warning: No Python files found under the given path(s)
libs/requires/tests/ TCH004 Move import `json` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
libs/requires/tests/ TCH004 Move import `rapidjson` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 53 errors (51 fixed, 2 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 8 errors (8 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 10 errors (10 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 1, column 1
1 | {%- set license_classifiers = {
| ^
invalid key
error: TOML parse error at line 1, column 1
1 | {%- set license_classifiers = {
| ^
invalid key
error: Failed to parse stratosphere-app/src/stratosphere/extractors/ unexpected token '<<'
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 198, column 1
198 | update-check = false
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `update-check`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
error: Failed to parse `/app/checkouts/empkins/stresspose-analysis/ruff.toml`: TOML parse error at line 113, column 2
113 | [pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:14:16: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: Expected package name starting with an alphanumeric character, found '#'
Found 1 error.
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
discordbot/slashcommandeventclasses/ TCH001 Move application import `discordbot.bot_enums.ActivityTypes` into a type-checking block
Found 1 error.
Found 84 errors (84 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 24 errors (24 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 17 errors (17 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 8 errors (8 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 1 error.
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 6 errors (6 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 7 errors (7 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 76, column 12
76 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
error: TOML parse error at line 75, column 12
75 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
tensorcross/model_selection/ TCH001 Move application import `tensorcross._types.ResultsDict` into a type-checking block
tensorcross/model_selection/ TCH001 Move application import `tensorcross._types.ResultsDict` into a type-checking block
Found 2 errors.
Found 26 errors (26 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 10 errors (10 fixed, 0 remaining).
freqtrade/rpc/ TCH004 Move import `websockets.connect` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 18 errors (17 fixed, 1 remaining).
pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 1 error.
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
fuzzylite/ TCH001 Move application import `.factory.ConstructionFactory` into a type-checking block
fuzzylite/ TCH001 Move application import `.factory.FunctionFactory` into a type-checking block
fuzzylite/ TCH001 Move application import `.factory.FunctionFactory` into a type-checking block
Found 3 errors.
Found 47 errors (47 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 8 errors (8 fixed, 0 remaining).
src/framelink/storage/ TCH001 Move application import `framelink.types.T` into a type-checking block
Found 1 error.
error: TOML parse error at line 52, column 3
52 | "threadpoolctl",
| ^
invalid array
expected `]`
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
glQiwiApi/event_fetching/class_based/ TCH004 Move import `glQiwiApi.qiwi.clients.p2p.client.QiwiP2PClient` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
glQiwiApi/event_fetching/class_based/ TCH004 Move import `glQiwiApi.qiwi.clients.wallet.client.QiwiWallet` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 49 errors (47 fixed, 2 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 18, column 1
18 | {% if cookiecutter.deptry == 'y' -%}
| ^
invalid key
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 39 errors (39 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 175 errors (175 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 90 errors (90 fixed, 0 remaining).
weather_dl/download_pipeline/ TCH002 Move third-party import `` into a type-checking block
Found 1 error.
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 26 errors (26 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 42 errors (42 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 30 errors (30 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 165, column 12
165 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 16 errors (16 fixed, 0 remaining).
great_expectations/datasource/fluent/ TCH004 Move import `great_expectations.core.batch.BatchData` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
great_expectations/datasource/fluent/ TCH004 Move import `great_expectations.core.batch.BatchDefinition` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
great_expectations/datasource/fluent/ TCH004 Move import `great_expectations.core.batch.BatchMarkers` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
great_expectations/datasource/fluent/ TCH004 Move import `great_expectations.data_context.AbstractDataContext` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
great_expectations/datasource/fluent/ TCH004 Move import `great_expectations.datasource.fluent.BatchRequest` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
great_expectations/datasource/fluent/ TCH004 Move import `great_expectations.datasource.fluent.data_asset.data_connector.DataConnector` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
great_expectations/datasource/fluent/ TCH004 Move import `great_expectations.datasource.fluent.type_lookup.TypeLookup` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 214 errors (207 fixed, 7 remaining).
choppy/ TCH002 Move third-party import `trimesh.Trimesh` into a type-checking block
choppy/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
choppy/ TCH002 Move third-party import `trimesh.Trimesh` into a type-checking block
choppy/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
choppy/ TCH001 Move application import `choppy.bsp_node.BSPNode` into a type-checking block
choppy/ TCH002 Move third-party import `numpy` into a type-checking block
choppy/ TCH002 Move third-party import `shapely.geometry.Polygon` into a type-checking block
choppy/ TCH002 Move third-party import `trimesh.Trimesh` into a type-checking block
choppy/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
choppy/ TCH001 Move application import `choppy.bsp_tree` into a type-checking block
Found 10 errors.
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 17 errors (17 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 12 errors (12 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 14 errors (14 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
plotnine/facets/ TCH001 Move application import `..iapi.strip_label_details` into a type-checking block
plotnine/facets/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pandas` into a type-checking block
plotnine/geoms/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pandas` into a type-checking block
Found 3 errors.
Found 186 errors (186 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 36 errors (36 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 12, column 1
12 | max-length = 90
| ^^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `max-length`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
warning: `M001` has been remapped to `RUF100`.
pint/ TCH004 Move import `.compat.HAS_NUMPY` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 63 errors (62 fixed, 1 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 291, column 12
291 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
pytradfri/ TCH004 Move import `.gateway.GatewayInfo` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 24 errors (23 fixed, 1 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
src/pyratings/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
Found 1 error.
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/test_modeling_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:18:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/modeling_flax_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:17:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/configuration_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:23:37: unexpected token '_PRETRAINED_CONFIG_ARCHIVE_MAP'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/to_replace_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:30:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/test_modeling_tf_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:16:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/modeling_tf_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:17:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/test_modeling_flax_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:16:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/modeling_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:17:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/tokenization_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:17:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/tokenization_fast_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:17:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_example_script/{{cookiecutter.directory_name}}/run_{{cookiecutter.example_shortcut}}.py:21:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_missing_tokenization_test/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/test_tokenization_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:20:2: unexpected token '%'
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_flax_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_keras_nlp_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_sentencepiece_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_speech_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_tensorflow_text_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_tf_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_tokenizers_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_torch_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_vision_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.logging` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 48 errors (38 fixed, 10 remaining).
Found 34 errors (34 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
langchain/document_loaders/ TCH004 Move import `pandas` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
langchain/document_loaders/ TCH004 Move import `O365.Account` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
langchain/memory/chat_message_histories/ TCH004 Move import `zep_python.NotFoundError` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 235 errors (232 fixed, 3 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
miru/abc/ TCH001 Move application import `..traits.MiruAware` into a type-checking block
miru/context/ TCH002 Move third-party import `hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake` into a type-checking block
miru/context/ TCH001 Move application import `..traits.MiruAware` into a type-checking block
miru/context/ TCH002 Move third-party import `hikari` into a type-checking block
miru/ TCH001 Move application import `.abc.item_handler.ItemHandler` into a type-checking block
miru/ext/nav/ TCH001 Move application import `miru.context.ViewContext` into a type-checking block
miru/ext/nav/ TCH003 Move standard library import `datetime` into a type-checking block
miru/ext/nav/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
miru/ext/nav/ TCH001 Move application import `miru.context.Context` into a type-checking block
miru/ TCH003 Move standard library import `datetime` into a type-checking block
miru/select/ TCH002 Move third-party import `hikari` into a type-checking block
miru/select/ TCH001 Move application import `..context.view.ViewContext` into a type-checking block
miru/select/ TCH001 Move application import `..context.view.ViewContext` into a type-checking block
miru/select/ TCH001 Move application import `..context.view.ViewContext` into a type-checking block
miru/select/ TCH001 Move application import `..context.view.ViewContext` into a type-checking block
miru/ TCH001 Move application import `miru.context.base.Context` into a type-checking block
Found 16 errors.
Found 13 errors (13 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 62 errors (62 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 9 errors (9 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 62 errors (62 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 1 error.
pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 1 error.
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 249, column 12
249 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
interactions/models/discord/ TCH004 Move import `interactions.models.discord.enums.MessageFlags` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 18 errors (17 fixed, 1 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
src/einspect/_compat/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.structs.include.object_h.vectorcallfunc` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/_compat/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.types.ptr` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/_compat/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.structs.include.object_h.vectorcallfunc` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/_compat/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.types.ptr` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/_compat/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Annotated` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/_compat/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.api.Py_hash_t` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/_compat/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.types.Array` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/_compat/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.types.char_p` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/_compat/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.types.ptr` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/_compat/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.types.void_p` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Annotated` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/protocols/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/include/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Annotated` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/include/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Annotated` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/include/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.structs.include.pybuffer_h.getbufferproc` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/include/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.structs.include.pybuffer_h.releasebufferproc` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/include/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.api.Py_ssize_t` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/include/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.types.ptr` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.structs.py_dict.PyDictObject` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.types.ptr` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.structs.include.methodobject_h.PyMethodDef` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.structs.include.object_h.vectorcallfunc` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.types.ptr` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Annotated` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.types.Array` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.types.ptr` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH003 Move standard library import `ctypes` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH003 Move standard library import `ctypes.c_uint32` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Annotated` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.structs.include.object_h.vectorcallfunc` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.types.ptr` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Annotated` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Annotated` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Annotated` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.types.Array` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Annotated` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Self` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.types.ptr` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Annotated` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.api.Py_hash_t` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.types.ptr` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Annotated` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Self` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.structs.include.descrobject_h.PyGetSetDef` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.structs.include.descrobject_h.PyMemberDef` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.structs.include.methodobject_h.PyMethodDef` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Annotated` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.api.Py_hash_t` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.types.Array` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.types.char_p` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.types.ptr` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.types.void_p` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/structs/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.types.wchar_p` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.structs.PyBoolObject` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.structs.PyCFunctionObject` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.structs.include.methodobject_h.PyMethodDef` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH003 Move standard library import `ctypes.Array` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.api.Py_ssize_t` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.structs.py_dict.PyDictKeysObject` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.structs.py_dict.PyDictObject` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.types.ptr` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH003 Move standard library import `ctypes` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.structs.py_float.PyFloatObject` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.structs.PyFunctionObject` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH003 Move standard library import `ctypes.Array` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH003 Move standard library import `ctypes.c_uint32` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Annotated` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.structs.PyLongObject` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.structs.mapping_proxy.MappingProxyObject` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.structs.PyObject` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH003 Move standard library import `ctypes.Array` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.api.Py_ssize_t` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH001 Move application import `einspect.types.SupportsLessThan` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH003 Move standard library import `sys` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/einspect/views/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Self` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `types.ModuleType` into a type-checking block
tools/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Self` into a type-checking block
tools/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tools/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Self` into a type-checking block
Found 88 errors.
src/hcraft/ TCH002 Move third-party import `unified_planning.plans.SequentialPlan` into a type-checking block
src/hcraft/ TCH001 Move application import `hcraft.purpose.Purpose` into a type-checking block
src/hcraft/ TCH001 Move application import `hcraft.elements.Zone` into a type-checking block
src/hcraft/ TCH001 Move application import `hcraft.elements.Item` into a type-checking block
src/hcraft/render/ TCH002 Move third-party import `PIL.Image.Image` into a type-checking block
src/hcraft/render/ TCH004 Move import `` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/hcraft/ TCH002 Move third-party import `hebg.Behavior` into a type-checking block
tests/examples/minecraft/ TCH002 Move third-party import `hcraft.examples.minecraft.env.MineHcraftEnv` into a type-checking block
tests/examples/ TCH002 Move third-party import `hcraft.env.HcraftEnv` into a type-checking block
Found 9 errors.
src/hcraft/ TCH002 Move third-party import `unified_planning.plans.SequentialPlan` into a type-checking block
src/hcraft/ TCH001 Move application import `hcraft.purpose.Purpose` into a type-checking block
src/hcraft/ TCH001 Move application import `hcraft.elements.Zone` into a type-checking block
src/hcraft/ TCH001 Move application import `hcraft.elements.Item` into a type-checking block
src/hcraft/render/ TCH002 Move third-party import `PIL.Image.Image` into a type-checking block
src/hcraft/render/ TCH004 Move import `` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/hcraft/ TCH002 Move third-party import `hebg.Behavior` into a type-checking block
tests/examples/minecraft/ TCH002 Move third-party import `hcraft.examples.minecraft.env.MineHcraftEnv` into a type-checking block
tests/examples/ TCH002 Move third-party import `hcraft.env.HcraftEnv` into a type-checking block
Found 9 errors.
src/hcraft/ TCH002 Move third-party import `unified_planning.plans.SequentialPlan` into a type-checking block
src/hcraft/ TCH001 Move application import `hcraft.purpose.Purpose` into a type-checking block
src/hcraft/ TCH001 Move application import `hcraft.elements.Zone` into a type-checking block
src/hcraft/ TCH001 Move application import `hcraft.elements.Item` into a type-checking block
src/hcraft/render/ TCH002 Move third-party import `PIL.Image.Image` into a type-checking block
src/hcraft/render/ TCH004 Move import `` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/hcraft/ TCH002 Move third-party import `hebg.Behavior` into a type-checking block
tests/examples/minecraft/ TCH002 Move third-party import `hcraft.examples.minecraft.env.MineHcraftEnv` into a type-checking block
tests/examples/ TCH002 Move third-party import `hcraft.env.HcraftEnv` into a type-checking block
Found 9 errors.
examples/ TCH002 Move third-party import `hcraft.HcraftEnv` into a type-checking block
examples/ TCH002 Move third-party import `minigrid.minigrid_env.MiniGridEnv` into a type-checking block
Found 2 errors.
