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Created December 3, 2015 08:09
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Regensburg Haskell Meetup December 2015
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, InstanceSigs, TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, RankNTypes, PatternSynonyms #-}
module Fold where
import Prelude hiding (foldr, take, all)
-- "foldr" on lists, Maybe, Bool, and binary trees
data [] :: * -> * where
[] :: [a]
(:) :: a -> [a] -> [a]
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr cons nil = go
go [] = nil
go (x : xs) = cons x (go xs)
data Maybe :: * -> * where
Nothing :: Maybe a
Just :: a -> Maybe a
foldMaybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
foldMaybe nothing just = go
go Nothing = nothing
go (Just x) = just x
data Bool = True | False
data Bool :: * where
True :: Bool
False :: Bool
foldBool :: b -> b -> Bool -> b
foldBool true false = go
go True = true
go False = false
-- if c then t else e == foldBool t e c
data Tree :: * -> * where
Leaf :: a -> Tree a
Node :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
foldTree :: (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> b) -> Tree a -> b
foldTree leaf node = go
go (Leaf x) = leaf x
go (Node l r) = node (go l) (go r)
example :: Tree Integer
example = Node (Node (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2)) (Node (Leaf 3) (Leaf 4))
productTree :: Integer
productTree = foldTree id (*) example
-- Pattern functors and fixed points and "generic" catamorphisms / folds
data TreeF :: * -> * -> * where
LeafF :: a -> TreeF a r
NodeF :: r -> r -> TreeF a r
-- NOTE: We make TreeF a functor in r, not in a.
instance Functor (TreeF a) where
fmap :: (r -> s) -> TreeF a r -> TreeF a s
fmap _ (LeafF x) = LeafF x
fmap f (NodeF l r) = NodeF (f l) (f r)
-- Tree a ~ TreeF a (Tree a)
-- ~ TreeF a (TreeF a (Tree a))
-- ~ TreeF a (TreeF a (TreeF a (Tree a)))
-- ~ ...
outTree :: Tree a -> TreeF a (Tree a)
outTree (Leaf x) = LeafF x
outTree (Node l r) = NodeF l r
inTree :: TreeF a (Tree a) -> Tree a
inTree (LeafF x) = Leaf x
inTree (NodeF l r) = Node l r
cataTree :: (TreeF a b -> b) -> (Tree a -> b)
cataTree f = f . fmap (cata f) . outTree
-- cataTree is isomorphic to foldTree, because:
-- TreeF a b -> b ~ (a -> b, b -> b -> b)
right :: (TreeF a b -> b) -> (a -> b, b -> b -> b)
right f = (\ a -> f (LeafF a), \ bl br -> f (NodeF bl br))
left :: (a -> b, b -> b -> b) -> (TreeF a b -> b)
left ( leaf, _node) (LeafF x) = leaf x
left (_leaf, node) (NodeF l r) = node l r
-- Or:
-- TreeF a b ~ a + b * b
-- Therefore:
-- TreeF a b -> b
-- ~ (a + b * b) -> b
-- ~ (a -> b) * (b * b -> b)
-- ~ (a -> b) * (b -> b -> b)
class (Functor (FunctorOf t)) => HasFunctor t where
type FunctorOf t :: * -> *
out_ :: t -> (FunctorOf t) t
in_ :: (FunctorOf t) t -> t
instance HasFunctor (Tree a) where
type FunctorOf (Tree a) = TreeF a
out_ :: Tree a -> TreeF a (Tree a)
out_ (Leaf x) = LeafF x
out_ (Node l r) = NodeF l r
in_ :: TreeF a (Tree a) -> Tree a
in_ (LeafF x) = Leaf x
in_ (NodeF l r) = Node l r
cata :: HasFunctor t => (FunctorOf t b -> b) -> (t -> b)
cata f = f . fmap (cata f) . out_
-- We can also work with an explicit fixed point:
data Fix :: (* -> *) -> * where
In :: { out :: f (Fix f) } -> Fix f
-- Fix f ~ f (Fix f)
-- Fix (TreeF a)
-- ~ TreeF a (Fix (TreeF a))
-- ~ TreeF a (TreeF a (Fix (TreeF a)))
-- ...
-- ~ Tree a
outT :: Tree a -> Fix (TreeF a)
outT (Leaf x) = In (LeafF x)
outT (Node l r) = In (NodeF (outT l) (outT r))
inT :: Fix (TreeF a) -> Tree a
inT (In (LeafF x)) = Leaf x
inT (In (NodeF l r)) = Node (inT l) (inT r)
-- Cata just using Fix, without the HasFunctor
-- class and the relation to the "original"
-- Haskell type.
cata' :: Functor f => (f b -> b) -> (Fix f -> b)
cata' f = f . fmap (cata' f) . out
-- It's possible to just start from the functor
-- and work with the fixed point, just
-- inconvenient because we have to wrap and un-wrap
-- the 'In' constructor all the time.
-- Pattern synonyms help somewhat
type Tree' a = Fix (TreeF a)
pattern Leaf' :: a -> Tree' a
pattern Leaf' x = In (LeafF x)
pattern Node' :: Tree' a -> Tree' a -> Tree' a
pattern Node' l r = In (NodeF l r)
-- Excursion: take as a foldr
-- First (not entirely correct) attempt
take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
take n xs = snd (foldr go (n, []) xs)
go :: a -> (Int, [a]) -> (Int, [a])
go x (n, xs) | n == 0 = (0, xs)
| otherwise = (n - 1, x : xs)
-- Second (better) attempt:
take' :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
take' n xs = (foldr go (const []) xs) n
go :: a -> (Int -> [a]) -> Int -> [a]
go x r n | n == 0 = []
| otherwise = x : r (n - 1)
-- Fold/build fusion
build :: (forall b . (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> [a]
build f = f (:) []
-- An example "builder":
downFrom :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> [a]
downFrom n' =
build $ \ cons nil ->
let go n = if n < 1 then nil else n `cons` go (n - 1)
in go n'
-- map as a build / foldr:
bmap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
bmap f xs =
build $ \ cons nil ->
foldr (\ x r -> f x `cons` r) nil xs
-- Fold/build fusion rule:
-- foldr cons nil (build f) == f cons nil
-- all as a foldr:
all :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
all p = foldr (\ x r -> p x && r) True
-- Example fusion:
ex1 :: Integer -> Bool
ex1 u = all (>1) (bmap (+1) (downFrom u))
-- all (>1) (bmap (+1) (downFrom 1000)
-- = { expansion of all and bmap }
-- foldr (\ x r -> x > 1 && r) True
-- (build $ \ cons nil -> foldr (\ x r -> cons (x + 1) r) nil (downFrom 1000))
-- = { applying fold/build fusion }
-- foldr (\ x r -> (\ x r -> x > 1 && r) (x + 1) r) True (downFrom 1000)
-- = { beta reduction }
-- foldr (\ x r -> x + 1 > 1 && r) True (downFrom 1000)
-- = { expanding downFrom }
-- foldr (\ x r -> x + 1 > 1 && r) True
-- (build $ \ cons nil ->
-- let go n = if n < 1 then nil else cons n (go (n - 1))
-- in go 1000)
-- = { applying fold/build fusion }
-- let go n = if n < 1 then True else (\ x r -> x + 1 > 1 && r) n (go (n - 1))
-- in go 1000
-- = { beta reduction }
-- let go n = if n < 1 then True else n + 1 > 1 && go (n - 1)
-- in go 1000
ex2 :: Integer -> Bool
ex2 u = let go n = if n < 1 then True else n + 1 > 1 && go (n - 1)
in go u
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