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declare module 'prosemirror/dist/collab' {
import { rebaseSteps } from 'prosemirror/dist/collab/rebase';
export { rebaseSteps };
const collabEditing: any;
export { collabEditing };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/collab/rebase' {
import { Remapping, Transform } from 'prosemirror/dist/transform';
function rebaseSteps(doc: any, forward: any, steps: any, maps: any): {
doc: any;
transform: any;
mapping: Remapping;
positions: any[];
export { rebaseSteps };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/edit/capturekeys' {
const captureKeys: any;
export { captureKeys };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/edit/char' {
function isWordChar(ch: any): boolean;
export { isWordChar };
function charCategory(ch: any): string;
export { charCategory };
function isExtendingChar(ch: any): boolean;
export { isExtendingChar };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/edit/commands' {
namespace commands {
function chainCommands(...commands: any[]): (pm: any, apply?: boolean) => boolean;
function deleteSelection(pm: any, apply?: any): boolean;
function joinBackward(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
function joinForward(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
function deleteCharBefore(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
function deleteWordBefore(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
function deleteCharAfter(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
function deleteWordAfter(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
function joinUp(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
function joinDown(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
function lift(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
function newlineInCode(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
function createParagraphNear(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
function liftEmptyBlock(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
function splitBlock(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
function selectParentNode(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
function undo(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
function redo(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
function wrapIn(nodeType: any, attrs?: any): (pm: any, apply?: boolean) => boolean;
function setBlockType(nodeType: any, attrs?: any): (pm: any, apply?: boolean) => boolean;
// List related
function wrapInList(nodeType: any, attrs?: any): (pm: any, apply?: boolean) => boolean;
function splitListItem(nodeType: any): (pm: any) => boolean;
function liftListItem(nodeType: any): (pm: any, apply?: boolean) => boolean;
function sinkListItem(nodeType: any): (pm: any, apply?: boolean) => boolean;
function toggleMark(markType: any, attrs?: any): (pm: any, apply?: boolean) => boolean;
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/edit/css' {
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/edit/domchange' {
function readInputChange(pm: any): boolean;
export { readInputChange };
function readCompositionChange(pm: any, margin: any): boolean;
export { readCompositionChange };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/edit/dompos' {
function posFromDOM(dom: any, domOffset: any, bias?: number): any;
export { posFromDOM };
function childContainer(dom: any): any;
export { childContainer };
function DOMFromPos(pm: any, pos: any, loose?: any): {
node: any;
offset: any;
export { DOMFromPos };
function DOMFromPosFromEnd(pm: any, pos: any): {
node: any;
offset: any;
export { DOMFromPosFromEnd };
function DOMAfterPos(pm: any, pos: any): any;
export { DOMAfterPos };
function scrollIntoView(pm: any, pos: any): void;
export { scrollIntoView };
function posAtCoords(pm: any, coords: any): any;
export { posAtCoords };
function coordsAtPos(pm: any, pos: any): {
top: any;
bottom: any;
left: any;
right: any;
export { coordsAtPos };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/edit/draw' {
const DIRTY_RESCAN: number, DIRTY_REDRAW: number;
export { DIRTY_RESCAN };
export { DIRTY_REDRAW };
function draw(pm: any, doc: any): void;
export { draw };
function redraw(pm: any, dirty: any, doc: any, prev: any): void;
export { redraw };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/history' {
class History {
constructor(pm: any);
recordTransform(transform: any, selection: any, options: any): void;
undo(): boolean;
redo(): boolean;
shift(from: any, to: any): boolean;
applyIgnoring(transform: any, selection: any): void;
getVersion(): any;
isAtVersion(version: any): boolean;
backToVersion(version: any): boolean;
rebased(newMaps: any, rebasedTransform: any, positions: any): void;
undoDepth: any;
redoDepth: any;
export { History };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/edit/input' {
class Input {
constructor(pm: any);
dispatchKey(name: any, e: any): boolean;
insertText(from: any, to: any, text: any, findSelection: any): void;
startComposition(dataLen: any, realStart: any): void;
applyComposition(andFlush: any): void;
composing: any;
export { Input };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/edit/keymap' {
const baseKeymap: any;
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/edit' {
export { ProseMirror } from 'prosemirror/dist/edit/main';
export { Selection, TextSelection, NodeSelection } from 'prosemirror/dist/edit/selection';
export { MarkedRange } from 'prosemirror/dist/edit/range';
export { baseKeymap } from 'prosemirror/dist/edit/keymap';
export { Plugin } from 'prosemirror/dist/edit/plugin';
export { commands } from 'prosemirror/dist/edit/commands';
export const Keymap: any;
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/edit/main' {
import { MarkedRange } from 'prosemirror/dist/edit/range';
import { EditorTransform } from 'prosemirror/dist/edit/transform';
import { UpdateScheduler } from 'prosemirror/dist/edit/update';
import { Schema, MarkType } from 'prosemirror/dist/model/schema';
import { Mark } from 'prosemirror/dist/model/mark';
class ProseMirror {
constructor(opts: any);
schema: Schema;
options: any;
doc: any;
content: any;
wrapper: any;
on: any;
plugin: any;
cached: any;
operation: any;