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 15 errors (15 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 15 errors (15 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
src/label_doconly_changes/hooks/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
Found 1 error.
error: Failed to parse APPS/EM/ unexpected token '<'
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 1 error.
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 13, column 1
13 | {poetry_dependencies}
| ^
invalid key
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to parse examples/pydantic-basic/ Got unexpected nesting
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 10 errors (10 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to lint data/ stream did not contain valid UTF-8
Caused by: stream did not contain valid UTF-8
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 228, column 12
228 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
warning: `I25` has been remapped to `TID25`.
warning: `M` has been remapped to `RUF100`.
warning: `M` has been remapped to `RUF100`.
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
euporie/core/widgets/ TCH004 Move import `pathlib.Path` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 20 errors (19 fixed, 1 remaining).
src/infrastructure/redis/ TCH003 Move standard library import `datetime.timedelta` into a type-checking block
Found 1 error.
pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 1 error.
Found 10 errors (10 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 7 errors (7 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 21 errors (21 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 13 errors (13 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 7 errors (7 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
corpus_sc_toolkit/ TCH002 Move third-party import `sqlpyd.Connection` into a type-checking block
Found 1 error.
app/adapters/ TCH002 Move third-party import `sqlalchemy.sql.selectable.Select` into a type-checking block
app/service/bugs/ TCH002 Move third-party import `sqlalchemy.sql.selectable.Select` into a type-checking block
app/service/ TCH002 Move third-party import `sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession` into a type-checking block
app/service/users/ TCH005 Found empty type-checking block
app/service/users/ TCH002 Move third-party import `sqlalchemy.sql.selectable.Select` into a type-checking block
app/tests/integration/ TCH001 Move application import `app.domain.models.Bugs` into a type-checking block
app/tests/integration/ TCH001 Move application import `app.domain.models.EventStore` into a type-checking block
app/tests/integration/ TCH001 Move application import `app.domain.models.EventStore` into a type-checking block
app/tests/integration/ TCH001 Move application import `app.domain.models.Users` into a type-checking block
Found 9 errors.
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 17 errors (17 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:56:16: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: You can't mix a >= operator with a local version (`+cu117`)
Found 1 error.
error: TOML parse error at line 23, column 19
23 | requires-python = "PYTHON_VERSION_SPECIFIER"
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Failed to parse version:
Found 32 errors (32 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 43 errors (43 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to parse scripts/localisation/ expected 'Indent', but got 'print'
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 1 error.
pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 1 error.
Found 18 errors (18 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 29 errors (29 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 89, column 12
89 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 12 errors (12 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 41 errors (41 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 30 errors (30 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 153, column 12
153 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
error: Failed to parse `/app/checkouts/KyleKing/corallium/.ruff.toml`: TOML parse error at line 71, column 2
71 | [pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
freqtrade/rpc/ TCH004 Move import `websockets.connect` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 18 errors (17 fixed, 1 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
warning: `M` has been remapped to `RUF100`.
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 136, column 12
136 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
pyproject.toml:3:11: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: Version `` doesn't match PEP 440 rules
Found 1 error.
Found 102 errors (102 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Required version `0.0.260` does not match the running version `0.0.270`
Found 109 errors (109 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 10, column 15
10 | line-length = -1
| ^^
invalid value: integer `-1`, expected usize
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
models/ TCH001 Move application import `.benefits.BenefitPlan` into a type-checking block
models/ TCH001 Move application import `.department.Department` into a type-checking block
models/ TCH001 Move application import `.benefits.BenefitPlan` into a type-checking block
models/ TCH001 Move application import `.employee.Employee` into a type-checking block
Found 10 errors (6 fixed, 4 remaining).
Found 58 errors (58 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 52, column 12
52 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
coverviz/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
Found 1 error.
zeldarose/tasks/ TCH004 Move import `transformers.modeling_outputs` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
zeldarose/tasks/ TCH004 Move import `transformers.modeling_outputs` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
zeldarose/tasks/ TCH004 Move import `transformers.modeling_outputs` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 5 errors (2 fixed, 3 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
src/mode/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/mode/types/ TCH003 Move standard library import `asyncio` into a type-checking block
src/mode/types/ TCH003 Move standard library import `contextlib.AsyncExitStack` into a type-checking block
src/mode/types/ TCH003 Move standard library import `contextlib.ExitStack` into a type-checking block
src/mode/types/ TCH001 Move application import `mode.utils.types.trees.NodeT` into a type-checking block
src/mode/types/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
src/mode/types/ TCH001 Move application import `mode.utils.times.Seconds` into a type-checking block
src/mode/utils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `types.TracebackType` into a type-checking block
src/mode/utils/types/ TCH001 Move application import `.graphs.DependencyGraphT` into a type-checking block
src/mode/ TCH001 Move application import `mode.types.ServiceT` into a type-checking block
src/mode/ TCH001 Move application import `.utils.times.Seconds` into a type-checking block
Found 11 errors.
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 7, column 42
7 | fixable = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "..."]
| ^^^^^
Unknown rule selector: `...`
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to parse scripts/ Got unexpected token  
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to parse `/app/checkouts/mad-lab-fau/BioPsyKit/ruff.toml`: TOML parse error at line 113, column 2
113 | [pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
error: Failed to parse `/app/checkouts/mad-lab-fau/carwatch/ruff.toml`: TOML parse error at line 113, column 2
113 | [pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
error: TOML parse error at line 66, column 1
66 | update-check = true
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `update-check`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
error: TOML parse error at line 72, column 1
72 | update-check = true
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `update-check`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
error: TOML parse error at line 124, column 12
124 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 8 errors (8 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:24:12: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: Expected one of `@`, `(`, `<`, `=`, `>`, `~`, `!`, `;`, found `^`
Found 1 error.
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 14 errors (14 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 198, column 1
198 | update-check = false
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `update-check`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 23 errors (23 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
src/pyrho/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pymatgen.core.structure.Structure` into a type-checking block
src/pyrho/ TCH002 Move third-party import `numpy.typing.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
src/pyrho/ TCH002 Move third-party import `numpy.typing.NDArray` into a type-checking block
src/pyrho/vis/ TCH002 Move third-party import `matplotlib.axes.Axes` into a type-checking block
Found 4 errors.
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 6 errors (6 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 12 errors (12 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
synapse/module_api/callbacks/ TCH004 Move import `synapse.server` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
synapse/storage/databases/main/ TCH001 Move application import `synapse.server.HomeServer` into a type-checking block
Found 58 errors (56 fixed, 2 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 7 errors (7 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to parse src/power_rankings/ expected '":"', but got Newline
error: TOML parse error at line 198, column 1
198 | update-check = false
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `update-check`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
error: TOML parse error at line 198, column 1
198 | update-check = false
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `update-check`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 187 errors (187 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 1 error.
Found 8 errors (8 fixed, 0 remaining).
mesonpy/ TCH004 Move import `typing_extensions.ParamSpec` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 3 errors (2 fixed, 1 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 113 errors (113 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 40 errors (40 fixed, 0 remaining).
15:25 TCH004 Move import `pathlib.Path` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 30 errors (29 fixed, 1 remaining).
inky_pi/display/ TCH001 Move application import `inky_pi.train.train_base.TrainBase` into a type-checking block
Found 1 error.
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 156, column 12
156 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
error: TOML parse error at line 156, column 12
156 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 7 errors (7 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
utils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `datetime` into a type-checking block
utils/ TCH002 Move third-party import `aiohttp` into a type-checking block
utils/ TCH002 Move third-party import `lavaplayer` into a type-checking block
utils/nav/ TCH002 Move third-party import `lightbulb` into a type-checking block
Found 4 errors.
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 28 errors (28 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 20 errors (20 fixed, 0 remaining).
src/bilder/components/traefik/models/ TCH002 Move third-party import `bilder.components.traefik.models.traefik_static.ServersTransport` into a type-checking block
Found 1 error.
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 121 errors (121 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 10 errors (10 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/modeling_flax_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:17:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/test_modeling_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:18:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/configuration_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:23:37: unexpected token '_PRETRAINED_CONFIG_ARCHIVE_MAP'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/to_replace_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:30:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/test_modeling_tf_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:16:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/modeling_tf_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:17:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/test_modeling_flax_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:16:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/modeling_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:17:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/tokenization_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:17:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/tokenization_fast_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:17:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_new_example_script/{{cookiecutter.directory_name}}/run_{{cookiecutter.example_shortcut}}.py:21:2: unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse templates/adding_a_missing_tokenization_test/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/test_tokenization_{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}.py:20:2: unexpected token '%'
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_flax_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_keras_nlp_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_sentencepiece_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_speech_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_tensorflow_text_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_tf_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_timm_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_tokenizers_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_torch_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.is_vision_available` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/transformers/ TCH004 Move import `.utils.logging` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 48 errors (37 fixed, 11 remaining).
Found 8 errors (8 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 10 errors (10 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 7 errors (7 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 10 errors (10 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 53 errors (53 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 16 errors (16 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to parse third_party/python/PyYAML/lib/yaml/ unexpected token ','
error: Failed to parse third_party/python/PyYAML/lib/yaml/ unexpected token ','
error: Failed to parse third_party/python/PyYAML/lib/yaml/ unexpected token ','
error: Failed to parse third_party/python/PyYAML/lib/yaml/ unexpected token """^(?:yes|Yes|YES|no|No|NO⏎...
error: Failed to parse third_party/libwebrtc/examples/androidapp/ unexpected token 'extras'
error: Failed to parse third_party/python/ply/example/unicalc/ unexpected token "\+"
error: Failed to parse third_party/python/ply/example/GardenSnake/ unexpected token "Skipping"
error: Failed to parse third_party/aom/test/ unexpected token 'FillForm'
error: Failed to parse third_party/aom/tools/ unexpected token "{"
error: Failed to parse third_party/libwebrtc/rtc_tools/ unexpected token 'line'
error: Failed to parse third_party/aom/tools/ unexpected token 'FormatDiffHunks'
error: Failed to parse third_party/aom/tools/ unexpected token ','
error: Failed to parse third_party/libwebrtc/modules/audio_coding/audio_network_adaptor/ unexpected token "Invalid message in file"
error: Failed to parse third_party/libwebrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/test/ unexpected token "Not a float, skipped %s"
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ expected 'name', but got '{'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/src/tools/python/ unexpected token ','
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '%'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/python/templates/ unexpected token '//'
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/cubeb-sys/libcubeb/googletest/scripts/ unexpected token "ERROR: Cannot find %s in directory %s."
error: Failed to parse third_party/libwebrtc/video/ unexpected token "Saving to"
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/cubeb-sys/libcubeb/googletest/scripts/ unexpected token "ERROR: %s expected at %s."
