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Last active October 5, 2015 16:48
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  • Save korydondzila/2839802 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save korydondzila/2839802 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/// ///
/// SCRIPT: kdAutoRigV0.1.mel - MEL Script ///
/// ///
/// AUTHOR: Kory Dondzila - ///
/// ///
/// ///
/// DESCRIPTION: This is a prototype script. It allows the ///
/// user to rig the spine and neck of a character. ///
/// The script generates the locators for the user ///
/// to place where they want the joints. ///
/// ///
/// USAGE: Source script then run: autoRigUI(); ///
/// ///
/// EDITS TO DO: Parts of neck rig not working properly. ///
/// ///
/// THINGS TO ADD: Procedures to rig; legs, arms, and hands. ///
/// ///
/// VERSIONS: 0.1 - Oct 26, 2011 - Initial Prototype ///
/// ///
////////////////////// Procedure: neck /////////////////////
// //
// This procedure rigs the neck for the character. //
// Creating all the joints, controls and attribute //
// connections. //
proc neck( string $charTxt, string $neckButton )
// Disables the neck button and queries the character name.
button -e -en 0 $neckButton;
string $charName = `textFieldButtonGrp -q -tx $charTxt`;
// Setting up initial variables.
string $selJnt[];
string $locators[] = { "neck", "head" };
vector $neckLoc = `getAttr neck_loc.t`; // Gets the new positions of the neck and head locators.
vector $headLoc = `getAttr head_loc.t`;
string $bindSet = "skinBind_jnts";
string $attrs[] = { ".tx", ".ty", ".tz", ".rx", ".ry", ".rz", ".sx", ".sy", ".sz", ".v" };
string $neckCtrl[];
string $headCtrl;
string $bindJnt[];
string $dup[];
string $headWSGrp[];
string $headNSGrp[];
string $headBSGrp[];
string $headTSGrp[];
// Creates neck control joints.
$neckCtrl[ 0 ] = `joint -p ( $neckLoc.x ) ( $neckLoc.y ) ( $neckLoc.z ) -n ( "neck_ctrl" ) -rad 0.5`;
$neckCtrl[ 1 ] = `joint -p ( $headLoc.x ) ( $headLoc.y ) ( $headLoc.z ) -n ( "neck_ctrl_end_jnt" ) -rad 0.5`;
// Creates the main joints for the neck.
select -cl;
$selJnt[ 0 ] = `joint -p ( $neckLoc.x ) ( $neckLoc.y ) ( $neckLoc.z ) -n ( "neck_1_jnt" ) -rad 0.5`;
$selJnt[ 1 ] = `joint -p ( $headLoc.x ) ( $headLoc.y ) ( $headLoc.z ) -n ( "neck_end_jnt" ) -rad 0.5`;
// Creates the the joints to straighten the neck.
select -cl;
$bindJnt[ 0 ] = `joint -p ( $neckLoc.x ) ( $neckLoc.y ) ( $neckLoc.z ) -n ( "neck_curve_base_strait_jnt" ) -rad 0.5`;
select -cl;
$bindJnt[ 1 ] = `joint -p ( $headLoc.x ) ( $headLoc.y ) ( $headLoc.z ) -n ( "neck_curve_end_strait_jnt" ) -rad 0.5`;
// Adds the joints to the select set.
sets -e -add $bindSet $bindJnt;
// Gets the positions of the neck and head joint.
vector $sjPos = ( `joint -q -p $selJnt[ 0 ]` );
vector $ejPos = ( `joint -q -p $selJnt[ 1 ]` );
string $crJnt[];
float $radius = ( `getAttr ( $selJnt[ 0 ] + ".radius" )` );
// Input an integer for the TOTAL number of segments you need, for $seg.
int $seg = 3;
select -cl;
// For loop creates joints in the proper position
// and assigns them to an array and parents the first created joint
// to the start joint and parents the end joint to the last created joint.
for ( $i = $seg; $i > 1; $i-- )
int $x = abs ( $i - $seg );
$crJnt[ $x ] = `joint -p ( ( ( ( ( $sjPos.x ) - ( $ejPos.x ) ) / $seg ) * ( $i - 1 ) ) + ( $ejPos.x ) )
( ( ( ( ( $sjPos.y ) - ( $ejPos.y ) ) / $seg ) * ( $i - 1 ) ) + ( $ejPos.y ) )
( ( ( ( ( $sjPos.z ) - ( $ejPos.z ) ) / $seg ) * ( $i - 1 ) ) + ( $ejPos.z ) ) -n ( "neck_" + ( $x + 2 ) + "_jnt" ) -rad $radius`;
if ( $x == 0 )
// Duplicates the first joint up from the neck.
// To be used to straighten the neck.
