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Created September 17, 2019 04:35
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const { registerBlockType } = wp.blocks;
const { __ } = wp.i18n;
const { createElement, Fragment, cloneElement } = wp.element;
const { RichText, URLInput, AlignmentToolbar, InspectorControls, BlockControls } = wp.editor;
const { createHigherOrderComponent, withState } = wp.compose;
const { Button, PanelBody, TextControl, ToggleControl, SelectControl, IconButton } = wp.components;
registerBlockType( 'hello-tools/newsletter-signup', {
title: __( 'Newsletter signup', 'hello-tools' ),
icon: 'email-alt',
category: 'hello-blocks',
supports: {
multiple: false,
edit: ( props ) => {
const { attributes: { headline, blurb, bgColor, bgClass, btnClass, blockClasses }, setAttributes, className, isSelected } = props;
const setBgColor = ( value ) => {
setAttributes( { bgColor: value } );
switch ( value ) {
case 'white':
setAttributes( { bgClass: 'hello-bg--white' } );
setAttributes( { btnClass: 'hello-btn--blue' } );
case 'blue-gradient':
setAttributes( { bgClass: 'hello-bg--blue-gradient hello-text--white' } );
setAttributes( { btnClass: 'hello-btn--blue' } );
case 'blue':
setAttributes( { bgClass: 'hello-bg--blue hello-text--white' } );
setAttributes( { btnClass: 'hello-btn--orange' } );
case 'gray':
setAttributes( { bgClass: 'hello-bg--faint-gray' } );
setAttributes( { btnClass: 'hello-btn--blue' } );
case 'transparent':
setAttributes( { bgClass: 'hello-bg--transparent' } );
setAttributes( { btnClass: 'hello-btn--blue' } );
setAttributes( { bgClass: 'hello-bg--white' } );
setAttributes( { btnClass: 'hello-btn--blue' } );
return (
<div className={ `text-center ${blockClasses} ${bgClass}` }>
<div className="hello-tools-newsletter-signup__wrap text-center mx-auto">
<PanelBody title={ __( 'Newsletter settings', 'hello-tools' ) }>
label={ __( 'Background color', 'hello-tools' ) }
value={ bgColor }
onChange={ setBgColor }
options={ [
{ value: 'white', label: __( 'White', 'hello-tools' ) },
{ value: 'blue-gradient', label: __( 'Blue Gradient', 'hello-tools' ) },
{ value: 'blue', label: __( 'Blue', 'hello-tools' ) },
{ value: 'gray', label: __( 'Gray', 'hello-tools' ) },
{ value: 'transparent', label: __( 'Transparent', 'hello-tools' ) },
] }
className="hello-tools-newsletter-signup__headline h3 font-weight-bold"
value={ headline }
onChange={ value => setAttributes( { headline: value } ) }
formattingControls={ [] }
{ ( isSelected || ( blurb && blurb != '<p></p>' ) ) && (
className="hello-tools-newsletter-signup__blurb font-weight-bold"
onChange={ value => setAttributes( { blurb: value } ) }
placeholder={ __( 'Subtext goes here (optional)', 'hello-tools' ) }
value={ blurb }
formattingControls={ [ 'link', 'italic' ] }
focusOnInsert={ false }
) }
<div class="hello-tools-newsletter-signup__fieldwrap position-relative mx-auto">
<div className="hello-tools-newsletter-signup__email px-4 mx-auto w-100 ltr-input text-left">
{ __( 'Enter email address...', 'hello-tools' ) }
<div className={`hello-tools-newsletter-signup__submit btn hello-btn ${btnClass}`}>
{ __( 'Subscribe', 'hello-tools' ) }
save() {
// Rendering in PHP
return null;
} );
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