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/cubeb-sys/libcubeb/googletest/scripts/ unexpected token ','
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/cubeb-sys/libcubeb/googletest/scripts/ unexpected token "Updating file %s . . ."
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/cubeb-sys/libcubeb/googletest/xcode/Scripts/ unexpected token "Usage: input_dir output_dir"
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/cubeb-sys/libcubeb/googletest/test/ unexpected token "Expected: %s"
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/cubeb-sys/libcubeb/googletest/test/ unexpected token "Running "%s". . ."
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/cubeb-sys/libcubeb/googletest/test/ unexpected token ','
error: Failed to parse third_party/rust/cubeb-sys/libcubeb/googletest/test/ unexpected token "Expected: %s"
error: Failed to parse third_party/python/rsa/ unexpected token "%5i bit: %9.3f sec. (%i iterations over %.1f seconds)"
error: Failed to parse media/libvpx/libvpx/test/android/ unexpected token "Error reading "
error: Failed to parse media/libvpx/libvpx/test/android/ unexpected token "Expects a file to write json to!"
error: Failed to parse dom/canvas/test/webgl-conf/checkout/conformance/ogles/ unexpected token "Wrong Python Version !!!: Need >= 2.6"
error: Failed to parse dom/canvas/test/webgl-conf/checkout/deqp/ unexpected token "The file "
error: Failed to parse dom/canvas/test/webgl-conf/checkout/deqp/ unexpected token "Generating "
error: Failed to parse third_party/python/python-hglib/examples/ unexpected token "%d revisions"
Found 46 errors (46 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Fixed 102 errors:
- music_assistant/client/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/client/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/common/models/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/common/models/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/common/models/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/controllers/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/controllers/media/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/controllers/media/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/controllers/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/controllers/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/controllers/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/controllers/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/controllers/
2 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/helpers/
1 × TCH005 (empty-type-checking-block)
- music_assistant/server/helpers/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/helpers/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/helpers/
2 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/helpers/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/models/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/models/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/models/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/models/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/models/
1 × TCH005 (empty-type-checking-block)
- music_assistant/server/models/
5 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/airplay/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/chromecast/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
1 × TCH002 (typing-only-third-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/chromecast/
1 × TCH002 (typing-only-third-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/dlna/
4 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
4 × TCH002 (typing-only-third-party-import)
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/fanarttv/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/filesystem_local/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/filesystem_local/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/lms_cli/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/musicbrainz/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/plex/
5 × TCH002 (typing-only-third-party-import)
3 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
3 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/plex/
1 × TCH002 (typing-only-third-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/qobuz/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/radiobrowser/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/slimproto/
2 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/sonos/
3 × TCH002 (typing-only-third-party-import)
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/soundcloud/
2 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/spotify/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/theaudiodb/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/tidal/
3 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
1 × TCH002 (typing-only-third-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/tunein/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/universal_group/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/url/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/websocket_api/
3 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
Found 102 errors (102 fixed, 0 remaining).
Fixed 102 errors:
- music_assistant/client/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/client/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/common/models/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/common/models/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/common/models/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/controllers/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/controllers/media/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/controllers/media/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/controllers/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/controllers/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/controllers/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/controllers/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/controllers/
2 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/helpers/
1 × TCH005 (empty-type-checking-block)
- music_assistant/server/helpers/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/helpers/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/helpers/
2 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/helpers/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/models/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/models/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/models/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/models/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/models/
1 × TCH005 (empty-type-checking-block)
- music_assistant/server/models/
5 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/airplay/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/chromecast/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
1 × TCH002 (typing-only-third-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/chromecast/
1 × TCH002 (typing-only-third-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/dlna/
4 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
4 × TCH002 (typing-only-third-party-import)
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/fanarttv/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/filesystem_local/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/filesystem_local/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/lms_cli/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/musicbrainz/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/plex/
5 × TCH002 (typing-only-third-party-import)
3 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
3 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/plex/
1 × TCH002 (typing-only-third-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/qobuz/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/radiobrowser/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/slimproto/
2 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/sonos/
3 × TCH002 (typing-only-third-party-import)
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/soundcloud/
2 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/spotify/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/theaudiodb/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/tidal/
3 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
1 × TCH002 (typing-only-third-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/tunein/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/universal_group/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/url/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- music_assistant/server/providers/websocket_api/
3 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- music_assistant/server/
2 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
Found 102 errors (102 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 77, column 12
77 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 32 errors (32 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 200, column 1
200 | update-check = false
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `update-check`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 97 errors (97 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
nautilus_trader/adapters/betfair/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.instruments.betting.BettingInstrument` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/betfair/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/betfair/parsing/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.adapters.betfair.client.spec.ClearedOrder` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/common/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.adapters.binance.common.types.BinanceBar` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/common/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.adapters.binance.common.types.BinanceTicker` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/common/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/common/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/common/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/common/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/common/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/common/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.adapters.binance.common.schemas.account.BinanceOrder` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/common/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.adapters.binance.common.schemas.account.BinanceUserTrade` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/common/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.adapters.binance.common.schemas.user.BinanceListenKey` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/common/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.objects.Price` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/common/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.position.Position` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/futures/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/futures/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/futures/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/futures/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/futures/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.identifiers.InstrumentId` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/futures/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.accounting.accounts.margin.MarginAccount` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/futures/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.adapters.binance.futures.schemas.account.BinanceFuturesAccountInfo` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/futures/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.adapters.binance.futures.schemas.account.BinanceFuturesPositionRisk` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/futures/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.identifiers.InstrumentId` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/futures/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/spot/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/spot/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/spot/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/spot/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/spot/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.identifiers.InstrumentId` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/spot/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/binance/spot/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/interactive_brokers/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.instruments.Instrument` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/interactive_brokers/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.orders.Order` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/adapters/interactive_brokers/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.instruments.Instrument` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/examples/algorithms/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.instruments.Instrument` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/examples/algorithms/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.objects.Quantity` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/examples/strategies/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.orders.MarketOrder` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/examples/strategies/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.instruments.Instrument` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/examples/strategies/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.orders.list.OrderList` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/examples/strategies/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.instruments.Instrument` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/examples/strategies/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.objects.Price` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/examples/strategies/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.orders.OrderList` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/examples/strategies/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.orders.MarketIfTouchedOrder` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/examples/strategies/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.orders.TrailingStopMarketOrder` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/examples/strategies/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.orders.MarketOrder` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/examples/strategies/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.orders.TrailingStopMarketOrder` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/examples/strategies/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.orders.MarketOrder` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/examples/strategies/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.instruments.Instrument` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/examples/strategies/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.instruments.Instrument` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/examples/strategies/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.instruments.Instrument` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/examples/strategies/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.orders.LimitOrder` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/live/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.position.Position` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/serialization/arrow/implementations/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.currency.Currency` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/serialization/arrow/implementations/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.identifiers.InstrumentId` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/system/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/system/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.execution.algorithm.ExecAlgorithm` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/system/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/test_kit/mocks/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.execution.messages.TradingCommand` into a type-checking block
nautilus_trader/test_kit/mocks/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.identifiers.PositionId` into a type-checking block
tests/integration_tests/adapters/betfair/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.orderbook.L2OrderBook` into a type-checking block
tests/integration_tests/adapters/betfair/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.execution.reports.OrderStatusReport` into a type-checking block
tests/integration_tests/adapters/betfair/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.orderbook.L2OrderBook` into a type-checking block
tests/integration_tests/network/ TCH002 Move third-party import `aiohttp.test_utils.TestServer` into a type-checking block
tests/unit_tests/backtest/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.orders.MarketOrder` into a type-checking block
tests/unit_tests/execution/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.common.timer.TimeEventHandler` into a type-checking block
tests/unit_tests/execution/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.orders.list.OrderList` into a type-checking block
tests/unit_tests/model/ TCH001 Move application import `nautilus_trader.model.tick_scheme.implementations.tiered.TieredTickScheme` into a type-checking block
tests/unit_tests/persistence/ TCH002 Move third-party import `fsspec` into a type-checking block
tests/unit_tests/persistence/ TCH002 Move third-party import `fsspec` into a type-checking block
Found 70 errors.
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
maflib/ TCH003 Move standard library import `logging` into a type-checking block
Found 1 error.
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 86 errors (86 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 17 errors (17 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 34 errors (34 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 10 errors (10 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
src/dispatch/auth/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
src/dispatch/plugins/dispatch_slack/ TCH002 Move third-party import `slack_bolt.oauth.OAuthFlow` into a type-checking block
Found 2 errors.
app/helpers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pymongo.collection.Collection` into a type-checking block
app/helpers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `umongo.document.DocumentImplementation` into a type-checking block
app/services/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pymongo.results.InsertManyResult` into a type-checking block
app/services/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pymongo.results.UpdateResult` into a type-checking block
app/tests/routers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `eth_account.datastructures.SignedMessage` into a type-checking block
app/tests/services/ TCH002 Move third-party import `eth_account.datastructures.SignedMessage` into a type-checking block
Found 6 errors.
error: error parsing glob '/app/checkouts/nickatnight/cookiecutter-fastapi-backend/{{ cookiecutter.project_slug }}/{{ cookiecutter.backend_container_name }}/.git': nested alternate groups are not allowed
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 83 errors (83 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 1 error.
Found 21 errors (21 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
langchain/document_loaders/ TCH004 Move import `pandas` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 178 errors (177 fixed, 1 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 213, column 12
213 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
floris/simulation/ TCH002 Move third-party import `attrs` into a type-checking block
floris/simulation/ TCH002 Move third-party import `attrs` into a type-checking block
floris/simulation/ TCH002 Move third-party import `attrs` into a type-checking block
floris/simulation/ TCH001 Move application import `floris.simulation.wake.WakeModelManager` into a type-checking block
floris/simulation/ TCH001 Move application import `floris.type_dec.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
floris/tools/ TCH001 Move application import `floris.type_dec.NDArrayFloat` into a type-checking block
floris/tools/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
Found 7 errors.
Found 214 errors (214 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 16 errors (16 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 96 errors (96 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
warning: `M` has been remapped to `RUF100`.