dirtyNodes: any;
flushScheduled: any;
centralScheduler: any;
sel: any;
accurateSelection: boolean;
input: any;
getOption(name: any): any;
setTextSelection(anchor: any, head?: any): void;
setNodeSelection(pos: any): void;
setSelection(selection: Selection): void;
setDocInner(doc: any): void;
setDoc(doc: any, sel?: Selection): void;
updateDoc(doc: any, mapping: any, selection: Selection): void;
apply(transform: any, options?: {}): any;
ensureOperation(options?: any): any;
startOperation(options?: any): any;
unscheduleFlush(): void;
flush(): boolean;
addKeymap(map: any, priority?: number): void;
removeKeymap(map: any): boolean;
markRange(from: number, to: number, options?: any): MarkedRange;
removeRange(range: MarkedRange): void;
activeMarks(): Mark[];
addActiveMark(mark: Mark): void;
removeActiveMark(markType: MarkType): void;
focus(): void;
hasFocus(): boolean;
posAtCoords(coords: any): any;
contextAtCoords(coords: any): {
pos: any;
inside: any[];
coordsAtPos(pos: any): {
top: any;
bottom: any;
left: any;
right: any;
scrollIntoView(pos?: any): void;
markRangeDirty(from: any, to: any, doc?: any): void;
markAllDirty(): void;
translate(string: any): any;
scheduleDOMUpdate(f: any): void;
unscheduleDOMUpdate(f: any): void;
updateScheduler(subscriptions: any, start: any): UpdateScheduler;
selection: any;
tr: EditorTransform;
export { ProseMirror };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/edit/options' {
function parseOptions(obj: any): any;
export { parseOptions };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/edit/plugin' {
class Plugin {
constructor(State: any, options?: any, prop?: any);
get(pm: any): any;
attach(pm: any): any;
detach(pm: any): void;
ensure(pm: any): any;
config(options: any): Plugin;
export { Plugin };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/edit/range' {
class MarkedRange {
constructor(from: any, to: any, options?: any);
remove(): void;
export { MarkedRange };
class RangeTracker {
constructor(sorted: any);
advanceTo(pos: any): void;
nextChangeBefore(pos: any): any;
class RangeStore {
constructor(pm: any);
addRange(range: MarkedRange): void;
removeRange(range: MarkedRange): void;
transform(mapping: any): void;
activeRangeTracker(): RangeTracker;
export { RangeStore };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/edit/selection' {
class SelectionState {
constructor(pm: any, range: any);
setAndSignal(range: Selection, clearLast: boolean): void;
set(range: Selection, clearLast: boolean): void;
poller(): void;
startPolling(): void;
fastPoll(): void;
stopPolling(): void;
domChanged(): boolean;
storeDOMState(): void;
readFromDOM(): boolean;
toDOM(takeFocus: boolean): void;
nodeToDOM(): void;
rangeToDOM(): void;
clearNode(): boolean;
receivedFocus(): void;
export { SelectionState };
import {
} from 'prosemirror/dist/model/resolvedpos';
export interface Selection {
$from: ResolvedPos,
$to: ResolvedPos,
from: number;
to: number;
empty: boolean;
export interface TextSelection {}
export interface NodeSelection {}
function hasFocus(pm: any): boolean;
export { hasFocus };
function findSelectionFrom($pos: any, dir: any, text: any): Selection;
export { findSelectionFrom };
function findSelectionNear($pos: any): Selection;
export { findSelectionNear };
function findSelectionAtStart(doc: any, text: any): Selection;
export { findSelectionAtStart };
function findSelectionAtEnd(doc: any, text: any): Selection;
export { findSelectionAtEnd };
function verticalMotionLeavesTextblock(pm: any, $pos: any, dir: any): boolean;
export { verticalMotionLeavesTextblock };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/edit/transform' {
import { Transform } from 'prosemirror/dist/transform';
import { Selection } from 'prosemirror/dist/edit/selection';
class EditorTransform extends Transform {
constructor(pm: any);
apply(options?: any): any;
applyAndScroll(): any;
setSelection(selection: Selection): this;
replaceSelection(node?: any, inheritMarks?: any): this;
deleteSelection(): any;
typeText(text: any): this;
selection: Selection;
export { EditorTransform };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/edit/update' {
class EditorScheduler {
constructor(pm: any);
set(f: any): void;
unset(f: any): void;
force(): void;
onFlush(): void;
export { EditorScheduler };
class UpdateScheduler {
constructor(pm: any, subscriptions: any, start: any);
detach(): void;
onEvent(): void;
force(): void;
export { UpdateScheduler };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/example-setup' {
import { Schema } from 'prosemirror/dist/model/schema';
import { InputRule } from 'prosemirror/dist/inputrules/inputrules';
import { buildMenuItems } from 'prosemirror/dist/example-setup/menu';
export { buildMenuItems };
import { buildKeymap } from 'prosemirror/dist/example-setup/keymap';
export { buildKeymap };
export var exampleSetup: any;
function buildInputRules(schema: Schema): InputRule[];
export { buildInputRules };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/example-setup/keymap' {
import { Schema } from 'prosemirror/dist/model/schema';
function buildKeymap(schema: Schema, mapKeys?: any): any;
export { buildKeymap };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/example-setup/menu' {
import { Schema } from 'prosemirror/dist/model/schema';
function buildMenuItems(schema: Schema): any; // or should it return {} ?
export { buildMenuItems };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/example-setup/style' {
const cls: string;
export { cls as className };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/inputrules' {
export { InputRule, inputRules, InputRules } from 'prosemirror/dist/inputrules/inputrules';
export { emDash, ellipsis, openDoubleQuote, closeDoubleQuote, openSingleQuote, closeSingleQuote, smartQuotes, allInputRules } from 'prosemirror/dist/inputrules/rules';
export { wrappingInputRule, textblockTypeInputRule, blockQuoteRule, orderedListRule, bulletListRule, codeBlockRule, headingRule } from 'prosemirror/dist/inputrules/util';
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/inputrules/inputrules' {
class InputRule {
constructor(match: any, filter?: any, handler?: any);
export { InputRule };
class InputRules {
constructor(pm: any, options: any);
detach(): void;
