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Last active February 25, 2020 12:18
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A helper script to extract the main stylespace structure from a designspace, use for with
A helper script to try extract some reasonable defaults for a stylespace
document from a designspace.
You will in all likelyhood need to manually edit this generated stylespace, but
this saves a lot of the typing.
NOTE: That this assumes a well defined and valid designspace!
from fontTools import designspaceLib as dsLib
import argparse
import pathlib
import plistlib
import logging
def get_axis_value(dsAxis, val):
mapped = [pair[0] for pair in if pair[1] == val]
if mapped:
val = mapped[0]
return val
def get_location(ds, axisName, value, roundToInt=False, ranges=False,
values=[], locationName=None):
Get a location dict with name, value (and range) from passed in
designspace, axisname and value
TODO Refactor as class method that has access to the CLI arguments
axis = [a for a in ds.axes if a.serialize()["name"] == axisName][0]
value = get_axis_value(axis, value)
if not locationName:
logging.warning("Review location name for '%s' - '%s'" %
(axisName, str(value)))
loc = {
"name": locationName or "NAMEME",
"value": value if not roundToInt else round(value),
# Define ranges; for values on the axis extremes go from extrem to
# half the next highest/lowest, for values on the axis use half to
# next lower to half to next higher (let's not worry about overalp
# on same value (half way), the spec takes care of that)
if ranges and len(values) > 1 and value in values:
i = values.index(value)
loc["range"] = []
if i == 0:
loc["range"].append((values[i-1] + values[i]) / 2)
if i == len(values) - 1:
loc["range"].append((values[i] + values[i+1]) / 2)
if roundToInt:
loc["range"] = [round(r) for r in loc["range"]]
return loc
def main():
# TODO: Could refactor args to use click, since we are already using it
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('ds', type=pathlib.Path)
'--round', help="Round values to integers", action="store_true")
'--ranges', help="Define locations with ranges", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
output = str(args.ds).replace(".designspace", ".stylespace")
ds = dsLib.DesignSpaceDocument()
axes = {}
for a in ds.axes:
a = a.serialize()
axes[a["name"]] = {
"name": a["name"],
"tag": a["tag"]
locations = {}
# For a single axis designspace we can use the defined instance's names to
# set a location name
if len(axes) == 1:
axisName = list(axes.keys())[0]
axis = [a for a in ds.axes if a.serialize()["name"] == axisName][0]
vals = [get_axis_value(axis, i.location[axisName])
for i in ds.instances]
locs = []
for i in ds.instances:
for k, v in i.location.items():
loc = get_location(ds, k, v, args.round, args.ranges, vals,
axes[axisName]["locations"] = locs
# For designspaces with several axes the instance style names yield no
# reliable location name, so mark all locations with names to be manually
# overwritten
for i in ds.instances:
for k, v in i.location.items():
if k not in locations:
locations[k] = []
for k, v in locations.items():
vals = sorted(list(set(v)))
locs = []
# Make vals a list of unique, user space values
for val in vals:
loc = get_location(ds, k, val, args.round, args.ranges, vals)
axes[k]["locations"] = locs
with open(output, "wb") as doc:
plistlib.dump({"axes": list(axes.values())}, doc)"Stylespace template '%s' created" % output)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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