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Created November 26, 2018 08:10
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Auto Update VB.NET Compact 3.5 App
Public Class AutoUpdater
Public newVersion As String
Public urlOfCab As String
Public credentials As Net.NetworkCredential
Public askDest As Boolean = False
Public deleteCab As Boolean = True
Public useUI As Boolean = False
Public permitUninstall As Boolean = False
Public installTimeout As Integer = 10000
Public Enum AutoUpdateResult
End Enum
Public Sub New(ByVal newVersion As String, ByVal urlOfCab As String, Optional ByVal autoRun As Boolean = False)
Me.newVersion = newVersion
Me.urlOfCab = urlOfCab
If autoRun Then
End If
End Sub
' Download the CAB file into a temporary file and return that file
Public Function DownloadCABInTemp() As String
Dim req As Net.HttpWebRequest = Net.WebRequest.Create(urlOfCab)
If credentials IsNot Nothing Then
Dim credCache As New Net.CredentialCache
credCache.Add(New Uri(urlOfCab), "Basic", credentials)
req.Credentials = credCache
End If
Dim res As Net.HttpWebResponse = req.GetResponse()
Dim dataStream As IO.Stream = res.GetResponseStream()
Dim fileName As String = IO.Path.GetTempFileName() + ".cab"
Dim fileStream As IO.FileStream = IO.File.Create(fileName)
Dim buffer(81920) As Byte
Dim read As Integer
While read = dataStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
fileStream.Write(buffer, 0, read)
End While
Return fileName
End Function
Public Function InstallCAB(ByVal fileName As String) As Diagnostics.Process
Dim wceLoadString As String = ""
If askDest Then
wceLoadString += "/askdest"
wceLoadString += "/noaskdest"
End If
If deleteCab Then
wceLoadString += " /delete 1"
wceLoadString += " /delete 1"
End If
If Not useUI Then
wceLoadString += " /noui"
End If
If Not permitUninstall Then
wceLoadString += " /nouninstall"
End If
wceLoadString += " " + fileName
Dim proc As New Diagnostics.Process
proc = Diagnostics.Process.Start("wceload.exe", wceLoadString)
If proc.ExitCode <> 0 Then
Throw New Exception(proc.ToString())
End If
Return proc
End Function
Public Function CheckVersion() As Integer
Return Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.CompareTo(New Version(newVersion))
End Function
Public Function Run() As AutoUpdateResult
If CheckVersion() >= 0 Then
Return AutoUpdateResult.NoNeedUpdate
End If
Dim downloadedCAB As String
downloadedCAB = DownloadCABInTemp()
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error in download CAB: " + ex.Message)
Return AutoUpdateResult.DownloadError
End Try
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error in install CAB: " + ex.Message)
Return AutoUpdateResult.InstallError
End Try
Return AutoUpdateResult.Ok
End Function
End Class
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