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Created March 23, 2015 07:53
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Adavanced Data Structures project to implement a string based AVL tree
* File:
* Package: None
* Project: COMP_282
* Date: Mar 10, 2015, 9:30:11 PM
* Purpose: To implement a string AVL tree
* @author Kory Dondzila
* @version "%I%, %G%"
* Copyright: 2015
* Node class for a string based AVL tree
class StringAVLNode
* The node data
private String item;
* Balance of the node
private int balance;
* Left and right nodes
private StringAVLNode left, right;
* AVLNode constructor
* @param str the string to set item to
public StringAVLNode(String str)
this.item = str;
balance = 0;
left = null;
right = null;
* @return the balance
public int getBalance()
return this.balance;
* @param balance the balance to set
public void setBalance( int balance )
this.balance = balance;
* @return the item
public String getItem()
return this.item;
* @return the left
public StringAVLNode getLeft()
return this.left;
* @param left the left to set
public void setLeft( StringAVLNode left )
this.left = left;
* @return the right
public StringAVLNode getRight()
return this.right;
* @param right the right to set
public void setRight( StringAVLNode right )
this.right = right;
* The string based AVL tree class
class StringAVLTree
* The root node
private StringAVLNode root;
* Default constructor
public StringAVLTree()
root = null;
* @return the root
public StringAVLNode getRoot()
return this.root;
* Rotate the node to the right
* @param t the node to rotate around
* @return the rotated node
private static StringAVLNode rotateRight( StringAVLNode t )
StringAVLNode temp = t.getLeft();
t.setLeft( temp.getRight() );
temp.setRight( t );
return temp;
* Rotate the node to the left
* @param t the node to rotate around
* @return the rotated node
private static StringAVLNode rotateLeft( StringAVLNode t )
StringAVLNode temp = t.getRight();
t.setRight( temp.getLeft() );
temp.setLeft( t );
return temp;
* Double rotation with respect to right child
* @param t the node to rotate around
* @return the rotated node
private static StringAVLNode doubleRotateWithRight( StringAVLNode t )
t.setRight( rotateRight( t.getRight() ) );
t = rotateLeft( t );
adjustBalances( t ); // Adjust balances after rotating
return t;
* Double rotation with respect to left child
* @param t the node to rotate around
* @return the rotated node
private static StringAVLNode doubleRotateWithLeft( StringAVLNode t )
t.setLeft( rotateLeft( t.getLeft() ) );
t = rotateRight( t );
adjustBalances( t );
return t;
* Adjusts balances for double rotations
* @param t the node to adjust balances on
private static void adjustBalances( StringAVLNode t )
if ( t.getBalance() == 0 )
t.getLeft().setBalance( 0 );
t.getRight().setBalance( 0 );
else if ( t.getBalance() == -1 )
t.setBalance( 0 );
t.getLeft().setBalance( 0 );
t.getRight().setBalance( 1 );
t.setBalance( 0 );
t.getLeft().setBalance( -1 );
t.getRight().setBalance( 0 );
* Handles rotations and re-balancing after a node deletion
* @param t the node to re-balance
* @return the re-blanced node
private static StringAVLNode deletionRebalance( StringAVLNode t )
if ( t.getBalance() == 2 ) // Rotate on the right?
if ( t.getRight().getBalance() == 1 ) // Single rotate?
t = rotateLeft( t );
t.setBalance( 0 );
t.getLeft().setBalance( 0 );
else if ( t.getRight().getBalance() == 0 )
t = rotateLeft( t );
t.setBalance( -1 );
t.getLeft().setBalance( 1 );
else // Double rotate
t = doubleRotateWithRight( t );
else if ( t.getBalance() == -2 ) // Rotate on the left?
if ( t.getLeft().getBalance() == -1 ) // Single rotate?
t = rotateRight( t );
t.setBalance( 0 );
t.getRight().setBalance( 0 );
else if ( t.getLeft().getBalance() == 0 ) // Single rotate?
