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Created November 28, 2015 02:36
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Save koola/9c0e3740a11e9ce6ef4a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Development environment build tools setup
@echo off
powershell.exe -executionpolicy unrestricted -command "%~dp0\build.ps1"
$installPath = (get-location).path
$apps = @{
'jdk' = @{
'path' = "$installPath\jdk";
'32-bit' = '';
'64-bit' = ''
'nodejs' = @{
'path' = "$installPath\nodejs";
'32-bit' = '';
'64-bit' = ''
'npm' = @{
'path' = "$installPath\nodejs";
'noarch' = ''
'maven' = @{
'path' = "$installPath\maven";
'noarch' = ''
function WebDownload([string]$src, [string]$dst, [string]$cookie='') {
if (Test-Path $dst) {
"Found '$dst', skipping..."
try {
"Downloading '$src' to '$dst'"
$wc = new-object System.Net.WebClient
if ($cookie) {
$proxy = New-Object System.Net.WebProxy($env:http_proxy)
$proxy.useDefaultCredentials = $true
$wc.Proxy = $proxy
$wc.DownloadFile($src, $dst)
} catch [Net.WebException],[System.IO.IOException] {
Write-Error "Failed to download $src" -ErrorAction stop
$arch = (gwmi Win32_OperatingSystem).OSArchitecture;
set-alias zip "$installPath\bin\7z.exe"
# main
foreach($app in $($apps.keys)) {
$url = if ($apps.$app.noarch) { $apps.$app.noarch } else { $apps.$app.$arch }
$filename = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($url)
$fileTemp = "$env:temp"
$filePath = "$fileTemp\$filename"
$appsHome = $apps.$app.path
mkdir "$appsHome" 2>&1> $null
"Installing $app..."
switch ($app) {
"jdk" {
WebDownload "$url" "$filePath" "oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"
zip e -y -r "-ir!111" "-o$fileTemp" "$filePath" > $null
zip e -y "-o$fileTemp" "$fileTemp\111" > $null
if (!(Test-Path "$fileTemp\")) {
Write-Error "Failed to extract JDK" -ErrorAction stop
zip x -y "-o$appsHome" "$fileTemp\" > $null
get-childitem "$appsHome" -include *.pack -recurse | foreach {
$file = $_.fullname.trimend(".pack")
& "$appsHome\bin\unpack200.exe" -r "$file.pack" "$file.jar" 2>&1> $null
"nodejs" {
WebDownload "$url" "$filePath"
mv "$filePath" "$appsHome" -force
"npm" {
WebDownload "$url" "$filePath"
zip x -y "-o$appsHome" "$filePath" > $null
"maven" {
WebDownload "$url" "$filePath"
zip x -y "-o$fileTemp" "$filePath" > $null
$workspace = "$fileTemp\{0}" -f $filename.TrimEnd('')
mv "$workspace\*" "$appsHome" -force
cp "bin\settings.xml" "maven\conf" -force
# Print versions
$cmdOut = (mvn -v 2>&1) | findstr /R "^Apache ^Java.ver"
Installed versions:"
"{0, -10}: {1}" -f "Java", ($cmdOut[1] -split ' ')[2] -replace ',',''
"{0, -10}: {1}" -f "Maven", ($cmdOut[0] -split ' ')[2]
"{0, -10}: {1}" -f "Node", (node -v) -replace 'v',''
"{0, -10}: {1}" -f "NPM", (npm -v) -replace 'v',''
# Clean up
#Get-Childitem $env:temp | Remove-Item -recurse -force
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