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Created November 1, 2016 20:15
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2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [app] [I] Started GET "/api/hosts?search=test" for at 2016-11-01 13:00:03 -0700
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [app] [I] Processing by Api::V2::HostsController#index as JSON
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [app] [I] Parameters: {"search"=>"test", "apiv"=>"v2"}
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [sql] [D] ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.9ms) SELECT `schema_migrations`.* FROM `schema_migrations`
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [app] [D] Cache read: authorize_login_delegation
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [app] [I] failed (count: 0) RuntimeError: Cannot share client between multiple processes
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [app] [D] #<Dalli::NetworkError: Socket operation failed, retrying...>
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [app] [D] retrying request with new server
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [app] [D] Dalli::Server#connect
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [sql] [D] User Load (0.7ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`lower_login` = 'admin' LIMIT 1
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [sql] [D] AuthSource Load (0.7ms) SELECT `auth_sources`.* FROM `auth_sources` WHERE `auth_sources`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`lower_login` = 'admin' LIMIT 1 [["lower_login", "admin"]]
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [sql] [D] Authenticated user admin against INTERNAL authentication source
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [sql] [D] User Load (0.8ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`lower_login` = 'foreman_admin' LIMIT 1
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [app] [D] Setting current user thread-local variable to foreman_admin
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [app] [D] Setting current user thread-local variable to nil
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [sql] [D] Post-login processing for admin
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`lower_login` = 'foreman_admin' LIMIT 1 [["lower_login", "foreman_admin"]]
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [app] [D] Setting current user thread-local variable to foreman_admin
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [sql] [D] SQL (1.4ms) UPDATE `users` SET `users`.`last_login_on` = '2016-11-01 20:00:03' WHERE `users`.`id` = 1
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [sql] [D] Role Load (0.6ms) SELECT `roles`.* FROM `roles` WHERE `roles`.`builtin` = 2 LIMIT 1
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [sql] [D] Role Exists (0.8ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `roles` INNER JOIN `user_roles` ON `roles`.`id` = `user_roles`.`role_id` WHERE `user_roles`.`owner_id` = 1 AND `user_roles`.`owner_type` = 'User' AND `roles`.`id` = 8 LIMIT 1
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [app] [D] Setting current user thread-local variable to nil
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [app] [D] Setting current user thread-local variable to admin
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [sql] [D] (0.6ms) SELECT FROM `auth_sources` WHERE `auth_sources`.`type` IN ('AuthSourceHidden')
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [sql] [D] User Load (0.7ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`auth_source_id` NOT IN (3)) AND `users`.`lower_login` = 'admin' ORDER BY firstname LIMIT 1
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [app] [I] Authorized user admin(Admin User)
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [app] [D] Setting current user thread-local variable to admin
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [app] [D] Cache read: entries_per_page
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [app] [I] failed (count: 0) RuntimeError: Cannot share client between multiple processes
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [app] [D] #<Dalli::NetworkError: Socket operation failed, retrying...>
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [app] [D] retrying request with new server
2016-11-01 13:00:03 e58c75eb [app] [D] Dalli::Server#connect
