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Created May 23, 2017 23:20
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Multiple WP REST API requests in a single HTTP request
* Plugin Name: WP REST API Batch Requests
* Description: Enabled a multi / batch requests endpoint for the WP RES API
* Author: Joe Hoyle
* Version: 1.0-alpha1
* Plugin URI:
* License: GPL2+
* Documentation
* The endpoint `/wp-json/wp/v2/multi` allows a client to send multiple requests to the
* server for processing in a single HTTP request. Each child request can have it's own
* HTTP Method, Body, Headers, URL Params and Path.
* If the HTTP Method, Body or Headers are not supplied for each request, they will be
* inherited from the HTTP request.
* The client must send an array of "request" objects in the `requests` param, the "request"
* object can be a Path for shorthand (enabling the inheritance of HTTP Method, Body and Headers
* from the HTTP request.)
* When not supplying only string Paths in the `requests` array, the "request" object must be in the
* form of `{ path: '/some/path', headers: [], body: {}, method: 'POST' }`
* Example 1: Fetch all recent posts and all recent pages
* `curl[]=/wp/v2/posts&requests[]=/wp/v2/pages`
* Example 2: Delete 2 posts
* `curl -X DELETE[]=/wp/v2/posts/1&requests[]=/wp/v2/posts/2`
* Responses are in the form of a WP REST API enveloped response object. The HTTP request will return an
* array of enveloped response objects in the order the `requests` parameter was passed.
add_action( 'rest_api_init', 'wp_api_batch_register_route' );
function wp_api_batch_register_route() {
register_rest_route( 'wp/v2', 'multi', array(
'methods' => WP_REST_Server::ALLMETHODS,
'args' => array(
'requests' => array(
'callback' => 'wp_api_batch_serve_request',
function wp_api_batch_serve_request( $request ) {
global $wp_rest_server;
$responses = array();
foreach ( $request['requests'] as $single_request ) {
if ( is_string( $single_request ) ) {
$single_request = array(
'path' => $single_request,
$single_request = array_merge( $single_request, array(
'method' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'],
'body' => $_POST,
'headers' => $_SERVER,
$parsed_url = parse_url( $single_request['path'] );
$rest_request = new WP_REST_Request( $single_request['method'], $parsed_url['path'] );
$rest_request->set_headers( $wp_rest_server->get_headers( $single_request['headers'] ) );
$rest_request->set_body_params( $single_request['body'] );
if ( ! empty( $parsed_url['query'] ) ) {
$query = str_replace( array( 'filter', '[', ']' ), '', $parsed_url['query'] );
parse_str( $query, $output );
$output = array (
'filter' => $output
$rest_request->set_query_params( $output );
$result = $wp_rest_server->dispatch( $rest_request );
$result = rest_ensure_response( $result );
$result = apply_filters( 'rest_post_dispatch', rest_ensure_response( $result ), $wp_rest_server, $rest_request );
$result = $wp_rest_server->envelope_response( $result, $rest_request->get_param( '_embed' ) );
$responses[] = $result;
return $responses;
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