addRule(rule: InputRule): void;
removeRule(rule: InputRule): boolean;
onTextInput(text: any): void;
backspace(): boolean;
export { InputRules };
const inputRules: any;
export { inputRules };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/inputrules/rules' {
import { InputRule } from 'prosemirror/dist/inputrules/inputrules';
const emDash: InputRule;
export { emDash };
const ellipsis: InputRule;
export { ellipsis };
const openDoubleQuote: InputRule;
export { openDoubleQuote };
const closeDoubleQuote: InputRule;
export { closeDoubleQuote };
const openSingleQuote: InputRule;
export { openSingleQuote };
const closeSingleQuote: InputRule;
export { closeSingleQuote };
const smartQuotes: InputRule[];
export { smartQuotes };
const allInputRules: InputRule[];
export { allInputRules };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/inputrules/util' {
import { InputRule } from 'prosemirror/dist/inputrules/inputrules';
function wrappingInputRule(regexp: any, filter: any, nodeType: any, getAttrs?: any, joinPredicate?: any): InputRule;
export { wrappingInputRule };
function textblockTypeInputRule(regexp: any, filter: any, nodeType: any, getAttrs?: any): InputRule;
export { textblockTypeInputRule };
function blockQuoteRule(nodeType: any): InputRule;
export { blockQuoteRule };
function orderedListRule(nodeType: any): InputRule;
export { orderedListRule };
function bulletListRule(nodeType: any): InputRule;
export { bulletListRule };
function codeBlockRule(nodeType: any): InputRule;
export { codeBlockRule };
function headingRule(nodeType: any, maxLevel: any): InputRule;
export { headingRule };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/markdown' {
export { defaultMarkdownParser, MarkdownParser } from 'prosemirror/dist/markdown/from_markdown';
export { MarkdownSerializer, defaultMarkdownSerializer, MarkdownSerializerState } from 'prosemirror/dist/markdown/to_markdown';
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/markdown/from_markdown' {
class MarkdownParser {
constructor(schema: any, tokenizer: any, tokens: any);
parse(text: any): any;
export { MarkdownParser };
const defaultMarkdownParser: MarkdownParser;
export { defaultMarkdownParser };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/markdown/to_markdown' {
class MarkdownSerializer {
constructor(nodes: any, marks: any);
serialize(content: any, options?: any): string;
export { MarkdownSerializer };
const defaultMarkdownSerializer: MarkdownSerializer;
export { defaultMarkdownSerializer };
class MarkdownSerializerState {
constructor(nodes: any, marks: any, options: any);
flushClose(size: any): void;
wrapBlock(delim: any, firstDelim: any, node: any, f: any): void;
atBlank(): boolean;
ensureNewLine(): void;
write(content?: any): void;
closeBlock(node: any): void;
text(text: any, escape?: boolean): void;
render(node: any): void;
renderContent(parent: any): void;
renderInline(parent: any): void;
renderList(node: any, delim: any, firstDelim: any): void;
esc(str: string, startOfLine?: boolean): string;
quote(str: string): string;
repeat(str: string, n: number): string;
markString(mark: any, open: any): string;
export { MarkdownSerializerState };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/menu' {
export { MenuItem, Dropdown, DropdownSubmenu, renderGrouped, icons, joinUpItem, liftItem, selectParentNodeItem, undoItem, redoItem, toggleMarkItem, insertItem, wrapItem, blockTypeItem, wrapListItem } from 'prosemirror/dist/menu/menu';
export { menuBar } from 'prosemirror/dist/menu/menubar';
export { tooltipMenu } from 'prosemirror/dist/menu/tooltipmenu';
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/menu/icons' {
function getIcon(icon: any): HTMLDivElement;
export { getIcon };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/menu/menu' {
class MenuItem {
constructor(spec: any);
render(pm: any): any;
export { MenuItem };
class Dropdown {
constructor(content: any, options?: any);
render(pm: any): HTMLAnchorElement;
expand(pm: any, dom: any, items: any): () => boolean;
export { Dropdown };
class DropdownSubmenu {
constructor(content: any, options?: any);
render(pm: any): HTMLAnchorElement;
export { DropdownSubmenu };
function renderGrouped(pm: any, content: any): DocumentFragment;
export { renderGrouped };
const icons: {
join: {
width: number;
height: number;
path: string;
lift: {
width: number;
height: number;
path: string;
selectParentNode: {
text: string;
css: string;
undo: {
width: number;
height: number;
path: string;
redo: {
width: number;
height: number;
path: string;
strong: {
width: number;
height: number;
path: string;
em: {
width: number;
height: number;
path: string;
code: {
width: number;
height: number;
path: string;
link: {
width: number;
height: number;
path: string;
bulletList: {
width: number;
height: number;
path: string;
orderedList: {
width: number;
height: number;
path: string;
blockquote: {
width: number;
height: number;
path: string;
export { icons };
const joinUpItem: MenuItem;
export { joinUpItem };
const liftItem: MenuItem;
export { liftItem };
const selectParentNodeItem: MenuItem;
export { selectParentNodeItem };
const undoItem: MenuItem;
export { undoItem };
const redoItem: MenuItem;
export { redoItem };
function toggleMarkItem(markType: any, options: any): MenuItem;
export { toggleMarkItem };
function insertItem(nodeType: any, options: any): MenuItem;
export { insertItem };
function wrapItem(nodeType: any, options: any): MenuItem;
export { wrapItem };
function blockTypeItem(nodeType: any, options: any): MenuItem;
export { blockTypeItem };
function wrapListItem(nodeType: any, options: any): MenuItem;
export { wrapListItem };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/menu/menubar' {
const menuBar: any;
export { menuBar };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/menu/tooltipmenu' {
const tooltipMenu: any;
export { tooltipMenu };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/model' {
export { Node } from 'prosemirror/dist/model/node';
export { ResolvedPos, NodeRange } from 'prosemirror/dist/model/resolvedpos';
export { Fragment } from 'prosemirror/dist/model/fragment';
export { Slice, ReplaceError } from 'prosemirror/dist/model/replace';
export { Mark } from 'prosemirror/dist/model/mark';