$dup = `duplicate $crJnt[ $x ]`;
$bindJnt[ 2 ] = `rename $dup[ 0 ] "neck_curve_mid_strait_jnt"`;
parent $crJnt[ $x ] $selJnt[ 0 ];
if ( ( $x + 1 ) == ( $seg - 1 ) )
parent $selJnt[ 1 ] $crJnt[ $x ];
// Adds created joints to the select set and orients the joints.
sets -e -add $bindSet $crJnt;
$bindJnt = { $bindJnt[ 0 ], $bindJnt[ 2 ], $bindJnt[ 1 ] };
parent $bindJnt[ 1 ] $bindJnt[ 0 ];
joint -e -oj xyz -sao zdown -zso -ch $selJnt[ 0 ];
joint -e -oj xyz -sao zdown -zso -ch $bindJnt[ 0 ];
joint -e -oj xyz -sao zdown -zso -ch $neckCtrl[ 0 ];
// Creates the neck control.
circle -nr 1 0 0 -n "neck";
parent -add -s neckShape $neckCtrl[ 0 ];
delete neck;
$dup = `circle -nr 0 0 1 -n "head_ctrl"`;
$headCtrl = $dup[ 0 ];
move -a ( $headLoc.x ) ( ( $headLoc.y ) +0.8 ) ( $headLoc.z ) $headCtrl;
move -a ( $headLoc.x) ( $headLoc.y ) ( $headLoc.z ) ( $headCtrl + ".scalePivot" ) ( $headCtrl + ".rotatePivot" );
makeIdentity -a 1 -t 1 $headCtrl;
delete -ch $headCtrl;
// Distance node uses the head and neck locators.
// It is used to control the straightening of the neck.
string $neckDist = `distanceDimension -sp ( $neckLoc.x ) ( $neckLoc.y ) ( $neckLoc.z ) -ep ( $headLoc.x ) ( $headLoc.y ) ( $headLoc.z )`;
rename "distanceDimension1" "neck_dist";
$neckDist = "neck_distShape";
string $neckStartDist = `rename "neck_loc" "neck_start_dist"`;
string $neckEndDist = `rename "head_loc" "neck_end_dist"`;
// Spline ik used for controlling the bend in the neck.
string $ikHandle[] = `ikHandle -sj $selJnt[ 0 ] -ee $selJnt[ 1 ] -sol ikSplineSolver -n "neck_ikHandle"`;
$ikHandle[ 1 ] = `rename $ikHandle[ 1 ] ( $ikHandle[ 0 ] + "_eff" )`;
$ikHandle[ 2 ] = `rename $ikHandle[ 2 ] "neck_curve"`;
// Creates the curve info node for the neck.
string $neckInfo = `arclen -ch 1 $ikHandle[ 2 ]`;
$neckInfo = `rename $neckInfo "neck_curveInfo"`;
addAttr -at "float" -ln "normalizedScale" $neckInfo;
float $neckLengthNorm = `getAttr ( $neckInfo + ".arcLength" )`;
select -cl;
// Setting up the groups for contraining the head.
parent $neckEndDist $bindJnt[ 2 ] $headCtrl;
string $headCtrlGrp = `group -n ( $headCtrl + "_grp" ) -p ( $charName + "_ctrl_grp" ) $headCtrl`;
xform -os -piv ( $headLoc.x ) ( $headLoc.y ) ( $headLoc.z ) $headCtrlGrp;
$headWSGrp[ 0 ] = `group -n ( $headCtrl + "_world_space_grp" ) -em -p ( $charName + "_ctrl_grp" )`;
$headWSGrp[ 1 ] = `group -n ( $headCtrl + "_world_tSpace" ) -em -p $headWSGrp[ 0 ]`;
$headWSGrp[ 2 ] = `group -n ( $headCtrl + "_world_oSpace" ) -em -p $headWSGrp[ 0 ]`;
xform -ws -piv ( $headLoc.x ) ( $headLoc.y ) ( $headLoc.z ) $headWSGrp[ 1 ];
xform -ws -piv ( $headLoc.x ) ( $headLoc.y ) ( $headLoc.z ) $headWSGrp[ 2 ];
// Setting up the groups for contraining the head.
string $neckCtrlGrp = `group -n ( $neckCtrl[ 0 ] + "_grp" ) -p ( $charName + "_ctrl_grp" ) $neckCtrl[ 0 ]`;
xform -ws -piv 0 0 0 $neckCtrlGrp;
$headNSGrp[ 0 ] = `group -n ( $headCtrl + "_neck_space_grp" ) -em -p $neckCtrl[ 1 ]`;
xform -ws -piv ( $headLoc.x ) ( $headLoc.y ) ( $headLoc.z ) $headNSGrp[ 0 ];
$headNSGrp[ 1 ] = `group -n ( $headCtrl + "_neck_tSpace" ) -em -p $headNSGrp`;
$headNSGrp[ 2 ] = `group -n ( $headCtrl + "_neck_oSpace" ) -em -p $headNSGrp`;
xform -ws -piv ( $headLoc.x ) ( $headLoc.y ) ( $headLoc.z ) $headNSGrp[ 1 ];
xform -ws -piv ( $headLoc.x ) ( $headLoc.y ) ( $headLoc.z ) $headNSGrp[ 2 ];
// Setting up the the neck grp and neck DoNotTouch grp.
string $neckGrp = `group -n "neck_grp" -p "spine_grp" $selJnt[ 0 ]`;
xform -ws -piv 0 0 0 $neckGrp;
string $neckDNT = `group -n "neck_doNotTouch_grp" -p $neckGrp $ikHandle[ 0 ] $ikHandle[ 2 ] $neckDist`;
xform -ws -piv 0 0 0 $neckDNT;
// Setting up the groups for contraining the head.