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] SQL (79753.0ms) SELECT DISTINCT `hosts`.`id` FROM `hosts` LEFT OUTER JOIN `host_status` ON `host_status`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `compute_resources` ON `compute_resources`.`id` = `hosts`.`compute_resource_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `hostgroups` ON `hostgroups`.`id` = `hosts`.`hostgroup_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `operatingsystems` ON `operatingsystems`.`id` = `hosts`.`operatingsystem_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `nics` ON `nics`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `tokens` ON `tokens`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `models` ON `models`.`id` = `hosts`.`model_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `nics` `primary_interfaces_hosts_join` ON `primary_interfaces_hosts_join`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` AND `primary_interfaces_hosts_join`.`primary` = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN `domains` ON `domains`.`id` = `primary_interfaces_hosts_join`.`domain_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `realms` ON `realms`.`id` = `hosts`.`realm_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `environments` ON `environments`.`id` = `hosts`.`environment_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `architectures` ON `architectures`.`id` = `hosts`.`architecture_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `images` ON `images`.`id` = `hosts`.`image_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `nics` `primary_interfaces_hosts` ON `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` AND `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`primary` = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN `nics` `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_2` ON `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_2`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` AND `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_2`.`primary` = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN `subnets` ON `subnets`.`id` = `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_2`.`subnet_id` AND `subnets`.`type` = 'Subnet::Ipv4' LEFT OUTER JOIN `nics` `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_3` ON `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_3`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` AND `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_3`.`primary` = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN `subnets` `subnet6s_hosts` ON `subnet6s_hosts`.`id` = `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_3`.`subnet6_id` AND `subnet6s_hosts`.`type` = 'Subnet::Ipv6' LEFT OUTER JOIN `nics` `provision_interfaces_hosts` ON `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` AND `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`provision` = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN `discovery_rules` ON `discovery_rules`.`id` = `hosts`.`discovery_rule_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `host_salt_modules` ON `host_salt_modules`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `salt_modules` ON `salt_modules`.`id` = `host_salt_modules`.`salt_module_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `salt_environments` ON `salt_environments`.`id` = `hosts`.`salt_environment_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `smart_proxies` ON `smart_proxies`.`id` = `hosts`.`salt_proxy_id` WHERE `hosts`.`type` IN ('Host::Managed') AND ((`hosts`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `hosts`.`comment` LIKE '%test%' OR `models`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `hostgroups`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `hostgroups`.`title` LIKE '%test%' OR `hostgroups`.`title` LIKE '%test%' OR `domains`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `realms`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `environments`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `architectures`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `compute_resources`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `images`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`description` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`title` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`major` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`minor` LIKE '%test%' OR `nics`.`ip` LIKE '%test%' OR `nics`.`ip` LIKE '%test%' OR `nics`.`mac` LIKE '%test%' OR `subnets`.`network` LIKE '%test%' OR `subnets`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `subnets`.`network` LIKE '%test%' OR `subnets`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `hosts`.`uuid` LIKE '%test%' OR `nics`.`mac` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`description` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`title` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`major` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`minor` LIKE '%test%' OR `discovery_rules`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `salt_modules`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `salt_environments`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `smart_proxies`.`name` LIKE '%test%')) ORDER BY `hosts`.`name` ASC LIMIT 20 OFFSET 0