export { SchemaSpec, Schema, NodeType, Block, Inline, Text, MarkType, Attribute, NodeKind } from 'prosemirror/dist/model/schema';
export { ContentMatch } from 'prosemirror/dist/model/content';
export { parseDOMInContext } from 'prosemirror/dist/model/from_dom';
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/model/content' {
class ContentExpr {
constuctor(nodeType: any, elements: any, inlineContent: any);
start(attrs: any): ContentMatch;
matches(attrs: any, fragment: any, from: any, to: any): boolean;
getMatchAt(attrs: any, fragment: any): ContentMatch;
checkReplace(attrs: any, content: any, from: any, to: any): boolean;
checkReplaceWith(attrs: any, content: any, from: any, to: any, type: any, typeAttrs: any, marks: any): boolean;
compatible(other): boolean;
generateContent(attrs: any): any;
isLeaf: boolean;
parse(nodeType, expr, specs): ContentExpr;
export { ContentExpr };
class ContentMatch {
constructor(expr: any, attrs: any, index: any, count: any);
move(index: any, count: any): ContentMatch;
resolveValue(value): any;
matchNode(node: any): ContentMatch;
matchType(type: any, attrs: any, marks?: any[]): void;
matchFragment(fragment, from?: number, to?: number): any;
matchToEnd(fragment, start, end): boolean;
validEnd(): boolean;
fillBefore(after: any, toEnd: boolean, startIndex?: number): any;
possibleContent(): any[];
allowsMark(markType: any): boolean;
findWrapping(target: any, targetAttrs?: any): any;
element: any;
nextElement: any;
export { ContentMatch };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/model/diff' {
function findDiffStart(a: any, b: any, pos: any): any;
export { findDiffStart };
function findDiffEnd(a: any, b: any, posA: any, posB: any): any;
export { findDiffEnd };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/model/fragment' {
class Fragment {
constructor(content: any, size: any);
toString(): string;
toStringInner(): any;
nodesBetween(from: any, to: any, f: any, nodeStart: any, parent: any): void;
textBetween(from: any, to: any, separator: any): string;
cut(from: any, to?: any): Fragment;
cutByIndex(from: any, to: any): Fragment;
append(other: Fragment): Fragment;
replaceChild(index: any, node: any): Fragment;
addToStart(node: any): Fragment;
addToEnd(node: any): Fragment;
toJSON(): any;
eq(other: any): boolean;
child(index: any): any;
maybeChild(index: any): any;
forEach(f: any): void;
findDiffStart(other: any, pos?: number): any;
findDiffEnd(other: any, pos?: any, otherPos?: any): any;
findIndex(pos: any, round?: number): {
index: number;
offset: number;
toDOM(options?: {}): any;
firstChild: any;
lastChild: any;
childCount: any;
static fromJSON(schema: any, value: any): any;
static fromArray(array: any): any;
static from(nodes: any): any;
export { Fragment };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/model/from_dom' {
function parseDOM(schema: any, dom: any, options: any): any;
export { parseDOM };
function parseDOMInContext($context: any, dom: any, options?: {}): any;
export { parseDOMInContext };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/model/mark' {
import { MarkType } from 'prosemirror/dist/model/schema';
class Mark {
type: MarkType;
attrs: any;
constructor(type: any, attrs: any);
toJSON(): {
_: any;
addToSet(set: [Mark]): [Mark];
removeFromSet(set: [Mark]): [Mark];
isInSet(set: [Mark]): boolean;
eq(other: Mark): boolean;
static sameSet(a: [Mark], b: [Mark]): boolean;
static setFrom(marks: any): [Mark];
export { Mark };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/model/node' {
import { ResolvedPos } from 'prosemirror/dist/model/resolvedpos';
import { Mark } from 'prosemirror/dist/model/mark';
class Node {
type: any;
content: any;
attrs: any;
marks: any;
constructor(type: any, attrs: any, content: any, marks: any);
child(index: any): Node;
maybeChild(index: any): any;
forEach(f: any): void;
textBetween(from: any, to: any, separator?: any): string;
eq(other: any): boolean;
sameMarkup(other: any): boolean;
hasMarkup(type: any, attrs?: any, marks?: any): boolean;
copy(content?: any): any;
mark(marks: any): any;
cut(from: any, to?: any): any;
slice(from: any, to?: any): any;
replace(from: any, to: any, slice: any): any;
nodeAt(pos: any): this;
childAfter(pos: any): {
node: any;
index: any;
offset: any;
childBefore(pos: any): {
node: any;
index: any;
offset: any;
nodesBetween(from?: any, to?: any, f?: any, pos?: number): void;
descendants(f: any): void;
resolve(pos: any): ResolvedPos;
resolveNoCache(pos: any): ResolvedPos;
marksAt(pos: any): [Mark];
rangeHasMark(from?: any, to?: any, type?: any): boolean;
toString(): string;
contentMatchAt(index: any): any;
canReplace(from: any, to: any, replacement?: any, start?: any, end?: any): any;
canReplaceWith(from: any, to: any, type: any, attrs: any, marks?: any): any;
canAppend(other: any): boolean;
defaultContentType(at: any): any;
toJSON(): {
type: any;
toDOM(options?: {}): any;
nodeSize: any;
childCount: any;
textContent: string;
firstChild: any;
lastChild: any;
isBlock: boolean;
isTextblock: boolean;
isInline: boolean;
isText: boolean;
static fromJSON(schema: any, json: any): any;
export { Node };
class TextNode extends Node {
constructor(type: any, attrs: any, content: any, marks: any);
toString(): any;
textBetween(from: any, to: any): string;
mark(marks: any): TextNode;
cut(from?: number, to?: any): any;
eq(other: any): boolean;
toJSON(): {
type: any;
textContent: any;
nodeSize: any;
export { TextNode };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/model/replace' {
export const { ReplaceError }: any;
export class Slice {
constructor(content: any, openLeft: number, openRight: number, possibleParent: any)
content: any;
openLeft: number;
openRight: number;
possibleParent: any;
insertAt(pos: any, fragment: any): boolean;
removeBetween(from: any, to: any): Slice;
toString(): string;
toJSON(): any;
size: any;
static fromJSON(schema: any, json: any): any;
function replace($from, $to, slice): any;
export { replace }
// ^^^ reviewed ^^^
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/model/resolvedpos' {
class ResolvedPos {
constructor(pos: any, path: any, parentOffset: any);
depth: number;
pos: number;
parentOffset: number;
resolveDepth(val: any): any;
parent: any;
node(depth: any): any;
index(depth: any): any;
indexAfter(depth: any): any;
