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Created September 18, 2014 10:33
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parsing expressions
-- Parsing the following grammar:
-- expr ::= number
-- | identifier
-- | identifier "(" args ")"
-- | expr "+" expr
-- args ::= epsilon
-- | expr "," args
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Token
import Text.Parsec.Language
import Text.Parsec.String
import Control.Applicative hiding ((<|>), optional)
ident :: Parser String
ident = identifier haskell
num :: Parser Integer
num = natural haskell
sym :: String -> Parser String
sym = symbol haskell
pars :: Parser a -> Parser a
pars = parens haskell
csep :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
csep = commaSep haskell
ws :: Parser ()
ws = whiteSpace haskell
data Expr =
Num Integer
| Var String
| Call String [Expr]
| Plus Expr Expr
deriving Show
expr :: Parser Expr
expr = chainl1 term (Plus <$ sym "+")
term :: Parser Expr
term = Num <$> num
<|> varOrCall
<|> pars expr
varOrCall :: Parser Expr
varOrCall = (proc <$> ident <*> optionMaybe (pars args <?> "args") <?> "identifier")
<|> (empty <?> "function call")
proc :: String -> Maybe [Expr] -> Expr
proc x Nothing = Var x
proc x (Just args) = Call x args
-- Explanation of the <?>-hack:
-- Writing
-- ... <?> "foo or bar"
-- is slightly sub-optimal. In an error situation, Parsec lists all the expected
-- entities in the form
-- expecting a, b, c or d
-- If one of the items contains an "or", this will read
-- expecting a, foo or bar, d or e
-- which is ever so slightly strange.
-- By adding an always-failing alternative with an additional entity instead, i.e.,
-- by writing
-- (... <?> "foo") <|> (empty <?> "bar")
-- we get exactly the desired behaviour, namely
-- expecting a, foo, bar, d or e
args :: Parser [Expr]
args = csep expr
prog :: Parser Expr
prog = ws *> expr <* eof
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