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Last active October 7, 2021 09:39
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Gnuplot spells
# Defaults
# ==========
set grid
set datafile separator ","
set print "-" # enable logging
print "Hello world"
set autoscale fix # Axes tight
# CSV column headers
# ====================
set key autotitle columnhead
# PNG out
# =========
# noenhanced -- remove special handling from _
set terminal pngcairo size 1024,640 noenhanced
set output fname.".png"
# Derive output files from script name
plot_file = ARG0[:strstrt(ARG0, '.plt')]
data_file = plot_file.'csv'
png_file = plot_file.'png'
# Xdata is time
# ===============
set xdata time
set timefmt "\[%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S"
set format x "%H:%M:%S"
set xtics rotate by -15 left
# Binning (built-in)
# ====================
plot fname.'.txt' using 1:(1) bins=50 with boxes fs solid 0.5 transparent
# Binning (function)
# ====================
set boxwidth binwidth
set style fill solid 0.1
bin(x) = binwidth*floor(x/binwidth)
bin_center(x) = binwidth*floor(x/binwidth) + binwidth/2
plot fname.'.txt' using (bin(timecolumn(1))):(1.0) smooth freq with boxes
# Horizontal line (note keyword first to return the axis)
# =================
set arrow from \
graph 0, first targ to \
graph 1, first targ \
nohead lt 7 lw 2 front
# Region of interest
# =====================
roi1="\[2020.06.29 11:49:15"
set arrow from roi1, graph 0 to \
roi1, graph 1 \
nohead lt 7 lw 2 front
#set xtics add ("report" roi1)
set label "1st report\n(11:49:15)" \
at roi1, graph 0.1 \
front \
offset 0.1,0
# Multiplot
# ===========
# defined xrange is required for same scaling
xstart="\[2020.06.29 10:00:00"
xstop="\[2020.06.29 12:00:00"
set xrange [xstart:xstop]
# set layout
set multiplot layout 2, 1 title "Multiplot title"
# disable xtics
unset xtics
# adjust margins before plot
set bmargin middle_gap
plot 'data.dump' using (bin(timecolumn(1))):(1.0) smooth freq with boxes fs solid 0.5 transparent
unset bmargin
# re-enable xtics
set xtics rotate by -15 left
# adjust margins before plot
set tmargin middle_gap
plot 'data.dump' using (bin(timecolumn(1))):(1.0) smooth freq with boxes fs solid 0.5 transparent
unset tmargin
# Loop through files in folder
# ==============================
do for [file in system('ls verify/*First.csv')] {
print file
plot file every 1000 using 1:2 with line title file
# If-else logic
# ===============
if (strstrt(fname, 'substring_in_fname') > 0) {
roi1="[2020.09.04 04:40:32"
if (roi1 ne "") {
set arrow from roi1, graph 0 to \
roi1, graph 1 \
nohead lt 7 lw 2 front
set label "event X happened here" \
at roi1, graph 0.5 \
front \
offset 0.1,0
# Creating discontinuity in a plot
# ==================================
# 1/0 results in undefined -> discontinuity
f(x) = x<a ? 1 : 1/0
# Sync multiple files based on rising edge
# ==========================================
rising_edge=system("awk 'BEGIN{FS=\",\"}; $2 > 0.001 {print $1;exit}' data_time_comma_value.csv")
plot "data_time_comma_value.csv" using ($1 - rising_edge):2 with lines
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korjaa commented Feb 10, 2020

Added second method of binning.

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