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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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  • Save kosh04/7ad5c6421cd6acd8398d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kosh04/7ad5c6421cd6acd8398d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
emacs-wandbox Git:feature/autoprofile にて生成されたプロファイルの例 [2014/08/26 現在]
(require 'wandbox)
;; wandbox-profiles
((:lang "C++" :name "gcc HEAD" :compiler "gcc-head" :options "warning,boost-1.56,sprout,gnu++1y" :ext "cc")
(:lang "C++" :name "gcc" :compiler "gcc-4.9.0" :options "warning,boost-1.56,sprout,gnu++1y" :ext "cc")
(:lang "C++" :name "gcc" :compiler "gcc-4.8.2" :options "warning,boost-1.56,sprout,gnu++1y" :ext "cc")
(:lang "C++" :name "gcc" :compiler "gcc-4.8.1" :options "warning,boost-1.56,sprout,gnu++1y" :ext "cc")
(:lang "C++" :name "gcc" :compiler "gcc-4.7.3" :options "warning,boost-1.56,sprout,gnu++11" :ext "cc")
(:lang "C++" :name "gcc" :compiler "gcc-4.6.4" :options "warning,boost-1.56,sprout,gnu++0x" :ext "cc")
(:lang "C++" :name "gcc" :compiler "gcc-4.5.4" :options "warning,boost-1.56,gnu++0x" :ext "cc")
(:lang "C++" :name "gcc" :compiler "gcc-4.4.7" :options "oldgcc-warning,boost-1.56,gnu++0x" :ext "cc")
(:lang "C++" :name "gcc" :compiler "gcc-4.3.6" :options "oldgcc-warning,gnu++0x" :ext "cc")
(:lang "C++" :name "clang HEAD" :compiler "clang-head" :options "warning,boost-1.56,sprout,gnu++1y" :ext "cc")
(:lang "C++" :name "clang" :compiler "clang-3.4" :options "warning,boost-1.56,sprout,gnu++1y" :ext "cc")
(:lang "C++" :name "clang" :compiler "clang-3.3" :options "warning,boost-1.56,sprout,gnu++1y" :ext "cc")
(:lang "C++" :name "clang" :compiler "clang-3.2" :options "warning,boost-1.56,sprout,gnu++1y" :ext "cc")
(:lang "C++" :name "clang" :compiler "clang-3.1" :options "warning,boost-1.56,gnu++11" :ext "cc")
(:lang "C++" :name "clang" :compiler "clang-3.0" :options "warning,boost-1.56,gnu++11" :ext "cc")
(:lang "C" :name "gcc" :compiler "gcc-4.8.2-c" :options "warning,c11" :ext "c")
(:lang "C" :name "clang" :compiler "clang-3.3-c" :options "warning,c11" :ext "c")
(:lang "CPP" :name "gcc" :compiler "gcc-4.8.2-pp" :options "cpp-p,boost-1.55-header" :ext "cpp")
(:lang "D" :name "gdc HEAD" :compiler "gdc-head" :ext "d")
(:lang "Rill" :name "Rill HEAD" :compiler "rill-head" :ext "rill")
(:lang "Haskell" :name "ghc HEAD" :compiler "ghc-head" :options "haskell-warning" :ext "hs")
(:lang "Haskell" :name "ghc" :compiler "ghc-7.8.3" :options "haskell-warning" :ext "hs")
(:lang "Haskell" :name "ghc" :compiler "ghc-7.6.3" :options "haskell-warning" :ext "hs")
(:lang "C#" :name "mcs HEAD" :compiler "mcs-head" :ext "exe")
(:lang "C#" :name "mcs" :compiler "mcs-3.2.0" :ext "exe")
(:lang "C#" :name "gmcs for Unity on iOS" :compiler "mcs-2.6.7" :ext "exe")
(:lang "Perl" :name "perl-devel HEAD" :compiler "perl-head" :ext "pl")
(:lang "Perl" :name "perl-devel" :compiler "perl-5.19.2" :ext "pl")
(:lang "Perl" :name "perl" :compiler "perl-5.18.0" :options "perl5.18.0" :ext "pl")
(:lang "Python" :name "python HEAD" :compiler "python-head" :ext "py")
(:lang "Python" :name "python2.7 HEAD" :compiler "python-2.7-head" :ext "py")
(:lang "Python" :name "python" :compiler "python-3.3.2" :ext "py")
(:lang "Python" :name "python" :compiler "python-2.7.3" :ext "py")
(:lang "Python" :name "pypy" :compiler "pypy-2.1" :ext "py")
(:lang "Ruby" :name "ruby HEAD" :compiler "ruby-head" :ext "rb")
(:lang "Ruby" :name "ruby" :compiler "ruby-2.0.0-p247" :ext "rb")
(:lang "Ruby" :name "ruby" :compiler "ruby-1.9.3-p0" :ext "rb")
(:lang "Ruby" :name "mruby HEAD" :compiler "mruby-head" :ext "rb")
(:lang "PHP" :name "php HEAD" :compiler "php-head" :ext "php")
(:lang "PHP" :name "php" :compiler "php-5.5.6" :ext "php")
(:lang "Erlang" :name "erlang HEAD" :compiler "erlang-head" :ext "erl")
(:lang "Erlang" :name "erlang maint" :compiler "erlang-maint" :ext "erl")
(:lang "Elixir" :name "Elixir HEAD" :compiler "elixir-head" :ext "ex")
(:lang "JavaScript" :name "node HEAD" :compiler "node-head" :options "node-harmony" :ext "js")
(:lang "JavaScript" :name "node" :compiler "node-0.10.24" :ext "js")
(:lang "JavaScript" :name "SpiderMonkey" :compiler "mozjs-24.2.0" :ext "js")
(:lang "CoffeeScript" :name "coffee HEAD" :compiler "coffee-script-head" :ext "coffee")
(:lang "CoffeeScript" :name "coffee" :compiler "coffee-script-1.7.1" :ext "coffee")
(:lang "CoffeeScript" :name "coffee" :compiler "coffee-script-1.6.3" :ext "coffee")
(:lang "SQL" :name "sqlite HEAD" :compiler "sqlite-head" :ext "sql")
(:lang "SQL" :name "sqlite" :compiler "sqlite-3.8.1" :ext "sql")
(:lang "Scala" :name "scala-2.12.x HEAD" :compiler "scala-2.12.x" :ext "scala")
(:lang "Scala" :name "scala-2.11.x HEAD" :compiler "scala-2.11.x" :ext "scala")
(:lang "Scala" :name "scala" :compiler "scala-2.11.2" :ext "scala")
(:lang "Rust" :name "Rust HEAD" :compiler "rust-head" :ext "rs")
(:lang "Bash script" :name "bash" :compiler "bash" :ext "sh")
(:lang "Lua" :name "lua" :compiler "lua-5.2.2" :ext "lua")
(:lang "Lazy K" :name "lazyk" :compiler "lazyk" :ext "lazy")
(:lang "Lisp" :name "CLISP" :compiler "clisp-2.49.0" :ext "lisp")
(:lang "Pascal" :name "Free Pascal" :compiler "fpc-2.6.2" :ext "pas")
(:lang "Java" :name "Java7 OpenJDK" :compiler "java7-openjdk" :ext "java")
(:lang "Groovy" :name "Groovy" :compiler "groovy-2.2.1" :ext "groovy"))
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