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Created July 9, 2019 21:07
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KiCAD bus length matching script which also adds in the "Pad to die length" into the calculations
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import os
import re
import time
import pcbnew
This is a modified version of
which also adds in the "Pad to die length" into the calculations (plus different formating).
Additions by Emil Fresk (@korken89),
(C)2019 Emil Fresk
Bellow follows the (modified original instructions):
Very basic length making checker script for KiCAD with "Pad to die length" included
This is not very fancy, but it can be used to create length matched traces.
* Compile KiCAD with Python scripting support (this isn't enabled by default
and requires a rebuild, if you look in there's a line
marked with "# Python scripting, uncomment to enable")
* Put each group of nets that should be length matched into their own
netclass, named with the suffix _LMxxx, where xxx is the matching
tolerance in millimeters.
For example, the netclass name DATABUS_LM1.2 means all nets in that
netclass should match within 1.2mm of each other.
* Run this script as " <name_of_boardfile> <chip_with_die_lengts>",
and it will print pass/fail length match data & lengths for each netclass that
meets the _LM naming scheme.
* The script will keep running, and any time you save the board file
it will re-examine any netclasses where at least one length has
changed and print the new results. The idea is to keep this script
open in a side window while you route your board.
* Once you think everything is correct, Ctrl-C to kill the script
and then rerun it to double check all netclasses (in case you missed
any netclasses that haven't changed in a while).
* The length matching just counts the total length of all traces in
the net, so it doesn't know about geometry or overlapping traces or
multi-ended traces or stubs. For this reason:
* Use "magnetic pads" (under Preferences->General) so traces always
begin & end in the middle of the pad.
* Route in outline view mode (buttons at bottom left toolbar thingy)
so you can easily see any accidental overlapping traces (including
under pads) and delete them. One stray trace scrap under a pad can
ruin your matching!
* Use the Edit->Cleanup Tracks And Vias options to merge any
overlapping traces (NB this can sometimes makes a mess of your
board, so save first!)
* Length matching also doesn't account for vias, so try and match the
numbers of these.
* Coloured text output should work on Linux and OS X but on Windows it
requires "ansi.sys" loaded.
There is tons of room for improvement in this script, so if you add
any improvements please let me know so I can use them too. :)
(C)2014 Angus Gratton @projectgus, Licensed under New BSD License
BRIGHT_GREEN = '\033[92;1m'
BRIGHT_RED = '\033[91;1m'
END_COLOR = '\033[0m'
def print_color(color, s):
print(color + s + END_COLOR)
def get_tolerance(classname):
"Returns the length match tolerance encoded in a netclass match, or None if not a matched length"
name ="(^|_)LM([0-9\.]+)($|_)", classname)
if name is None:
return None
return float(
def get_board_properties(filename, chip_ref):
Returns a dict from netclass name -> (tolerance, nets)
Where tolerance is maximum difference in matched track lengths.
And nets is a list of (netname, length) for each net in the netclass.
Only netclasses with length matching tolerances are returned
pcb = pcbnew.LoadBoard(filename)
pcb.BuildListOfNets() # required so 'pcb' contains valid netclass data
tolerances = {}
nets = {}
tracks = pcb.GetTracks() # tuples of (netname, classname)
netclasses = list(set(t.GetNet().GetClassName() for t in tracks)) # unique netclass names
result = {}
die_lengths = {}
pads = pcb.FindModuleByReference(chip_ref).Pads()
for pad in pads:
name = pad.GetNetname()
length = pcbnew.ToMM(pad.GetPadToDieLength())
die_lengths[name] = length
for netclass in netclasses:
tolerance = get_tolerance(netclass)
if tolerance is None:
tracks_netclass = [t for t in tracks if t.GetNet().GetClassName() == netclass] # tracks in this netclass
netnames = list(set([t.GetNet().GetNetname() for t in tracks_netclass])) # unique netnames in this netclass
nets = [(n,sum(pcbnew.ToMM(t.GetLength()) for t in tracks_netclass if t.GetNet().GetNetname() == n)) for n in netnames]
result[netclass] = (tolerance, nets)
return (result, die_lengths)
def plist(netclass, tolerance, nets, die_lengths):
max_length = 0
min_length = 1e12
name_width = max(len(n) for (n, l) in nets) +3
for (net,netlen) in nets:
final_len = netlen + die_lengths[net]
max_length = max(max_length, final_len)
min_length = min(min_length, final_len)
variance = abs(max_length - min_length)
text_color = BRIGHT_RED
if variance <= tolerance:
text_color = BRIGHT_GREEN
print("\n### Net-class " + netclass + " --- TOLERANCE: " + \
"{0:.2f} mm".format(tolerance) + " --- ", end = "")
print_color(text_color, "VARIANCE: " + \
"{0:.2f} mm".format(variance))
for (net,netlen) in nets:
final_len = netlen + die_lengths[net]
diff = final_len - max_length
text_color = BRIGHT_RED
if abs(diff) <= tolerance:
text_color = BRIGHT_GREEN
print_color(text_color, "{0: <{width}}".format(net, width=name_width) + "{0:.2f} mm".format(final_len) + " ({0:.2f} mm)".format(diff))
if __name__ == "__main__":
filepath = sys.argv[1]
chip_ref = sys.argv[2]
except IndexError:
print("Usage: %s <boardname.kicad_pcb> <reference with pad to die lengths>" % sys.argv[0])
print("Eg: %s my_board.kicad_pcb U101" % sys.argv[0])
first = True
while True:
# wait for the file contents to change
lastmtime = os.path.getmtime(filepath)
mtime = lastmtime
while mtime == lastmtime and not first:
mtime = os.path.getmtime(filepath)
except OSError:
pass # kicad save process seems to momentarily delete file, so there's a race here with "No such file.."
first = False
(properties, die_lengths) = get_board_properties(filepath, chip_ref)
for (netclass, (tolerance, nets)) in sorted(properties.items()):
plist(netclass, tolerance, nets, die_lengths)
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