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to parse contrib/ unexpected token '2'
Fixed 1 error:
- mangadlp/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 20 errors (20 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 17 errors (17 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
river/tree/splitter/ TCH004 Move import `river.utils` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 59 errors (58 fixed, 1 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:7:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 18 errors (17 fixed, 1 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
src/openscm_calibration/ TCH004 Move import `IPython` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/openscm_calibration/ TCH004 Move import `` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 11 errors (9 fixed, 2 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 14, column 11
14 | fix = true{% if cookiecutter.add_linters == 'no' %}
| ^
expected newline, `#`
Found 7 errors (7 fixed, 0 remaining). TCH003 Move standard library import `types.ModuleType` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.DictConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/ TCH002 Move third-party import `albumentations` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/base/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pandas.DataFrame` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/base/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.EVAL_DATALOADERS` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/base/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.TRAIN_DATALOADERS` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/base/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/base/ TCH002 Move third-party import `albumentations` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/base/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.Tensor` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/base/ TCH002 Move third-party import `albumentations` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/base/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.Tensor` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/base/ TCH002 Move third-party import `albumentations` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/base/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pandas.DataFrame` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/ TCH002 Move third-party import `albumentations` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pandas.core.frame.DataFrame` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/ TCH002 Move third-party import `albumentations` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/ TCH002 Move third-party import `albumentations` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/ TCH002 Move third-party import `albumentations` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/ TCH002 Move third-party import `albumentations` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/ TCH002 Move third-party import `albumentations` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/ TCH002 Move third-party import `albumentations` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/ TCH002 Move third-party import `albumentations` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/ TCH002 Move third-party import `albumentations` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/utils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `io` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/utils/ TCH002 Move third-party import `numpy` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/utils/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.Tensor` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/utils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/utils/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.Tensor` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/data/ TCH002 Move third-party import `albumentations` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/deploy/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.types.Number` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/deploy/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/deploy/ TCH001 Move application import `anomalib.models.components.AnomalyModule` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/deploy/inferencers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.Tensor` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/deploy/inferencers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.DictConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/deploy/inferencers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/deploy/inferencers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.DictConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.DictConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/ TCH001 Move application import `anomalib.models.components.AnomalyModule` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/ai_vad/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.DictConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/ai_vad/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/ai_vad/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.STEP_OUTPUT` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/cfa/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/cfa/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.DictConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/cfa/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/cfa/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.Callback` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/cfa/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.STEP_OUTPUT` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/cfa/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.optim.optimizer.Optimizer` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/cfa/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.fx.graph_module.GraphModule` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/cfa/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.nn.common_types._size_2_t` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/cfa/ TCH002 Move third-party import `` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/cflow/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/cflow/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.DictConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/cflow/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/cflow/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.STEP_OUTPUT` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/cflow/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.optim.Optimizer` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/components/base/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.callbacks.Callback` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/components/base/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.EPOCH_OUTPUT` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/components/base/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.STEP_OUTPUT` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/components/base/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torchmetrics.Metric` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/components/feature_extractors/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.fx.graph_module.GraphModule` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/components/feature_extractors/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.fx.graph_module.GraphModule` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/components/feature_extractors/ TCH001 Move application import `.timm.FeatureExtractor` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/csflow/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.DictConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/csflow/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/csflow/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.STEP_OUTPUT` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/dfkde/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.DictConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/dfkde/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/dfkde/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.STEP_OUTPUT` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/dfm/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.DictConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/dfm/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/dfm/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.STEP_OUTPUT` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/draem/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.DictConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/draem/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/draem/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.STEP_OUTPUT` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/fastflow/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/fastflow/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/fastflow/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.DictConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/fastflow/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/fastflow/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.STEP_OUTPUT` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/ganomaly/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.DictConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/ganomaly/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/ganomaly/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.EPOCH_OUTPUT` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/ganomaly/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.STEP_OUTPUT` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/padim/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/padim/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.DictConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/padim/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/padim/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.STEP_OUTPUT` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/padim/ TCH001 Move application import `anomalib.pre_processing.Tiler` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/patchcore/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/patchcore/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.DictConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/patchcore/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/patchcore/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.STEP_OUTPUT` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/patchcore/ TCH001 Move application import `anomalib.pre_processing.Tiler` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/reverse_distillation/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/reverse_distillation/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.DictConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/reverse_distillation/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/reverse_distillation/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.STEP_OUTPUT` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/reverse_distillation/ TCH001 Move application import `.anomaly_map.AnomalyMapGenerationMode` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/reverse_distillation/ TCH001 Move application import `anomalib.pre_processing.Tiler` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/reverse_distillation/ TCH001 Move application import `.anomaly_map.AnomalyMapGenerationMode` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/rkde/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.DictConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/rkde/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/rkde/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.STEP_OUTPUT` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/stfpm/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/stfpm/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/stfpm/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.DictConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/stfpm/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/stfpm/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.STEP_OUTPUT` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/models/stfpm/ TCH001 Move application import `anomalib.pre_processing.Tiler` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/post_processing/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.STEP_OUTPUT` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.distributions.LogNormal` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/ TCH001 Move application import `anomalib.models.components.AnomalyModule` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/ TCH001 Move application import `anomalib.models.components.AnomalyModule` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.STEP_OUTPUT` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/ TCH001 Move application import `anomalib.models.components.AnomalyModule` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/ TCH001 Move application import `anomalib.models.components.AnomalyModule` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/nncf/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/nncf/ TCH002 Move third-party import `nncf.api.compression.CompressionAlgorithmController` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/nncf/ TCH002 Move third-party import `nncf.api.compression.CompressionAlgorithmController` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/nncf/ TCH002 Move third-party import `nncf.torch.nncf_network.NNCFNetwork` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/nncf/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.nn` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/nncf/ TCH002 Move third-party import `` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/visualizer/ TCH002 Move third-party import `numpy` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/visualizer/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/visualizer/ TCH001 Move application import `anomalib.models.components.AnomalyModule` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/visualizer/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/visualizer/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.STEP_OUTPUT` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/visualizer/ TCH001 Move application import `anomalib.models.components.AnomalyModule` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/visualizer/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/callbacks/visualizer/ TCH001 Move application import `anomalib.models.components.AnomalyModule` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/loggers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/loggers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `omegaconf.listconfig.ListConfig` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/loggers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `numpy` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/loggers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `matplotlib.figure.Figure` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/loggers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `numpy` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/loggers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `numpy` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/loggers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `numpy` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/loggers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `matplotlib.figure.Figure` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/metrics/ TCH002 Move third-party import `matplotlib.figure.Figure` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/metrics/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.Tensor` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/metrics/ TCH002 Move third-party import `matplotlib.figure.Figure` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/metrics/ TCH002 Move third-party import `matplotlib.figure.Figure` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/metrics/ TCH002 Move third-party import `torch.Tensor` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/metrics/ TCH002 Move third-party import `matplotlib.axis.Axis` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/metrics/ TCH002 Move third-party import `matplotlib.figure.Figure` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/sweep/helpers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `pytorch_lightning.Callback` into a type-checking block
src/anomalib/utils/sweep/helpers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `` into a type-checking block
tools/inference/ TCH002 Move third-party import `numpy` into a type-checking block
tools/inference/ TCH001 Move application import `anomalib.deploy.Inferencer` into a type-checking block
Found 159 errors.
datumaro/components/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Literal` into a type-checking block
datumaro/components/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
datumaro/components/ TCH003 Move standard library import `io` into a type-checking block
datumaro/components/ TCH001 Move application import `datumaro.components.launcher.Launcher` into a type-checking block
datumaro/components/ TCH002 Move third-party import `matplotlib.text.Text` into a type-checking block
datumaro/plugins/data_formats/datumaro_binary/ TCH003 Move standard library import `io.BufferedReader` into a type-checking block
datumaro/plugins/data_formats/datumaro_binary/ TCH003 Move standard library import `io.BufferedWriter` into a type-checking block
datumaro/plugins/data_formats/yolo/ TCH001 Move application import `datumaro.components.importer.ImportContext` into a type-checking block
Found 8 errors.
Found 26 errors (26 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 43 errors (43 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 59 errors (59 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to lint scripts/python/ No such file or directory (os error 2)
Caused by: No such file or directory (os error 2)
error: TOML parse error at line 77, column 11
77 | ignore = ["W503"]
| ^^^^^^
Unknown rule selector: `W503`
Found 12 errors (12 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 14 errors (14 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 13 errors (13 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 200, column 1
200 | update-check = false
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `update-check`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 27 errors (27 fixed, 0 remaining).
cerbottana/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/ TCH003 Move standard library import `contextvars.Context` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/ TCH001 Move application import `cerbottana.typedefs.RoomId` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/handlers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/handlers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/handlers/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/handlers/ TCH001 Move application import `cerbottana.typedefs.JsonDict` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/ TCH002 Move third-party import `sqlalchemy.engine.Row` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/ TCH002 Move third-party import `sqlalchemy.sql.Select` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/models/ TCH002 Move third-party import `domify.base_element.BaseElement` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/models/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/models/ TCH001 Move application import `cerbottana.models.user.User` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/models/ TCH002 Move third-party import `domify.base_element.BaseElement` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/models/ TCH001 Move application import `cerbottana.typedefs.RoomId` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/models/ TCH002 Move third-party import `domify.base_element.BaseElement` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/models/ TCH001 Move application import `cerbottana.typedefs.Role` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/models/ TCH001 Move application import `cerbottana.typedefs.UserId` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/plugins/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/plugins/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/plugins/ TCH002 Move third-party import `domify.base_element.BaseElement` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/plugins/ TCH002 Move third-party import `domify.base_element.BaseElement` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/plugins/ TCH002 Move third-party import `domify.base_element.BaseElement` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/plugins/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/plugins/ TCH002 Move third-party import `domify.base_element.BaseElement` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/plugins/ TCH002 Move third-party import `sqlalchemy.engine.Row` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/plugins/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/plugins/ TCH002 Move third-party import `domify.base_element.BaseElement` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/plugins/ TCH002 Move third-party import `domify.base_element.BaseElement` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/plugins/ TCH002 Move third-party import `domify.base_element.BaseElement` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/plugins/ TCH001 Move application import `cerbottana.typedefs.JsonDict` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/plugins/ TCH001 Move application import `cerbottana.typedefs.JsonDict` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/plugins/ TCH002 Move third-party import `sqlalchemy.orm.Mapped` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/tasks/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
cerbottana/tasks/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `cerbottana.typedefs.Role` into a type-checking block
Found 41 errors.
useless_discord_bot/plugins/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
useless_discord_bot/plugins/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
useless_discord_bot/plugins/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
useless_discord_bot/plugins/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
useless_discord_bot/plugins/ TCH002 Move third-party import `discord.Member` into a type-checking block
useless_discord_bot/plugins/ TCH002 Move third-party import `discord.VoiceState` into a type-checking block
useless_discord_bot/plugins/ TCH001 Move application import `` into a type-checking block
Found 7 errors.
error: TOML parse error at line 198, column 1
198 | update-check = false
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `update-check`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 20 errors (20 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 4 errors (3 fixed, 1 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 70 errors (70 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 16 errors (16 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 290, column 12
290 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:137:12: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: Version specifier `> = 1.2.0` doesn't match PEP 440 rules
poetry-core> = 1.2.0
Found 6 errors (5 fixed, 1 remaining).
pyproject.toml:130:12: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: Version specifier `> = 1.2.0` doesn't match PEP 440 rules
poetry-core> = 1.2.0
Found 1 error.
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 272 errors (272 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to parse completions/ unexpected token 'cur'
warning: `M` has been remapped to `RUF100`.
error: TOML parse error at line 197, column 1
197 | update-check = false
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `update-check`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Fixed 3 errors:
- plasmapy/particles/
2 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
- plasmapy/utils/
1 × TCH003 (typing-only-standard-library-import)
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 10 errors (10 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 1, column 1
1 | {%- set license_classifiers = {
| ^
invalid key
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 13 errors (13 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 9 errors (9 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 63 errors (63 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 7 errors (7 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 26 errors (26 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to parse src/cogs/ unexpected token Indent
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 156, column 12
156 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
src/superqt/ TCH004 Move import `.spinbox._quantity.QQuantity` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 3 errors (2 fixed, 1 remaining).
Found 36 errors (36 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 12 errors (12 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 10 errors (10 fixed, 0 remaining).