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] SQL (4.0ms) SELECT `hosts`.`id` AS t0_r0, `hosts`.`name` AS t0_r1, `hosts`.`last_compile` AS t0_r2, `hosts`.`last_report` AS t0_r3, `hosts`.`updated_at` AS t0_r4, `hosts`.`created_at` AS t0_r5, `hosts`.`root_pass` AS t0_r6, `hosts`.`architecture_id` AS t0_r7, `hosts`.`operatingsystem_id` AS t0_r8, `hosts`.`environment_id` AS t0_r9, `hosts`.`ptable_id` AS t0_r10, `hosts`.`medium_id` AS t0_r11, `hosts`.`build` AS t0_r12, `hosts`.`comment` AS t0_r13, `hosts`.`disk` AS t0_r14, `hosts`.`installed_at` AS t0_r15, `hosts`.`model_id` AS t0_r16, `hosts`.`hostgroup_id` AS t0_r17, `hosts`.`owner_id` AS t0_r18, `hosts`.`owner_type` AS t0_r19, `hosts`.`enabled` AS t0_r20, `hosts`.`puppet_ca_proxy_id` AS t0_r21, `hosts`.`managed` AS t0_r22, `hosts`.`use_image` AS t0_r23, `hosts`.`image_file` AS t0_r24, `hosts`.`uuid` AS t0_r25, `hosts`.`compute_resource_id` AS t0_r26, `hosts`.`puppet_proxy_id` AS t0_r27, `hosts`.`certname` AS t0_r28, `hosts`.`image_id` AS t0_r29, `hosts`.`organization_id` AS t0_r30, `hosts`.`location_id` AS t0_r31, `hosts`.`type` AS t0_r32, `hosts`.`compute_profile_id` AS t0_r33, `hosts`.`otp` AS t0_r34, `hosts`.`realm_id` AS t0_r35, `hosts`.`salt_proxy_id` AS t0_r36, `hosts`.`grub_pass` AS t0_r37, `hosts`.`salt_environment_id` AS t0_r38, `hosts`.`discovery_rule_id` AS t0_r39, `hosts`.`global_status` AS t0_r40, `hosts`.`lookup_value_matcher` AS t0_r41, `hosts`.`pxe_loader` AS t0_r42, `hosts`.`provision_method` AS t0_r43, `host_status`.`id` AS t1_r0, `host_status`.`type` AS t1_r1, `host_status`.`status` AS t1_r2, `host_status`.`host_id` AS t1_r3, `host_status`.`reported_at` AS t1_r4, `compute_resources`.`id` AS t2_r0, `compute_resources`.`name` AS t2_r1, `compute_resources`.`description` AS t2_r2, `compute_resources`.`url` AS t2_r3, `compute_resources`.`user` AS t2_r4, `compute_resources`.`password` AS t2_r5, `compute_resources`.`uuid` AS t2_r6, `compute_resources`.`type` AS t2_r7, `compute_resources`.`created_at` AS t2_r8, `compute_resources`.`updated_at` AS t2_r9, `compute_resources`.`attrs` AS t2_r10, `compute_resources`.`email` AS t2_r11, `hostgroups`.`id` AS t3_r0, `hostgroups`.`name` AS t3_r1, `hostgroups`.`created_at` AS t3_r2, `hostgroups`.`updated_at` AS t3_r3, `hostgroups`.`environment_id` AS t3_r4, `hostgroups`.`operatingsystem_id` AS t3_r5, `hostgroups`.`architecture_id` AS t3_r6, `hostgroups`.`medium_id` AS t3_r7, `hostgroups`.`ptable_id` AS t3_r8, `hostgroups`.`root_pass` AS t3_r9, `hostgroups`.`puppet_ca_proxy_id` AS t3_r10, `hostgroups`.`use_image` AS t3_r11, `hostgroups`.`image_file` AS t3_r12, `hostgroups`.`ancestry` AS t3_r13, `hostgroups`.`vm_defaults` AS t3_r14, `hostgroups`.`subnet_id` AS t3_r15, `hostgroups`.`domain_id` AS t3_r16, `hostgroups`.`puppet_proxy_id` AS t3_r17, `hostgroups`.`title` AS t3_r18, `hostgroups`.`compute_profile_id` AS t3_r19, `hostgroups`.`realm_id` AS t3_r20, `hostgroups`.`salt_proxy_id` AS t3_r21, `hostgroups`.`grub_pass` AS t3_r22, `hostgroups`.`salt_environment_id` AS t3_r23, `hostgroups`.`lookup_value_matcher` AS t3_r24, `hostgroups`.`subnet6_id` AS t3_r25, `hostgroups`.`pxe_loader` AS t3_r26, `operatingsystems`.`id` AS t4_r0, `operatingsystems`.`major` AS t4_r1, `operatingsystems`.`name` AS t4_r2, `operatingsystems`.`minor` AS t4_r3, `operatingsystems`.`nameindicator` AS t4_r4, `operatingsystems`.`created_at` AS t4_r5, `operatingsystems`.`updated_at` AS t4_r6, `operatingsystems`.`release_name` AS t4_r7, `operatingsystems`.`type` AS t4_r8, `operatingsystems`.`description` AS t4_r9, `operatingsystems`.`password_hash` AS t4_r10, `operatingsystems`.`title` AS t4_r11, `nics`.`id` AS t5_r0, `nics`.`mac` AS t5_r1, `nics`.`ip` AS t5_r2, `nics`.`type` AS t5_r3, `nics`.`name` AS t5_r4, `nics`.`host_id` AS t5_r5, `nics`.`subnet_id` AS t5_r6, `nics`.`domain_id` AS t5_r7, `nics`.`attrs` AS t5_r8, `nics`.`created_at` AS t5_r9, `nics`.`updated_at` AS t5_r10, `nics`.`provider` AS t5_r11, `nics`.`username` AS t5_r12, `nics`.`password` AS t5_r13, `nics`.`virtual` AS t5_r14, `nics`.`link` AS t5_r15, `nics`.`identifier` AS t5_r16, `nics`.`tag` AS t5_r17, `nics`.`attached_to` AS t5_r18, `nics`.`managed` AS t5_r19, `nics`.`mode` AS t5_r20, `nics`.`attached_devices` AS t5_r21, `nics`.`bond_options` AS t5_r22, `nics`.`primary` AS t5_r23, `nics`.`provision` AS t5_r24, `nics`.`compute_attributes` AS t5_r25, `nics`.`execution` AS t5_r26, `nics`.`ip6` AS t5_r27, `nics`.`subnet6_id` AS t5_r28, `tokens`.`id` AS t6_r0, `tokens`.`value` AS t6_r1, `tokens`.`expires` AS t6_r2, `tokens`.