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Created January 13, 2022 14:15
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Here it is! My first attempt to do some nice 3D stuff in TMT Pascal...
I think it looks pretty cool. As you can see lots of procedures are
done in assembler, 'cause 32-bit power rules! I think that's the best
feature of TMT Pascal. This program is not very fast (no Pentium
optimizations and stuff...), but it is isn't slow too. You can find
some interesting procedures in it like Rotate3D, ConvertTo2D,
GouraudPoly, FIndColors. I think they are pretty fast. You CAN use
them in your own programs, I don't mind...
(c) Giedrius,
mail to:
program GrdTorus;
TorusSegments = 24;
TorusSides = 12;
TotalVertices = TorusSegments * TorusSides;
TotalFaces = TorusSegments * TorusSides;
R1 = 140; -- Torus radius
R2 = 70; -- Torus segment radius
StepX = 3;
StepY = 2;
StepZ = 1;
T2DVertex = record
x, y: Integer;
T3DVertex = record
x, y, z: Integer;
_2DVertices: array [0..TotalVertices - 1] of T2DVertex;
_3DVertices, _3DVertices2: array [0..TotalVertices - 1] of T3DVertex;
_3DFaces: array [0..TotalFaces - 1, 1..4] of Word;
Sines: array [0..511] of Integer;
VScreen: array [0..63999] of Byte;
Order: array [0..TotalFaces - 1] of Word;
CentZ: array [0..TotalFaces - 1] of Integer;
FaceNormals, FaceNormals2: array [0..TotalFaces - 1] of T3DVertex;
VertexNormals, VertexNormals2: array [0..TotalVertices - 1] of T3DVertex;
Colors: array [1..4] of Byte;
_2DVerticesPtr, _3DVerticesPtr, _3DVertices2Ptr,
_3DFacesPtr, FaceNormalsPtr, VertexNormalsPtr,
FaceNormals2Ptr, VertexNormals2Ptr,
SinesPtr, VScreenPtr: Pointer;
i1, AngleX, AngleY, AngleZ: Word;
{{$DEFINE ShowRaster} -- Uncomment this if you want to see how much
-- raster time entire cycle takes
-- Get pressed key (like CRT's ReadKey)
function ReadChar: Char; assembler;
xor ah, ah
int 16h
-- Check if a key was pressed (like CRT's KeyPressed)
function KeyPushed: Boolean; assembler;
mov ah, 1
int 16h
jz @Nope
mov al, 1
jmp @Out
xor al, al
-- Wait for a vertical retrace
procedure WaitVerRetrace; assembler;
mov dx, 03DAh
in al, dx
and al, 8
jnz @Loop1
in al, dx
and al, 8
jz @Loop2
-- Set color's RGB values
procedure SetRGB(Color, r, g, b: Byte); assembler;
mov dx, 03C8h
mov al, Color
out dx, al
inc dx
mov al, r
out dx, al
mov al, g
out dx, al
mov al, b
out dx, al
-- Init new video mode
procedure InitVideoMode(Mode: Byte); assembler;
xor ah, ah
mov al, Mode
int 10h
-- Clear whole screen
procedure ClearScreen(ScreenPtr: Pointer; Color: Byte); assembler;
mov edi, ScreenPtr
mov bl, Color
mov bh, bl
mov ax, bx
shl eax, 16
mov ax, bx
mov ecx, 16000
rep stosd
-- Copy whole screen (eg. virtual screen to video memory or vice versa)
procedure CopyScreen(SourcePtr, DestPtr: Pointer); assembler;
mov edi, DestPtr
mov esi, SourcePtr
mov ecx, 16000
rep movsd
-- Clear an area in a screen
