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Created July 11, 2014 00:46
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# Python version of Micheal's fermimerge IDL program... hopefully.
# Import as needed:
import subprocess
import time
import os
import pdb
# start timer:
start_time = time.time()
# functions for set up:
def check_for(x):
f = os.getcwd().split('\\')[-1]
x1 = '/' + x
if not os.path.exists(f + x1):
return True
def make_needed(x):
if check_for(x) == True:
f = os.getcwd().split('\\')[-1]
y = '.txt'
if y in x:
open(x, 'w').close()
print ('made - ' + x)
os.makedirs(f +'/' + x)
print ('made new directory - ' + x)
def merge(marker, new):
if check_for(new) == True:
g = 'ls *'
i = '* > '
h = g + marker + i + new, shell=True)
print ('made ' + new)
def link(marker, new):
if check_for(new) == True:
g = 'ln -s *'
i = '* > '
h = g + marker + i + new, shell=True)
print ('made ' + new)
def days_to_secs(days):
secs = float(days*24*3600)
return secs
def dph(orbitalperioddays):
dph = round(float(days_to_secs(orbitalperioddays)/nbins))
return dph
# calculates phase bin size
def ref_phase(days):
ref1 = days_to_secs(float(days) - 51910.0)
return ref1
#converts MJD to Fermi MET in secs
# default values:
evclass = 2 # event class - do not change without good reason
zmax = 100 # max zenith angle - do not change without good reason
roi = 20.0 # region of interest - change as needed but have been using 20.0
emin = 100 # min energy - change as needed
emax = 300000 # max energy - change as needed
nbins = 10 # default number of bins per orbital phase
pshift = 0.0 #default phase to begin calculation
chatter = 1
# generic set up, input required later:
ra = 0.0 # degrees
dec = 0.0 # degrees
period = 1.0 # days
fileroot = '_sourcename'
meti = 239557417 # value if using "START" for data acquisition
ref1 = meti #starting point for first loop of phase separation - will overwrite as
#fermimerge iterates
metf = 255398400
# generic set up, runs automatically:
pbs = dph(period)
period = float(days_to_secs(period))
merge('PH', 'ph.txt')
link('SC', 'sc.fits')
lc_dir = os.getcwd().split('\\')[-1] + '/lightcurves'
# functions that perform the work:
def dir_in(name, loc):
# creates new directory in a specified location (rather than in the cwd)
def gtselect(loc, i, tstart,tstop, wd):
# pdb.set_trace()
txt1 = 'gtselect evclass=' + str(evclass) + ' infile=@ph.txt outfile='
txt2 = loc + 'events_ii_' + i + '.fits ra=INDEF dec=INDEF rad=INDEF tmin='
txt3 = str(tstart) + ' tmax=' + str(tstop) + ' emin=' + str(emin)
txt4 = ' emax=' + str(emax) + ' zmax=' + str(zmax) + ' chatter = 2'
txt = txt1 + txt2 + txt3 + txt4
print txt
chd = 'cd' + wd'ur_setup', shell = True), shell = True), shell = True)
print ('made selection file')
def fermimerge(x):
# p loop determines current phase and does set up for the next loop's work:
p = x
if p < nbins + 1:
phase = p * pbs/period + pshift
phase1 = (p + 1) * pbs/period + pshift
print ('phase bin ' + str(phase) + '---' + str(phase1))
phase = str(phase)
bin_dir = 'ph_' + phase
dir_in(bin_dir, lc_dir)
tmploc = os.getcwd().split('\\')[-1] + '/lightcurves/' + bin_dir
dfr = lc_dir + bin_dir + fileroot
tstart = ref1
# i loop defines beginning and end of phase bins and cycles
i = 00
# first check that times are valid and adjust if needed:
if tstart < metf + 1:
tstart = ref1 + period*i + pbs*p + pshift*period
tstop = tstart + pbs
select = 'no'
if tstart >= meti and tstart <= metf:
select = 'yes1'
if tstop >= meti and tstop <= metf:
select = 'yes2'
if select == 'yes1' or 'yes2':
if tstart < meti:
tstart = meti
if tstop > metf:
tstop = metf
print (tstart, tstop, tstop-tstart)
# formatting for gtselect output file:
tmp = tmploc + '/tmp/'
if i < 10:
i = '00' + str(i)
if i >= 10 and i < 100:
i = '0' + str(i)
if i >= 100 and i < 1000:
i = str(i)
loc = os.getcwd()
gtselect(tmp, i, tstart, tstop, loc)
# and finally... :
#ra = 0.0 # degrees
#dec = 0.0 # degrees
#period = 1.0 # days
#fileroot = '_sourcename'
#meti = 239557417 # value if using "START" for data acquisition
#metf = 255398400 # specific value depending on data downloaded
print('Run time (seconds):')
print (time.time() - start_time)
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