`host_id` AS t6_r3, `models`.`id` AS t7_r0, `models`.`name` AS t7_r1, `models`.`info` AS t7_r2, `models`.`created_at` AS t7_r3, `models`.`updated_at` AS t7_r4, `models`.`vendor_class` AS t7_r5, `models`.`hardware_model` AS t7_r6, `domains`.`id` AS t8_r0, `domains`.`name` AS t8_r1, `domains`.`fullname` AS t8_r2, `domains`.`created_at` AS t8_r3, `domains`.`updated_at` AS t8_r4, `domains`.`dns_id` AS t8_r5, `realms`.`id` AS t9_r0, `realms`.`name` AS t9_r1, `realms`.`realm_type` AS t9_r2, `realms`.`realm_proxy_id` AS t9_r3, `realms`.`created_at` AS t9_r4, `realms`.`updated_at` AS t9_r5, `environments`.`id` AS t10_r0, `environments`.`name` AS t10_r1, `environments`.`created_at` AS t10_r2, `environments`.`updated_at` AS t10_r3, `architectures`.`id` AS t11_r0, `architectures`.`name` AS t11_r1, `architectures`.`created_at` AS t11_r2, `architectures`.`updated_at` AS t11_r3, `images`.`id` AS t12_r0, `images`.`operatingsystem_id` AS t12_r1, `images`.`compute_resource_id` AS t12_r2, `images`.`architecture_id` AS t12_r3, `images`.`uuid` AS t12_r4, `images`.`username` AS t12_r5, `images`.`name` AS t12_r6, `images`.`created_at` AS t12_r7, `images`.`updated_at` AS t12_r8, `images`.`iam_role` AS t12_r9, `images`.`user_data` AS t12_r10, `images`.`password` AS t12_r11, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`id` AS t13_r0, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`mac` AS t13_r1, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`ip` AS t13_r2, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`type` AS t13_r3, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`name` AS t13_r4, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`host_id` AS t13_r5, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`subnet_id` AS t13_r6, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`domain_id` AS t13_r7, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`attrs` AS t13_r8, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`created_at` AS t13_r9, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`updated_at` AS t13_r10, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`provider` AS t13_r11, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`username` AS t13_r12, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`password` AS t13_r13, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`virtual` AS t13_r14, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`link` AS t13_r15, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`identifier` AS t13_r16, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`tag` AS t13_r17, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`attached_to` AS t13_r18, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`managed` AS t13_r19, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`mode` AS t13_r20, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`attached_devices` AS t13_r21, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`bond_options` AS t13_r22, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`primary` AS t13_r23, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`provision` AS t13_r24, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`compute_attributes` AS t13_r25, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`execution` AS t13_r26, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`ip6` AS t13_r27, `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`subnet6_id` AS t13_r28, `subnets`.`id` AS t14_r0, `subnets`.`network` AS t14_r1, `subnets`.`mask` AS t14_r2, `subnets`.`priority` AS t14_r3, `subnets`.`name` AS t14_r4, `subnets`.`vlanid` AS t14_r5, `subnets`.`created_at` AS t14_r6, `subnets`.`updated_at` AS t14_r7, `subnets`.`dhcp_id` AS t14_r8, `subnets`.`tftp_id` AS t14_r9, `subnets`.`gateway` AS t14_r10, `subnets`.`dns_primary` AS t14_r11, `subnets`.`dns_secondary` AS t14_r12, `subnets`.`from` AS t14_r13, `subnets`.`to` AS t14_r14, `subnets`.`dns_id` AS t14_r15, `subnets`.`boot_mode` AS t14_r16, `subnets`.`ipam` AS t14_r17, `subnets`.`discovery_id` AS t14_r18, `subnets`.`type` AS t14_r19, `subnet6s_hosts`.`id` AS t15_r0, `subnet6s_hosts`.`network` AS t15_r1, `subnet6s_hosts`.`mask` AS t15_r2, `subnet6s_hosts`.`priority` AS t15_r3, `subnet6s_hosts`.`name` AS t15_r4, `subnet6s_hosts`.`vlanid` AS t15_r5, `subnet6s_hosts`.`created_at` AS t15_r6, `subnet6s_hosts`.`updated_at` AS t15_r7, `subnet6s_hosts`.`dhcp_id` AS t15_r8, `subnet6s_hosts`.`tftp_id` AS t15_r9, `subnet6s_hosts`.`gateway` AS t15_r10, `subnet6s_hosts`.`dns_primary` AS t15_r11, `subnet6s_hosts`.`dns_secondary` AS t15_r12, `subnet6s_hosts`.`from` AS t15_r13, `subnet6s_hosts`.`to` AS t15_r14, `subnet6s_hosts`.`dns_id` AS t15_r15, `subnet6s_hosts`.`boot_mode` AS t15_r16, `subnet6s_hosts`.`ipam` AS t15_r17, `subnet6s_hosts`.`discovery_id` AS t15_r18, `subnet6s_hosts`.