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Created March 2, 2015 08:13
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Save korydondzila/79c44ff28e2f208ed1db to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/// ///
/// SCRIPT: kdScriptToolV0.1.mel - MEL Script ///
/// ///
/// AUTHOR: Kory Dondzila - ///
/// ///
/// ///
/// DESCRIPTION: This is a prototype script. A UI for ///
/// scripting. You press buttons to write your ///
/// script. though this system intends to be ///
/// intuitive. You can save and load scripts. ///
/// ///
/// USAGE: Source script then run: scriptUI(); ///
/// ///
/// EDITS TO DO: Edit white space. ///
/// ///
/// THINGS TO ADD: Well the script isn't finished yet, but I ///
/// plan on adding stuff so that you can search for ///
/// commands and their flags and insert them, with ///
/// a prompt for each selected flag. ///
/// Sections to add and insert variables and ///
/// procs it will keep track of them in your script ///
/// so you can be a bit more organized. This will ///
/// also work for loading scripts. ///
/// All buttons will have annotations so the ///
/// user understands how to use them. ///
/// Undo and Redo need to be added, along with ///
/// executing, sourcing, and making shelf buttons ///
/// from scripts. ///
/// Possible a system of error checking AND ///
/// fixing. ///
/// ///
/// VERSIONS: 0.1 - Nov 17, 2011 - Initial Prototype ///
/// ///
///////////////// Procedure: searchCommands ////////////////
// //
// This procedure is called when Search Commands is //
// pressed. It takes the search term in the search //
// commands text field and finds all matching strings in //
// the commands scroll list. //
proc searchCommands(string $mayaCommands[], string $searchCommand, string $commandListField)
// Set nitial variables.
string $lowerCommand;
string $matchCommands[];
int $matchNumber[];
int $size = size($mayaCommands);
int $s = 0;
// Query the textField and tolower the term.
string $term = `textField -q -tx $searchCommand`;
$term = `tolower $term`;
// If term is not empty search for matching strings
// else show all commands.
if ($term != "")
// For $i 0 to less than size of mayaCommands
// tolower the current command into a new
// variable, then match $term to lowerCommand
// if $match is not "" then set current matchNumber
// to current command.
for ($i = 0; $i<$size; $i++)
// Sets command to lowercase.
$lowerCommand = `tolower $mayaCommands[$i]`;
// Matches command.
string $match = `match $term $lowerCommand`;
// If not empty.
if ($match != "")
// $s is a seperate count from $i
// so $s only increases when a match is found.
$matchNumber[$s] = $i;
$s ++;
// Set $s back to 0.
$s = 0;
int $num;
// For num in matchNumber set matchCommand to
// mayaCommand of $num.
for ($num in $matchNumber)
// This is a new array of only the matching strings.
$matchCommands[$s] = $mayaCommands[$num];
$s ++;
// Remove all strings from the command scrollList.
textScrollList -e -ra $commandListField;
string $cmd;
// For $cmd in matchCommands append $cmd to the
// command scrollList.
for ($cmd in $matchCommands)
textScrollList -e -a $cmd $commandListField;
// If the search term was empty then remove al strings from list
// and append all in mayaCommands (this prevents doubles from appearing).
string $cmd;
textScrollList -e -ra $commandListField;
for ($cmd in $mayaCommands)
textScrollList -e -a $cmd $commandListField;
//////////////////// Procedure: comment ////////////////////
// //
// This procedure is called when the Comment button //
// is pressed. It prompts the user for a string that //
// will be put into the script as a comment, escape //
// characters don't work due to the nature of string //
// variables. //
proc comment(string $scriptField)
// Set initial variables.
global string $script;
string $comment;
// Prompt user for a comment.
string $result = `promptDialog -title "Input Comment"
-message "Enter the comment you want to add"
-ma "center"
-sf 1
-button "OK" -button "Cancel"
-defaultButton "Cancel" -cancelButton "Cancel"
-dismissString "Cancel"`;
// If user pressed ok then append text in prompt
// to the script.
