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Last active June 8, 2020 00:34
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#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell --pure -i runghc -p "haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (pkgs: [ pkgs.aeson pkgs.validation pkgs.ghcid pkgs.errors ])"
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Control.Error (fmapL)
import Control.Error.Util
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Scientific (floatingOrInteger)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Validation as V
newtype Name = Name T.Text deriving (Show)
validationToParser :: V.Validation (NonEmpty ValidationErrors) a -> Parser a
validationToParser = either (fail . T.unpack . T.intercalate ". " . fmap validationErrorToText . NonEmpty.toList) pure . V.toEither
instance FromJSON Name where
parseJSON = withText "Name" $ \s -> do
validationToParser $ validateName (Name s)
newtype Surname = Surname T.Text deriving (Show)
instance FromJSON Surname where
parseJSON = withText "Surname" $ \s -> do
validationToParser $ validateSurname (Surname s)
newtype Age = Age Integer deriving (Show)
instance FromJSON Age where
parseJSON = withScientific "Age" $ \s -> do
validationToParser $ case floatingOrInteger s of
Left _ -> V.validationNel $ Left (ValidationErrors_InvalidFormat "Value must be an Integer")
Right i -> validateAge (Age i)
data User = User
{ name :: Name,
surname :: Surname,
age :: Maybe Age
deriving (Show)
data ValidationErrors
= ValidationErrors_TooShort
| ValidationErrors_TooOld
| ValidationErrors_InvalidFormat T.Text
| ValidationErrors_DoesNotExist T.Text
| ValidationErrors_Other T.Text T.Text
deriving (Show)
validationErrorToText (ValidationErrors_DoesNotExist f) = T.intercalate " " ["field", "'" <> f <> "'", "does not exist"]
validationErrorToText (ValidationErrors_TooShort) = "Value is too short"
validationErrorToText (ValidationErrors_TooOld) = "Value is too old"
validationErrorToText (ValidationErrors_InvalidFormat e) = T.intercalate " " ["Invalid format!", e]
validationErrorToText (ValidationErrors_Other f e) = T.intercalate " " ["[(" <> f <> "): " <> e <> "]"]
validateName :: Name -> V.Validation (NonEmpty ValidationErrors) Name
validateName vn@(Name n) =
if T.length n < 3
then V.Failure (ValidationErrors_TooShort :| [])
else V.Success vn
validateSurname :: Surname -> V.Validation (NonEmpty ValidationErrors) Surname
validateSurname vs@(Surname s) =
if T.length s < 3
then V.Failure (ValidationErrors_TooShort :| [])
else V.Success vs
validateAge :: Age -> V.Validation (NonEmpty ValidationErrors) Age
validateAge va@(Age a) =
if a > 30
then V.Failure (ValidationErrors_TooOld :| [])
else V.Success va
infixr 5 .:|
(.:|) o f = pure . V.validationNel $ case M.lookup f o of
Nothing -> Left (ValidationErrors_DoesNotExist f)
Just val -> fmapL (ValidationErrors_Other f . T.pack) $ case parse parseJSON val of
Error e -> Left e
Success s -> Right s
infixr 5 .:|?
(.:|?) o f = pure . V.validationNel $ case M.lookup f o of
Nothing -> Right Nothing
Just val -> fmapL (ValidationErrors_Other f . T.pack) $ case parse parseJSON val of
Error e -> Left e
Success s -> Right s
instance FromJSON User where
parseJSON = withObject "User" $ \o -> do
name <- o .:| "name"
surname <- o .:| "surname"
age <- o .:|? "age"
validationToParser $
<$> name
<*> surname
<*> age
str0 = "{\"haydar\": \"koray\"}"
str1 = "{\"name\": \"koray\"}"
str2 = "{\"surname\": \"\"}"
str3 = "{\"name\": \"koray\", \"surname\": \"al\", \"age\": 37.6}"
str4 = "{\"name\": \"koray\", \"surname\": \"al_\", \"age\": 29}"
main = do
putStrLn (show (eitherDecode str0 :: Either String User))
putStrLn (show (eitherDecode str1 :: Either String User))
putStrLn (show (eitherDecode str2 :: Either String User))
putStrLn (show (eitherDecode str3 :: Either String User))
putStrLn (show (eitherDecode str4 :: Either String User))
-- Left "Error in $: field 'name' does not exist. field 'surname' does not exist"
-- Left "Error in $: field 'surname' does not exist"
-- Left "Error in $: field 'name' does not exist. [(surname): Value is too short]"
-- Left "Error in $: [(surname): Value is too short]. [(age): Invalid format! Value must be an Integer]"
-- Right (User {name = Name "koray", surname = Surname "al_", age = Just (Age 29)})
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