`type` AS t15_r19, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`id` AS t16_r0, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`mac` AS t16_r1, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`ip` AS t16_r2, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`type` AS t16_r3, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`name` AS t16_r4, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`host_id` AS t16_r5, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`subnet_id` AS t16_r6, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`domain_id` AS t16_r7, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`attrs` AS t16_r8, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`created_at` AS t16_r9, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`updated_at` AS t16_r10, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`provider` AS t16_r11, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`username` AS t16_r12, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`password` AS t16_r13, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`virtual` AS t16_r14, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`link` AS t16_r15, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`identifier` AS t16_r16, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`tag` AS t16_r17, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`attached_to` AS t16_r18, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`managed` AS t16_r19, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`mode` AS t16_r20, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`attached_devices` AS t16_r21, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`bond_options` AS t16_r22, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`primary` AS t16_r23, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`provision` AS t16_r24, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`compute_attributes` AS t16_r25, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`execution` AS t16_r26, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`ip6` AS t16_r27, `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`subnet6_id` AS t16_r28, `discovery_rules`.`id` AS t17_r0, `discovery_rules`.`name` AS t17_r1, `discovery_rules`.`search` AS t17_r2, `discovery_rules`.`hostgroup_id` AS t17_r3, `discovery_rules`.`hostname` AS t17_r4, `discovery_rules`.`max_count` AS t17_r5, `discovery_rules`.`priority` AS t17_r6, `discovery_rules`.`enabled` AS t17_r7, `discovery_rules`.`created_at` AS t17_r8, `discovery_rules`.`updated_at` AS t17_r9, `salt_modules`.`id` AS t18_r0, `salt_modules`.`name` AS t18_r1, `salt_modules`.`created_at` AS t18_r2, `salt_modules`.`updated_at` AS t18_r3, `salt_environments`.`id` AS t19_r0, `salt_environments`.`name` AS t19_r1, `salt_environments`.`created_at` AS t19_r2, `salt_environments`.`updated_at` AS t19_r3, `smart_proxies`.`id` AS t20_r0, `smart_proxies`.`name` AS t20_r1, `smart_proxies`.`url` AS t20_r2, `smart_proxies`.`created_at` AS t20_r3, `smart_proxies`.`updated_at` AS t20_r4, `smart_proxies`.`expired_logs` AS t20_r5, `smart_proxies`.`pubkey` AS t20_r6 FROM `hosts` LEFT OUTER JOIN `host_status` ON `host_status`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `compute_resources` ON `compute_resources`.`id` = `hosts`.`compute_resource_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `hostgroups` ON `hostgroups`.`id` = `hosts`.`hostgroup_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `operatingsystems` ON `operatingsystems`.`id` = `hosts`.`operatingsystem_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `nics` ON `nics`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `tokens` ON `tokens`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `models` ON `models`.`id` = `hosts`.`model_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `nics` `primary_interfaces_hosts_join` ON `primary_interfaces_hosts_join`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` AND `primary_interfaces_hosts_join`.`primary` = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN `domains` ON `domains`.`id` = `primary_interfaces_hosts_join`.`domain_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `realms` ON `realms`.`id` = `hosts`.`realm_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `environments` ON `environments`.`id` = `hosts`.`environment_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `architectures` ON `architectures`.`id` = `hosts`.`architecture_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `images` ON `images`.`id` = `hosts`.