start(depth: any): any;
end(depth: any): any;
before(depth: any): any;
after(depth: any): any;
atNodeBoundary: boolean;
nodeAfter: any;
nodeBefore: any;
sameDepth(other: any): number;
blockRange(other: this, pred: any): any;
sameParent(other: any): boolean;
toString(): string;
plusOne(): ResolvedPos;
static resolve(doc: any, pos: any): ResolvedPos;
static resolveCached(doc: any, pos: any): any;
export { ResolvedPos };
class NodeRange {
constructor($from: any, $to: any, depth: any);
start: any;
end: any;
parent: any;
startIndex: any;
endIndex: any;
export { NodeRange };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/model/schema' {
import { Node, TextNode } from 'prosemirror/dist/model/node';
class NodeType {
constructor(name: any, schema: any);
isBlock: boolean;
isTextblock: boolean;
isInline: boolean;
isText: boolean;
isLeaf: any;
selectable: boolean;
draggable: boolean;
hasRequiredAttrs(ignore: any): boolean;
compatibleContent(other: any): any;
computeAttrs(attrs: any): any;
create(attrs: any, content: any, marks: any): Node;
createChecked(attrs: any, content: any, marks: any): Node;
createAndFill(attrs: any, content: any, marks: any): Node;
validContent(content: any, attrs: any): any;
static compile(nodes: any, schema: any): any;
toDOM(_: any): void;
matchDOMTag: any;
export { NodeType };
class Block extends NodeType {
isBlock: boolean;
isTextblock: any;
export { Block };
class Inline extends NodeType {
isInline: boolean;
export { Inline };
class Text extends Inline {
selectable: boolean;
isText: boolean;
create(attrs: any, content: any, marks: any): TextNode;
toDOM(node: any): any;
export { Text };
class Attribute {
constructor(options?: {});
isRequired: boolean;
export { Attribute };
class MarkType {
constructor(name: any, rank: any, schema: any);
name: string;
schema: Schema;
inclusiveRight: boolean;
create(attrs: any): any;
static compile(marks: any, schema: any): any;
removeFromSet(set: any): any;
isInSet(set: any): any;
toDOM(_: any): void;
matchDOMTag: any;
matchDOMStyle: any;
export { MarkType };
class Schema {
constructor(spec: any, data: any);
marks: any;
nodes: any;
nodeSpec: any;
node(type: any, attrs: any, content: any, marks: any): any;
text(text: any, marks: any): any;
mark(name: any, attrs?: any): any;
nodeFromJSON(json: any): any;
markFromJSON(json: any): any;
nodeType(name: any): any;
parseDOM(dom: any, options?: {}): any;
export { Schema };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/model/to_dom' {
function fragmentToDOM(fragment: any, options: any): any;
export { fragmentToDOM };
function nodeToDOM(node: any, options: any): any;
export { nodeToDOM };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/edit/commands-table' {
function addColumnBefore(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
export { addColumnBefore };
function addColumnAfter(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
export { addColumnAfter };
function removeColumn(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
export { removeColumn };
function addRowBefore(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
export { addRowBefore };
function addRowAfter(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
export { addRowAfter };
function removeRow(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
export { removeRow };
function selectNextCell(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
export { selectNextCell };
function selectPreviousCell(pm: any, apply?: boolean): boolean;
export { selectPreviousCell };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/prompt' {
class FieldPrompt {
constructor(pm: any, title: any, fields: any);
close(): void;
open(callback: any): void;
values(): any;
prompt(): {
close: () => void;
reportInvalid(dom: any, message: any): void;
export { FieldPrompt };
class Field {
constructor(options: any);
read(dom: any): any;
validateType(_value: any): void;
validate(value: any): any;
clean(value: any): any;
export { Field };
class TextField extends Field {
render(pm: any): HTMLAnchorElement;
export { TextField };
class SelectField extends Field {
render(pm: any): HTMLAnchorElement;
export { SelectField };
function openPrompt(pm: any, content: any, options: any): {
close: () => void;
export { openPrompt };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/schema-basic' {
import { Block, Inline, Text, Attribute, MarkType } from 'prosemirror/dist/model';
export { Text };
class Doc extends Block {
export { Doc };
class BlockQuote extends Block {
matchDOMTag: {
'blockquote': any;
toDOM(): (string | number)[];
export { BlockQuote };
class OrderedList extends Block {
attrs: {
order: Attribute;
matchDOMTag: {
'ol': (dom: any) => {
order: number;
toDOM(node: any): (string | {
start: any;
} | number)[];
export { OrderedList };
class BulletList extends Block {
matchDOMTag: {
'ul': any;
toDOM(): (string | number)[];
export { BulletList };
class ListItem extends Block {
matchDOMTag: {
'li': any;
toDOM(): (string | number)[];
export { ListItem };
class HorizontalRule extends Block {
matchDOMTag: {
'hr': any;
toDOM(): (string | string[])[];
export { HorizontalRule };
class Heading extends Block {
attrs: {
level: Attribute;
maxLevel: number;
matchDOMTag: {
'h1': {
level: number;
'h2': {
level: number;
'h3': {
level: number;
'h4': {
level: number;
'h5': {
level: number;
'h6': {
level: number;
toDOM(node: any): (string | number)[];
export { Heading };
class CodeBlock extends Block {
isCode: boolean;
matchDOMTag: {
'pre': {
preserveWhitespace: boolean;
toDOM(): (string | (string | number)[])[];
export { CodeBlock };
class Paragraph extends Block {
matchDOMTag: {
'p': any;
toDOM(): (string | number)[];
export { Paragraph };
class Image extends Inline {
attrs: {
src: Attribute;
alt: Attribute;
title: Attribute;
draggable: boolean;
matchDOMTag: {
'img[src]': (dom: any) => {
src: any;
title: any;
alt: any;
toDOM(node: any): any[];
export { Image };
class HardBreak extends Inline {
selectable: boolean;
isBR: boolean;
matchDOMTag: {
'br': any;
toDOM(): string[];
export { HardBreak };
class EmMark extends MarkType {
matchDOMTag: {
'i': any;
'em': any;
matchDOMStyle: {
'font-style': (value: any) => any;
toDOM(): string[];
export { EmMark };
class StrongMark extends MarkType {
