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Last active December 29, 2015 02:18
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Wandbox を Emacs から利用する. Warning : This repo was moved to
;;; wandbox.el --- Wandbox interface for Emacs
;; Let's Play Wandbox!
;; -
;; - >>> /kennel/API.rst
;;; Example:
;; ## インタラクティブに利用する
;; M-x wandbox-compile-file - ファイルを指定してコンパイル
;; M-x wandbox-compile-region - リージョンを指定してコンパイル
;; M-x wandbox-compile-buffer - バッファ全体をコンパイル
;; ## Emacs Lisp から利用する
;; (wandbox-compile :compiler "gcc-head" :options "warning" :code "main(){}")
;; (wandbox-compile :name "C" :compiler-option "-lm" :file "/path/to/prog.c")
;; (wandbox-compile :name "Perl" :code "while (<>) { print uc($_); }" :stdin "hello world\n")
;; (wandbox-compile :name "Ruby2.0" :code "p ARGV" :runtime-option "1\n2\n3")
;; (add-to-list '*wandbox-profiles* '(:name "User Profile" :compiler "clang-head"))
;; (wandbox-compile :name "User Profile" :code "...")
;;; TODO:
;; - github にコミット
;; - ドキュメントを書く
;; - merge-plist
;; - コンパイル結果のデータをユーザが弄れるようにする
;; - gist キーワードの追加
;; - 複数プロファイルの指定
;; - request.el を利用するかどうか
;;; Code:
(require 'cl))
(require 'url-http)
(require 'json)
;;(defvar *wandbox-default-compiler* "gcc-head")
(defvar *wandbox-profiles*
(:name "C++" :compiler "gcc-head" :options "warning,boost-1.55,sprout,gnu++1y" :ext "cc")
(:name "CPP" :compiler "gcc-4.8.2-pp" :options "cpp-p" :ext "cpp")
(:name "C" :compiler "clang-3.3-c" :options "warning,c99" :ext "c")
(:name "C#" :compiler "mcs" :ext "cs")
(:name "D" :compiler "gdc-head" :ext "d")
(:name "Haskell" :compiler "ghc" :ext "hs")
(:name "Perl" :compiler "perl-5.18.0" :options "perl5.18.0" :ext "pl")
(:name "Python2.7" :compiler "python-2.7.3" :ext "py")
(:name "Python3.3" :compiler "python-3.3.2" :ext "py")
(:name "Ruby1.9" :compiler "ruby-1.9.3-p0" :ext "rb")
(:name "Ruby2.0" :compiler "ruby-2.0.0-p247" :ext "rb")
(:name "MRuby" :compiler "mruby-head" :ext "rb")
(:name "Erlang" :compiler "erlang-maint" :ext "erl")
(:name "Rust" :compiler "rust-head" :ext "rs")
(:name "Bash" :compiler "bash" :ext "sh")
(:name "SQL" :compiler "sqlite-3.8.1" :ext "sql")
(:name "Lua" :compiler "lua-5.2.2" :ext "lua")
(:name "PHP" :compiler "php-5.5.6" :ext "php")
(:name "Lazy K" :compiler "lazyk" :ext "lazy")
(:name "CLISP" :compiler "clisp-2.49.0" :ext "lisp")
(:name "Pascal" :compiler "fpc-2.6.2" :ext "pas")
(defvar *wandbox-response-keywords*
(defun wandbox--fetch-url (url)
(declare (special url-http-end-of-headers))
(with-current-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously url)
(buffer-substring (1+ url-http-end-of-headers) (point-max))
(kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))
(defvar *wandbox-compiler-alist* nil)
(defun wandbox-compiler-alist ()
(unless *wandbox-compiler-alist*
(setq *wandbox-compiler-alist*
(wandbox--fetch-url ""))))
(defun wandbox-compiler-list ()
(mapcar (lambda (x) (cdr (assoc 'name x)))
(defun wandbox-default-compiler-options (compiler)
"引数 COMPILER の既定オプションを返す."