`image_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `nics` `primary_interfaces_hosts` ON `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` AND `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`primary` = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN `nics` `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_2` ON `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_2`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` AND `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_2`.`primary` = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN `subnets` ON `subnets`.`id` = `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_2`.`subnet_id` AND `subnets`.`type` = 'Subnet::Ipv4' LEFT OUTER JOIN `nics` `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_3` ON `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_3`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` AND `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_3`.`primary` = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN `subnets` `subnet6s_hosts` ON `subnet6s_hosts`.`id` = `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_3`.`subnet6_id` AND `subnet6s_hosts`.`type` = 'Subnet::Ipv6' LEFT OUTER JOIN `nics` `provision_interfaces_hosts` ON `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` AND `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`provision` = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN `discovery_rules` ON `discovery_rules`.`id` = `hosts`.`discovery_rule_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `host_salt_modules` ON `host_salt_modules`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `salt_modules` ON `salt_modules`.`id` = `host_salt_modules`.`salt_module_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `salt_environments` ON `salt_environments`.`id` = `hosts`.`salt_environment_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `smart_proxies` ON `smart_proxies`.`id` = `hosts`.`salt_proxy_id` WHERE `hosts`.`type` IN ('Host::Managed') AND ((`hosts`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `hosts`.`comment` LIKE '%test%' OR `models`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `hostgroups`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `hostgroups`.`title` LIKE '%test%' OR `hostgroups`.`title` LIKE '%test%' OR `domains`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `realms`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `environments`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `architectures`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `compute_resources`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `images`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`description` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`title` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`major` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`minor` LIKE '%test%' OR `nics`.`ip` LIKE '%test%' OR `nics`.`ip` LIKE '%test%' OR `nics`.`mac` LIKE '%test%' OR `subnets`.`network` LIKE '%test%' OR `subnets`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `subnets`.`network` LIKE '%test%' OR `subnets`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `hosts`.`uuid` LIKE '%test%' OR `nics`.`mac` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`description` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`title` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`major` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`minor` LIKE '%test%' OR `discovery_rules`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `salt_modules`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `salt_environments`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `smart_proxies`.`name` LIKE '%test%')) AND `hosts`.`id` IN (4446) ORDER BY `hosts`.`name` ASC
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] (0.7ms) SELECT MAX(`reports`.`id`) AS maximum_id, `reports`.`host_id` AS reports_host_id FROM `reports` WHERE `reports`.`host_id` = 4446 GROUP BY `reports`.`host_id`
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] Report Load (0.7ms) SELECT `reports`.* FROM `reports` WHERE 1=0
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] ForemanTasks::Task::DynflowTask Load (0.9ms) SELECT `foreman_tasks_tasks`.* FROM `foreman_tasks_tasks` INNER JOIN `foreman_tasks_locks` ON `foreman_tasks_locks`.`task_id` = `foreman_tasks_tasks`.`id` WHERE `foreman_tasks_tasks`.`type` IN ('ForemanTasks::Task::DynflowTask') AND `foreman_tasks_tasks`.`label` = 'Actions::RemoteExecution::RunHostJob' AND `foreman_tasks_locks`.`resource_id` = 4446 AND `foreman_tasks_locks`.`resource_type` = 'Host::Managed'
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] Environment Load (0.7ms) SELECT `environments`.* FROM `environments` WHERE `environments`.`id` = 3 ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] Realm Load (0.7ms) SELECT `realms`.* FROM `realms` WHERE `realms`.`id` IS NULL ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] Nic::Base Load (0.9ms) SELECT `nics`.* FROM `nics` WHERE `nics`.`host_id` = 4446 AND `nics`.`type` = 'Nic::BMC' ORDER BY `nics`.`identifier` ASC LIMIT 1