$headBSGrp[ 0 ] = `group -n ( $headCtrl +"_body_space_grp" ) -em -p "upperBody_ctrl"`;
$headBSGrp[ 1 ] = `group -n ( $headCtrl +"_body_tSpace" ) -em -p $headBSGrp`;
$headBSGrp[ 2 ] = `group -n ( $headCtrl +"_body_oSpace" ) -em -p $headBSGrp`;
xform -ws -piv ( $headLoc.x ) ( $headLoc.y ) ( $headLoc.z ) $headBSGrp[ 1 ];
xform -ws -piv ( $headLoc.x ) ( $headLoc.y ) ( $headLoc.z ) $headBSGrp[ 2 ];
// Setting up the groups for contraining the head.
string $neckStraitGrp = `group -n "neck_curve_strait_grp" -p "torso_ctrl" $bindJnt[ 0 ]`;
xform -ws -piv ( $neckLoc.x ) ( $neckLoc.y ) ( $neckLoc.z ) $neckStraitGrp;
string $neckCtrlGrpConst = `group -n ( $neckCtrlGrp + "_const" ) -em -p "torso_ctrl"`;
$headTSGrp[ 0 ] = `group -n ( $headCtrl + "_torso_space_grp" ) -em -p "torso_ctrl"`;
$headTSGrp[ 1 ] = `group -n ( $headCtrl + "_torso_tSpace" ) -em -p $headTSGrp`;
$headTSGrp[ 2 ] = `group -n ( $headCtrl + "_torso_oSpace" ) -em -p $headTSGrp`;
xform -ws -piv ( $headLoc.x ) ($headLoc.y ) ( $headLoc.z ) $headTSGrp[ 1 ];
xform -ws -piv ( $headLoc.x ) ($headLoc.y ) ( $headLoc.z ) $headTSGrp[ 2 ];
// Parents the neck locator to the torso control.
parent $neckStartDist "torso_ctrl";
// Parent and orient constrains the head ctrl grp.
// and parent constrains the neck ctrl grp.
string $tSpaceConst[] = `pointConstraint $headNSGrp[ 1 ] $headTSGrp[ 1 ] $headBSGrp[ 1 ] $headWSGrp[ 1 ] $headCtrlGrp`;
string $oSpaceConst[] = `orientConstraint $headNSGrp[ 2 ] $headTSGrp[ 2 ] $headBSGrp[ 2 ] $headWSGrp[ 2 ] $headCtrlGrp`;
parentConstraint $neckCtrlGrpConst $neckCtrlGrp;
// Adding the attributes for the tSpace and oSpace for the head
// to the settings grp.
string $settings = ( "nahiel_settings_grp" );
addAttr -at enum -en "Neck:Torso:Body:World" -ln "headTSpace" -k 1 $settings;
string $tSpace = ( $settings + ".headTSpace" );
addAttr -at enum -en "Neck:Torso:Body:World" -ln "headOSpace" -k 1 $settings;
string $oSpace = ( $settings + ".headOSpace" );
// For loop sets driven keys for the head contraints.
string $space[] = { "neck", "torso", "body", "world" };
for ( $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++ )
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver $tSpace -dv $i -v 1 ( "head_ctrl_grp_pointConstraint1.head_ctrl_" + $space[ $i ] + "_tSpaceW" + $i );
for ( $s = 0; $s < 4; $s++ )
if ( $s != $i )
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver $tSpace -dv $i -v 0 ( "head_ctrl_grp_pointConstraint1.head_ctrl_" + $space[ $s ] + "_tSpaceW" + $s );
// For loop sets driven keys for the head contraints.
for ( $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++ )
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver $oSpace -dv $i -v 1 ( "head_ctrl_grp_orientConstraint1.head_ctrl_" + $space[ $i ] + "_oSpaceW" + $i );
for ( $s = 0; $s < 4; $s++ )
if ( $s != $i )
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver $oSpace -dv $i -v 0 ( "head_ctrl_grp_orientConstraint1.head_ctrl_" + $space[ $s ] + "_oSpaceW" + $s );
// Creates the normalized scale multiply/divide node for
// the neck curve.
string $neckCurveNorm = `shadingNode -au multiplyDivide -n ( $ikHandle[ 2 ] + "_normalizedScale" )`;
setAttr ( $neckCurveNorm + ".operation" ) 2;
setAttr ( $neckCurveNorm + ".input2X" ) $neckLengthNorm;
connectAttr ( $neckInfo + ".arcLength" ) ( $neckCurveNorm + ".input1X" );
connectAttr ( $neckCurveNorm + ".outputX" ) ( $neckInfo + ".normalizedScale" );
// Creates the global scale multiply/divide node for
// controlling the scale of the neck joints.
string $neckCurveGlobal = `shadingNode -au multiplyDivide -n ( $ikHandle[ 2 ] + "_globalScale" )`;
setAttr ( $neckCurveGlobal + ".operation" ) 2;
connectAttr ( $neckInfo + ".normalizedScale" ) ( $neckCurveGlobal + ".input1X" );
connectAttr ( $charName + "_global_ctrl.globalScale" ) ( $neckCurveGlobal + ".input2X" );
connectAttr ( $neckCurveGlobal + ".outputX" ) ( $selJnt[ 0 ] + ".scaleX" );
connectAttr ( $neckCurveGlobal + ".outputX" ) ( $crJnt[ 0 ] + ".scaleX" );
connectAttr ( $neckCurveGlobal + ".outputX" ) ( $crJnt[ 1 ] + ".scaleX" );
// Creates the normalized scale multiply/divide node for
// controlling the straightening of the neck.
string $neckNormScale = `shadingNode -au multiplyDivide -n "neck_normalizedScale"`;
setAttr ( $neckNormScale + ".operation" ) 2;
connectAttr ( $neckDist + ".distance" ) ( $neckNormScale + ".input1X" );
connectAttr ( $charName + "_global_ctrl.globalScale" ) ( $neckNormScale + ".input2X" );
// Sets driven keys for scaling the straight joints.