(labels ((mapcan (fn list &rest more-list)
(apply #'nconc (apply #'mapcar fn list more-list)))
(join (list separator)
(mapconcat #'identity list separator)))
(join (mapcan (lambda (o)
(let ((x (or (cdr (assoc 'default o)) "")))
(cond ((stringp x) (list x))
((eq x t) (list (cdr (assoc 'name o))))
(t nil))))
(catch 'switches
(dotimes (i (length (wandbox-compiler-alist)))
(let ((x (elt (wandbox-compiler-alist) i)))
(if (member `(name . ,compiler) x)
(throw 'switches (cdr (assoc 'switches x))))))))
(defun* wandbox-build-request-data (&key compiler
(options "")
(code "")
(stdin "")
(compiler-option "")
(runtime-option "")
"Wandbox API に渡すための JSON データを生成する."
(unless (member compiler (wandbox-compiler-list))
(error "Unknown compiler: %s" compiler))
(let ((alist `(("compiler" . ,compiler)
("options" . ,options)
("code" . ,code)
("stdin" . ,stdin)
("compiler-option-raw" . ,compiler-option)
("runtime-option-raw" . ,runtime-option))))
(json-encode alist)
;; debug log
(labels ((truncate (str)
(if (< 20 (length str)) (format "%.20s..." str) str)))
(dolist (key '("code" "stdin"))
(setf #1=(cdr (assoc key alist)) (truncate #1#)))
(message "Wandbox build request: %s" (json-encode alist))))))
(defun wandbox-format-url-buffer (status)
(declare (special url-http-end-of-headers))
(let ((buf (current-buffer)))
(when (equal (car status) :error)
(error "return error: %s" (cdr status)))
(let* ((http-body (buffer-substring (1+ url-http-end-of-headers) (point-max)))
(alist (let ((json-key-type 'string))
(decode-coding-string http-body 'utf-8-unix)))))
(with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Wandbox Output*"
(dolist (res *wandbox-response-keywords*)
(when (assoc res alist)
(princ (format "<<< %s >>>" (car (assoc res alist))))
(princ (cdr (assoc res alist)))
(kill-buffer buf))))
(defun wandbox-post (json)
(let ((url-request-method "POST")
(url-request-extra-headers '(("Content-Type" . "application/json")))
(url-request-data json))
(url-retrieve ""
(defun* wandbox-compile (&rest profile
&key compiler
(options "")
(code "")
(stdin "")
(compiler-option "")
(runtime-option "")
(file nil)
(name nil)
"CODE を COMPILER でコンパイルする.
FILE を指定すると CODE の代わりに選択したファイルをコンパイルする.
NAME を指定すると *wandbox-profiles* からプロファイルを選択する."
(when (and (stringp file)
(not (zerop (length file)))
(file-exists-p file))
(setq profile (plist-put profile :code (with-temp-buffer
(insert-file-contents file)
(when name
(setq profile (append profile (wandbox-find-profile :name name))))
(wandbox-post (apply #'wandbox-build-request-data profile)))
(defun wandbox-find-profile (key item)
(find item *wandbox-profiles*
:key (lambda (x) (plist-get x key))
:test #'string=))
(defun wandbox-read-profile (key)
(let* ((items (mapcar (lambda (x) (plist-get x key))
(name (completing-read "Profile: " items)))
(wandbox-find-profile :name name)))
(defun wandbox-compile-file (filename)
(interactive "fFile to wandbox: ")
(let ((profile (or (wandbox-find-profile :ext (file-name-extension filename))
(wandbox-read-profile :name))))
(apply #'wandbox-compile :file filename profile)))
(defun wandbox-compile-region (from to)
(interactive "r")
(let ((profile (wandbox-read-profile :name))
(code (buffer-substring-no-properties from to)))
(apply #'wandbox-compile :code code profile)))
(defun wandbox-compile-buffer ()
(wandbox-compile-region (point-min) (point-max)))
(provide 'wandbox)
;;; wandbox.el ends here
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