matchDOMTag: {
'b': any;
'strong': any;
matchDOMStyle: {
'font-weight': (value: any) => any;
toDOM(): string[];
export { StrongMark };
class LinkMark extends MarkType {
attrs: {
href: Attribute;
title: Attribute;
matchDOMTag: {
'a[href]': (dom: any) => {
href: any;
title: any;
toDOM(node: any): any[];
export { LinkMark };
class CodeMark extends MarkType {
isCode: boolean;
matchDOMTag: {
'code': any;
toDOM(): string[];
export { CodeMark };
const schema: any;
export { schema };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/tooltip' {
class Tooltip {
constructor(wrapper: any, options: any);
detach(): void;
getSize(node: any): {
width: any;
height: any;
open(node: any, pos: any): void;
close(): void;
export { Tooltip };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/transform/transform' {
import { Node } from 'prosemirror/dist/model/node';
import { Mark } from 'prosemirror/dist/model/mark';
import { Slice } from 'prosemirror/dist/model/replace';
import { MarkType } from 'prosemirror/dist/model/schema';
export class Transform {
constructor(doc: Node)
addMark(from: number, to: number, mark: Mark|MarkType): this;
removeMark(from: number, to: number, mark?: Mark|MarkType): this;
delete(from: number, to: number): this;
replace(from: number, to: number, slice: Slice): this;
replaceWith(from: number, to: number, content: any): this;
insert(pos: number, content: any): this;
insertText(pos: number, text: string) : this;
insertInline(pos: number, node: Node) : this;
doc: Node;
export interface TransformError {}
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/transform/mark_step' {
export const { AddMarkStep, RemoveMarkStep }: any;
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/transform' {
export { Transform, TransformError } from 'prosemirror/dist/transform/transform';
export { Step, StepResult } from 'prosemirror/dist/transform/step';
export { joinPoint, joinable, canSplit, insertPoint, liftTarget, findWrapping } from 'prosemirror/dist/transform/structure';
export { PosMap, MapResult, Remapping, mapThrough, mapThroughResult } from 'prosemirror/dist/transform/map';
export { AddMarkStep, RemoveMarkStep } from 'prosemirror/dist/transform/mark_step';
export { ReplaceStep, ReplaceAroundStep } from 'prosemirror/dist/transform/replace_step';
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/transform/map' {
class MapResult {
constructor(pos: any, deleted?: boolean, recover?: any);
export { MapResult };
class PosMap {
constructor(ranges: any, inverted?: boolean);
recover(value: any): any;
mapResult(pos: any, bias: any): any;
map(pos: any, bias: any): any;
_map(pos: any, bias: any, simple: any): any;
touches(pos: any, recover: any): boolean;
invert(): PosMap;
toString(): string;
export { PosMap };
class Remapping {
constructor(head?: any[], tail?: any[]);
addToFront(map: any, corr: any): number;
addToBack(map: any, corr: any): number;
get(id: any): any;
mapResult(pos: any, bias: any): any;
map(pos: any, bias: any): any;
_map(pos: any, bias: any, simple: any): any;
toString(): string;
export { Remapping };
function mapThrough(mappables: any, pos: any, bias: any, start: any): any;
export { mapThrough };
function mapThroughResult(mappables: any, pos: any, bias: any, start: any): MapResult;
export { mapThroughResult };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/transform/mark' {
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/transform/replace_step' {
import { Step, StepResult } from 'prosemirror/dist/transform/step';
import { PosMap } from 'prosemirror/dist/transform/map';
class ReplaceStep extends Step {
constructor(from: any, to: any, slice: any, structure: any);
apply(doc: any): StepResult;
posMap(): PosMap;
invert(doc: any): any;
map(mapping: any): any;
static fromJSON(schema: any, json: any): any;
export { ReplaceStep };
class ReplaceAroundStep extends Step {
constructor(from: any, to: any, gapFrom: any, gapTo: any, slice: any, insert: any, structure: any);
apply(doc: any): StepResult;
posMap(): PosMap;
invert(doc: any): ReplaceAroundStep;
map(mapping: any): ReplaceAroundStep;
static fromJSON(schema: any, json: any): ReplaceAroundStep;
export { ReplaceAroundStep };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/transform/replace' {
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/transform/step' {
class Step {
apply(_doc: any): void;
posMap(): any;
invert(_doc: any): void;
map(_mapping: any): void;
toJSON(): {
stepType: any;
static fromJSON(schema: any, json: any): any;
static jsonID(id: any, stepClass: any): any;
export { Step };
class StepResult {
constructor(doc: any, failed: any);
static ok(doc: any): StepResult;
static fail(message: any): StepResult;
static fromReplace(doc: any, from: any, to: any, slice: any): StepResult;
export { StepResult };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/transform/structure' {
function liftTarget(range: any): any;
export { liftTarget };
function findWrapping(range: any, nodeType: any, attrs: any, innerRange?: any): any;
export { findWrapping };
function canSplit(doc: any, pos: any, depth: number, typeAfter: any, attrsAfter: any): any;
export { canSplit };
function joinable(doc: any, pos: any): any;
export { joinable };
function joinPoint(doc: any, pos: any, dir?: number): any;
export { joinPoint };
function insertPoint(doc: any, pos: any, nodeType: any, attrs: any): any;
export { insertPoint };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/util/browser' {
var _default: {
mac: boolean;
ie: boolean;
ie_version: any;
gecko: boolean;
ios: boolean;
export default _default;
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/util/comparedeep' {
function compareDeep(a: any, b: any): boolean;
export { compareDeep };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/util/dom' {
function elt(tag: any, attrs: any, ...args: any[]): HTMLAnchorElement;
export { elt };
function requestAnimationFrame(f: any): any;
export { requestAnimationFrame };
function cancelAnimationFrame(handle: any): any;
export { cancelAnimationFrame };
function contains(parent: any, child: any): any;
export { contains };
function insertCSS(css: any): void;
export { insertCSS };
function ensureCSSAdded(): void;
export { ensureCSSAdded };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/util/error' {