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferBinaryOp` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceErrorInfo` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.manager.AstroidManager` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `ast` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `types` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `io.TextIOWrapper` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Self` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferFn` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.TransformFn` into a type-checking block
astroid/interpreter/_import/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib` into a type-checking block
astroid/interpreter/_import/ TCH003 Move standard library import `types` into a type-checking block
astroid/interpreter/_import/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/interpreter/_import/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/interpreter/_import/ TCH003 Move standard library import `importlib._bootstrap_external._NamespacePath` into a type-checking block
astroid/interpreter/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/interpreter/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/interpreter/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `types` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.AstroidManagerBrain` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `types` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Self` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.utils.Position` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceErrorInfo` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferFn` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Self` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/scoped_nodes/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/scoped_nodes/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/scoped_nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/scoped_nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/scoped_nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/scoped_nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/scoped_nodes/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.utils.Position` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/scoped_nodes/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferBinaryOp` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/scoped_nodes/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/scoped_nodes/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.ConstFactoryResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.manager.AstroidManager` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.NodeNG` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.bases.Instance` into a type-checking block
tests/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes.Const` into a type-checking block
tests/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.ClassDef` into a type-checking block
tests/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.ClassDef` into a type-checking block
tests/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.ClassDef` into a type-checking block
tests/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.bases.Instance` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.Module` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `abc.ABCMeta` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.arguments.CallSite` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes.AssignAttr` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes.AssignName` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes.Attribute` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes.Call` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes.ImportFrom` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes.Tuple` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.ClassDef` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.FunctionDef` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.GeneratorExp` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.Module` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.objects.Super` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.manager.AstroidManager` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.manager.AstroidManager` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes.Call` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes.Compare` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes.Const` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes.Name` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.FunctionDef` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.Module` into a type-checking block
Found 157 errors.
error: Failed to parse tests/regrtest_data/ unexpected token 'extends'
error: Failed to parse tests/regrtest_data/ unexpected token 'p'
error: Failed to parse tests/functional/a/ duplicate argument 'a' in function definition
error: Failed to parse tests/functional/d/duplicate/ duplicate argument '_' in function definition
error: Failed to parse tests/functional/d/duplicate/ duplicate argument '_' in function definition
error: Failed to parse tests/regrtest_data/bad_package/ expected 'name', but got '.'
error: Failed to parse doc/data/messages/d/duplicate-argument-name/ duplicate argument 'apple' in function definition
error: Failed to parse tests/input/ unexpected token "a = __revision__"
error: Failed to lint tests/functional/i/implicit/ stream did not contain valid UTF-8
Caused by: stream did not contain valid UTF-8
error: Failed to parse tests/functional/t/ unexpected EOF while parsing
error: Failed to parse tests/functional/t/ unexpected EOF while parsing
error: Failed to parse tests/functional/s/syntax/ unexpected token Newline
error: Failed to parse tests/functional/s/syntax/ expected '"("', but got Newline
error: Failed to parse tests/functional/s/star/ cannot use starred expression here
error: Failed to parse doc/data/messages/s/syntax-error/ unexpected token "banana"
doc/exts/ TCH002 Move third-party import `sphinx.application.Sphinx` into a type-checking block
doc/exts/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.checkers.BaseChecker` into a type-checking block
doc/exts/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
doc/exts/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.OptionDict` into a type-checking block
doc/exts/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.ReportsCallable` into a type-checking block
doc/exts/ TCH002 Move third-party import `sphinx.application.Sphinx` into a type-checking block
doc/exts/ TCH002 Move third-party import `sphinx.application.Sphinx` into a type-checking block
doc/exts/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.MessageDefinition` into a type-checking block
doc/exts/ TCH002 Move third-party import `sphinx.application.Sphinx` into a type-checking block
doc/exts/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.checkers.base_checker.BaseChecker` into a type-checking block
doc/exts/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.OptionDict` into a type-checking block
doc/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.message.Message` into a type-checking block
examples/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/base/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/base/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.utils.LinterStats` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/base/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/base/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/base/name_checker/ TCH003 Move standard library import `argparse` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/base/name_checker/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/base/name_checker/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.Options` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/base/name_checker/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.OptionDict` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/base/name_checker/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.Options` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `tokenize.TokenInfo` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.interfaces.Confidence` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.ExtraMessageOptions` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.OptionDict` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.Options` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.ReportsCallable` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/classes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/classes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/classes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `re.Pattern` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/classes/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes.LocalsDictNodeNG` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/classes/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/classes/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/classes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/classes/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/classes/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/classes/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.lint.pylinter.PyLinter` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `re.Match` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes._base_nodes.ImportNode` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.utils.linterstats.LinterStats` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.ManagedMessage` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/refactoring/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/refactoring/ TCH003 Move standard library import `re.Pattern` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.Options` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `io` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes._base_nodes.ImportNode` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes._base_nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/_pylint_config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/_pylint_config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.DirectoryNamespaceDict` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.OptionDict` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.config.arguments_manager._ArgumentsManager` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.OptionDict` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.Options` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.reporters` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageTypesFullName` into a type-checking block
pylint/extensions/ TCH003 Move standard library import `tokenize` into a type-checking block
pylint/extensions/ TCH003 Move standard library import `tokenize.TokenInfo` into a type-checking block
pylint/extensions/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.TypeGuard` into a type-checking block
pylint/extensions/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.extensions._check_docs_utils.Docstring` into a type-checking block
pylint/extensions/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/extensions/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/extensions/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/extensions/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/extensions/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.lint.PyLinter` into a type-checking block
pylint/extensions/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.Options` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `re.Pattern` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.ErrorDescriptionDict` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.ModuleDescriptionDict` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.MessageDefinition` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.Message` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.FileItem` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `argparse` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `re.Pattern` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `types.ModuleType` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.checkers.base_checker.BaseChecker` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.utils.LinterStats` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.reporters.base_reporter.BaseReporter` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/message/ TCH003 Move standard library import `sys` into a type-checking block
pylint/message/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/message/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/message/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/message/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.message_definition.MessageDefinition` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `argparse` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.pyreverse.inspector.Linker` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.pyreverse.inspector.Project` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.Options` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.pyreverse.printer.Printer` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `argparse` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.Message` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.utils.LinterStats` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.Message` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.reporters.base_reporter.BaseReporter` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.utils.LinterStats` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.utils.LinterStats` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ureports/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ureports/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ureports/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ureports/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.reporters.ureports.base_writer.BaseWriter` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/_primer/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/_primer/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.testutils._primer.primer_command.PrimerCommand` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/_primer/ TCH003 Move standard library import `argparse` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/_primer/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/_primer/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.reporters.json_reporter.OldJsonExport` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/_primer/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.testutils._primer.PackageToLint` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/_primer/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.reporters.json_reporter.OldJsonExport` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/_primer/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.Message` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/_primer/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.reporters.json_reporter.OldJsonExport` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/_primer/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.testutils._primer.package_to_lint.PackageToLint` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.reporters.base_reporter.BaseReporter` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.testutils.output_line.MessageTest` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `unittest.mock.Mock` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.testutils.checker_test_case.CheckerTestCase` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/functional/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/functional/ TCH002 Move third-party import `_pytest.config.Config` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/functional/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.testutils.functional.test_file.FunctionalTestFile` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/functional/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.testutils.output_line.OutputLine` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/functional/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH002 Move third-party import `_pytest.config.Config` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.message.Message` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.message.Message` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.Message` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
pylint/utils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/utils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/utils/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageTypesFullName` into a type-checking block
pylint/utils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/utils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `argparse` into a type-checking block
pylint/utils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/utils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `io.BufferedReader` into a type-checking block
pylint/utils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `io.BytesIO` into a type-checking block
pylint/utils/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.OptionDict` into a type-checking block
tests/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
tests/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.manager.AstroidManager` into a type-checking block
tests/checkers/unittest_unicode/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/checkers/unittest_unicode/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
tests/checkers/unittest_unicode/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
tests/config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.checkers.BaseChecker` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.reporters.BaseReporter` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/ext/typing/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/ext/typing/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/ext/typing/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/ext/typing/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/p/postponed/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/p/postponed/ TCH003 Move standard library import `contextlib` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/p/postponed/ TCH003 Move standard library import `re` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/r/regression_02/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/u/undefined/ TCH004 Move import `datetime.datetime` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
tests/functional/u/undefined/ TCH005 Found empty type-checking block
tests/functional/u/unpacking/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/u/unused/ TCH003 Move standard library import `argparse.ArgumentParser` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/u/unused/ TCH003 Move standard library import `argparse.Namespace` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/u/unused/ TCH003 Move standard library import `os` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/u/unused/ TCH003 Move standard library import `os.PathLike` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/u/unused/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/u/unused/ TCH003 Move standard library import `http.HTTPStatus` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/u/unused/ TCH002 Move third-party import `graphlib` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/u/unused/ TCH002 Move third-party import `graphlib.TopologicalSorter` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/u/used/ TCH004 Move import `datetime.datetime` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
tests/functional/u/used/ TCH004 Move import `math` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
tests/functional/u/used/ TCH004 Move import `datetime` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
tests/lint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
tests/lint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.ModuleDescriptionDict` into a type-checking block
tests/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/lint/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
tests/message/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/message/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/message/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.message_definition.MessageDefinition` into a type-checking block
tests/message/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.message_definition_store.MessageDefinitionStore` into a type-checking block
tests/message/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
tests/message/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/message/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.message_definition.MessageDefinition` into a type-checking block
tests/message/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.message_id_store.MessageIdStore` into a type-checking block
tests/primer/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/profile/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.Module` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.GetProjectCallable` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.pyreverse.diagrams.DiagramEntity` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.pyreverse.diagrams.Relationship` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.GetProjectCallable` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.testutils.pyreverse.PyreverseConfig` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.GetProjectCallable` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.pyreverse.inspector.Project` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.GetProjectCallable` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH002 Move third-party import `_pytest.capture.CaptureFixture` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH002 Move third-party import `_pytest.fixtures.SubRequest` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.pyreverse.printer.Printer` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.testutils.pyreverse.PyreverseConfig` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.GetProjectCallable` into a type-checking block
tests/regrtest_data/dummy_plugin/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.lint.pylinter.PyLinter` into a type-checking block
tests/regrtest_data/importing_plugin/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.lint.pylinter.PyLinter` into a type-checking block
tests/reporters/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH002 Move third-party import `_pytest.config.Config` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH002 Move third-party import `_pytest.fixtures.SubRequest` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `io.BufferedReader` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.lint.pylinter.PyLinter` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.Message` into a type-checking block
tests/testutils/_primer/ TCH002 Move third-party import `_pytest.capture.CaptureFixture` into a type-checking block
tests/testutils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
Found 310 errors.
Found 7 errors (7 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 49 errors (49 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 7 errors (7 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 23 errors (23 fixed, 0 remaining).
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferBinaryOp` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceErrorInfo` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.manager.AstroidManager` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `ast` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `types` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `io.TextIOWrapper` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Self` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferFn` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.TransformFn` into a type-checking block
astroid/interpreter/_import/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib` into a type-checking block
astroid/interpreter/_import/ TCH003 Move standard library import `types` into a type-checking block
astroid/interpreter/_import/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/interpreter/_import/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/interpreter/_import/ TCH003 Move standard library import `importlib._bootstrap_external._NamespacePath` into a type-checking block
astroid/interpreter/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/interpreter/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/interpreter/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `types` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.AstroidManagerBrain` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `types` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Self` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.utils.Position` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceErrorInfo` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferFn` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.Self` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/scoped_nodes/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/scoped_nodes/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/scoped_nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/scoped_nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/scoped_nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/scoped_nodes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/scoped_nodes/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.utils.Position` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/scoped_nodes/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferBinaryOp` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/scoped_nodes/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/nodes/scoped_nodes/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.ConstFactoryResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.manager.AstroidManager` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.NodeNG` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
astroid/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.bases.Instance` into a type-checking block
tests/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes.Const` into a type-checking block
tests/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.ClassDef` into a type-checking block
tests/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.ClassDef` into a type-checking block
tests/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.ClassDef` into a type-checking block
tests/brain/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.bases.Instance` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.Module` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `abc.ABCMeta` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.arguments.CallSite` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes.AssignAttr` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes.AssignName` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes.Attribute` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes.Call` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes.ImportFrom` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes.Tuple` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.ClassDef` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.FunctionDef` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.GeneratorExp` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.Module` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.objects.Super` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.manager.AstroidManager` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.manager.AstroidManager` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes.Call` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes.Compare` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes.Const` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.node_classes.Name` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.FunctionDef` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.Module` into a type-checking block
Found 157 errors.