if ($result == "OK")
$insertString = `promptDialog -query -text`;
$script += ("/*"+$insertString+"*/ ");
scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;
////////////////// Procedure: insertString /////////////////
// //
// This procedure is called when the String button is //
// pressed. It prompts the user for a string that //
// will be put into the script in quotes, escape //
// characters get put into the string, but the user must //
// use them wisely because they could end up with an //
// unterminated string. //
proc insertString(string $scriptField)
// Sets initial variables.
global string $script;
string $insertString;
// Prompt user for a string.
string $result = `promptDialog -title "Input String"
-message "Make sure your string is valid with your script.\nUse back slashes wisely and properly."
-ma "center"
-sf 1
-button "OK" -button "Cancel"
-defaultButton "Cancel" -cancelButton "Cancel"
-dismissString "Cancel"`;
// If user pressed ok then append text in promt
// to string.
if ($result == "OK")
$insertString = `promptDialog -query -text`;
$script += ("\""+$insertString+"\" ");
scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;
///////////////////// Procedure: number ////////////////////
// //
// This procedure is called when the Number button is //
// pressed. It prompts the user for a number that //
// will be put into the script. Only integer and float //
// nubmers, positive or negative, are valid. If not //
// valid it warns the user. //
proc number(string $scriptField)
// Sets initial variables.
global string $script;
string $number;
// Prompt user for a number.
string $result = `promptDialog -title "Input Number"
-message "A float or integer number."
-button "OK" -button "Cancel"
-defaultButton "Cancel" -cancelButton "Cancel"
-dismissString "Cancel"`;
// If the user pressed OK.
if ($result == "OK")
// Query number and match for a +/- floating or integer number.
$number = `promptDialog -query -text`;
string $matchingPart = `match "^[0-9.-][0-9.]*$" $number`;
// If matched number is the same as input number, goodmatch = 1 else 0.
int $goodMatch = ! `strcmp $matchingPart $number`;
// If no number is given then goodmatch is 0.
if ($number == "")
$goodMatch = 0;
// If goodmatch is 1 then append number to script.
// Else give warning.
if ($goodMatch)
$script += ($number+" ");
scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;
confirmDialog -t "Warning" -m "Invalid number."
-ma "center" -b "OK" -db "OK" -cb "OK" -ds "OK" -icn "warning";
/////////////////// Procedure: saveScript //////////////////
// //
// This procedure is called when Save Script is //
// pressed. It saves the selected text in the script //
// field to a mel file of the users choice, if no text is //
// selected then it errors out. //
proc saveScript(string $scriptField)
// Query the selected text.
string $selected = `scrollField -q -sl $scriptField`;
// If no text is selected then error, else prompt for a file.
if ($selected == "")
error "Select the text you wish to save.";
// Query the working directory and prompt for a file.
string $dir = `workspace -q -dir`;
string $filepath[] = `fileDialog2 -ds 2 -cap "Save Script..." -dir $dir -ff "Mel (*.mel)" -sff "Mel" -fm 0`;
// If no filepath is chosen then error out
// else save selected text to named mel file.
if ($filepath[0] == "")
error "No filepath chosen.";
// This opens a file of the named filepath
// and enables it to write only/
$fileId=`fopen $filepath[0] "w"`;
// Writes the selected text to the file
// then closese the file.
fprint $fileId $selected;
fclose $fileId;
/////////////////// Procedure: loadScript //////////////////
// //
// This procedure is called when Load Script is //
// pressed. It loads the chosen mel file to the script //
// field, overwriting what was previously there. //
proc loadScript(string $scriptField)
// Set initial variables and query if there is text in the
// script Field.
global string $script;
string $confirm;
string $line;
string $isText = `scrollField -q -tx $scriptField`;
// If there is text in the scriptField, prompt the user if
// they want to overwrite thair work.
if ($isText != "")
$confirm = `confirmDialog -t "Load script?" -m "Are you sure you want to load a script?\nIt will overwrite your work."