procedure ClearArea(ScreenPtr: Pointer; Color: Byte; x1_div_4, y1, x2_div_4, y2: Integer); assembler;
mov edi, ScreenPtr
xor eax, eax
mov ah, byte ptr y1
mov bx, ax
shr bx, 2
add ax, bx
mov bx, x1_div_4
shl bx, 2
add ax, bx
add edi, eax
mov dl, Color
mov dh, dl
mov ax, dx
shl eax, 16
mov ax, dx
mov bx, y2
sub bx, y1
inc bx
xor edx, edx
xor ecx, ecx
mov dx, 80
mov cx, x2_div_4
sub cx, x1_div_4
inc cx
sub dx, cx
shl edx, 2
push ecx
rep stosd
pop ecx
add edi, edx
dec bx
jnz @NextLine
-- Copy area in a screen
procedure CopyArea(SourcePtr, DestPtr: Pointer; x1_div_4, y1, x2_div_4, y2: Integer); assembler;
mov edi, DestPtr
mov esi, SourcePtr
xor eax, eax
mov ah, byte ptr y1
mov bx, ax
shr bx, 2
add ax, bx
mov bx, x1_div_4
shl bx, 2
add ax, bx
add edi, eax
add esi, eax
mov bx, y2
sub bx, y1
inc bx
xor edx, edx
xor ecx, ecx
mov dx, 80
mov cx, x2_div_4
sub cx, x1_div_4
inc cx
sub dx, cx
shl edx, 2
push ecx
rep movsd
pop ecx
add edi, edx
add esi, edx
dec bx
jnz @NextLine
-- Rotate vertices array around all three axes and store results
-- into another array
procedure Rotate3D(V3DVerticesPtr, V3DVertices2Ptr, SinesPtr: Pointer; TotalVertices, AngX, AngY, AngZ: Word); assembler;
TempX, TempY, TempZ, TempX2, TempY2, TempZ2: Integer;
SinX, CosX, SinY, CosY, SinZ, CosZ: LongInt;
mov edi, SinesPtr
xor ebx, ebx
mov bx, AngX
shl bx, 1
mov ax, [edi + ebx]
mov SinX, eax
mov bx, AngX
add bx, 128
and bx, 511
shl bx, 1
mov ax, [edi + ebx]
mov CosX, eax
mov bx, AngY
shl bx, 1
mov ax, [edi + ebx]
mov SinY, eax
mov bx, AngY
add bx, 128
and bx, 511
shl bx, 1
mov ax, [edi + ebx]
mov CosY, eax
mov bx, AngZ
shl bx, 1
mov ax, [edi + ebx]
mov SinZ, eax
mov bx, AngZ
add bx, 128
and bx, 511
shl bx, 1
mov ax, [edi + ebx]
mov CosZ, eax
mov esi, V3DVerticesPtr
mov edi, V3DVertices2Ptr
mov cx, TotalVertices
-- 1st X Coordinate
mov ax, [esi]
mov TempX, ax
-- 1st Y Coordinate
movsx eax, word ptr [esi + 2]
imul CosX
mov ebx, eax
movsx eax, word ptr [esi + 4]
imul SinX
sub ebx, eax
sar ebx, 14
mov TempY, bx
-- 1st Z Coordinate
movsx eax, word ptr [esi + 2]
imul SinX
mov ebx, eax
movsx eax, word ptr [esi + 4]
imul CosX
add ebx, eax
sar ebx, 14
mov TempZ, bx
-- 2nd X Coordinate
movsx eax, TempX
imul CosY
mov ebx, eax
movsx eax, TempZ
imul SinY
add ebx, eax
sar ebx, 14
mov TempX2, bx
-- 2nd Y Coordinate
mov ax, TempY
mov TempY2, ax
-- 2nd Z Coordinate
movsx eax, TempZ
imul CosY
mov ebx, eax
movsx eax, TempX
imul SinY
sub ebx, eax
sar ebx, 14
mov TempZ2, bx
-- 3rd X Coordinate
movsx eax, TempX2
imul CosZ
mov ebx, eax
movsx eax, TempY2
imul SinZ
sub ebx, eax
sar ebx, 14
mov [edi], bx
-- 3rd Y Coordinate
movsx eax, TempX2
imul SinZ
mov ebx, eax
movsx eax, TempY2
imul CosZ
add ebx, eax
sar ebx, 14
mov [edi + 2], bx
-- 3rd Z Coordinate
mov ax, TempZ2
mov [edi + 4], ax
add esi, 6
add edi, 6
dec cx
jnz @Rotate
-- Convert 3D vertices array to 2D and store results into another array
