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Created October 24, 2014 11:41
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wait until in clojure test
(def default-wait-death (time/seconds 5))
(def default-wait-delay-ms 10)
(defn wait-until*
"wait until a function has become true"
([name fn] (wait-until* name fn default-wait-death))
([name fn wait-death]
(let [die (time/plus (time/now) wait-death)]
(loop []
(if-let [result (fn)]
(Thread/sleep default-wait-delay-ms)
(if (time/after? (time/now) die)
(throw (Exception. (str "timed out waiting for: " name)))
(defmacro wait-until
`(wait-until* ~(pr-str expr) (fn [] ~expr)))
; note you could also use (:line &form) to get & report on the line number - but midje macros swallow this info so it's not useful there.
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