-ma "center" -b "Yes" -b "No" -db "No" -cb "No" -ds "No" -icn "question"`;
// If the User confirmed to overwrite their script
// or there was to text in the script field then
// prompt the user for a mel script to load.
if (($confirm == "Yes") || ($isText == ""))
// Query working directory and prompt user
// for an existing file.
string $dir = `workspace -q -dir`;
string $filepath[] = `fileDialog2 -ds 2 -cap "Load Script..." -dir $dir -ff "Mel (*.mel)" -sff "Mel" -fm 1`;
// If a file path was chosen.
if ($filepath[0] != "")
// Open the chosen file and get the
// first line.
$fileId=`fopen $filepath[0] "r"`;
$newline = `fgetline $fileId`;
string $text[];
// While newline has characters
// add to text array newline then get next line.
while (size($newline) > 0)
$text[size($text)] = $newline;
$newline = `fgetline $fileId`;
// Set script to nothing.
$script = "";
// For $line in $text append $line to $script
for ($line in $text)
$script += $line;
// Close file and reload the scriptField with new script.
fclose $fileId;
scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;
/////////////////// Procedure: newScript ///////////////////
// //
// This procedure is called when New Script is //
// pressed. It prompts the user if they want to start a //
// script without saving, if so then set clear $script //
// and reload the scriptField. //
proc newScript(string $scriptField)
global string $script;
string $isText = `scrollField -q -tx $scriptField`;
string $new;
// If there is text in the scriptField, prompt the user if
// they want to start a new script without saving.
if ($isText != "")
$new = `confirmDialog -t "New Script?"
-m "Are you sure you want to start a\nnew script without saving?"
-ma "center" -b "Yes" -b "No" -db "No" -cb "No" -ds "No" -icn "question"`;
// If Yes then clear script.
if ($new == "Yes")
$script = "";
scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;
/////////////////// Procedure: editScript //////////////////
// //
// This procedure is called when Edit Script is //
// pressed. It enables the scriptField for the user to //
// type into and disables most everything else so the //
// user doesn't mess up their work. When pressed again //
// disables the scriptField and re-enables everything //
// else. //
proc editScript(string $scriptField, string $fileMenu, string $undo, string $redo, string $toolTab)
// Set $script and query the state of the scriptField.
global string $script;
int $state = `scrollField -q -ed $scriptField`;
// If scriptField is on then disable it and
// enables everything else. Else enable it
// and disable everything else.
if ($state)
$script = `scrollField -q -tx $scriptField`;
scrollField -e -ed 0 $scriptField;
menu -e -en 1 $fileMenu;
menuItem -e -en 1 $undo;
menuItem -e -en 1 $redo;
tabLayout -e -en 1 $toolTab;
scrollField -e -ed 1 $scriptField;
menu -e -en 0 $fileMenu;
menuItem -e -en 0 $undo;
menuItem -e -en 0 $redo;
tabLayout -e -en 0 $toolTab;
//////////////////// Procedure: showTool ///////////////////
// //
// This procedure is called when Toggle Tool Window //
// is pressed. It toggles the visibility of the Tool //
// window, so if the user closed it, then it can be //
// reopened. //
proc showTool(string $showTool)
if (`window -q -vis scriptToolUI`)
window -e -vis 0 scriptToolUI;
window -e -vis 1 scriptToolUI;
/////////////////// Procedure: showScript //////////////////
// //
// This procedure is called when Toggle Script Window //
// is pressed. It toggles the visibility of the Script //
// window, so if the user closed it, then it can be //
// reopened. //
proc showScript(string $showScript)
if (`window -q -vis scriptUI`)
window -e -vis 0 scriptUI;
window -e -vis 1 scriptUI;
//////////////////// Procedure: scriptUI ///////////////////
// //
// This is the main procedure that creates the //
// user interface. Everything is made using form layouts //
// this allows the user to size the window to how they //
// want it. //
global proc scriptUI()
// If windows exists then delete them. Prevents multiple instances of the
// same windows.