procedure ConvertTo2D(V3DVerticesPtr, V2DVerticesPtr: Pointer; TotalCoords: Word; OX, OY, OZ: Integer); assembler;
mov edi, V3DVerticesPtr
mov esi, V2DVerticesPtr
xor cx, cx
mov ax, [edi]
add ax, OX
shl eax, 16
sar eax, 8
mov bx, [edi + 4]
add bx, 256
add bx, OZ
shl ebx, 16
sar ebx, 16
idiv ebx
add ax, 159
mov [esi], ax
mov ax, [edi + 2]
add ax, OY
neg ax
shl eax, 16
sar eax, 8
mov ebx, 5
imul ebx
mov ebx, 6
idiv ebx
mov bx, [edi + 4]
add bx, 256
add bx, OZ
shl ebx, 16
sar ebx, 16
idiv ebx
add ax, 99
mov [esi + 2], ax
add edi, 6
add esi, 4
inc cx
cmp cx, TotalCoords
jne @ConvertNext
-- Draw gouraud shaded polygon. NOTE: no clipping is performed, so be careful,
-- DO NOT draw outside screen, 'cause strange things will happen... ;)
procedure GouraudPoly(x1, y1, Color1, x2, y2, Color2, x3, y3, Color3: Word; Screen: Pointer); assembler;
LineCoords: array [1..800] of Word;
Step, ColStep: DWord;
Temp: Byte;
mov ax, y1
mov bx, y3
cmp ax, bx
jl @SkipChange1
mov y1, bx
mov y3, ax
mov ax, x1
mov bx, x3
mov x1, bx
mov x3, ax
mov ax, Color1
mov bx, Color3
mov Color1, bx
mov Color3, ax
mov ax, y1
mov bx, y2
cmp ax, bx
jl @SkipChange2
mov y1, bx
mov y2, ax
mov ax, x1
mov bx, x2
mov x1, bx
mov x2, ax
mov ax, Color1
mov bx, Color2
mov Color1, bx
mov Color2, ax
mov ax, y2
mov bx, y3
cmp ax, bx
jl @SkipChange3
mov y2, bx
mov y3, ax
mov ax, x2
mov bx, x3
mov x2, bx
mov x3, ax
mov ax, Color2
mov bx, Color3
mov Color2, bx
mov Color3, ax
lea esi, LineCoords
xor ebx, ebx
mov bx, y3
sub bx, y1
cmp ebx, 0
jg @Skip1
mov Step, 0
mov ColStep, 0
jmp @Continue1
mov ax, x3
sub ax, x1
shl eax, 16
idiv ebx
mov Step, eax
mov ax, Color3
sub ax, Color1
shl eax, 16
idiv ebx
mov ColStep, eax
mov dx, x1
shl edx, 16
mov di, Color1
shl edi, 16
xor ebx, ebx
mov cx, y1
mov bx, cx
shl bx, 2
mov eax, edx
sar eax, 16
mov [esi + ebx], ax
add edx, Step
mov eax, edi
sar eax, 16
mov [esi + 800 + ebx], ax
add edi, ColStep
add bx, 4
inc cx
cmp cx, y3
jle @Loop1
xor ebx, ebx
mov bx, y2
sub bx, y1
cmp ebx, 0
jg @Skip2
mov Step, 0
mov ColStep, 0
jmp @Continue2
mov ax, x2
sub ax, x1
shl eax, 16
idiv ebx
mov Step, eax
mov ax, Color2
sub ax, Color1
shl eax, 16
idiv ebx
mov ColStep, eax
mov dx, x1
shl edx, 16
mov di, Color1
shl edi, 16
xor ebx, ebx
mov cx, y1
mov bx, cx
shl bx, 2
add bx, 2
mov eax, edx
sar eax, 16
mov [esi + ebx], ax
add edx, Step
mov eax, edi
sar eax, 16
mov [esi + 800 + ebx], ax
add edi, ColStep
add bx, 4
inc cx
cmp cx, y2
jle @Loop2
xor ebx, ebx
mov bx, y3
sub bx, y2
cmp ebx, 0
jg @Skip3
mov Step, 0
mov ColStep, 0
jmp @Continue3
mov ax, x3
sub ax, x2
shl eax, 16
idiv ebx
mov Step, eax
mov ax, Color3
sub ax, Color2
shl eax, 16
idiv ebx
mov ColStep, eax
mov dx, x2
shl edx, 16
mov di, Color2
shl edi, 16
xor ebx, ebx
mov cx, y2
mov bx, cx
shl bx, 2
add bx, 2
mov eax, edx
sar eax, 16
mov [esi + ebx], ax
add edx, Step
mov eax, edi
sar eax, 16
mov [esi + 800 + ebx], ax
add edi, ColStep
add bx, 4
inc cx
cmp cx, y3