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ( $neckNormScale + ".input1Y" ) -dv 0.0361 -v 0.1
( $bindJnt[ 0 ] + ".scaleX" ) ( $bindJnt[ 0 ] + ".scaleY" ) ( $bindJnt[ 0 ] + ".scaleZ" )
( $bindJnt[ 2 ] + ".scaleX" ) ( $bindJnt[ 2 ] + ".scaleY" ) ( $bindJnt[ 2 ] + ".scaleZ" );
// Sets driven keys for scaling the straight joints.
setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver ( $neckNormScale + ".input1Y" ) -dv $neckLengthNorm -v 1
( $bindJnt[ 0 ] + ".scaleX" ) ( $bindJnt[ 0 ] + ".scaleY" ) ( $bindJnt[ 0 ] + ".scaleZ" )
( $bindJnt[ 2 ] + ".scaleX" ) ( $bindJnt[ 2 ] + ".scaleY" ) ( $bindJnt[ 2 ] + ".scaleZ" );
// For loop forces the connection between the neck normalized scale
// and animation curves for the straight joints.
string $scale[] = { "_scaleX", "_scaleY", "_scaleZ" };
for ( $i = 0; $i < 3; $i++ )
connectAttr -f ( $neckNormScale + ".outputX" ) ( $bindJnt[ 0 ] + $scale[ $i ] + ".input" );
connectAttr -f ( $neckNormScale + ".outputX" ) ( $bindJnt[ 2 ] + $scale[ $i ] + ".input" );
// Binds the straight joints to the neck curve.
skinCluster $bindJnt[ 0 ] $bindJnt[ 1 ] $bindJnt[ 2 ] $ikHandle[ 2 ];
// Removes inherits transform on the neck curve.
setAttr ( $ikHandle[ 2 ] + ".inheritsTransform" ) 0;
// Set up the advanced twist controls for the spline ik.
setAttr ( $ikHandle[ 0 ] + ".dTwistControlEnable" ) 1;
setAttr ( $ikHandle[ 0 ] + ".dWorldUpType" ) 4;
setAttr ( $ikHandle[ 0 ] + ".dWorldUpVectorY" ) 0;
setAttr ( $ikHandle[ 0 ] + ".dWorldUpVectorEndY" ) 0;
setAttr ( $ikHandle[ 0 ] + ".dWorldUpVectorZ" ) -1;
setAttr ( $ikHandle[ 0 ] + ".dWorldUpVectorEndZ" ) -1;
connectAttr ( "torso_ctrl.worldMatrix" ) ( $ikHandle[ 0 ] + ".dWorldUpMatrix" );
connectAttr ( $headCtrl + ".worldMatrix" ) ( $ikHandle[ 0 ] + ".dWorldUpMatrixEnd" );
// Cleans up the neck ctrl.
for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++ )
if ( ( $i < 3 ) || ( $i > 5 ) ) setAttr -l 1 -k 0 -cb 0 ( "neck_ctrl" + $attrs[ $i ] );
// Cleans up the head ctrl.
for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++ )
if ( $i > 5 ) setAttr -l 1 -k 0 -cb 0 ( "head_ctrl" + $attrs[ $i ] );
// Hides nodes that don't need to be seen by the animator.
hide $headWSGrp $headBSGrp $headTSGrp $headNSGrp $neckCtrlGrpConst $neckDNT $neckStartDist $neckEndDist;
select -cl;
///////////////////// Procedure: spine /////////////////////
// //
// This procedure rigs the spine for the character. //
// Creating all the joints, controls and attribute //
// connections. //
proc spine( string $charTxt, string $spineButton, string $neckButton )
// Disables the spine button, enables the neck button and queries the character name.
button -e -en 0 $spineButton;
button -e -en 1 $neckButton;
string $charName = `textFieldButtonGrp -q -tx $charTxt`;
// Setting up initial variables.
string $selJnt[];
string $locators[] = { "hip", "torso", "global" };
vector $hipLoc = `getAttr hip_loc.t`;
vector $torsoLoc = `getAttr torso_loc.t`;
vector $globalLoc = `getAttr global_loc.t`;
string $bindSet = "skinBind_jnts";
string $attrs[] = { ".tx", ".ty", ".tz", ".rx", ".ry", ".rz", ".sx", ".sy", ".sz", ".v" };
// Spine start and end joints.
select -cl;
$selJnt[ 0 ] = `joint -p ( $hipLoc.x ) ( $hipLoc.y ) ( $hipLoc.z ) -n ( "spine_1_jnt" ) -rad 0.5`;
$selJnt[ 1 ] = `joint -p ( $torsoLoc.x ) ( $torsoLoc.y ) ( $torsoLoc.z ) -n ( "spine_end_jnt" ) -rad 0.5`;
// Creates the hip and torso joints and adds them to the select set.
select -cl;
$selJnt[ 2 ] = `joint -p ( $hipLoc.x ) ( $hipLoc.y ) ( $hipLoc.z ) -n ( $locators[ 0 ] + "_jnt" ) -rad 0.4`;
sets -e -add $bindSet $selJnt[ 2 ];
select -cl;
$selJnt[ 3 ] = `joint -p ( $torsoLoc.x ) ( $torsoLoc.y ) ( $torsoLoc.z ) -n ( $locators[ 1 ] + "_jnt" ) -rad 0.4`;
sets -e -add $bindSet $selJnt[ 3 ];
// gets the positions of the start and end joints.
