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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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テストコンピュテーション式 ( 参考)
type TestResult =
| Success
| Failure of string
type TestState<'a, 'b, 'c> =
| NotRun
| Context of 'a
| Action of 'b
| Response of 'c
| Result of TestResult
type TestBuilder () =
member __.Yield (x) = Context (x)
member __.For (state, _) = state
member __.Zero () = NotRun
[<CustomOperation("Given", AllowIntoPattern = true)>]
member __.Given (_, condition) = Context (condition)
[<CustomOperation("When", AllowIntoPattern = true, MaintainsVariableSpace = true)>]
member __.When (state, [<ProjectionParameter>] f) =
match state with
| Context (x) -> Action (f x)
| _ -> failwith "No condition is given"
[<CustomOperation("Then", MaintainsVariableSpace = true)>]
member __.Then (state, [<ProjectionParameter>] f) =
match state with
| Action (x) -> Response (f x)
| _ -> failwith "No condition is given"
member __.ShouldEqual (state, expected) =
match state with
| Response (actual) -> Result (if actual = expected then Success else Failure (sprintf "Expected %A, but given %A" expected actual))
| _ -> failwith "No condition is given"
let test = TestBuilder ()
// Result Success
test {
Given 0 into x
When (x + 1) into y
Then y
ShouldEqual 1
|> printfn "%A"
// Result (Failure "Expected 3, but given 2")
test {
Given 1 into x
When (2 * x) into y
Then y
ShouldEqual 3
|> printfn "%A"
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