function ProseMirrorError(message: any): void;
export { ProseMirrorError };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/util/map' {
const Map: any;
export { Map };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/util/obj' {
function copyObj(obj: any, base: any): any;
export { copyObj };
declare module 'prosemirror/dist/util/orderedmap' {
class OrderedMap {
constructor(content: any);
find(key: any): number;
get(key: any): any;
update(key: any, value: any, newKey: any): OrderedMap;
remove(key: any): OrderedMap;
addToStart(key: any, value: any): OrderedMap;
addToEnd(key: any, value: any): OrderedMap;
addBefore(place: any, key: any, value: any): OrderedMap;
forEach(f: any): void;
prepend(map: any): OrderedMap;
append(map: any): OrderedMap;
subtract(map: any): this;
size: number;
static from(value: any): any;
export { OrderedMap };
/// <reference path="./prosemirror.d.ts"/>
import { Component, Input, OnInit, Inject, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
import { commands } from 'prosemirror/dist/edit/commands';
import { blockQuoteRule, orderedListRule, bulletListRule, codeBlockRule, headingRule,
inputRules,allInputRules } from 'prosemirror/dist/inputrules';
import { Keymap, baseKeymap } from 'prosemirror/dist/edit';
import { Schema } from 'prosemirror/dist/model';
import { defaultMarkdownParser } from 'prosemirror/dist/markdown';
import { toggleMarkItem, icons,
MenuItem, Dropdown, DropdownSubmenu,
wrapItem, blockTypeItem, joinUpItem, liftItem,
selectParentNodeItem} from 'prosemirror/dist/menu';
import { BaseModel } from '../model/base.model';
import { Plugin } from 'prosemirror/dist/edit';
// undefined :(
import { EditorState } from 'prosemirror-state';
// undefined :(
import { MenuBarEditorView } from 'prosemirror-menu';
class Field {
options: any;
constructor(options) { this.options = options }
read(dom) { return dom.value }
validateType(_value) {}
validate(value) {
if (!value && this.options.required)
return "Required field";
return this.validateType(value) || (this.options.validate && this.options.validate(value))
clean(value) {
return this.options.clean ? this.options.clean(value) : value;
class TextField extends Field {
render() {
let input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "text";
input.placeholder = this.options.label;
input.value = this.options.value || "";
input.autocomplete = "off";
return input;
selector: 'publish-wysiwyg',
template: ``
export class WysiwygComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() model: BaseModel;
@Input() name: string;
el: ElementRef;
view: MenuBarEditorView;
state: EditorState;
constructor(@Inject(ElementRef) elementRef: ElementRef) {
this.el = elementRef;
ngOnInit() {
if (this.model[]) {
this.state = EditorState.create({
doc: defaultMarkdownParser.parse(this.model[]),
plugins: this.buildMenuItemsPlugin(this.model[])
//plugins: exampleSetup({schema})
this.view = new MenuBarEditorView(this.el.nativeElement, {
state: this.state,
onAction: (action) => {
cmdItem(cmd, options) {
let passedOptions = {
label: options.title,
run: cmd,
select(state) {
return cmd(state)
for (let prop in options) passedOptions[prop] = options[prop]
return new MenuItem(passedOptions);
markActive(state, type) {
let {from, to, empty} = state.selection;
if (empty) return type.isInSet(state.storedMarks || state.doc.marksAt(from))
else return state.doc.rangeHasMark(from, to, type)
markItem(markType, options) {
let passedOptions = {
active: (state) => {
return this.markActive(state, markType)
for (let prop in options) passedOptions[prop] = options[prop]
return this.cmdItem(commands.toggleMark(markType), passedOptions)
wrapListItem(nodeType, options) {
return this.cmdItem(commands.wrapInList(nodeType, options.attrs), options)
linkItem(markType) {
return this.markItem(markType, {
title: "Add or remove link",
run: (state, onAction, view) => {
if (this.markActive(state, markType)) {
commands.toggleMark(markType)(state, onAction)
return true
title: "Create a link",
fields: {
href: new TextField({
label: "Link target",
required: true,
clean: (val) => {
if (!/^https?:\/\//i.test(val))
val = 'http://' + val
return val
title: new TextField({label: "Title"})
callback(attrs) {
commands.toggleMark(markType, attrs)(view.state, view.props.onAction)
canInsert(state, nodeType, attrs = undefined) {
let $from = state.selection.$from
for (let d = $from.depth; d >= 0; d--) {
let index = $from.index(d)
if ($from.node(d).canReplaceWith(index, index, nodeType, attrs)) return true
return false
insertImageItem(nodeType) {
return new MenuItem({
title: "Insert image",
label: "Image",
select: (state) => {return this.canInsert(state, nodeType)},
run(state, _, view) {
let {node, from, to} = state.selection, attrs = nodeType && node && node.type == nodeType && node.attrs
title: "Insert image",
fields: {
src: new TextField({label: "Location", required: true, value: attrs && attrs.src}),
title: new TextField({label: "Title", value: attrs && attrs.title}),
alt: new TextField({
label: "Description",
value: attrs ? attrs.title : state.doc.textBetween(from, to, " ")
// FIXME this (and similar uses) won't have the current state
// when it runs, leading to problems in, for example, a
// collaborative setup
callback(attrs) {
openPrompt(options) {
const prefix = "ProseMirror-prompt";
let wrapper = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
wrapper['className'] = prefix;
let mouseOutside = e => {
if (!wrapper.contains( close()
setTimeout(() => window.addEventListener("mousedown", mouseOutside), 50);
let close = () => {
window.removeEventListener("mousedown", mouseOutside)
if (wrapper.parentNode) wrapper.parentNode.removeChild(wrapper)
let domFields = [];
for (let name in options.fields) domFields.push(options.fields[name].render())
let submitButton = document.createElement("button");
submitButton.type = "submit";
submitButton.className = prefix + "-submit";
submitButton.textContent = "OK";
let cancelButton = document.createElement("button");
cancelButton.type = "button";
cancelButton.className = prefix + "-cancel";
cancelButton.textContent = "Cancel";
cancelButton.addEventListener("click", close);
let form = wrapper.appendChild(document.createElement("form"));
