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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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port of tiny_raytracer for golang
// port of tiny_raytrace:
package main
import (
type V3d struct {
X, Y, Z float64
func (v V3d) Dot(w V3d) float64 {
return v.X*w.X + v.Y*w.Y + v.Z*w.Z
func (v V3d) MinusK(w V3d, k float64) V3d {
return V3d{
v.X - w.X*k,
v.Y - w.Y*k,
v.Z - w.Z*k,
type Color struct {
R, G, B float64
func (c *Color) RGBA() (r, g, b, a uint32) {
r = uint32(math.Min(1, c.R) * 0xFFFF)
g = uint32(math.Min(1, c.G) * 0xFFFF)
b = uint32(math.Min(1, c.B) * 0xFFFF)
a = 0xFFFF
func (c Color) Mul(v float64) Color {
return Color{c.R * v, c.G * v, c.B * v}
func (c Color) Add(d Color) Color {
return Color{c.R + d.R, c.G + d.G, c.B + d.B}
type sphere struct {
radius float64
position V3d
color Color
specular float64
reflectiveness float64
type light struct {
intensity float64
position V3d
type world struct {
big float64
spheres []sphere
ambient float64
lights []light
func main() {
var w float64 = 600
g := world{
sphere{w, V3d{0, -w, 0}, Color{1, 1, 0}, w, 2},
sphere{1, V3d{0, 0, 3}, Color{1, 0, 0}, w, 3},
sphere{1, V3d{-2, 1, 4}, Color{0, 1, 0}, 9, 4},
sphere{1, V3d{2, 1, 4}, Color{0, 0, 1}, w, 5},
light{8, V3d{2, 2, 0}},
err := tiny_raytrace(g, int(w), "out.png")
if err != nil {
func tiny_raytrace(g world, w int, fname string) error {
rgba := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, w, w))
fmt.Println("render start...")
err := render(g, rgba)
fmt.Println("render end...")
if err != nil {
return err
f, err := os.Create(fname)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
err = png.Encode(f, rgba)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func closest_intersection(g world, b, d V3d, min, max float64) (*sphere, float64) {
var s *sphere = nil
t := math.Inf(0)
a := 2 * d.Dot(d)
for i, q := range g.spheres {
j := b.MinusK(q.position, 1)
b2 := -2 * j.Dot(d)
d2 := math.Sqrt(b2*b2 - 2*a*(j.Dot(j)-q.radius*q.radius))
for _, d3 := range []float64{d2, -d2} {
if !math.IsNaN(d3) {
f := (b2 - d3) / a
if min < f && f < max && f < t {
s = &g.spheres[i]
t = f
return s, t
func trace_ray(g world, b, d V3d, min, max float64, depth int) Color {
s, t := closest_intersection(g, b, d, min, max)
if s == nil {
return Color{0, 0, 0}
d2 := d.Dot(d)
x := b.MinusK(d, -t)
n := x.MinusK(s.position, 1)
n2 := n.Dot(n)
i := g.ambient
// For each light
for _, light := range g.lights {
l := light.position.MinusK(x, 1)
k := n.Dot(l)
s2, _ := closest_intersection(g, x, l, 1/g.big, 1)
if s2 == nil {
v1 := math.Max(0, k/math.Sqrt(l.Dot(l)*n2))
m := l.MinusK(n, 2*k/n2)
m2 := m.Dot(m)
v2a := m.Dot(d) / math.Sqrt(m2 * d2)
v2 := math.Max(0, math.Pow(v2a, s.specular))
i += light.intensity * (v1 + v2)
c1 := s.color.Mul(i / 10)
if depth == 0 {
return c1
r := s.reflectiveness / 9
c2 := trace_ray(g, x, d.MinusK(n, 2*n.Dot(d)/n2), 1/g.big, g.big, depth-1)
return c2.Mul(r).Add(c1.Mul(1 - r))
func render(g world, rgba *image.RGBA) error {
b := V3d{0, 1, 0}
r := rgba.Bounds()
w := float64(r.Max.X - r.Min.X)
h := float64(r.Max.Y - r.Min.Y)
for y := r.Min.Y; y < r.Max.Y; y += 1 {
for x := r.Min.X; x < r.Max.X; x += 1 {
d := V3d{(float64(x) - w/2) / w, (h/2 - float64(y)) / h, 1}
c := trace_ray(g, b, d, 1, g.big, 2)
rgba.Set(x, y, &c)
return nil
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