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Created March 29, 2013 12:54
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zaharov localization
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="report_formatted">
<![CDATA[Give up smoking android application review\nName:%5$s\nsimple:%1$b\nclear:%2$b\naccessibly:%3$b\ncomfortable:%4$b\n]]></string>
<string name="report_email"></string>
<string name="app_name">Stop smoking</string>
<!-- Tabs -->
<string name="my_course">MY COURSE</string>
<string name="about_method">METHOD</string>
<string name="technique">TECHNIQUE</string>
<string name="accounting">ACCOUNTING</string>
<string name="main_rules">ОСНОВНЫЕ ПРАВИЛА</string>
<string name="stop_smoking_later">QUIT SMOKING LATER</string>
<string name="stop_smoking_now">QUIT SMOKING NOW</string>
<string name="pick_scheme">CHOICE OF SMOKING SCHEMES </string>
<string name="how_many_cigarettes_do_u_smoke">How many cigarettes\ndo you smoke?</string>
<string name="less_than_5">LESS THAN 5 CIGARETTES</string>
<string name="half_a_pack">HALF A PACK</string>
<string name="pack_or_more">PACK OR MORE</string>
<string name="everything_clear">EVERYTHING CLEAR</string>
<string name="common_smoking_scheme">COMMON SMOKING SCHEME</string>
<string name="start_course_with_formatted">START COURSE WITH SCHEME %1$s</string>
<string name="leave_a_review">LEAVE A REVIEW</string>
<string name="start_course">START COURSE</string>
<string name="smoke_cigarette">SMOKE CIGARETTE</string>
<string name="smoke_cigarette2">SMOKE CIGARETTE</string>
<string name="statistic">STATISTIC</string>
<string name="today">TODAY</string>
<string name="about_method_content">
The Russian scientist Vyacheslav Zakharov presented the smokers with impressively simple and accessible method of withdrawal from smoking using cigarettes. The main content of this method is the system of actions, intended for control of quantity of smoked tobacco. This is a principally new approach to the problem of tobacco smoking, which converts thoughts about the necessity to stop smoking into real actions for withdrawal from smoking. As a result of controlled smoking the process of withdrawal starts not when one stops smoking but takes place when one smokes, making refuse from smoking less painful and as a result more effective.
\n\nTo master the method no additional skills are required, there will be enough those simple skills which each smoker already has. Total experience of smoking and number of cigarettes smoked during the day are not the obstacles to master the present method.
\n\nThe method of controlled smoking (Zakharov method) became firstly known after his development “Cigarettes from smoking” was awarded with a Gold medal at the World exhibition of inventions in Brussels.
\n\nThe method is recommended for independent application with the purpose of limiting or gradual refusing from smoking.
<string name="my_course_not_started">To start a course of abandoning smoking, you should choose a scheme of smoking.
Follow the recommendations, and you will succeed.
If you decide to give up smoking, click on "start course" and follow the step guide.
<string name="nth_day">%d day</string>
<string name="statistic_will_be_here">statistic will be here</string>
<string name="your_name">your name</string>
<string name="leave_marks">Evaluate method\nby criteria:</string>
<string name="simple">simple</string>
<string name="send_report">SEND REPORT</string>
<string name="clear">Clear</string>
<string name="accessibly">Accessibly</string>
<string name="comfortable">Comfortable</string>
<string name="sorry_no_email_clients">There are no email clients installed.</string>
<string name="how_to_start">How to start?</string>
<string name="how_to_start_explanation">- Pick up four packs of cigarettes of different brands for a disaccustoming course. Applying of cigarettes you constantly smoke is not recommended for disaccustoming course.
\n- To control the amount of smoked tobacco divide each cigarette into 3 equal parts by two circular strips. For the application of the circular marks on the smoking surface of cigarette you can use a simple soft pencil.
<string name="how_to_smoke">How to smoke?</string>
<string name="how_to_smoke_explanation">
While smoking the cigarettes chosen by you, follow the quitting rule:\n
As you smoke, keep an eye on special check marks on the cigarette. This makes you able to control the amount of tobacco smoked.\n
Eventually, you will gradually reduse your dose and with time, you will limit it considerably or will stop smoking altogether.
<string name="how_to_main_rules">Main Rules</string>
<string name="how_to_main_rules_explanation">RULE 1. Stop smoking your own cigarettes.
\nRULE 2. Smoke "quitting cigarettes" only when you have an urge to smoke.
\nRULE 3. While smoking, concentrate on check marks.
\nRULE 4. Decrease the number of cigarettes smoked each day.
\nRULE 5. Throw away unfinished and unused cigarettes.
<string name="how_to_hints">Some extra advice.</string>
<string name="how_to_hints_explanation">- While quitting smoking it is not recommended to keep a cigarette in your mouth between draws and also when walking or when (or after) some physicl exercise.
\n- You should not smoke on an empy stomach or immediately after a meal.
\n- You should avoid strong coffee or aclohol which stimulates the desire to smoke.
\n- Every morning, try to delay your first smoke as much as possible.
\n- Don"t smoke if you dont feel like it. Avoid smoking to keep company.
\n- If your desire for a fag seems irresistible and there are no cigarettes around, it is advisable to drink some water, juice or tea in small sips for at least three minutes.
\n- Bear in mind: if your desire to quit smoking is firm and uncompromising, you will do it notwithstanding.
<string name="course_finished">Course_finished!</string>
<string name="stop_smoking">Stop\nsmoking</string>
<string name="stop_smoking_capital">STOP\nSMOKING</string>
<string name="in_4_days">in 4 days</string>
<string name="technique_stop_smoking">STOP SMOKING TECHNIQUE</string>
<string name="for_4_day">FOR 4 DAYS</string>
<string name="yes">YES</string>
<string name="no">NO</string>
<string name="smoke_till">SMOKE TILL</string>
<string name="day_lower">day</string>
<string name="four">4</string>
<string name="days">days</string>
<string name="packs">packs</string>
<string name="cigarettes_per_day_multiline">cigarettes\nper day</string>
<string name="scheme_formatted">Scheme %1$s</string>
<string name="pl_cigarettes_5">cigarettes</string>
<string name="pl_cigarettes_single">cigarette</string>
<string name="pl_cigarettes_multiple">cigarettes</string>
<string name="cigarettes_per_day">%s per day</string>
<string name="n_cigarettes">%d cigarettes smoked</string>
<string name="pl_smoked_1">smoked</string>
<string name="pl_smoked_many">smoked</string>
<string name="start_course_again">TAKE A COURSE AGAIN</string>
<string name="course_finished_content">Your course is finished.\nIf necessary you can take a course once again.
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