if (options.title) form.appendChild(document.createElement("h5")).textContent = options.title;
domFields.forEach(field => {
let buttons = form.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
buttons['className'] = prefix + "-buttons";
buttons.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
let box = wrapper['getBoundingClientRect']();
wrapper['style']['top'] = ((window.innerHeight - box.height) / 2) + "px";
wrapper['style']['left'] = ((window.innerWidth - box.width) / 2) + "px";
let submit = () => {
let params = this.getValues(options.fields, domFields);
if (params) {
form.addEventListener("submit", e => {
form.addEventListener("keydown", e => {
if (e['keyCode'] == 27) {
} else if (e['keyCode'] == 13 && !(e['ctrlKey'] || e['metaKey'] || e['shiftKey'])) {
} else if (e['keyCode'] == 9) {
window.setTimeout(() => {
if (!wrapper.contains(document.activeElement)) close()
}, 500)
let input = form['elements'][0]
if (input) input.focus()
getValues(fields, domFields) {
let result = Object.create(null), i = 0
for (let name in fields) {
let field = fields[name], dom = domFields[i++]
let value =, bad = field.validate(value)
if (bad) {
this.reportInvalid(dom, bad)
return null
result[name] = field.clean(value)
return result
reportInvalid(dom, message) {
// FIXME this is awful and needs a lot more work
let parent = dom.parentNode
let msg = parent.appendChild(document.createElement("div")) = (dom.offsetLeft + dom.offsetWidth + 2) + "px" = (dom.offsetTop - 5) + "px"
msg.className = "ProseMirror-invalid"
msg.textContent = message
setTimeout(() => parent.removeChild(msg), 1500)
buildKeymap(schema, mapKeys = undefined) {
const mac = typeof navigator != "undefined" ? /Mac/.test(navigator.platform) : false;
let keys = {}, type
function bind(key, cmd) {
if (mapKeys) {
let mapped = mapKeys[key]
if (mapped === false) return
if (mapped) key = mapped
keys[key] = cmd
if (type = schema.marks.strong)
bind("Mod-b", commands.toggleMark(type))
if (type = schema.marks.em)
bind("Mod-i", commands.toggleMark(type))
if (type = schema.marks.code)
bind("Mod-`", commands.toggleMark(type))
if (type = schema.nodes.bullet_list)
bind("Shift-Ctrl-8", commands.wrapInList(type))
if (type = schema.nodes.ordered_list)
bind("Shift-Ctrl-9", commands.wrapInList(type))
if (type = schema.nodes.blockquote)
bind("Ctrl->", commands.wrapIn(type))
if (type = schema.nodes.hard_break) {
let br = type, cmd = commands.chainCommands(newlineInCode, (state, onAction) => {
return true
bind("Mod-Enter", cmd)
bind("Shift-Enter", cmd)
if (mac) bind("Ctrl-Enter", cmd)
if (type = schema.nodes.list_item) {
bind("Enter", commands.splitListItem(type))
bind("Mod-[", commands.liftListItem(type))
bind("Mod-]", commands.sinkListItem(type))
if (type = schema.nodes.paragraph)
bind("Shift-Ctrl-0", commands.setBlockType(type))
if (type = schema.nodes.code_block)
bind("Shift-Ctrl-\\", commands.setBlockType(type))
if (type = schema.nodes.heading)
for (let i = 1; i <= 6; i++) bind("Shift-Ctrl-" + i, commands.setBlockType(type, {level: i}))
if (type = schema.nodes.horizontal_rule) {
let hr = type
bind("Mod-_", (state, onAction) => {
return true
return keys;
buildInputRules(schema) {
let result = [], type;
if (type = schema.nodes.blockquote) result.push(blockQuoteRule(type))
if (type = schema.nodes.ordered_list) result.push(orderedListRule(type))
if (type = schema.nodes.bullet_list) result.push(bulletListRule(type))
if (type = schema.nodes.code_block) result.push(codeBlockRule(type))
if (type = schema.nodes.heading) result.push(headingRule(type, 6))
return result
buildMenuItemsPlugin(schema) {
let r = {};
if (schema.marks.strong)
r['toggleStrong'] = this.markItem(schema.marks.strong, {title: "Toggle strong style", icon: icons.strong});
if (schema.marks.em)
r['toggleEm'] = this.markItem(schema.marks.em, {title: "Toggle emphasis", icon: icons.em});
if (schema.marks.code) // this one is bonus
r['toggleCode'] = this.markItem(schema.marks.code, {title: "Toggle code font", icon: icons.code});
if (
r['toggleLink'] = this.linkItem(;
if (schema.nodes.image)
r['insertImage'] = this.insertImageItem(schema.nodes.image);
if (schema.nodes.bullet_list)// lists are bonus
r['wrapBulletList'] = this.wrapListItem(schema.nodes.bullet_list, {
title: "Wrap in bullet list",
icon: icons.bulletList
if (schema.nodes.ordered_list)// bonus
r['wrapOrderedList'] = this.wrapListItem(schema.nodes.ordered_list, {
title: "Wrap in ordered list",
icon: icons.orderedList
if (schema.nodes.blockquote)// bonus
r['wrapBlockQuote'] = wrapItem(schema.nodes.blockquote, {
title: "Wrap in block quote",
icon: icons.blockquote
if (schema.nodes.paragraph)
r['makeParagraph'] = blockTypeItem(schema.nodes.paragraph, {
title: "Change to paragraph",
label: "Plain"
if (schema.nodes.code_block)// bonus
r['makeCodeBlock'] = blockTypeItem(schema.nodes.code_block, {
title: "Change to code block",
label: "Code"
if (schema.nodes.heading)
for (let i = 1; i <= 6; i++)
r["makeHead" + i] = blockTypeItem(schema.nodes.heading, {
title: "Change to heading " + i,
label: "Level " + i,
attrs: {level: i}
if (schema.nodes.horizontal_rule) {// bonus
r['insertHorizontalRule'] = new MenuItem({
title: "Insert horizontal rule",
label: "Horizontal rule",
select: (state) => {
return this.canInsert(state, schema.nodes.horizontal_rule)
run(state, onAction) { onAction( }
let cut = arr => arr.filter(x => x);
r['insertMenu'] = new Dropdown(cut([r['insertImage'], r['insertHorizontalRule']]), {label: "Insert"})
r['typeMenu'] = new Dropdown(cut([r['makeParagraph'], r['makeCodeBlock'], r['makeHead1'] && new DropdownSubmenu(cut([
r['makeHead1'], r['makeHead2'], r['makeHead3'], r['makeHead4'], r['makeHead5'], r['makeHead6']
]), {label: "Heading"})]), {label: "Type..."});
r['inlineMenu'] = [cut([r['toggleStrong'], r['toggleEm'], r['toggleCode'], r['toggleLink']]), [r['insertMenu']]];
r['blockMenu'] = [cut([r['typeMenu'], r['wrapBulletList'], r['wrapOrderedList'], r['wrapBlockQuote'], joinUpItem,
r['fullMenu'] = r['inlineMenu'].concat(r['blockMenu']);
let deps = [
inputRules({rules: allInputRules.concat(this.buildInputRules(schema))}),
return deps.concat(new Plugin({
props: {
class: () => 'ProseMirror-example-setup-style',
menuContent: r['fullMenu'],
floatingMenu: true
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