if (`window -q -ex scriptToolUI`) deleteUI scriptToolUI;
if (`window -q -ex scriptUI`) deleteUI scriptUI;
// Declares global strings.
global string $scriptWindow;
global string $scriptToolWindow;
global string $scriptField;
global string $scriptLayout;
global string $scriptMenu;
global string $script;
global string $fileMenu;
global string $undo;
global string $redo;
global string $showTool;
global string $showScript;
global string $toolTab;
global string $logicTab;
global string $mayaTab;
global string $variableTab;
global string $procedureTab;
global string $searchCommand;
global string $commandListField;
global string $searchFlag;
global string $flagListField;
global string $searchVariable;
global string $variableListField;
global string $searchProcedure;
global string $procedureListField;
// This string is used for the Maya Commands tab.
global string $mayaCommands[] = {"addAttr", "aimConstraint", "arcLen", "bevel", "bindSkin", "blendShape", "button", "camera",
"checkBox", "checkBoxGrp", "circle", "cluster", "collision", "columnLayout", "cone", "confirmDialog", "connectAttr",
"connectDynamic", "createNode", "curve", "cylinder", "delete", "deleteAttr", "deleteUI", "disconnectAttr", "duplicate",
"duplicateCurve", "duplicateSurface", "dynExpression", "emit", "emitter", "error", "eval", "exists", "expression",
"extendCurve", "extrude", "file", "fileDialog2", "filletCurve", "flexor", "floatField", "floatFieldGrp",
"floatScrollBar", "floatSlider", "floatSlider2", "floatSliderButtonGrp", "floatSliderGrp", "flow", "flowLayout",
"fluidEmitter", "formLayout", "frameLayout", "geometryConstraint", "getAttr", "getFluidAttr", "getParticleAttr",
"goal", "gravity", "grid", "gridLayout", "group", "hide", "hudButton", "hudSlider", "hudSliderButton", "iconTextButton",
"iconTextCheckBox", "iconTextRadioButton", "iconTextRadioCollection", "iconTextScrollList", "iconTextStaticLabel",
"ikHandle", "ikSolver", "insertJoint", "insertKnotCurve", "insertKnotSurface", "instance", "intersect", "intField",
"intFieldGrp", "intScrollBar", "intSlider", "intSliderGrp", "joint", "jointCluster", "jointLattice", "keyframe",
"lattice", "layerButton", "layout", "layoutDialog", "lightlink", "listAttr", "ls", "makeIdentity", "match", "menu",
"menuBarLayout", "menuEditor", "menuItem", "mirrorJoint", "move", "newton", "normalConstrint", "nurbsBoolean",
"nurbsCube", "nurbsPlane", "nurbsSquare", "nurbsToPoly", "objectCenter", "objExists", "offsetCurve", "optionMenu",
"optionMenuGrp", "orbit", "orientConstraint", "panelLayout", "paramLocator", "parent", "parentConstraint",
"particle", "particleExists", "plane", "play", "playBackOptions", "playblast", "pointConstraint", "pointLight",
"pointOnCurve", "pointOnPolyConstraint", "pointOnSurface", "poleVectorConstraint", "polyAppend", "polyBevel",
"polyBoolOp", "polyCone", "polyCube", "polyCylinder", "polyPlane", "polySphere", "polyTorus", "popupMenu", "print",
"progressBar", "radial", "radioButton", "radioButtonGrp", "radioCollection", "refresh", "revolve", "rotate",
"rowColumnLayout", "rowLayout", "scale", "scaleConstraint", "scriptNode", "scrollField", "scrollLayout", "select",
"setAttr", "setDrivenKeyframe", "setKeyframe", "sets", "shadingNode", "showWindow", "skinCluster", "spaceLocator",
"sphere", "spotLight", "surface", "tabLayout", "text", "textCurves", "textField", "textFieldButtonGrp", "textFieldGrp",
"textScrollList", "timer", "tokenisze", "tokenizeList", "torus", "turbulence", "vortex", "warning", "window", "xform"};
// Query the users script color settings, this is used to color the buttons.