jle @Loop3
xor ebx, ebx
mov bx, y1
shl bx, 2
add esi, ebx
mov bx, y1
mov ax, [esi]
mov di, [esi + 2]
cmp ax, di
jle @Start
mov [esi], di
mov [esi + 2], ax
mov ax, [esi + 800]
mov di, [esi + 800 + 2]
mov [esi + 800], di
mov [esi + 800 + 2], ax
xor ecx, ecx
mov cx, [esi + 2]
sub cx, [esi]
inc cx
xor al, al
mov ah, bl
xor edi, edi
mov di, ax
shr di, 2
add di, ax
add di, [esi]
add edi, Screen
mov ax, [esi + 800 + 2]
sub ax, [esi + 800]
sal eax, 16
idiv ecx
mov ColStep, eax
mov dx, [esi + 800]
shl edx, 16
shr cx, 1
jnc @DrawPixel
mov eax, edx
sar eax, 16
add edx, ColStep
cmp cx, 0
je @Out2
mov eax, edx
sar eax, 16
mov Temp, al
add edx, ColStep
mov eax, edx
sar eax, 8
add edx, ColStep
mov al, Temp
dec cx
jnz @DrawPixel
add esi, 4
inc bx
cmp bx, y3
jle @DrawNext
-- Determine color at each vertex of a face
procedure FindColors(VVertexNormals: Pointer; Face: Word); assembler;
MulVectors, MulCoords: LongInt;
FPUTemp, TSegment, TSide, _TorusSegments, _TorusSides: Word;
VertexList: array [1..4] of Word;
mov esi, VVertexNormals
lea edi, Colors
lea ecx, VertexList
mov ax, TorusSegments
mov _TorusSegments, ax
mov ax, TorusSides
mov _TorusSides, ax
mov ax, Face
div _TorusSides
mov TSegment, ax
mov TSide, dx
mov ax, TSegment
div _TorusSegments
imul dx, _TorusSides
mov bx, dx
mov ax, TSide
div _TorusSides
add bx, dx
mov [ecx], bx
mov ax, TSegment
inc ax
div _TorusSegments
imul dx, _TorusSides
mov bx, dx
mov ax, TSide
div _TorusSides
add bx, dx
mov [ecx + 2], bx
mov ax, TSegment
inc ax
div _TorusSegments
imul dx, _TorusSides
mov bx, dx
mov ax, TSide
inc ax
div _TorusSides
add bx, dx
mov [ecx + 4], bx
mov ax, TSegment
div _TorusSegments
imul dx, _TorusSides
mov bx, dx
mov ax, TSide
inc ax
div _TorusSides
add bx, dx
mov [ecx + 6], bx
mov edx, ecx
xor ecx, ecx
push edx
movzx ebx, word ptr [edx + ecx * 2]
mov edx, ebx
shl edx, 1
shl ebx, 2
add ebx, edx
xor al, al
movsx edx, word ptr [esi + ebx + 4]
imul edx, -256
cmp edx, 0
jle @Out
mov MulCoords, edx
movsx eax, word ptr [esi + ebx]
imul eax, eax
movsx edx, word ptr [esi + ebx + 2]
imul edx, edx
add eax, edx
movsx edx, word ptr [esi + ebx + 4]
imul edx, edx
add eax, edx
mov MulVectors, eax
fild MulCoords
fild MulVectors
mov FPUTemp, 256
fild FPUTemp
mov FPUTemp, 91
fild FPUTemp
fistp FPUTemp
mov ax, FPUTemp
mov [edi + ecx], al
pop edx
inc ecx
cmp ecx, 4
jl @FindVertexCol
-- Calculate all torus data, including: vertices' coordinates,
-- faces' normals, vertices' normals
procedure MakeTorus;
DeltaZ, DeltaX, Ax, Ay, Az, Bx, By, Bz: Integer;
in1, in2, in3: Word;
Angle, AngleStep: Real;
AngleStep := 360 / TorusSides;
for in1 := 0 to TorusSides - 1 do
DeltaX := Round(R2 * Cos(in1 * AngleStep * Pi / 180));
DeltaZ := Round(-R2 * Sin(in1 * AngleStep * Pi / 180));
_3DVertices[in1].x := R1 + DeltaX;
_3DVertices[in1].y := 0;
_3DVertices[in1].z := DeltaZ;
AngleStep := 360 / TorusSegments;
for in2 := 1 to TorusSegments - 1 do
