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Created December 22, 2017 15:04
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New-UDRow {
New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Content {
$Repo = @(
@{Space = "free"; Count = (Invoke-RestMethod -headers @{Authorization = "Bearer <token> "} -method GET -uri "").freeSpace}
@{Space = "used"; Count = (Invoke-RestMethod -headers @{Authorization = "Bearer <token> "} -method GET -uri "").usedSpace} # dont know if this a valid request
New-UDChart -Title "SBKP1-VEEAM1 Repo Space" -Type Doughnut -Endpoint {
$Repo | New-UDChartDataset -DataProperty Count -Label "GB" -BackgroundColor "#42f44e" -HoverBackgroundColor "#42f44e"
} -Options @{cutoutPercentage = 0}
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