vector $syntaxText = `displayRGBColor -q syntaxText`;
vector $syntaxKey = `displayRGBColor -q syntaxKeywords`;
vector $syntaxString = `displayRGBColor -q syntaxStrings`;
vector $syntaxComment = `displayRGBColor -q syntaxComments`;
vector $syntaxCommand = `displayRGBColor -q syntaxCommands`;
// Creates the Script Tool Window... this section is long, I don't want to comment it.
$scriptToolWindow = `window -t "User Friendly Scripting Tool" -s 1 -mb 1 -tlc 5 825 -wh 550 800 -ret scriptToolUI`;
menu -l "Window" -hm 1 ;
$showScript = `menuItem -l "Toggle Script Window" -c "showScript($showScript)"`;
$form = `formLayout -nd 100 "form"`;
$toolTab = `tabLayout -imw 5 -imh 10 "toolTab"`;
$logicTab = `formLayout -nd 225 "Logic"`;
$maths = `frameLayout -l "Maths"`;
$mathsForm = `formLayout -nd 71`;
$blah = "blah";
$a1 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l "+" -rs 0 -c "$script += \"+ \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a2 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l "*" -rs 0 -c "$script += \"* \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a3 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l "=" -rs 0 -c "$script += \"= \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a4 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l "." -rs 0 -c "$script += \". \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a5 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc 1.0 0.7 0.0 -l "Number" -rs 0 -c "number($scriptField)"`;
$a7 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l "-" -rs 0 -c "$script += \"- \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a8 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l "/" -rs 0 -c "$script += \"/ \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a9 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l "!" -rs 0 -c "$script += \"! \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a10 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l ":" -rs 0 -c "$script += \": \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a13 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l "<" -rs 0 -c "$script += \"< \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a14 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l ">" -rs 0 -c "$script += \"> \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a15 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l "&&&&" -rs 0 -c "$script += \"&& \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a16 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l ";" -rs 0 -c "$script += \"; \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a19 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l "(" -rs 0 -c "$script += \"( \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a20 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l ")" -rs 0 -c "$script += \") \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a21 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l "||" -rs 0 -c "$script += \"|| \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a22 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l "," -rs 0 -c "$script += \", \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a25 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l "[" -rs 0 -c "$script += \"[ \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a26 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l "]" -rs 0 -c "$script += \"] \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a27 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l "{" -rs 0 -c "$script += \"{ \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a28 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l "}" -rs 0 -c "$script += \"} \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a29 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l "<<" -rs 0 -c "$script += \"<< \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a30 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l ">>" -rs 0 -c "$script += \">> \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a31 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l "+=" -rs 0 -c "$script += \"+= \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a32 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l "-=" -rs 0 -c "$script += \"-= \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a33 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l "<=" -rs 0 -c "$script += \"<= \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a34 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l ">=" -rs 0 -c "$script += \">= \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a35 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l "==" -rs 0 -c "$script += \"== \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
