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Created September 14, 2012 09:43
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Purely Functional Random Access List in F# (Okasaki 1995)
module RandomAccessList
open System
let indexOutOfBounds = ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("index")
let emptyList = ArgumentException ("Empty list")
type Tree<'a> =
| Leaf of 'a
| Node of 'a * 'a Tree * 'a Tree
type tree<'a> = Tree<'a>
module Tree =
let rec lookup = function
| _, Leaf x, 0 -> x
| _, Leaf x, _ -> raise indexOutOfBounds
| _, Node (x, _, _), 0 -> x
| size, Node (x, left, right), index ->
let size' = size / 2
if index <= size'
lookup (size', left, (index - 1))
lookup (size', right, index - 1 - size')
let rec update = function
| _, Leaf x, 0, value -> Leaf value
| _, Leaf x, _, _ -> raise indexOutOfBounds
| _, Node (x, left, right), 0, value -> Node (value, left, right)
| size, Node (x, left, right), index, value ->
let size' = size / 2
if index <= size'
Node (x, update (size', left, (index - 1), value), right)
Node (x, left, update (size', right, index - 1 - size', value))
let rec toList = function
| Leaf x -> [x]
| Node (x, left, right) -> x :: toList left @ toList right
type RList<'a> =
| Nil
| Cons of (int * 'a tree) * RList<'a>
type rlist<'a> = RList<'a>
module RList =
let empty = Nil
let isEmpty = function
| Nil -> true
| _ -> false
let cons x = function
| Cons ((size1, t1), Cons ((size2, t2),rest)) as xs ->
if size1 = size2
Cons ((1 + size1 + size2, Node (x, t1, t2)), rest)
Cons ((1, Leaf x), xs)
| rlist -> RList.Cons ((1, Leaf x), rlist)
let singleton x =
cons x Nil
let rec length = function
| Nil -> 0
| Cons ((size, _), rest) -> size + length rest
let head = function
| Nil -> raise emptyList
| Cons ((_, Leaf x), _) -> x
| Cons ((_, Node (x, _, _)), _) -> x
let tail = function
| Nil -> raise emptyList
| Cons ((_, Leaf _), rest) -> rest
| Cons ((size, Node (_, left, right)), rest) ->
let size' = size / 2
in Cons ((size', left), Cons ((size', right), rest))
let rec nth index = function
| Nil -> raise indexOutOfBounds
| Cons ((size, tree), rest) ->
if index < size
Tree.lookup (size, tree, index)
nth (index - size) rest
let rec update index value = function
| Nil -> raise indexOutOfBounds
| Cons ((size, tree) as head, rest) ->
if index < size
Cons ((size, Tree.update (size, tree, index, value)), rest)
Cons (head, update (index - size) value rest)
let fromList list =
List.foldBack cons list Nil
let rec toList = function
| Nil -> []
| Cons ((_, tree), rest) -> Tree.toList tree @ toList rest
module RandomAccessList
type Tree<'a> =
| Leaf of 'a
| Node of 'a * 'a Tree * 'a Tree
type RList<'a> =
| Nil
| Cons of (int * Tree<'a>) * RList<'a>
type tree<'a> = Tree<'a>
type rlist<'a> = RList<'a>
module RList =
val empty : 'a rlist
val cons : 'a -> 'a rlist -> 'a rlist
val singleton : 'a -> 'a rlist
val length : 'a rlist-> int
val head : 'a rlist -> 'a
val tail : 'a rlist -> 'a rlist
val nth : int -> 'a rlist -> 'a
val update : int -> 'a -> 'a rlist -> 'a rlist
val fromList : 'a list -> 'a rlist
val toList : 'a rlist -> 'a list
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