vector $sjPos = ( `joint -q -p $selJnt[ 0 ]` );
vector $ejPos = ( `joint -q -p $selJnt[ 1 ]` );
string $crJnt[];
float $radius = ( `getAttr ( $selJnt[ 0 ] + ".radius" )` );
// Input an integer for the TOTAL number of segments you need, for $seg.
int $seg = 6;
select -cl;
// For loop creates joints in the proper position
// and assigns them to an array and parents the first created joint
// to the start joint and parents the end joint to the last created joint.
for ( $i = $seg; $i > 1; $i-- )
int $x = abs ( $i - $seg );
$crJnt[ $x ] = `joint -p ( ( ( ( ( $sjPos.x ) - ( $ejPos.x ) ) / $seg ) * ( $i - 1 ) ) + ( $ejPos.x ) )
( ( ( ( ( $sjPos.y ) - ( $ejPos.y ) ) / $seg ) * ( $i - 1 ) ) + ( $ejPos.y ) )
( ( ( ( ( $sjPos.z ) - ( $ejPos.z ) ) / $seg ) * ( $i - 1 ) ) + ( $ejPos.z ) ) -n ( "spine_" + ( $x + 2 ) + "_jnt" ) -rad $radius`;
if ( $x==0 )
parent $crJnt[ $x ] $selJnt[ 0 ];
if ( ( $x + 1 ) == ( $seg - 1 ) )
parent $selJnt[ 1 ] $crJnt[ $x ];
// Adds created joints to the selection set.
sets -e -add $bindSet $crJnt;
joint -e -oj xyz -sao zdown -zso -ch $selJnt[ 0 ];
// Gets the positions of the 3rd and 5th spine joint.
vector $spine3 = `joint -q -p $crJnt[ 1 ]`;
vector $spine5 = `joint -q -p $crJnt[ 3 ]`;
// Calls circleOneArrow proc to makes the torso ctrl.
circleOneArrow ;
string $torso = "nurbsCircle1";
$torso = `rename $torso "torso_ctrl"`;
setAttr ( $torso + ".rz" ) -90;
setAttr ( $torso + ".t" ) ( $ejPos.x ) ( $ejPos.y ) 0;
select $torso;
scale -xz 1.2 1.2;
move -a ( $ejPos.x ) ( $ejPos.y ) ( $ejPos.z ) $torso;
makeIdentity -a 1 -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 $torso;
delete -ch $torso;
for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++ )
if ( $i > 5 ) setAttr -l 1 -k 0 -cb 0 ( $torso + $attrs[ $i ] );
// Creates the hip ctrl.
circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 1 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 1 -n "hip_ctrl";
select -r[ 2 ][ 4 ][ 0 ][ 6 ] ;
move -r -os -wd 0 -0.614947 0 ;
select -cl ;
string $hip = "hip_ctrl";
select $hip;
move -rpr ( $sjPos.x ) ( $sjPos.y ) 0;
scale -xyz 2.3 2.3 2.3 $hip;
move -a ( $sjPos.x ) ( $sjPos.y ) ( $sjPos.z ) $hip;
makeIdentity -a 1 -t 1 -s 1 $hip;
delete -ch $hip;
for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++ )
if ( ( $i < 3 ) || ( $i > 5 ) ) setAttr -l 1 -k 0 -cb 0 ( $hip+$attrs[ $i ] );
// Creates the upperBody ctrl.
circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 1 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 1 -n "upperBody_ctrl";
move -rpr ( $sjPos.x ) ( $sjPos.y ) 0;
string $upperBody = "upperBody_ctrl";
scale -xz 2.5 2.5;
move -a ( $sjPos.x ) ( $sjPos.y ) ( $sjPos.z ) $upperBody;
makeIdentity -a 1 -t 1 -s 1 $upperBody;
delete -ch $upperBody;
for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++ )
if ( $i > 5 ) setAttr -l 1 -k 0 -cb 0 ( $upperBody + $attrs[ $i ] );
// Creates the lowerTorso ctrl.
circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 1 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 1 -n "lowerTorso_ctrl";
move -rpr ( $spine3.x ) ( $spine3.y ) 0;
string $lowerTorso = "lowerTorso_ctrl";
scale -xz 2.8 2.8;
move -a ( $spine3.x ) ( $spine3.y ) ( $spine3.z ) $lowerTorso;
makeIdentity -a 1 -t 1 -s 1 $lowerTorso;
delete -ch $lowerTorso;
for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++ )
if ( ( $i < 3 ) || ( $i > 5 ) ) setAttr -l 1 -k 0 -cb 0 ( $lowerTorso + $attrs[ $i ] );
// Creates the upperTorso ctrl.
circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 1 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 1 -n "upperTorso_ctrl";
move -rpr ( $spine5.x ) ( $spine5.y ) 0;
string $upperTorso = "upperTorso_ctrl";
scale -xz 2.3 2.3;
move -a ( $spine5.x ) ( $spine5.y ) ( $spine5.z ) $upperTorso;
makeIdentity -a 1 -t 1 -s 1 $upperTorso;
delete -ch $upperTorso;
for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++ )
if ( ( $i < 3 ) || ( $i > 5 ) ) setAttr -l 1 -k 0 -cb 0 ( $upperTorso + $attrs[ $i ] );
// Parents the ctrls.
