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Created March 2, 2015 08:14
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/// ///
/// SCRIPT: kdSegmentJointV1.1.mel - MEL Script ///
/// ///
/// AUTHOR: Kory Dondzila - ///
/// ///
/// ///
/// DESCRIPTION: Divides the selected joint into equal ///
/// segments. ///
/// ///
/// USAGE: Source script then run: segmentJointUI(); ///
/// ///
/// EDITS TO DO: N/A ///
/// ///
/// THINGS TO ADD: N/A ///
/// ///
/// VERSIONS: 1.0 - Oct 26, 2011 - Initial Release ///
/// 1.1 - Jul 31, 2012 - Fixed error and coding. ///
/// ///
// This is the procedure that segments the joint.
proc segment( string $segmentField, string $orient1, string $orient2, string $orient3, string $orient4 )
// Gets the selected joints, procedure returns if
// no joints are selected or there is no child joints.
string $selJnt[] = `ls -typ "joint" -sl -dag`;
if ( size( $selJnt ) == 0 )
confirmDialog -t "Warning" -m "No joint was selected." -ma "center" -b "OK" -db "OK" -cb "OK" -ds "OK" -icn "warning";
else if ( size( $selJnt ) == 1 )
confirmDialog -t "Warning" -m "Only one joint was selected.\nSelect a joint with a child joint." -ma "center" -b "OK" -db "OK" -cb "OK" -ds "OK" -icn "warning";
// Gets the number of segments from the UI.
int $seg = `intSliderGrp -q -v $segmentField`;
// Gets the selected orientation.
int $whichOrient1 = `radioButtonGrp -q -sl $orient1`;
int $whichOrient2 = `radioButtonGrp -q -sl $orient2`;
string $jntOrient;
// If the first button grp has a button selected
// assign a string based on case. Else go to the second
// button grp.
if ( $whichOrient1 > 0 )
switch ( $whichOrient1 )
case 1:
$jntOrient = "xyz";
case 2:
$jntOrient = "yxz";
case 3:
$jntOrient = "zxy";
case 4:
$jntOrient = "none";
switch ( $whichOrient2 )
case 1:
$jntOrient = "xzy";
case 2:
$jntOrient = "yzx";
case 3:
$jntOrient = "zyx";
// Gets the selected second axis orientation.
int $whichOrient3 = `radioButtonGrp -q -sl $orient3`;
int $whichOrient4 = `radioButtonGrp -q -sl $orient4`;
string $secOrient;
// If the third button grp has a button selected
// assign a string based on case. Else go to the fourth
// button grp.
if ( $whichOrient3 > 0 )
switch ( $whichOrient3 )
case 1:
$secOrient = "xup";
case 2:
$secOrient = "yup";
case 3:
$secOrient = "zup";
switch ( $whichOrient4 )
case 1:
$secOrient = "xdown";
case 2:
$secOrient = "ydown";
case 3:
$secOrient = "zdown";
// Gets the positions of the selected joint and it's child joint.
vector $sjPos = ( `joint -q -p $selJnt[ 0 ]` );
vector $ejPos = ( `joint -q -p $selJnt[ 1 ]` );
string $crJnt[];
float $radius = ( `getAttr ( $selJnt[ 0 ]+".radius" )` );
// Input an integer for the TOTAL number of segments you need, for $seg.
select -cl;
// For loop creates joints in the proper position
// and assigns them to an array and parents the first created joint
// to the start joint and parents the end joint to the last created joint.
for ( $i = $seg; $i > 1; $i-- )
int $x = abs ( $i - $seg );
$crJnt[ $x ] = `joint -p ( ( ( ( ( $sjPos.x ) - ( $ejPos.x ) ) / $seg ) * ( $i - 1 ) ) + ( $ejPos.x ) )
( ( ( ( ( $sjPos.y ) - ( $ejPos.y ) ) / $seg ) * ( $i - 1 ) ) + ( $ejPos.y ) )
( ( ( ( ( $sjPos.z ) - ( $ejPos.z ) ) / $seg ) * ( $i - 1 ) ) + ( $ejPos.z ) ) -rad $radius`;
if ( $x == 0 )
parent $crJnt[ $x ] $selJnt[ 0 ];
if ( ( $x + 1 ) == ( $seg - 1 ) )
parent $selJnt[ 1 ] $crJnt[ $x ];
// Orients the joints.
joint -e -oj $jntOrient -sao $secOrient -zso -ch $selJnt[ 0 ];
// Main call procedure, sets up and creates the window.
global proc segmentJointUI()
// If window exists then delete it. Prevents multiple instances of the
// same window.
if ( `window -q -ex segJoint` ) deleteUI segJoint;
// Declares global strings.
global string $segmentField;
global string $orient1;
global string $orient2;
global string $orient3;
global string $orient4;
// Makes window size to everything in it.
string $dialogBoxWindow = `window -t "Segment Joint" -rtf 1 segJoint`;
columnLayout -adj 1;
frameLayout -l "Segments";
$segmentField = `intSliderGrp -l "Segments" -f 1 -min 2 -max 10 -fmx 100 -v 3`;
setParent ..;
frameLayout -l "Orientation";
$orient1 = `radioButtonGrp -nrb 4 -sl 1 -la4 "xyz" "yxz" "zxy" "None"`;
$orient2 = `radioButtonGrp -nrb 3 -scl $orient1 -la3 "xzy" "yzx" "zyx"`;
setParent ..;
frameLayout -l "Second Axis Orientation";
$orient3 = `radioButtonGrp -nrb 3 -sl 1 -la3 "+ X" "+ Y" "+ Z"`;
$orient4 = `radioButtonGrp -nrb 3 -scl $orient3 -la3 "- X" "- Y" "- Z"`;
setParent ..;
button -l "Segment Joint" -c "segment( $segmentField, $orient1, $orient2, $orient3, $orient4 )";
// Show the window.
showWindow $dialogBoxWindow;
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