error: Failed to parse tests/regrtest_data/ unexpected token 'extends'
error: Failed to parse tests/regrtest_data/ unexpected token 'p'
error: Failed to parse tests/functional/a/ duplicate argument 'a' in function definition
error: Failed to lint tests/functional/i/implicit/ stream did not contain valid UTF-8
Caused by: stream did not contain valid UTF-8
error: Failed to parse tests/regrtest_data/bad_package/ expected 'name', but got '.'
error: Failed to parse tests/input/ unexpected token "a = __revision__"
error: Failed to parse doc/data/messages/s/syntax-error/ unexpected token "banana"
error: Failed to parse tests/functional/t/ unexpected EOF while parsing
error: Failed to parse tests/functional/t/ unexpected EOF while parsing
error: Failed to parse doc/data/messages/d/duplicate-argument-name/ duplicate argument 'apple' in function definition
error: Failed to parse tests/functional/s/syntax/ unexpected token Newline
error: Failed to parse tests/functional/s/syntax/ expected '"("', but got Newline
error: Failed to parse tests/functional/s/star/ cannot use starred expression here
error: Failed to parse tests/functional/d/duplicate/ duplicate argument '_' in function definition
error: Failed to parse tests/functional/d/duplicate/ duplicate argument '_' in function definition
doc/exts/ TCH002 Move third-party import `sphinx.application.Sphinx` into a type-checking block
doc/exts/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.checkers.BaseChecker` into a type-checking block
doc/exts/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
doc/exts/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.OptionDict` into a type-checking block
doc/exts/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.ReportsCallable` into a type-checking block
doc/exts/ TCH002 Move third-party import `sphinx.application.Sphinx` into a type-checking block
doc/exts/ TCH002 Move third-party import `sphinx.application.Sphinx` into a type-checking block
doc/exts/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.MessageDefinition` into a type-checking block
doc/exts/ TCH002 Move third-party import `sphinx.application.Sphinx` into a type-checking block
doc/exts/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.checkers.base_checker.BaseChecker` into a type-checking block
doc/exts/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.OptionDict` into a type-checking block
doc/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.message.Message` into a type-checking block
examples/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/base/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/base/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.utils.LinterStats` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/base/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/base/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/base/name_checker/ TCH003 Move standard library import `argparse` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/base/name_checker/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/base/name_checker/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.Options` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/base/name_checker/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.OptionDict` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/base/name_checker/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.Options` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `tokenize.TokenInfo` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.interfaces.Confidence` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.ExtraMessageOptions` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.OptionDict` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.Options` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.ReportsCallable` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/classes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/classes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/classes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `re.Pattern` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/classes/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes.LocalsDictNodeNG` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/classes/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/classes/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/classes/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/classes/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/classes/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/classes/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.lint.pylinter.PyLinter` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `re.Match` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes._base_nodes.ImportNode` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.utils.linterstats.LinterStats` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.ManagedMessage` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/refactoring/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/refactoring/ TCH003 Move standard library import `re.Pattern` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.Options` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `io` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes._base_nodes.ImportNode` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.SuccessfulInferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes._base_nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/checkers/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/_pylint_config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/_pylint_config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.DirectoryNamespaceDict` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.OptionDict` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.config.arguments_manager._ArgumentsManager` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.OptionDict` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.Options` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.reporters` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageTypesFullName` into a type-checking block
pylint/extensions/ TCH003 Move standard library import `tokenize` into a type-checking block
pylint/extensions/ TCH003 Move standard library import `tokenize.TokenInfo` into a type-checking block
pylint/extensions/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions.TypeGuard` into a type-checking block
pylint/extensions/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.extensions._check_docs_utils.Docstring` into a type-checking block
pylint/extensions/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/extensions/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/extensions/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/extensions/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/extensions/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.lint.PyLinter` into a type-checking block
pylint/extensions/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.Options` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `re.Pattern` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.ErrorDescriptionDict` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.ModuleDescriptionDict` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.MessageDefinition` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.Message` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.FileItem` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `argparse` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `re.Pattern` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `types.ModuleType` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.checkers.base_checker.BaseChecker` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.utils.LinterStats` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.reporters.base_reporter.BaseReporter` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/message/ TCH003 Move standard library import `sys` into a type-checking block
pylint/message/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/message/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/message/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/message/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.message_definition.MessageDefinition` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `argparse` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.pyreverse.inspector.Linker` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.pyreverse.inspector.Project` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.Options` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.pyreverse.printer.Printer` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.typing.InferenceResult` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `argparse` into a type-checking block
pylint/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.Message` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.utils.LinterStats` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.Message` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.reporters.base_reporter.BaseReporter` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.utils.LinterStats` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.utils.LinterStats` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ureports/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ureports/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ureports/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/reporters/ureports/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.reporters.ureports.base_writer.BaseWriter` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/_primer/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/_primer/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.testutils._primer.primer_command.PrimerCommand` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/_primer/ TCH003 Move standard library import `argparse` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/_primer/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/_primer/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.reporters.json_reporter.OldJsonExport` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/_primer/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.testutils._primer.PackageToLint` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/_primer/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.reporters.json_reporter.OldJsonExport` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/_primer/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.Message` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/_primer/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.reporters.json_reporter.OldJsonExport` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/_primer/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.testutils._primer.package_to_lint.PackageToLint` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.reporters.base_reporter.BaseReporter` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.testutils.output_line.MessageTest` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `unittest.mock.Mock` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.testutils.checker_test_case.CheckerTestCase` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/functional/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/functional/ TCH002 Move third-party import `_pytest.config.Config` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/functional/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.testutils.functional.test_file.FunctionalTestFile` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/functional/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.testutils.output_line.OutputLine` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/functional/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH002 Move third-party import `_pytest.config.Config` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.message.Message` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.message.Message` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.Message` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/testutils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
pylint/utils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/utils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/utils/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageTypesFullName` into a type-checking block
pylint/utils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/utils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `argparse` into a type-checking block
pylint/utils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
pylint/utils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `io.BufferedReader` into a type-checking block
pylint/utils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `io.BytesIO` into a type-checking block
pylint/utils/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.OptionDict` into a type-checking block
tests/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/checkers/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.context.InferenceContext` into a type-checking block
tests/checkers/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.manager.AstroidManager` into a type-checking block
tests/checkers/unittest_unicode/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/checkers/unittest_unicode/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
tests/checkers/unittest_unicode/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
tests/config/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.checkers.BaseChecker` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.reporters.BaseReporter` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/ext/typing/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/ext/typing/ TCH002 Move third-party import `typing_extensions` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/ext/typing/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/ext/typing/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/p/postponed/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/p/postponed/ TCH003 Move standard library import `contextlib` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/p/postponed/ TCH003 Move standard library import `re` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/r/regression_02/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/u/undefined/ TCH004 Move import `datetime.datetime` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
tests/functional/u/undefined/ TCH005 Found empty type-checking block
tests/functional/u/unpacking/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/u/unused/ TCH003 Move standard library import `argparse.ArgumentParser` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/u/unused/ TCH003 Move standard library import `argparse.Namespace` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/u/unused/ TCH003 Move standard library import `os` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/u/unused/ TCH003 Move standard library import `os.PathLike` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/u/unused/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/u/unused/ TCH003 Move standard library import `http.HTTPStatus` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/u/unused/ TCH002 Move third-party import `graphlib` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/u/unused/ TCH002 Move third-party import `graphlib.TopologicalSorter` into a type-checking block
tests/functional/u/used/ TCH004 Move import `datetime.datetime` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
tests/functional/u/used/ TCH004 Move import `math` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
tests/functional/u/used/ TCH004 Move import `datetime` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
tests/lint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
tests/lint/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.ModuleDescriptionDict` into a type-checking block
tests/lint/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/lint/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes` into a type-checking block
tests/message/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/message/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/message/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.message_definition.MessageDefinition` into a type-checking block
tests/message/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.message_definition_store.MessageDefinitionStore` into a type-checking block
tests/message/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.MessageDefinitionTuple` into a type-checking block
tests/message/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/message/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.message_definition.MessageDefinition` into a type-checking block
tests/message/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.message_id_store.MessageIdStore` into a type-checking block
tests/primer/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/profile/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH002 Move third-party import `astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.Module` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.GetProjectCallable` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.pyreverse.diagrams.DiagramEntity` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.pyreverse.diagrams.Relationship` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.GetProjectCallable` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.testutils.pyreverse.PyreverseConfig` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.GetProjectCallable` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.pyreverse.inspector.Project` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.GetProjectCallable` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH002 Move third-party import `_pytest.capture.CaptureFixture` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH002 Move third-party import `_pytest.fixtures.SubRequest` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.pyreverse.printer.Printer` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.testutils.pyreverse.PyreverseConfig` into a type-checking block
tests/pyreverse/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.typing.GetProjectCallable` into a type-checking block
tests/regrtest_data/dummy_plugin/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.lint.pylinter.PyLinter` into a type-checking block
tests/regrtest_data/importing_plugin/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.lint.pylinter.PyLinter` into a type-checking block
tests/reporters/ TCH003 Move standard library import `pathlib.Path` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH002 Move third-party import `_pytest.config.Config` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH002 Move third-party import `_pytest.fixtures.SubRequest` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `io.BufferedReader` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.lint.pylinter.PyLinter` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
tests/ TCH001 Move application import `pylint.message.Message` into a type-checking block
tests/testutils/_primer/ TCH002 Move third-party import `_pytest.capture.CaptureFixture` into a type-checking block
tests/testutils/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
Found 310 errors.
Found 22 errors (22 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
tests/packages/test-invalid-requirements/pyproject.toml:2:12: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: Expected one of `@`, `(`, `<`, `=`, `>`, `~`, `!`, `;`, found `i`
this is invalid
tests/packages/test-no-requires/pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `requires`
Found 12 errors (10 fixed, 2 remaining).
Found 68 errors (68 fixed, 0 remaining).
backend/src/hatchling/builders/hooks/plugin/ TCH004 Move import `` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
backend/src/hatchling/builders/plugin/ TCH004 Move import `` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
backend/src/hatchling/metadata/ TCH004 Move import `packaging.specifiers.SpecifierSet` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 5 errors (2 fixed, 3 remaining).
Found 24 errors (24 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:5:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 1 error.
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 28 errors (28 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: error parsing glob '/app/checkouts/PythonBiellaGroup/Bear/{{cookiecutter.directory_name}}/': nested alternate groups are not allowed
Found 61 errors (61 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
Fixed 3 errors:
- telegram/_files/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- telegram/ext/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
- telegram/ext/
1 × TCH002 (typing-only-third-party-import)
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 53 errors (53 fixed, 0 remaining).
qcodes/dataset/ TCH004 Move import `matplotlib.ticker` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 151 errors (150 fixed, 1 remaining).
warning: `I252` has been remapped to `TID252`.
Found 35 errors (35 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: error parsing glob '/app/checkouts/quinn-p-mchugh/cookiecutter-python/{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}/.git': nested alternate groups are not allowed
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
randovania/game_description/db/ TCH004 Move import `randovania.game_description.db.area_identifier.AreaIdentifier` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 136 errors (135 fixed, 1 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 225 errors (225 fixed, 0 remaining).
synapse/events/ TCH004 Move import `synapse.server` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 56 errors (55 fixed, 1 remaining).
pyproject.toml:7:11: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: Version `` doesn't match PEP 440 rules
Found 1 error.
pyproject.toml:11:11: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: Version `` doesn't match PEP 440 rules
Found 1 error.
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 6 errors (6 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to parse tests/ expected 'name', but got Newline
study_plans/leet-75/rotten_oranges/ TCH004 Move import `` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 1 error.
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
langchain/document_loaders/ TCH004 Move import `pandas` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
langchain/utilities/ TCH004 Move import `azure.core.exceptions.ClientAuthenticationError` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 112 errors (110 fixed, 2 remaining).
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Fixed 1 error:
- django_mapengine/
1 × TCH002 (typing-only-third-party-import)
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
warning: `RUF004` has been remapped to `B026`.
error: TOML parse error at line 290, column 12
290 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
warning: `M` has been remapped to `RUF100`.