parent $upperTorso $lowerTorso;
parent $lowerTorso $upperBody;
// For loop creates the global ctrl, using the
// circleOneArrow proc multiple times and adding
// the shapes to the first.
for ( $i = 1; $i < 5; $i++ )
rename nurbsCircle1 ( "circle" + $i );
delete -ch ( "circle" + $i );
if ( $i > 1 )
setAttr ( "circle" + $i + ".ry" ) ( 90 * ( $i - 1 ) );
makeIdentity -a 1 -r 1 ( "circle" + $i );
parent -add -s ( "circleShape" + $i ) circle1;
delete ( "circle" + $i );
// Positions the global ctrl.
string $globalCtrl = "circle1";
$globalCtrl = `rename $globalCtrl ( $charName + "_global_ctrl" )`;
select $globalCtrl;
move -rpr ( $globalLoc.x ) ( $globalLoc.y ) ( $globalLoc.z );
scale -xz 3 3;
makeIdentity -a 1 -t 1 -s 1 $globalCtrl;
// Adds the global scale attribute to the global ctrl.
addAttr -ln globalScale -dv 1 -k 1 $globalCtrl;
connectAttr ( $globalCtrl + ".globalScale" ) ( $globalCtrl + ".sx" );
connectAttr ( $globalCtrl + ".globalScale" ) ( $globalCtrl + ".sy" );
connectAttr ( $globalCtrl + ".globalScale" ) ( $globalCtrl + ".sz" );
setAttr -l 1 -k 0 -cb 0 ( $globalCtrl + ".sx" );
setAttr -l 1 -k 0 -cb 0 ( $globalCtrl + ".sy" );
setAttr -l 1 -k 0 -cb 0 ( $globalCtrl + ".sz" );
// Creates a spline ik for the spine and creates the curve info node
string $ikHandle[] = `ikHandle -sj $selJnt[ 0 ] -ee $selJnt[ 1 ] -sol ikSplineSolver -n spine_ikHandle`;
$ikHandle[ 1 ] = `rename $ikHandle[ 1 ] ( $ikHandle[ 0 ] + "_eff" )`;
$ikHandle[ 2 ] = `rename $ikHandle[ 2 ] spine_curve`;
string $spineInfo = `arclen -ch 1 $ikHandle[ 2 ]`;
$spineInfo = `rename $spineInfo spine_curveInfo`;
float $spineLengthNorm = `getAttr ( $spineInfo + ".arcLength" )`;
// Turns of inherits transform on the spine curve.
setAttr ( $ikHandle[ 2 ] + ".inheritsTransform" ) 0;
// Sets up the advanced twist controls for the spine ik.
setAttr ( $ikHandle[ 0 ] + ".dTwistControlEnable" ) 1;
setAttr ( $ikHandle[ 0 ] + ".dWorldUpType" ) 4;
setAttr ( $ikHandle[ 0 ] + ".dWorldUpVectorY" ) 0;
setAttr ( $ikHandle[ 0 ] + ".dWorldUpVectorEndY" ) 0;
setAttr ( $ikHandle[ 0 ] + ".dWorldUpVectorZ" ) -1;
setAttr ( $ikHandle[ 0 ] + ".dWorldUpVectorEndZ" ) -1;
connectAttr ( $hip + ".worldMatrix" ) ( $ikHandle[ 0 ] + ".dWorldUpMatrix" );
connectAttr ( $torso + ".worldMatrix" ) ( $ikHandle[ 0 ] + ".dWorldUpMatrixEnd" );
// Constraining the hip and torso joints to their respective ctrls.
parentConstraint $hip $selJnt[ 2 ];
parentConstraint $torso $selJnt[ 3 ];
// Creates the groups.
string $group[];
$group[ 0 ] = `group -em -n "body_ctrl_grp"`;
$group[ 1 ] = `group -n "body_fk_ctrl_grp" -p $group[ 0 ] $upperBody`;
xform -os -piv 0 0 0;
$group[ 2 ] = `group -n ( $hip + "_grp" ) -p $group[ 0 ] $hip`;
xform -os -piv ( $sjPos.x ) ( $sjPos.y ) ( $sjPos.z );
$group[ 3 ] = `group -n ( $torso + "_grp" ) -p $group[ 0 ] $torso`;
xform -os -piv ( $ejPos.x ) ( $ejPos.y ) ( $ejPos.z);
$group[ 4 ] = `group -n "spine_grp" $selJnt[ 0 ] $selJnt[ 2 ] $selJnt[ 3 ]`;
xform -os -piv 0 0 0;
$group[ 5 ] = `group -n "spine_doNotTouch_grp" $ikHandle[ 0 ] $ikHandle[ 2 ]`;
xform -os -piv 0 0 0;
$group[ 6 ] = `group -n ( $charName + "_ctrl_grp" ) -p $globalCtrl $group[ 0 ] $group[ 4 ] $group[ 5 ]`;
// Constrains the hip and torso grps to the body and upper torso ctrls.
parentConstraint -mo $upperBody $group[ 2 ];
parentConstraint -mo $upperTorso $group[ 3 ];
// Skines the spine curve to the hip and torso joints.
skinCluster $selJnt[ 2 ] $selJnt[ 3 ] $ikHandle[ 2 ];
// Creates the settings grp and adds the backStretch attribute.
