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Created November 1, 2015 20:30
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Implementation of a small Servant-like DSL
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, PolyKinds, TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
module TinyServant where
import Control.Applicative
import GHC.TypeLits
import Text.Read
import Data.Time
-- API specification DSL
data Get (a :: *)
data a :<|> b = a :<|> b
infixr 8 :<|>
data (a :: k) :> (b :: *)
infixr 9 :>
data Capture (a :: *)
-- Example API
type MyAPI = "date" :> Get Day
:<|> "time" :> Capture TimeZone :> Get ZonedTime
data Proxy a = Proxy
-- The Server type family
type family Server layout :: *
type instance Server (Get a) = IO a
type instance Server (a :<|> b) = Server a :<|> Server b
type instance Server ((s :: Symbol) :> r) = Server r
type instance Server (Capture a :> r) = a -> Server r
-- Handler for the example API
handleDate :: IO Day
handleDate = utctDay <$> getCurrentTime
handleTime :: TimeZone -> IO ZonedTime
handleTime tz = utcToZonedTime tz <$> getCurrentTime
handleMyAPI :: Server MyAPI
handleMyAPI = handleDate :<|> handleTime
-- The HasServer class
class HasServer layout where
route :: Proxy layout -> Server layout -> [String] -> Maybe (IO String)
serve :: HasServer layout
=> Proxy layout -> Server layout -> [String] -> IO String
serve p h xs = case route p h xs of
Nothing -> ioError (userError "404")
Just m -> m
-- The HasServer instance
type instance Server (Get a) = IO a
instance Show a => HasServer (Get a) where
route :: Proxy (Get a) -> IO a -> [String] -> Maybe (IO String)
route _ handler [] = Just (show <$> handler)
route _ _ _ = Nothing
instance (HasServer a, HasServer b) => HasServer (a :<|> b) where
route :: Proxy (a :<|> b) -> (Server a :<|> Server b) -> [String] -> Maybe (IO String)
route _ (handlera :<|> handlerb) xs =
route (Proxy :: Proxy a) handlera xs
<|> route (Proxy :: Proxy b) handlerb xs
instance (KnownSymbol s, HasServer r) => HasServer ((s :: Symbol) :> r) where
route :: Proxy (s :> r) -> Server r -> [String] -> Maybe (IO String)
route _ handler (x : xs)
| symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy s) == x = route (Proxy :: Proxy r) handler xs
route _ _ _ = Nothing
instance (Read a, HasServer r) => HasServer (Capture a :> r) where
route :: Proxy (Capture a :> r) -> (a -> Server r) -> [String] -> Maybe (IO String)
route _ handler (x : xs) = do
a <- readMaybe x
route (Proxy :: Proxy r) (handler a) xs
route _ _ _ = Nothing
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@michaelt: It's not a GHC bug, just surprising behavior that might deserve a warning:

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