$a36 = `button -w 10 -h 10 -bgc ($syntaxText.x) ($syntaxText.y) ($syntaxText.z) -l "!=" -rs 0 -c "$script += \"!= \"; scrollField -e -tx $script $scriptField;"`;
formLayout -e
-attachForm $a1 "top" 5
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-attachControl $a8 "left" 5 $a7
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-attachControl $a9 "left" 5 $a8
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-attachControl $a10 "left" 5 $a9
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-attachControl $a16 "left" 5 $a15
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-attachControl $a19 "top" 5 $a13
-attachForm $a19 "left" 5
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-attachControl $a20 "top" 5 $a14
-attachControl $a20 "left" 5 $a19
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-attachPosition $a20 "right" 0 22
-attachControl $a21 "top" 5 $a15
-attachControl $a21 "left" 5 $a20
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-attachControl $a22 "top" 5 $a16
-attachControl $a22 "left" 5 $a21
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-attachControl $e26 "left" 5 $e21
-attachForm $e26 "bottom" 7
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setParent ..;
setParent ..;
formLayout -e
-attachForm $maths "top" 5
-attachForm $maths "left" 5
-attachPosition $maths "bottom" 0 55
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-attachControl $condsLoops "top" 5 $maths
-attachForm $condsLoops "left" 5
-attachPosition $condsLoops "bottom" 0 110
-attachPosition $condsLoops "right" 0 110
-attachControl $varProc "top" 5 $maths
-attachControl $varProc "left" 5 $condsLoops
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-attachForm $strings "right" 5
-attachControl $functions "top" 5 $strings
-attachForm $functions "left" 5
-attachForm $functions "bottom" 5
-attachForm $functions "right" 5
setParent ..;
$mayaTab = `formLayout -nd 100 "Maya Commands"`;
$searchCommand = `textField -h 25`;
$searchCommandButton = `button -bgc ($syntaxCommand.x) ($syntaxCommand.y) ($syntaxCommand.z) -l "Search Commands" -c "searchCommands($mayaCommands, $searchCommand, $commandListField)"`;
$commandListField = `textScrollList`;
$searchFlag = `textField -h 25`;
$searchFlagButton = `button -bgc ($syntaxCommand.x) ($syntaxCommand.y) ($syntaxCommand.z) -l "Search Flags"`;
$flagListField = `textScrollList`;
$insertCommandButton = `button -bgc ($syntaxCommand.x) ($syntaxCommand.y) ($syntaxCommand.z) -l "Insert Command"`;
formLayout -e
-attachForm $searchCommand "top" 5
-attachForm $searchCommand "left" 5
-attachNone $searchCommand "bottom"
-attachPosition $searchCommand "right" 0 48
-attachForm $searchCommandButton "top" 5
-attachControl $searchCommandButton "left" 5 $searchCommand
-attachNone $searchCommandButton "bottom"
-attachForm $searchCommandButton "right" 5
-attachControl $commandListField "top" 5 $searchCommand
-attachForm $commandListField "left" 5
-attachPosition $commandListField "bottom" 0 48
-attachForm $commandListField "right" 5
-attachControl $searchFlag "top" 5 $commandListField
-attachForm $searchFlag "left" 5
-attachNone $searchFlag "bottom"
-attachPosition $searchFlag "right" 0 48
-attachControl $searchFlagButton "top" 5 $commandListField
-attachControl $searchFlagButton "left" 5 $searchFlag
-attachNone $searchFlagButton "bottom"
-attachForm $searchFlagButton "right" 5
-attachControl $flagListField "top" 5 $searchFlag
-attachForm $flagListField "left" 5
-attachPosition $flagListField "bottom" 0 93
-attachForm $flagListField "right" 5
-attachControl $insertCommandButton "top" 5 $flagListField
-attachForm $insertCommandButton "left" 5
-attachForm $insertCommandButton "bottom" 5
-attachForm $insertCommandButton "right" 5
// For mayaCmd in mayaCommands append each to the
// command scroll list.