$group[ 7 ] = `group -em -n ( $charName + "_settings_grp" ) -p $globalCtrl`;
for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++ )
setAttr -l 1 -k 0 -cb 0 ( $group[ 7 ] + $attrs[ $i ] );
addAttr -ln backStretch -dv 1 -k 1 $group[ 7 ];
// Sets keys for the backStretch attribute.
setKeyframe -t 1 -v 1 ( $group[ 7 ] + ".backStretch" );
setKeyframe -t 6 -v 1 ( $group[ 7 ]+".backStretch" );
keyTangent -e -a -t 1 -oa 77 -ow 1 ( $group[ 7 ] + ".backStretch" );
keyTangent -e -a -t 6 -ia -55 -ow 1 ( $group[ 7 ] + ".backStretch" );
// Adds power attribute to the spine joints and
// creates the frame cache nodes for the spine joints and connects
// them to the spines joints pow attributes.
for ( $i = 1; $i < 7; $i++ )
addAttr -ln "pow" -k 1 ( "spine_" + $i + "_jnt" );
shadingNode -au frameCache -n ( "spine_" + $i + "_frameCache" );
setAttr ( "spine_" + $i + "_frameCache.varyTime" ) $i;
connectAttr ( $group[ 7 ]+".backStretch" ) ( "spine_" + $i + "" );
connectAttr ( "spine_" + $i + "_frameCache.varying" ) ( "spine_" + $i + "_jnt.pow" );
// Creates the expression for the spine joints.
string $expr = ( "$normal = " + $spineInfo + ".arcLength / " + $globalCtrl + ".globalScale ;\n" +
"$scale = $normal / " + $spineLengthNorm + ";\n" +
"$inv = 1 / sqrt( $scale ) ;\n" );
for ( $i = 1; $i < 7; $i++ )
$expr += ( "spine_" + $i+ " = $scale ;\n" +
"spine_" + $i + " = pow( $inv,spine_"+$i+"_jnt.pow ) ;\n" +
"spine_" + $i + " = pow( $inv,spine_" + $i + "_jnt.pow ) ;\n" );
expression -n "back_stretch" -s $expr;
// Creates the character geo grp.
group -n ( $charName+"_geo_grp" ) -p $globalCtrl -em;
// Hides nodes that don't need to be seen by the animator.
hide $group[ 5 ];
select -cl;
///////////////// Procedure: circleOneArrow ////////////////
// //
// This procedure creates the curve that is used for //
// the global control and torso control. //
proc circleOneArrow ()
circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 1 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 1;
insertKnotCurve -ch 1 -cos on -nk 1 -add 1 -ib 0 -rpo 1 nurbsCircle1.u[ 3.52925230366488 ] nurbsCircle1.u[ 4.49813938939366 ];
select -cl ;
move -r -os -wd 0 0 0.974629[ 6 ];
insertKnotCurve -ch 1 -cos on -nk 1 -add 1 -ib 0 -rpo 1
nurbsCircle1.u[ 3.52598188091927 ] nurbsCircle1.u[ 4.46805625096428 ] nurbsCircle1.u[ 3.59280657983577 ]
nurbsCircle1.u[ 4.39392776408716 ] nurbsCircle1.u[ 4.06840938886799 ] nurbsCircle1.u[ 3.92979615398919 ]
nurbsCircle1.u[ 3.85844362514615 ] nurbsCircle1.u[ 4.15186051711318 ] nurbsCircle1.u[ 3.76581400743692 ]
nurbsCircle1.u[ 4.24250665744479 ] nurbsCircle1.u[ 3.71122961366576 ] nurbsCircle1.u[ 4.29777691966406 ];
move -r -os -wd -0.19739 0 0[ 6:8 ];
move -r -os -wd 0.0456708 0 -0.259252[ 6 ];
move -r -os -wd -0.0596628 0 0[ 8 ];
move -r -os -wd 0.147498 0 -0.272523[ 18 ];
move -r -os -wd 0.197007 0 0[ 17 ];
move -r -os -wd 0.253897 0 0[ 16 ];
move -r -os -wd -0.325064 0 0[ 9 ];
move -r -os -wd 0.315789 0 0[ 15 ];
move -r -os -wd 0 0 0.336547[ 12 ];
move -r -os -wd 0 0 0.236395[ 11 ][ 13 ];
move -r -os -wd 0 0 0.299215[ 10 ][ 14 ];
scale -r -p 0.00219073cm 0cm 1.875649cm 3.60206 1 1[ 10 ][ 14 ];
scale -r -p 0.00219073cm 0cm 1.875649cm 2.246504 1 1[ 10 ][ 14 ];
move -r -os -wd 0 0 -0.54371[ 10 ][ 14 ];
move -r -os -wd 0 0 0.0472791[ 11 ][ 13 ];
move -r -os -wd 0 0 -0.0709186[ 9 ][ 15 ];
scale -r -p -0.00108229cm 0cm 1.145404cm 0.598983 1 1[ 5:9 ][ 15:19 ];
move -r -os -wd 0 0 0.0472791[ 5:6 ][ 18:19 ];
//////////////////// Procedure: locators ///////////////////
// //
// This procedure creates the locators that are used //
// for placeing the rest of the rig. The locators can be //
// moved, after creation, to where they need to be for //
// rest of the rig. //
proc locators( string $locButton, string $spineButton )
// Disables the locators button and enables the spine button.
button -e -en 0 $locButton;
button -e -en 1 $spineButton;
// Sets up initial variables.