Found 30 errors (30 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 1, column 1
1 | {% include "jinja_template/license_header.toml.j2" %}
| ^
invalid key
Found 51 errors (51 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
21:34 TCH004 Move import `..rt_categorical.Categorical` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
29:31 TCH004 Move import `.rt_fastarray.FastArray` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
57:12 TCH004 Move import `re` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 10 errors (7 fixed, 3 remaining).
Found 23 errors (23 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 36 errors (36 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 316 errors (316 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 47 errors (47 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 72, column 1
72 | update-check = false
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `update-check`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: error parsing glob '/app/checkouts/sanders41/cookiecutter-python/{{{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}}}': nested alternate groups are not allowed
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 12 errors (12 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 8 errors (8 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 1 error.
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
wyvern/components/ TCH004 Move import `wyvern.models.emojis.CustomEmoji` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
wyvern/ TCH004 Move import `` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 14 errors (12 fixed, 2 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 88, column 1
88 | update-check = false
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `update-check`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 9 errors (9 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
error: Failed to create fix for TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport: Unable to insert `TYPE_CHECKING` into scope due to name conflict
src/awkward/_nplikes/ TCH001 Move application import `awkward._nplikes.numpylike.ArrayLike` into a type-checking block
src/awkward/_nplikes/ TCH001 Move application import `awkward._nplikes.numpylike.NumpyLike` into a type-checking block
src/awkward/ TCH001 Move application import `awkward._backends.backend.Backend` into a type-checking block
src/awkward/ TCH001 Move application import `awkward.contents.content.Content` into a type-checking block
src/awkward/contents/ TCH001 Move application import `awkward._backends.backend.Backend` into a type-checking block
src/awkward/contents/ TCH001 Move application import `awkward._backends.backend.Backend` into a type-checking block
src/awkward/contents/ TCH001 Move application import `awkward.forms.form.Form` into a type-checking block
src/awkward/contents/ TCH001 Move application import `awkward._backends.backend.Backend` into a type-checking block
src/awkward/contents/ TCH001 Move application import `awkward.index.Index` into a type-checking block
src/awkward/contents/ TCH001 Move application import `awkward._backends.backend.Backend` into a type-checking block
src/awkward/contents/ TCH001 Move application import `awkward._backends.backend.Backend` into a type-checking block
src/awkward/contents/ TCH001 Move application import `awkward._backends.backend.Backend` into a type-checking block
src/awkward/contents/ TCH001 Move application import `awkward._backends.backend.Backend` into a type-checking block
src/awkward/contents/ TCH001 Move application import `awkward._backends.backend.Backend` into a type-checking block
src/awkward/contents/ TCH001 Move application import `awkward.index.Index` into a type-checking block
src/awkward/contents/ TCH001 Move application import `awkward._backends.backend.Backend` into a type-checking block
src/awkward/contents/ TCH001 Move application import `awkward.index.Index` into a type-checking block
src/awkward/contents/ TCH001 Move application import `awkward._backends.backend.Backend` into a type-checking block
src/awkward/contents/ TCH001 Move application import `awkward.index.Index` into a type-checking block
src/awkward/contents/ TCH001 Move application import `awkward._backends.backend.Backend` into a type-checking block
src/awkward/contents/ TCH001 Move application import `awkward._backends.backend.Backend` into a type-checking block
src/awkward/contents/ TCH001 Move application import `awkward.index.Index` into a type-checking block
Found 75 errors (53 fixed, 22 remaining).
Found 539 errors (539 fixed, 0 remaining).
src/scippuncertainty/mc/ TCH002 Move third-party import `numpy` into a type-checking block
src/scippuncertainty/mc/ TCH002 Move third-party import `scipp` into a type-checking block
src/scippuncertainty/mc/ TCH001 Move application import `.accumulator.Accumulator` into a type-checking block
src/scippuncertainty/mc/ TCH001 Move application import `.sampler.Sampler` into a type-checking block
src/scippuncertainty/mc/ TCH002 Move third-party import `numpy` into a type-checking block
Found 5 errors.
Found 13 errors (13 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 8 errors (8 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 12 errors (12 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 15 errors (15 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 33 errors (33 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 13 errors (13 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining). TCH004 Move import `wx` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 6 errors (5 fixed, 1 remaining).
error: Failed to parse assets/code/ unexpected token "The following test left garbage:"
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 1 error.
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 11, column 15
11 | line-length = -1
| ^^
invalid value: integer `-1`, expected usize
error: Required version `0.0.255` does not match the running version `0.0.270`
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 30 errors (30 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to parse soft_search/bin/ unexpected token Newline
Found 16 errors (16 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to parse aim_realtime_fraud_detection/fraud_detection/ unexpected token 'com'
error: Failed to parse aim_realtime_fraud_detection/tasks/ unexpected token 'com'
error: TOML parse error at line 109, column 12
109 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 82 errors (82 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to parse tests/test-cases/basic/ unexpected token Newline
error: Failed to parse tests/test-cases/ssa_basecase/ unexpected token Newline
error: Failed to parse src/scalpel/ unexpected token '_'
Found 93 errors (93 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 198, column 1
198 | update-check = false
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `update-check`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
error: Failed to parse unexpected token "Skipping"
error: Failed to parse unexpected token "Skipping"
error: Failed to parse unexpected token "Welcome to the fetch module!"
error: Failed to parse unexpected token "Reading"
error: Failed to parse unexpected token "%s %12d %7d"
error: Failed to parse unexpected token "Made"
error: Failed to parse unexpected token "mv {} {}"
error: Failed to parse unexpected token "Made"
error: Failed to parse dev_utils/ unexpected token 'filetype'
error: Failed to parse unexpected token "Copying {} content"
error: Failed to parse unexpected token "Reading tlm"
error: Failed to parse unexpected token "Made"
error: Failed to parse unexpected token 'cxcmsid'
error: Failed to parse rebuild_stats/ unexpected token "Skipping"
error: Failed to parse rebuild_stats/ unexpected token "Content:"
error: Failed to parse unexpected token "Skipping"
error: Failed to parse unexpected token 'msid'
error: Failed to parse unexpected token 'contents'
error: Failed to parse unexpected token 'filetype'
error: Failed to parse unexpected token "Made"
error: Failed to parse unexpected token "Making dir"
error: Failed to parse unexpected token "Made"
error: Failed to parse test/ unexpected token "Fetch file is"
error: Failed to parse test/ unexpected token "MSID={} stat={} missing in flight or test data"
error: Failed to parse test/ unexpected token "Fetch file is"
pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 1 error.
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 15 errors (15 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 316 errors (316 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 12 errors (12 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to parse tests/data/execute_code/syntax_error/ Got unexpected nesting
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 19, column 12
19 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 12 errors (12 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 49 errors (49 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 51 errors (51 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 13 errors (13 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 102 errors (102 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 110, column 12
110 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 322 errors (322 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 20 errors (20 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
langchain/document_loaders/ TCH004 Move import `pandas` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
langchain/document_loaders/ TCH004 Move import `O365.Account` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
langchain/memory/chat_message_histories/ TCH004 Move import `zep_python.NotFoundError` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 202 errors (199 fixed, 3 remaining).
Found 76 errors (76 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 26 errors (26 fixed, 0 remaining).
src/srctools/ TCH004 Move import `srctools.keyvalues.KeyValError` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/srctools/ TCH004 Move import `srctools.keyvalues.Keyvalues` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/srctools/ TCH004 Move import `srctools.keyvalues.NoKeyError` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/srctools/ TCH004 Move import `srctools.math.Angle` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/srctools/ TCH004 Move import `srctools.math.Matrix` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/srctools/ TCH004 Move import `srctools.math.Vec` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/srctools/ TCH004 Move import `srctools.math.Vec_tuple` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/srctools/ TCH004 Move import `srctools.math.lerp` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/srctools/ TCH004 Move import `srctools.math.parse_vec_str` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/srctools/ TCH004 Move import `srctools.math.to_matrix` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 13 errors (3 fixed, 10 remaining).
warning: `M001` has been remapped to `RUF100`.
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 34, column 1778
34 | select = ['A', 'A0', 'A00', 'A001', 'A002', 'A003', 'ANN', 'ANN0', 'ANN00', 'ANN001', 'ANN002', 'ANN003', 'ANN1', 'ANN10', 'ANN101', 'ANN102', 'ANN2', 'ANN20', 'ANN201', 'ANN202', 'ANN204', 'ANN205', 'ANN206', 'ANN4', 'ANN40', 'ANN401', 'B', 'B0', 'B00', 'B002', 'B003', 'B004', 'B005', 'B006', 'B007', 'B008', 'B009', 'B01', 'B010', 'B011', 'B012', 'B013', 'B014', 'B015', 'B016', 'B017', 'B018', 'B019', 'B02', 'B020', 'B021', 'B022', 'B023', 'B024', 'B025', 'B026', 'B027', 'B9', 'B90', 'B904', 'BLE', 'BLE0', 'BLE00', 'BLE001', 'C', 'C4', 'C40', 'C400', 'C401', 'C402', 'C403', 'C404', 'C405', 'C406', 'C408', 'C409', 'C41', 'C410', 'C411', 'C413', 'C414', 'C415', 'C416', 'C417', 'C9', 'C90', 'C901', 'D', 'D1', 'D10', 'D100', 'D101', 'D102', 'D103', 'D104', 'D105', 'D106', 'D107', 'D2', 'D20', 'D200', 'D201', 'D202', 'D203', 'D204', 'D205', 'D206', 'D207', 'D208', 'D209', 'D21', 'D210', 'D211', 'D212', 'D213', 'D214', 'D215', 'D3', 'D30', 'D300', 'D4', 'D40', 'D400', 'D402', 'D403', 'D404', 'D405', 'D406', 'D407', 'D408', 'D409', 'D41', 'D410', 'D411', 'D412', 'D413', 'D414', 'D415', 'D416', 'D417', 'D418', 'D419', 'E', 'E4', 'E40', 'E402', 'E5', 'E50', 'E501', 'E7', 'E71', 'E711', 'E712', 'E713', 'E714', 'E72', 'E721', 'E722', 'E73', 'E731', 'E74', 'E741', 'E742', 'E743', 'E9', 'E90', 'E902', 'E99', 'E999', 'ERA', 'ERA0', 'ERA00', 'ERA001', 'F', 'F4', 'F40', 'F401', 'F402', 'F403', 'F404', 'F405', 'F406', 'F407', 'F5', 'F50', 'F501', 'F502', 'F503', 'F504', 'F505', 'F506', 'F507', 'F508', 'F509', 'F52', 'F521', 'F522', 'F523', 'F524', 'F525', 'F54', 'F541', 'F6', 'F60', 'F601', 'F602', 'F62', 'F621', 'F622', 'F63', 'F631', 'F632', 'F633', 'F634', 'F7', 'F70', 'F701', 'F702', 'F704', 'F706', 'F707', 'F72', 'F722', 'F8', 'F82', 'F821', 'F822', 'F823', 'F83', 'F831', 'F84', 'F841', 'F9', 'F90', 'F901', 'FBT', 'FBT0', 'FBT00', 'FBT001', 'FBT002', 'FBT003', 'I', 'I0', 'I00', 'I001', 'I2', 'I25', 'I252', 'N', 'N8', 'N80', 'N801', 'N802', 'N803', 'N804', 'N805', 'N806', 'N807', 'N81', 'N811', 'N812', 'N813', 'N814', 'N815', 'N816', 'N817', 'N818', 'PGH', 'PGH0', 'PGH00', 'PGH001', 'PLC', 'PLC0', 'PLC04', 'PLC041', 'PLC0414', 'PLC2', 'PLC22', 'PLC220', 'PLC2201', 'PLC3', 'PLC30', 'PLC300', 'PLC3002', 'PLE', 'PLE1', 'PLE11', 'PLE114', 'PLE1142', 'PLR', 'PLR0', 'PLR02', 'PLR020', 'PLR0206', 'PLR04', 'PLR040', 'PLR0402', 'PLR1', 'PLR17', 'PLR170', 'PLR1701', 'PLR172', 'PLR1722', 'PLW', 'PLW0', 'PLW01', 'PLW012', 'PLW0120', 'Q', 'Q0', 'Q00', 'Q000', 'Q001', 'Q002', 'Q003', 'RET', 'RET5', 'RET50', 'RET501', 'RET502', 'RET503', 'RET504', 'RET505', 'RET506', 'RET507', 'RET508', 'RUF', 'RUF0', 'RUF00', 'RUF001', 'RUF002', 'RUF003', 'RUF1', 'RUF10', 'RUF100', 'S', 'S1', 'S10', 'S101', 'S102', 'S104', 'S105', 'S106', 'S107', 'T', 'T1', 'T10', 'T100', 'T2', 'T20', 'T201', 'T203', 'U', 'U0', 'U00', 'U001', 'U003', 'U004', 'U005', 'U006', 'U007', 'U008', 'U009', 'U01', 'U010', 'U011', 'U012', 'U013', 'U014', 'U015', 'UP', 'UP0', 'UP00', 'UP001', 'UP003', 'UP004', 'UP005', 'UP006', 'UP007', 'UP008', 'UP009', 'UP01', 'UP010', 'UP011', 'UP012', 'UP013', 'UP014', 'UP015', 'W', 'W2', 'W29', 'W292', 'W6', 'W60', 'W605', 'YTT', 'YTT1', 'YTT10', 'YTT101', 'YTT102', 'YTT103', 'YTT2', 'YTT20', 'YTT201', 'YTT202', 'YTT203', 'YTT204', 'YTT3', 'YTT30', 'YTT301', 'YTT302', 'YTT303']
| ^^^^^
Unknown rule selector: `F83`
Found 32 errors (32 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 27 errors (27 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 154, column 12
154 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 14 errors (14 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 1 error.
