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Last active July 10, 2018 01:22
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@mixin breakpoint( $start, $stop: null ) {
$breakpoints: (
'small': 480px,
'medium': 720px,
'large': 960px,
'huge': 1200px,
'container': $container,
$start: validate-point( $start, $breakpoints );
@if $stop {
$stop: validate-point( $stop, $breakpoints );
@media ( min-width: $start ) and ( max-width: $stop ) {
} @else {
@media ( min-width: $start ) {
@function validate-point( $point, $breakpoints ) {
@if map-get( $breakpoints, $point ) {
$point: map-get( $breakpoints, $point );
} @elseif 'number' == type-of( $point ) {
@if unitless( $point ) {
@error "Using custom breakpoints requires units (i.e. px), was #{$point}.";
} @else {
@error "Neither a set or custom breakpoint was provided, was #{$point}.";
@return $point;
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