string $selJnt[];
string $locators[] = { "hip", "torso", "global", "neck", "head" };
vector $hipLoc = << 0, -2.203, -0.461 >>;
vector $torsoLoc = << 0, 0.659, -0.461 >>;
vector $globalLoc = << 0, -6.254, 0 >>;
vector $neckLoc = << 0, 1.39, -0.461 >>;
vector $headLoc = << 0, 2.141, -0.203 >>;
// Creates the locators.
for ( $i = 0; $i < ( size ( $locators ) ); $i++ )
spaceLocator -n ( $locators[ $i ]+"_loc" );
// Positions the locators.
select -cl;
setAttr hip_loc.t ( $hipLoc.x ) ( $hipLoc.y ) ( $hipLoc.z );
setAttr torso_loc.t ( $torsoLoc.x ) ( $torsoLoc.y ) ( $torsoLoc.z );
setAttr global_loc.t ( $globalLoc.x ) ( $globalLoc.y ) ( $globalLoc.z );
setAttr neck_loc.t ( $neckLoc.x ) ( $neckLoc.y ) ( $neckLoc.z );
setAttr head_loc.t ( $headLoc.x ) ( $headLoc.y ) ( $headLoc.z );
// Creaets the skinBind joints selection set.
string $bindSet = `sets -n skinBind_jnts -em`;
select -cl;
// Dialog box tells user to place locators where they need them.
confirmDialog -t "Place Locators" -m "The locators have been created.\nYou may now place them where\nyou need them."
-ma "center" -b "OK" -db "OK" -cb "OK" -ds "OK" -icn "information";
///////////////////// Procedure: reset /////////////////////
// //
// This procedure resets the tool so it can be //
// reused without calling the window again. //
proc reset( string $charName, string $editName, string $locators, string $spine, string $neck )
textFieldButtonGrp -e -ed 1 -tx "" $charName;
button -e -en 0 $editName;
button -e -en 0 $locators;
button -e -en 0 $spine;
button -e -en 0 $neck;
//////////////////// Procedure: editName ///////////////////
// //
// This procedure allows the user to edit the name //
// and deactivates the buttons for creation so the user //
// doesn't accidentally press them while editing. //
proc editName( string $characterName, string $editName, string $locators )
textFieldButtonGrp -e -ed 1 $characterName;
button -e -en 0 $editName;
button -e -en 0 $locators;
/////////////////// Procedure: validName ///////////////////
// //
// This procedure checks if the name is valid and //
// substrings the name to 16 characters. //
proc validName( string $characterName, string $editName, string $locators )
string $testString = `textFieldButtonGrp -q -tx $characterName`;
// If name is more than 16 characters then substring the first 16.
int $size = size( $testString );
if ( $size > 16 )
$testString = `substring $testString 1 16`;
textFieldButtonGrp -e -tx $testString $characterName;
// Returns the valid characters in the name.
string $matchingPart = `match "^[a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z_]*$" $testString`;
// If matched name is the same as name goodmatch = 1 else 0.
int $goodMatch = ! `strcmp $matchingPart $testString`;
// If no name is given then goodmatch is 0.
if ( $testString == "" )
$goodMatch = 0;
// If goodmatch is 1 then disable textField and enable edit name and create buttons.
// Else give warning.
if ( $goodMatch )
textFieldButtonGrp -e -ed 0 $characterName;
button -e -en 1 $editName;
button -e -en 1 $locators;
confirmDialog -t "Warning" -m "Invalid character name." -ma "center" -b "OK" -db "OK" -cb "OK" -ds "OK" -icn "warning";
/////////////////// Procedure: validName ///////////////////
// //
// This procedure substrings the name to 16 //
// characters if name was greater than 16 characters. //
proc sizeName( string $characterName )
string $testString = `textFieldButtonGrp -q -tx $characterName`;
int $size = size( $testString );
if ( $size > 16 )
$testString = `substring $testString 1 16`;
textFieldButtonGrp -e -tx $testString $characterName;
////////////////// Procedure: autoSpineUI //////////////////
// //
// This is the main call procedure. It sets up and //
// creates the UI for rigging the spine and neck for a //
// biped character. //
global proc autoRigUI()
// If the window exists it deletes it when this procedure
// is ran.
if ( `window -q -ex autoRig` ) deleteUI autoRig;
global string $characterName;
global string $editName;
global string $locators;
global string $spine;
global string $neck;
global string $reset;
string $dialogBoxWindow = `window -t "Auto Rigger" -rtf 1 autoRig`;
columnLayout -adj 1;
frameLayout -l "Name";
columnLayout -adj 1;
// TextField is to name character, on change the text is dropped to 16 characters if it was more.
// Check name button checks if the name is valid.
// Edit name button allows user to edit the entered name.
$characterName = `textFieldButtonGrp -l "Character Name" -cc "sizeName( $characterName )" -bl "Check Name" -bc "validName( $characterName, $editName, $locators )"`;
$editName = `button -en 0 -l "Edit Name" -c "editName( $characterName, $editName, $locators )"`;
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
frameLayout -l "Rig";
columnLayout -adj 1;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3;
$locators = `button -en 0 -l "Create Locators" -c "locators( $locators, $spine )"`;
$spine = `button -en 0 -l "Rig Spine" -c "spine( $characterName, $spine, $neck )"`;
$neck = `button -en 0 -l "Rig Neck" -c "neck( $characterName, $neck )"`;
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
columnLayout -adj 1;
$reset = `button -l "Reset Tool" -c "reset( $characterName, $editName, $locators, $spine, $neck )"`;
showWindow $dialogBoxWindow;
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