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 1 error.
error: Failed to parse freqtrade/freqai/ non-default argument follows default argument
freqtrade/rpc/ TCH004 Move import `websockets.connect` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 17 errors (16 fixed, 1 remaining).
aioinject/ TCH003 Move standard library import `contextvars` into a type-checking block
aioinject/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
aioinject/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
aioinject/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
aioinject/ TCH003 Move standard library import `types.TracebackType` into a type-checking block
aioinject/ TCH001 Move application import `.providers.Dependency` into a type-checking block
aioinject/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
aioinject/ TCH003 Move standard library import `` into a type-checking block
Found 8 errors.
error: Required version `0.0.220` does not match the running version `0.0.270`
Found 68 errors (68 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
sshtools/ TCH004 Move import `sshtools.device` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
sshtools/ TCH004 Move import `sshtools.device` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 5 errors (3 fixed, 2 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 7 errors (7 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 45, column 1
45 | selected = [
| ^^^^^^^^
unknown field `selected`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
1 | [tool.poetry]
| RUF200
2 | name = "symmeplot"
3 | version = "0.0.1"
Found 1 error.
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 155, column 12
155 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
src/pycudasirecon/ TCH004 Move import `numpy` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/pycudasirecon/ TCH004 Move import `tempfile._TemporaryFileWrapper` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 3 errors (1 fixed, 2 remaining).
Found 9 errors (9 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 27 errors (27 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 9 errors (9 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
warning: `M` has been remapped to `RUF100`.
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 92, column 12
92 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
error: TOML parse error at line 77, column 12
77 | [tool.ruff.pyupgrade]
| ^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `pyupgrade`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
langchain/document_loaders/ TCH004 Move import `pandas` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
langchain/utilities/ TCH004 Move import `azure.core.exceptions.ClientAuthenticationError` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
langchain/vectorstores/ TCH004 Move import `chromadb.config` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 115 errors (112 fixed, 3 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 4 errors (4 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 9 errors (9 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 607 errors (607 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 82 errors (82 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 22 errors (22 fixed, 0 remaining).
pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 1 error.
pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 1 error.
pyproject.toml:27:16: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: Version specifier `>='3.9'` doesn't match PEP 440 rules
Found 1 error.
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 20, column 1
20 | update-check = false
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
unknown field `update-check`, expected one of `allowed-confusables`, `builtins`, `cache-dir`, `dummy-variable-rgx`, `exclude`, `extend`, `extend-exclude`, `extend-include`, `extend-ignore`, `extend-select`, `extend-fixable`, `extend-unfixable`, `external`, `fix`, `fix-only`, `fixable`, `format`, `force-exclude`, `ignore`, `ignore-init-module-imports`, `include`, `line-length`, `tab-size`, `required-version`, `respect-gitignore`, `select`, `show-source`, `show-fixes`, `src`, `namespace-packages`, `target-version`, `task-tags`, `typing-modules`, `unfixable`, `flake8-annotations`, `flake8-bandit`, `flake8-bugbear`, `flake8-builtins`, `flake8-comprehensions`, `flake8-errmsg`, `flake8-quotes`, `flake8-self`, `flake8-tidy-imports`, `flake8-type-checking`, `flake8-gettext`, `flake8-implicit-str-concat`, `flake8-import-conventions`, `flake8-pytest-style`, `flake8-unused-arguments`, `isort`, `mccabe`, `pep8-naming`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pylint`, `per-file-ignores`, `extend-per-file-ignores`
src/python/compiler/ TCH003 Move standard library import `urllib.parse.ParseResult` into a type-checking block
Found 1 error.
UnleashClient/ TCH002 Move third-party import `apscheduler.job.Job` into a type-checking block
Found 1 error.
3:11 RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: Version `` doesn't match PEP 440 rules
Found 1 error.
error: Failed to parse projects/ssh/uoft_ssh/ expected 'Indent', but got 'def'
projects/core/uoft_core/yaml/ TCH004 Move import `` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
projects/core/uoft_core/yaml/ TCH004 Move import `` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
projects/core/uoft_core/yaml/ TCH004 Move import `uoft_core.yaml.nodes.MappingNode` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
projects/core/uoft_core/yaml/ TCH004 Move import `uoft_core.yaml.nodes.ScalarNode` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
projects/core/uoft_core/yaml/ TCH004 Move import `uoft_core.yaml.nodes.SequenceNode` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
projects/core/uoft_core/yaml/ TCH004 Move import `uoft_core.yaml.comments.CommentedKeySeq` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
projects/core/uoft_core/yaml/ TCH004 Move import `uoft_core.yaml.comments.CommentedMap` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
projects/core/uoft_core/yaml/ TCH004 Move import `uoft_core.yaml.comments.CommentedOrderedMap` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
projects/core/uoft_core/yaml/ TCH004 Move import `uoft_core.yaml.comments.CommentedSeq` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
projects/core/uoft_core/yaml/ TCH004 Move import `uoft_core.yaml.comments.CommentedSet` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
projects/core/uoft_core/yaml/ TCH004 Move import `uoft_core.yaml.comments.TaggedScalar` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
projects/core/uoft_core/yaml/ TCH004 Move import `uoft_core.yaml.nodes.MappingNode` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
projects/core/uoft_core/yaml/ TCH004 Move import `uoft_core.yaml.nodes.ScalarNode` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
projects/core/uoft_core/yaml/ TCH004 Move import `uoft_core.yaml.nodes.SequenceNode` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
projects/core/uoft_core/yaml/ TCH004 Move import `uoft_core.yaml.scalarfloat.ScalarFloat` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
projects/core/uoft_core/yaml/ TCH004 Move import `uoft_core.yaml.scalarstring.LiteralScalarString` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 53 errors (37 fixed, 16 remaining).
Found 7 errors (7 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 43 errors (43 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 6 errors (6 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 5 errors (5 fixed, 0 remaining).
Fixed 1 error:
- src/converter/
1 × TCH001 (typing-only-first-party-import)
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
warning: `M` has been remapped to `RUF100`.
Found 14 errors (14 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 9 errors (9 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Required version `0.0.262` does not match the running version `0.0.270`
Found 34 errors (34 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 12 errors (12 fixed, 0 remaining).
langchain/document_loaders/ TCH004 Move import `pandas` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
langchain/utilities/ TCH004 Move import `azure.core.exceptions.ClientAuthenticationError` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 113 errors (111 fixed, 2 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
wandb/analytics/ TCH004 Move import `wandb.sdk.internal.settings_static` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
wandb/apis/ TCH004 Move import `wandb.apis.reports.util` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
wandb/sdk/ TCH004 Move import `wandb.apis.public` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
wandb/sdk/ TCH004 Move import `wandb.sdk.interface.interface_queue` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
wandb/ TCH004 Move import `wandb.sdk.wandb_settings` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 37 errors (32 fixed, 5 remaining).
Found 10 errors (10 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 93 errors (93 fixed, 0 remaining).
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.base.ID_LEN` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.base.Base` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.baseoperator.BaseOperator` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.baseoperator.BaseOperatorLink` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.connection.Connection` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.dag.DAG` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.dag.DagModel` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.dag.DagTag` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.dagbag.DagBag` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.dagpickle.DagPickle` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.dagrun.DagRun` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.db_callback_request.DbCallbackRequest` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.errors.ImportError` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.log.Log` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.mappedoperator.MappedOperator` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.operator.Operator` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.param.Param` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.pool.Pool` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.renderedtifields.RenderedTaskInstanceFields` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.skipmixin.SkipMixin` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.slamiss.SlaMiss` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.taskfail.TaskFail` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.taskinstance.TaskInstance` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.taskinstance.clear_task_instances` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.taskreschedule.TaskReschedule` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.trigger.Trigger` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.variable.Variable` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.xcom.XCOM_RETURN_KEY` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.models.xcom.XCom` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/models/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.utils.task_group.MappedTaskGroup` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/serialization/ TCH004 Move import `kubernetes.client.models` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/serialization/ TCH004 Move import `airflow.kubernetes.pod_generator.PodGenerator` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
airflow/utils/ TCH004 Move import `multiprocessing.context` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 690 errors (657 fixed, 33 remaining).
error: TOML parse error at line 31, column 1
31 | {{command_name}} = 'src.cli:cli'
| ^
invalid key
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to lint tests/ui/snapshots/tests/integration/ Is a directory (os error 21)
Caused by: Is a directory (os error 21)
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 11 errors (11 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 2 errors (2 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 8 errors (8 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 12 errors (12 fixed, 0 remaining).
Found 67 errors (67 fixed, 0 remaining).
src/traffic/core/ TCH004 Move import `matplotlib.patches.Polygon` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/ TCH004 Move import `.adsb.decode.ModeS_Decoder` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/ TCH004 Move import `.basic.navaid.Navaids` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/ TCH004 Move import `.eurocontrol.ddr.allft.AllFT` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/ TCH004 Move import `.eurocontrol.ddr.so6.SO6` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/ambulances/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Flight` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/ambulances/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Traffic` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/calibration/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Flight` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/calibration/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Traffic` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/collections/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Flight` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/collections/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Traffic` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/featured/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Flight` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/featured/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Traffic` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/firefighting/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Flight` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/firefighting/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Traffic` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/gliders/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Flight` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/gliders/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Traffic` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/military/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Flight` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/military/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Traffic` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/onground/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Flight` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/onground/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Traffic` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/performance/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Flight` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/performance/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Traffic` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/surveillance/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Flight` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/surveillance/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Traffic` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/surveys/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Flight` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/surveys/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Traffic` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/tv_relay/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Flight` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
src/traffic/data/samples/tv_relay/ TCH004 Move import `....core.Traffic` out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting.
Found 52 errors (23 fixed, 29 remaining).
pyproject.toml:1:1: RUF200 Failed to parse pyproject.toml: missing field `name`
Found 1 error.
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
od_search/services/ TCH001 Move application import `od_search.models.api_handler.orderful.response.TransactionsResponse` into a type-checking block
Found 1 error.
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