t = rotateRight( t );
t.setBalance( 1 );
t.getRight().setBalance( -1 );
else // Double rotate
t = doubleRotateWithLeft( t );
return t;
* Gets height of tree
* @return the height
public int height()
return height( root, 0 );
* Recursively finds the height of the tree
* @param t the node to get height of
* @param count current height
* @return current height
private static int height( StringAVLNode t, int count )
if ( t != null )
if ( t.getBalance() <= 0 ) // Go to larger height
count = height( t.getLeft(), count + 1 );
count = height( t.getRight(), count + 1 );
return count;
* Gets the number of leaves
* @return the number of leaves
public int leafCt()
return leafCt( root );
* Recursively gets the number of leaves
* @param t the node to get leaves on
* @return the number of leaves
private static int leafCt( StringAVLNode t )
int count = 0;
if ( t != null )
// Increment count on leaf nodes only
if ( t.getLeft() == null && t.getRight() == null )
count = leafCt( t.getLeft() ) + leafCt( t.getRight() );
return count;
* Gets the number of sticks, nodes with only one non-null child
* @return the number of sticks
public int stickCt()
return stickCt( root );
* Recursively gets the number of sticks
* @param t the node to get sticks on
* @return the number of sticks
private static int stickCt( StringAVLNode t )
int count = 0;
if ( t != null )
// Increment count only on sticks
if ( ( t.getLeft() != null && t.getRight() == null ) ||
( t.getLeft() == null && t.getRight() != null ) )
count = stickCt( t.getLeft() ) + stickCt( t.getRight() );
return count;
* Gets the number of perfectly balanced nodes
* @return the number of perfectly balanced nodes
public int balanced()
return balanced( root );
* Recursively gets the number of balanced nodes
* @param t the node to get balanced nodes on
* @return the number of balanced nodes
private static int balanced( StringAVLNode t )
int count = 0;
if ( t != null )
if ( t.getBalance() == 0 )
count += balanced( t.getLeft() ) + balanced( t.getRight() );
return count;
* Gets the in-order successor
* @param str the string to find in-order successor of
* @return the in-order successor or null if there is none or str is not in the tree
public String successor( String str )
StringAVLNode found = null;
String val;
found = successor( str, root, null );
val = found != null ? found.getItem() : null;
return val;
* Recursively finds the in-order successor
* @param str the string to find in-order successor of
* @param t the current node
* @param max the current in-order successor
* @return the in-order successor
private static StringAVLNode successor( String str, StringAVLNode t, StringAVLNode max )
StringAVLNode found = null;
if ( t != null )
// Recursively look for node containing str only changing max when
// going left
if ( str != null && str.compareToIgnoreCase( t.getItem() ) < 0 )
found = successor( str, t.getLeft(), t );
else if ( str != null && str.compareToIgnoreCase( t.getItem() ) > 0 )
found = successor( str, t.getRight(), max );
// Once node is found then get its in-order successor
if ( str != null /*&& t.getRight() != null*/ )
str = null;
found = successor( str, t.getRight(), max );
found = successor( str, t.getLeft(), t );
else if ( str == null )
found = max;
return found;
* Inserts a new node with str if it doesn't exist
* @param str the string to insert
public void insert( String str )
root = insert( str, root );
* Recursively inserts a new node in the tree
* @param str the string to insert
* @param t the node to insert to
* @return the node t
private static StringAVLNode insert( String str, StringAVLNode t )
if ( t == null ) // easiest case – inserted node goes here
t = new StringAVLNode( str );
else if ( str.compareToIgnoreCase( t.getItem() ) < 0 ) // str is smaller than this node – go left
Integer oldBalance;
// Get oldbalance if child on left
if ( t.getLeft() == null )
oldBalance = null;
oldBalance = t.getLeft().getBalance();
t.setLeft( insert( str, t.getLeft() ) ); // Insert to the left
Integer newBalance = t.getLeft().getBalance(); // Get newbalance
if ( ( oldBalance == null && newBalance == 0 ) || // Did height increase?
( oldBalance == 0 && newBalance != 0 ) )
t.setBalance( t.getBalance() - 1 ); // Decrease balance
if ( t.getBalance() == -2 ) // out of balance – must rotate and rebalance
if ( t.getLeft().getBalance() == -1 ) // single rotation
t = rotateRight( t );
t.setBalance( 0 );
t.getRight().setBalance( 0 );
else // double rotation
t = doubleRotateWithLeft( t );
else if ( str.compareToIgnoreCase( t.getItem() ) > 0 ) // str is larger than this node – go right
Integer oldBalance;
// Get oldbalance if child on right
if ( t.getRight() == null )
oldBalance = null;
oldBalance = t.getRight().getBalance();
t.setRight( insert( str, t.getRight() ) ); // Insert to the right
Integer newBalance = t.getRight().getBalance(); // Get newbalance
if ( ( oldBalance == null && newBalance == 0 ) || // Did height increase?
