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Created July 29, 2020 13:14
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import boto3
import datetime as dt
import json
import pprint as pp
#--- クライアント生成
ecs_client = boto3.client('ecs')
ssm_client = boto3.client('ssm')
#--- 変数定義
accountid = <your_aws_account_name> # Account ID
paramater_store_name = <your_paramater_store_name> #パラメータストア名
# 停止対象のタスクリストの洗い出し
def check_task_timeout(cluster_arn,task_arns,timeout,task_def_name):
del_list = []
for task_arn in task_arns:
response = ecs_client.describe_tasks(
tasks= [task_arn]
res_task_def_name = response['tasks'][0]['taskDefinitionArn'].split('/')[1].split(':')[0]
deltatime = - response['tasks'][0]['createdAt'].replace(tzinfo=None)
if deltatime.seconds//3600 >= timeout and task_def_name == res_task_def_name:
return del_list
# タスクの停止
def stop_task(cluster_arn,del_list):
for task_arn in del_list:
response = ecs_client.stop_task(
reason='Timeout exceeded'
# Main
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# パラメータストアよりパラメータの取得(json形式)
param = ssm_client.get_parameter(Name=paramater_store_name)["Parameter"]["Value"]
param_json = json.loads(param)
# クラスター/タスク定義ごとにコンテナのタイムアウトチェック
for cluster_name,values in param_json.items():
for i in values:
cluster_arn = 'arn:aws:ecs:ap-northeast-1:{0}:cluster/{1}'.format(accountid,cluster_name)
task_def_name = i['task_def_name']
timeout = i['timeout']
print("cluster name: " + cluster_name)
print("cluster arn: " + cluster_arn)
print("task def name: " + i['task_def_name'])
print("timeout: " + str(i['timeout']))
# タスク一覧取得
task_arns = ecs_client.list_tasks(cluster=cluster_arn)['taskArns']
print("Task List :" + str(task_arns) )
# 停止対象のタスク一覧の取得
del_list = check_task_timeout(cluster_arn,task_arns,timeout,task_def_name)
print("Stop Task List :" + str(del_list) )
if len(del_list) == 0:
# タスクの停止
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