Angle := in2 * AngleStep * Pi / 180;
for in1 := 0 to TorusSides - 1 do
_3DVertices[in2 * TorusSides + in1].x :=
Round(Cos(Angle) * _3DVertices[in1].x -
Sin(Angle) * _3DVertices[in1].y);
_3DVertices[in2 * TorusSides + in1].y :=
Round(Sin(Angle) * _3DVertices[in1].x +
Cos(Angle) * _3DVertices[in1].y);
_3DVertices[in2 * TorusSides + in1].z := _3DVertices[in1].z;
for in2 := 0 to TorusSegments - 1 do
for in1 := 0 to TorusSides - 1 do
in3 := in2 * TorusSides + in1;
_3DFaces[in3, 1] := in2 * TorusSides + in1;
_3DFaces[in3, 2] := ((in2 + 1) mod TorusSegments) * TorusSides + in1;
_3DFaces[in3, 3] := ((in2 + 1) mod TorusSegments) * TorusSides + (in1 + 1) mod TorusSides;
_3DFaces[in3, 4] := in2 * TorusSides + (in1 + 1) mod TorusSides;
Ax := _3DVertices[_3DFaces[in3, 1]].x - _3DVertices[_3DFaces[in3, 2]].x;
Ay := _3DVertices[_3DFaces[in3, 1]].y - _3DVertices[_3DFaces[in3, 2]].y;
Az := _3DVertices[_3DFaces[in3, 1]].z - _3DVertices[_3DFaces[in3, 2]].z;
Bx := _3DVertices[_3DFaces[in3, 4]].x - _3DVertices[_3DFaces[in3, 2]].x;
By := _3DVertices[_3DFaces[in3, 4]].y - _3DVertices[_3DFaces[in3, 2]].y;
Bz := _3DVertices[_3DFaces[in3, 4]].z - _3DVertices[_3DFaces[in3, 2]].z;
FaceNormals[in3].x := Ay * Bz - Az * By;
FaceNormals[in3].y := Az * Bx - Ax * Bz;
FaceNormals[in3].z := Ax * By - Ay * Bx;
for in2 := 0 to TorusSegments - 1 do
for in1 := 0 to TorusSides - 1 do
in3 := (in2 + 1) mod TorusSegments * TorusSides + (in1 + 1) mod TorusSides;
VertexNormals[in3].x := (FaceNormals[(in2 mod TorusSegments) * TorusSides + (in1) mod TorusSides].x +
FaceNormals[((in2 + 1) mod TorusSegments) * TorusSides + (in1) mod TorusSides].x +
FaceNormals[((in2 + 1) mod TorusSegments) * TorusSides + (in1 + 1) mod TorusSides].x +
FaceNormals[(in2 mod TorusSegments) * TorusSides + (in1 + 1) mod TorusSides].x) div 4;
VertexNormals[in3].y := (FaceNormals[(in2 mod TorusSegments) * TorusSides + (in1) mod TorusSides].y +
FaceNormals[((in2 + 1) mod TorusSegments) * TorusSides + (in1) mod TorusSides].y +
FaceNormals[((in2 + 1) mod TorusSegments) * TorusSides + (in1 + 1) mod TorusSides].y +
FaceNormals[(in2 mod TorusSegments) * TorusSides + (in1 + 1) mod TorusSides].y) div 4;
VertexNormals[in3].z := (FaceNormals[(in2 mod TorusSegments) * TorusSides + (in1) mod TorusSides].z +
FaceNormals[((in2 + 1) mod TorusSegments) * TorusSides + (in1) mod TorusSides].z +
FaceNormals[((in2 + 1) mod TorusSegments) * TorusSides + (in1 + 1) mod TorusSides].z +
FaceNormals[(in2 mod TorusSegments) * TorusSides + (in1 + 1) mod TorusSides].z) div 4;
-- Sort all faces
procedure QuickSort(k1, k2: Word);
in1, in2, Tempp1, Tempp2: Integer;
in1 := k1; in2 := k2;
Tempp1 := CentZ[(k1 + k2) shr 1];
while CentZ[in1] > Tempp1 do Inc(in1);
while Tempp1 > CentZ[in2] do Dec(in2);
if in1 <= in2 then
Tempp2 := CentZ[in1]; CentZ[in1] := CentZ[in2]; CentZ[in2] := Tempp2;
Tempp2 := Order[in1]; Order[in1] := Order[in2]; Order[in2] := Tempp2;