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `nics`.* FROM `nics` WHERE `nics`.`host_id` = 4446 AND `nics`.`type` = 'Nic::BMC' ORDER BY `nics`.`identifier` ASC LIMIT 1 [["host_id", 4446], ["type", "Nic::BMC"]]
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `nics`.* FROM `nics` WHERE `nics`.`host_id` = 4446 AND `nics`.`type` = 'Nic::BMC' ORDER BY `nics`.`identifier` ASC LIMIT 1 [["host_id", 4446], ["type", "Nic::BMC"]]
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] Domain Load (0.8ms) SELECT `domains`.* FROM `domains` WHERE `domains`.`id` = 1 ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] Architecture Load (0.8ms) SELECT `architectures`.* FROM `architectures` WHERE `architectures`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] Operatingsystem Load (0.8ms) SELECT `operatingsystems`.* FROM `operatingsystems` WHERE `operatingsystems`.`id` = 1 ORDER BY `operatingsystems`.`title` ASC LIMIT 1
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] Subnet Load (0.7ms) SELECT `subnets`.* FROM `subnets` WHERE `subnets`.`id` IS NULL ORDER BY vlanid LIMIT 1
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `subnets`.* FROM `subnets` WHERE `subnets`.`id` IS NULL ORDER BY vlanid LIMIT 1
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `nics`.* FROM `nics` WHERE `nics`.`host_id` = 4446 AND `nics`.`type` = 'Nic::BMC' ORDER BY `nics`.`identifier` ASC LIMIT 1 [["host_id", 4446], ["type", "Nic::BMC"]]
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] Ptable Load (0.8ms) SELECT `templates`.* FROM `templates` WHERE `templates`.`type` IN ('Ptable') AND `templates`.`id` IS NULL ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] Medium Load (0.8ms) SELECT `media`.* FROM `media` WHERE `media`.`id` IS NULL ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] SmartProxy Load (0.8ms) SELECT `smart_proxies`.* FROM `smart_proxies` WHERE `smart_proxies`.`id` IS NULL ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] ComputeResource Load (0.6ms) SELECT `compute_resources`.* FROM `compute_resources` WHERE `compute_resources`.`id` IS NULL ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] ComputeProfile Load (0.8ms) SELECT `compute_profiles`.* FROM `compute_profiles` WHERE `compute_profiles`.`id` IS NULL ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] SmartProxy Load (0.9ms) SELECT `smart_proxies`.* FROM `smart_proxies` WHERE `smart_proxies`.`id` = 10 ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] Image Load (0.7ms) SELECT `images`.* FROM `images` WHERE `images`.`id` IS NULL LIMIT 1
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `foreman_tasks_tasks`.* FROM `foreman_tasks_tasks` INNER JOIN `foreman_tasks_locks` ON `foreman_tasks_locks`.`task_id` = `foreman_tasks_tasks`.`id` WHERE `foreman_tasks_tasks`.`type` IN ('ForemanTasks::Task::DynflowTask') AND `foreman_tasks_tasks`.`label` = 'Actions::RemoteExecution::RunHostJob' AND `foreman_tasks_locks`.`resource_id` = 4446 AND `foreman_tasks_locks`.`resource_type` = 'Host::Managed' [["label", "Actions::RemoteExecution::RunHostJob"]]
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] Model Load (0.9ms) SELECT `models`.* FROM `models` WHERE `models`.`id` = 5 ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [app] [I] Rendered api/v2/hosts/index.json.rabl within api/v2/layouts/index_layout (80.8ms)
2016-11-01 13:01:23 e58c75eb [sql] [D] (1.8ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hosts` WHERE `hosts`.`type` IN ('Host::Managed')
2016-11-01 13:02:41 e58c75eb [sql] [D] (77753.1ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `hosts`.`id`) FROM `hosts` LEFT OUTER JOIN `host_status` ON `host_status`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `compute_resources` ON `compute_resources`.`id` = `hosts`.`compute_resource_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `hostgroups` ON `hostgroups`.`id` = `hosts`.`hostgroup_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `operatingsystems` ON `operatingsystems`.`id` = `hosts`.`operatingsystem_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `nics` ON `nics`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `tokens` ON `tokens`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `models` ON `models`.`id` = `hosts`.`model_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `nics` `primary_interfaces_hosts_join` ON `primary_interfaces_hosts_join`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` AND `primary_interfaces_hosts_join`.`primary` = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN `domains` ON `domains`.`id` = `primary_interfaces_hosts_join`.