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Last active September 5, 2022 12:05
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pub mod mymodule;
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::Command;
use anyhow::anyhow;
use anyhow::Result;
use env_logger::Env;
use clap::Parser;
use log::debug;
use log::error;
use log::info;
use log::warn;
fn downscale(input: OsString, output: OsString) -> Result<()> {
info!("downscaling {:?} to {:?}", input, output);
let mut cmd = Command::new("ffmpeg");
let status = cmd.status().expect("ffmpeg failed to run!");
match status.code() {
Some(0) => {
Some(code) => {
error!("Exited with status code: {}", code);
Err(anyhow!("Exited with status code: {}", code))
None => {
error!("Process terminated by signal");
fn downscale_recursive(root_source: &Path, root_dest: &Path, suffix: Vec<OsString>) -> Result<()> {
let mut source = PathBuf::from(root_source);
let mut dest = PathBuf::from(root_dest);
for dir in &suffix {
assert!(&source.is_dir(), "Source does not exist, somehow");
for entry in fs::read_dir(&source)? {
let entry = entry?;
let file_type = entry.file_type()?;
if file_type.is_dir() {
let mut new_suffix: Vec<OsString> = suffix.clone();
downscale_recursive(root_source, root_dest, new_suffix)?;
} else if file_type.is_file() {
let source_file = entry.path();
if let Some(ext) = source_file.extension() {
if ext == "mp4" || ext == "mkv" {
let mut dest_file = dest.clone();
if !dest.is_dir() {
if dest_file.exists() {
debug!("not overwriting {:?}", &dest_file);
} else {
downscale(source_file.into_os_string(), dest_file.into_os_string())?;
} else {
debug!("ignoring file {:?}", &source_file);
} else {
debug!("ignoring file {:?}", &source_file);
} else {
debug!("ignoring file type {:?}", file_type);
fn run(source: &Path, dest: &Path) -> Result<()> {
downscale_recursive(source, dest, Vec::new())
fn validate_path_exists(path: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
if !Path::new(path).is_dir() {
Err(format!("Path {} does not exist", path))
} else {
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
#[clap(author, version, about)]
struct Opts {
#[clap(value_parser, short, long, validator=validate_path_exists)]
source: PathBuf,
#[clap(value_parser, short, long)]
destination: PathBuf,
fn main() -> Result<()> {
// default log level to info
// override with RUST_LOG env var
let opts = Opts::try_parse()?;
run(&opts.source, &opts.destination)
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Note this doesn't check for lots of error conditions like source and dest clashing, or dest unwriteable. ffmpeg should crash but who knows?

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Also - this downscales videos to 720p, with a fairly agressive algorithm (libx265) - it's mostly for putting kid videos on a tablet, where I don't care about pixels and do care about space. Don't use it for movies unless you are OK with 720p.

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