( oldBalance == 0 && newBalance != 0 ) )
t.setBalance( t.getBalance() + 1 );
if ( t.getBalance() == 2 ) // out of balance – must rotate and rebalance
if ( t.getRight().getBalance() == 1 ) // single rotation
t = rotateLeft( t );
t.setBalance( 0 );
t.getLeft().setBalance( 0 );
else // double rotation
t = doubleRotateWithRight( t );
return t;
* Delete node that contains str if it exists
* @param str the string to delete from the tree
public void delete( String str )
root = delete( str, root );
* Recursively deletes the node from the tree
* @param str the string to delete
* @param t the current node to delete from
* @return the current node
private StringAVLNode delete( String str, StringAVLNode t )
if ( t == null )
// Do nothing if it is not in the tree
else if ( str.compareToIgnoreCase( t.getItem() ) < 0 ) // str is smaller than this node – go left
Integer oldBalance;
// Get oldbalance if child on left
if ( t.getLeft() == null )
oldBalance = null;
oldBalance = t.getLeft().getBalance();
t.setLeft( delete( str, t.getLeft() ) ); // Delete on left
Integer newBalance;
// Get newbalance if child on left
if ( t.getLeft() == null )
newBalance = null;
newBalance = t.getLeft().getBalance();
if ( oldBalance != null && // Did node exist and did height decrease?
( ( oldBalance == 0 && newBalance == null ) ||
( oldBalance != 0 && newBalance == 0 ) ) )
t.setBalance( t.getBalance() + 1 ); // Increase balance then possibly rotate
t = deletionRebalance( t );
else if ( str.compareToIgnoreCase( t.getItem() ) > 0 ) // str is larger than this node – go right
Integer oldBalance;
// Get oldbalance if child on right
if ( t.getRight() == null )
oldBalance = null;
oldBalance = t.getRight().getBalance();
t.setRight( delete( str, t.getRight() ) ); // Delete on right
Integer newBalance;
// Get newbalance if child on right
if ( t.getRight() == null )
newBalance = null;
newBalance = t.getRight().getBalance();
if ( oldBalance != null && // Did node exist and did height decrease?
( ( oldBalance == 0 && newBalance == null ) ||
( oldBalance != 0 && newBalance == 0 ) ) )
t.setBalance( t.getBalance() - 1 ); // Decrease balance and possibly rotate
t = deletionRebalance( t );
else // Node to be deleted
if ( t.getLeft() == null && t.getRight() == null ) // no children, remove
t = null;
else if ( t.getLeft() == null || t.getRight() == null ) // one child, replace
t = t.getLeft() != null ? t.getLeft() : t.getRight();
else // Two children
Integer oldBalance;
// Get oldbalance if child on left
if ( t.getLeft() == null )
oldBalance = null;
oldBalance = t.getLeft().getBalance();
t = replace( t, null, t.getLeft() ); // Replace with in-order predecessor
Integer newBalance;
// Get newbalance if child on left
if ( t.getLeft() == null )
newBalance = null;
newBalance = t.getLeft().getBalance();
if ( oldBalance != null && // Did node exist and did height decrease?
( ( oldBalance == 0 && newBalance == null ) ||
( oldBalance != 0 && newBalance == 0 ) ) )
t.setBalance( t.getBalance() + 1 ); // Increase balance and possibly rotate
t = deletionRebalance( t );
return t;
* Recursively replaces node t with its in-order predecessor
* @param t the node to delete
* @param prev the previous current node
* @param replacement the current node to replace t with
* @return the current node
private StringAVLNode replace( StringAVLNode t, StringAVLNode prev, StringAVLNode replacement )
if ( replacement.getRight() == null ) // at in-order predecessor
StringAVLNode temp = null;
if ( prev != null ) // if replacement node is NOT the child
temp = replacement.getLeft(); // will become prev's right
temp = replacement.getLeft();
// Replacing t
replacement.setRight( t.getRight() ); // attach t's right
replacement.setBalance( t.getBalance() ); // need to have t's balance
t = replacement; // replace t
replacement = temp;
else // Not yet at in-order predecessor
Integer oldBalance;
// Get oldbalance if child on right
if ( replacement.getRight() == null )
oldBalance = null;
oldBalance = replacement.getRight().getBalance();
t = replace( t, replacement, replacement.getRight() ); // replace with in-order predecessor
Integer newBalance;
// Get newbalance if child on right
if ( replacement.getRight() == null )
newBalance = null;
newBalance = replacement.getRight().getBalance();
if ( oldBalance != null && // Did node exist and did height decrease?
( ( oldBalance == 0 && newBalance == null ) ||
( oldBalance != 0 && newBalance == 0 ) ) )
// Decrease balance and possibly rotate
replacement.setBalance( replacement.getBalance() - 1 );
replacement = deletionRebalance( replacement );
// Properly re-attach nodes back up tree, since t is returned
// this must get done in the case where a rotation happened
if ( prev != null ) // Not yet at top recursive call so set prev's right
prev.setRight( replacement );
else // At top recursive call, set t's left
t.setLeft( replacement );
return t;
* @return the author
public static String myName()
return "Kory A. Dondzila";
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