`domain_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `realms` ON `realms`.`id` = `hosts`.`realm_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `environments` ON `environments`.`id` = `hosts`.`environment_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `architectures` ON `architectures`.`id` = `hosts`.`architecture_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `images` ON `images`.`id` = `hosts`.`image_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `nics` `primary_interfaces_hosts` ON `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` AND `primary_interfaces_hosts`.`primary` = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN `nics` `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_2` ON `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_2`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` AND `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_2`.`primary` = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN `subnets` ON `subnets`.`id` = `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_2`.`subnet_id` AND `subnets`.`type` = 'Subnet::Ipv4' LEFT OUTER JOIN `nics` `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_3` ON `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_3`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` AND `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_3`.`primary` = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN `subnets` `subnet6s_hosts` ON `subnet6s_hosts`.`id` = `primary_interfaces_hosts_join_3`.`subnet6_id` AND `subnet6s_hosts`.`type` = 'Subnet::Ipv6' LEFT OUTER JOIN `nics` `provision_interfaces_hosts` ON `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` AND `provision_interfaces_hosts`.`provision` = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN `discovery_rules` ON `discovery_rules`.`id` = `hosts`.`discovery_rule_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `host_salt_modules` ON `host_salt_modules`.`host_id` = `hosts`.`id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `salt_modules` ON `salt_modules`.`id` = `host_salt_modules`.`salt_module_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `salt_environments` ON `salt_environments`.`id` = `hosts`.`salt_environment_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `smart_proxies` ON `smart_proxies`.`id` = `hosts`.`salt_proxy_id` WHERE `hosts`.`type` IN ('Host::Managed') AND ((`hosts`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `hosts`.`comment` LIKE '%test%' OR `models`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `hostgroups`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `hostgroups`.`title` LIKE '%test%' OR `hostgroups`.`title` LIKE '%test%' OR `domains`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `realms`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `environments`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `architectures`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `compute_resources`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `images`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`description` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`title` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`major` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`minor` LIKE '%test%' OR `nics`.`ip` LIKE '%test%' OR `nics`.`ip` LIKE '%test%' OR `nics`.`mac` LIKE '%test%' OR `subnets`.`network` LIKE '%test%' OR `subnets`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `subnets`.`network` LIKE '%test%' OR `subnets`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `hosts`.`uuid` LIKE '%test%' OR `nics`.`mac` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`description` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`title` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`major` LIKE '%test%' OR `operatingsystems`.`minor` LIKE '%test%' OR `discovery_rules`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `salt_modules`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `salt_environments`.`name` LIKE '%test%' OR `smart_proxies`.`name` LIKE '%test%'))
2016-11-01 13:02:41 e58c75eb [app] [D] Cache read: entries_per_page
2016-11-01 13:02:41 e58c75eb [app] [D] Body: {
2016-11-01 13:02:41 e58c75eb [app] [I] Completed 200 OK in 158156ms (Views: 84.9ms | ActiveRecord: 157573.3ms)
2016-11-01 13:02:43 e58c75eb [sql] [D] (0.8ms) BEGIN
2016-11-01 13:02:43 e58c75eb [sql] [D] SQL (1.0ms) INSERT INTO `sessions` (`session_id`, `data`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('9c8ca6c44f918a4fdaa0dbe9cbebd949', 'BAh7BkkiC2xvY2FsZQY6BkVGSSIHZW4GOwBG\n', '2016-11-01 20:02:43', '2016-11-01 20:02:43')
2016-11-01 13:02:43 e58c75eb [sql] [D] (1.4ms) COMMIT
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