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How to use a Github repository as a Maven repository

1. Create a dedicated project to host your Maven repository on Github

For example, you can have a mvn-repo project created.

2. Clone the remote mvn-repo into your local folder

For example, into ~/workspace/mvn-repo folder

3. Build your project and deploy it into your local folder.

In order to do this, you will need to have the following snippet in your pom.xml file

			<name>Github Repo</name>


If you already have a <distributionManagement> tag in you pom.xml file, you might want to comment that out for the moment.

4. Use Maven to build and deploy your project

mvn clean deploy

5. Now you just need to commit and push your changes in project mvn-repo

git commit -m "Added org.openjdk.jmh"
git push

6. In you other projects, you can reference to your own Maven repo

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