until in1 > in2;
if k1 < in2 then QuickSort(k1, in2);
if in1 < k2 then QuickSort(in1, k2);
WriteLn('Calculating data... Please wait!');
{ Setup our pointers }
_2DVerticesPtr := Ptr(Ofs(_2DVertices));
_3DVerticesPtr := Ptr(Ofs(_3DVertices));
_3DVertices2Ptr := Ptr(Ofs(_3DVertices2));
_3DFacesPtr := Ptr(Ofs(_3DFaces));
FaceNormalsPtr := Ptr(Ofs(FaceNormals));
VertexNormalsPtr := Ptr(Ofs(VertexNormals));
FaceNormals2Ptr := Ptr(Ofs(FaceNormals2));
VertexNormals2Ptr := Ptr(Ofs(VertexNormals2));
SinesPtr := Ptr(Ofs(Sines));
VScreenPtr := Ptr(Ofs(VScreen));
ClearScreen(VScreenPtr, 0);
{ Claculate sines' table }
for i1 := 0 to 511 do
Sines[i1] := Round(16384 * Sin(i1 * Pi / 256));
{ Assign random values to the starting angles }
AngleX := Random(512); AngleY := Random(512); AngleZ := Random(512);
{ Setup our nice ;) palette }
for i1 := 0 to 63 do
SetRGB(i1, i1, 0, 0);
for i1 := 0 to 31 do
SetRGB(i1 + 64, 63, 1 + i1 * 2, 0);
{$IFDEF ShowRaster}
SetRGB(0, 31, 31, 0);
{CopyScreen(VScreenPtr, Ptr(_zero + $A0000));
ClearScreen(VScreenPtr, 0);}
CopyArea(VScreenPtr, Ptr(_zero + $A0000), 10, 0, 69, 199);
ClearArea(VScreenPtr, 0, 10, 0, 69, 199);
{ Rotate vertices }
Rotate3D(_3DVerticesPtr, _3DVertices2Ptr, SinesPtr, TotalVertices, AngleX, AngleY, AngleZ);
{ Rotate faces' normals }
Rotate3D(FaceNormalsPtr, FaceNormals2Ptr, SinesPtr, TotalFaces, AngleX, AngleY, AngleZ);
{ Rotate vertices' normals }
Rotate3D(VertexNormalsPtr, VertexNormals2Ptr, SinesPtr, TotalFaces, AngleX, AngleY, AngleZ);
{ Convert 3D vertices to 2D }
ConvertTo2D(_3DVertices2Ptr, _2DVerticesPtr, TotalVertices, 0, 0, 256);
for i1 := 0 to TotalFaces - 1 do
Order[i1] := i1;
CentZ[i1] := (_3DVertices2[_3DFaces[i1, 1]].z + _3DVertices2[_3DFaces[i1, 2]].z +
_3DVertices2[_3DFaces[i1, 3]].z + _3DVertices2[_3DFaces[i1, 4]].z) div 4;
{ Sort faces }
QuickSort(0, TotalFaces - 1);
{ Determine colors and draw faces }
for i1 := 0 to TotalFaces - 1 do
if FaceNormals2[Order[i1]].z <= CentZ[TotalFaces - 1 - i1] then
FindColors(VertexNormals2Ptr, Order[i1]);
GouraudPoly(_2DVertices[_3DFaces[Order[i1], 1]].x, _2DVertices[_3DFaces[Order[i1], 1]].y, Colors[1],
_2DVertices[_3DFaces[Order[i1], 2]].x, _2DVertices[_3DFaces[Order[i1], 2]].y, Colors[2],
_2DVertices[_3DFaces[Order[i1], 3]].x, _2DVertices[_3DFaces[Order[i1], 3]].y, Colors[3],
GouraudPoly(_2DVertices[_3DFaces[Order[i1], 3]].x, _2DVertices[_3DFaces[Order[i1], 3]].y, Colors[3],
_2DVertices[_3DFaces[Order[i1], 4]].x, _2DVertices[_3DFaces[Order[i1], 4]].y, Colors[4],
_2DVertices[_3DFaces[Order[i1], 1]].x, _2DVertices[_3DFaces[Order[i1], 1]].y, Colors[1],
AngleX := (AngleX + StepX) and 511;
AngleY := (AngleY + StepY) and 511;
AngleZ := (AngleZ + StepZ) and 511;
{$IFDEF ShowRaster}
SetRGB(0, 0, 0, 0);
until KeyPushed;
WriteLn('Coded by Giedrius, using TMT Pascal v1.20');
WriteLn('Mail to:');
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