string $mayaCmd;
for ($mayaCmd in $mayaCommands)
textScrollList -e -a $mayaCmd $commandListField;
setParent ..;
$variablesTab = `formLayout -nd 100 "Variables"`;
$searchVariable = `textField -h 25`;
$searchVariableButton = `button -l "Search Variables"`;
$variableListField = `textScrollList`;
$insertVariableButton = `button -l "Insert Variable"`;
$newVariableButton = `button -l "New Variable"`;
formLayout -e
-attachForm $searchVariable "top" 5
-attachForm $searchVariable "left" 5
-attachNone $searchVariable "bottom"
-attachPosition $searchVariable "right" 0 48
-attachForm $searchVariableButton "top" 5
-attachControl $searchVariableButton "left" 5 $searchVariable
-attachNone $searchVariableButton "bottom"
-attachForm $searchVariableButton "right" 5
-attachControl $variableListField "top" 5 $searchVariable
-attachForm $variableListField "left" 5
-attachPosition $variableListField "bottom" 0 93
-attachForm $variableListField "right" 5
-attachControl $insertVariableButton "top" 5 $variableListField
-attachForm $insertVariableButton "left" 5
-attachForm $insertVariableButton "bottom" 5
-attachPosition $insertVariableButton "right" 0 48
-attachControl $newVariableButton "top" 5 $variableListField
-attachControl $newVariableButton "left" 5 $insertVariableButton
-attachForm $newVariableButton "bottom" 5
-attachForm $newVariableButton "right" 5
setParent ..;
$proceduresTab = `formLayout -nd 100 "Procedures"`;
$searchProcedure = `textField -h 25`;
$searchProcedureButton = `button -l "Search Procedures"`;
$procedureListField = `textScrollList`;
$insertProcedureButton = `button -l "Insert Procedure"`;
$newProcedureButton = `button -l "New Procedure"`;
formLayout -e
-attachForm $searchProcedure "top" 5
-attachForm $searchProcedure "left" 5
-attachNone $searchProcedure "bottom"
-attachPosition $searchProcedure "right" 0 48
-attachForm $searchProcedureButton "top" 5
-attachControl $searchProcedureButton "left" 5 $searchProcedure
-attachNone $searchProcedureButton "bottom"
-attachForm $searchProcedureButton "right" 5
-attachControl $procedureListField "top" 5 $searchProcedure
-attachForm $procedureListField "left" 5
-attachPosition $procedureListField "bottom" 0 93
-attachForm $procedureListField "right" 5
-attachControl $insertProcedureButton "top" 5 $procedureListField
-attachForm $insertProcedureButton "left" 5
-attachForm $insertProcedureButton "bottom" 5
-attachPosition $insertProcedureButton "right" 0 48
-attachControl $newProcedureButton "top" 5 $procedureListField
-attachControl $newProcedureButton "left" 5 $insertProcedureButton
-attachForm $newProcedureButton "bottom" 5
-attachForm $newProcedureButton "right" 5
setParent ..;
formLayout -e
-attachForm $toolTab "top" 0
-attachForm $toolTab "left" 0
-attachForm $toolTab "right" 0
-attachForm $toolTab "bottom" 0
showWindow $scriptToolWindow;
// Script Field Window.
window -e -tlc 5 825 -wh 550 800 $scriptToolWindow;
$scriptWindow = `window -t "Script Editor" -mb 1 -tlc 5 5 -wh 800 800 -ret scriptUI`;
$fileMenu = `menu -l "File" -to 1`;
menuItem -l "New Script" -c "newScript($scriptField)";
menuItem -l "Load Script..." -c "loadScript($scriptField)";
menuItem -l "Save Script..." -c "saveScript($scriptField)";
menu -l "Edit" -to 1;
$undo = `menuItem -l "Undo"`;
$redo = `menuItem -l "Redo"`;
menuItem -l "Edit Script" -c "editScript($scriptField, $fileMenu, $undo, $redo, $toolTab)";
menu -l "Window" -hm 1 ;
$showTool = `menuItem -l "Toggle Tool Window" -c "showTool($showTool)"`;
$scriptLayout = `formLayout -nd 100`;
$scriptField = `scrollField -tx $script -ed 0 scriptField`;
formLayout -e
-attachForm $scriptField "top" 0
-attachForm $scriptField "left" 10
-attachForm $scriptField "bottom" 10
-attachForm $scriptField "right" 10
showWindow $scriptWindow;
window -e -tlc 5 5 -wh 800 800 $scriptWindow;
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