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Created September 18, 2013 15:53
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the lemon ssh cilent is a program
the lemon ssh client alias is ssh
to display ssh:
if there are active connections:
display list of connections
to display list of connections:
gui window
add item or each active connection
for each connection
add item
to add item:
text box
program name:
part of the xscreensaver suite:
part of xscreensaver
2003 Kevin Ogden <>
2006 Sergio Gutiérrez "Sergut" <>
2008 Andrew Galante <>
copyright notice:
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
* the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
* documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
* software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
* implied warranty.
supporting documentation:
program itself
* 2003 Kevin Odgen First version
* 2006 Sergio Gutiérrez "Sergut" Made several parameters dynamic and selectable from the command line: size of the board,rotation speed and number of free squares; also added the "sticks" mode.:
note: do we really need a sticks mode?
* 2008 Andrew Galante Added -textured option: textures the board with
* 2013 program developed consciousness and joined the lemon federation
DEF_SPIN: "0.1"
Default angular velocity: PI/10 rads/s
so what units is it in?
DEF_TILE_THICK 4 /* Thickness for the tiles mode (over 100) */
DEF_TILE_RATIO 95 /* Ratio of tiles/total squares (over 100) */
board_x_size, board_y_size, board_avg_size;
numsquares, freesquares;
/* array specifying which squares are where (to avoid collisions) */
/* -1 means empty otherwise integer represents square index 0 - n-1 */
/* occupied[x*board_y_size+y] is the tile [x][y] (i.e. that starts at column x and row y)*/
int *occupied; /* size: size_x * size_y */
/* an array of xpositions of the squares */
int *xpos; /* size: numsquares */
/* array of y positions of the squares */
int *ypos; /* size: numsquares */
/* integer representing the direction of movement of a square */
int *direction; /* 0 not, 1 x+, 2 y+, 3 x-, 4 y-*/ /* size: numsquares */
/* angle of moving square (during a flip) */
float *angle; /* size: numsquares */
/* array of colors for a square (RGB) */
/* eg. color[ 3*3 + 0 ] is the red component of square 3 */
/* eg. color[ 4*3 + 1 ] is the green component of square 4 */
/* eg. color[ 5*3 + 2 ] is the blue component of square 5 */
/* ^-- n is the number of square */
float *color; /* size: numsquares * 3 */
/* array of texcoords for each square */
/* tex[ n*4 + 0 ] is x texture coordinate of square n's left side */
/* tex[ n*4 + 1 ] is y texture coordinate of square n's top side */
/* tex[ n*4 + 2 ] is x texture coordinate of square n's right side */
/* tex[ n*4 + 3 ] is y texture coordinate of square n's bottom side */
float flipspeed; /* amount of flip; 1 is a entire flip */
float energy; /* likelyhood that a square will attempt to move */
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