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Created July 3, 2016 07:10
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How to move installed modules from /sites/all/modules/* to /sites/all/contrib/modules/*
I restored a backup from production locally and tried to just move things and hit admin/modules or to run registry_rebuild() but it didn't stop fatal errors from being thrown. This makes sense to me since some modules may use includes or whatever in their hook_init(), or you may have a menu router path set that depends on a module or include that Drupal can't find on bootstrap. Ultimately, this is what I did (your paths may be different):
Step 1: Replace sites/all/modules with sites/all/modules/contrib
UPDATE system SET filename = REPLACE(filename, 'sites/all/modules', 'sites/all/modules/contrib');
UPDATE registry SET filename = REPLACE(filename, 'sites/all/modules', 'sites/all/modules/contrib');
UPDATE registry_file SET filename = REPLACE(filename, 'sites/all/modules', 'sites/all/modules/contrib');
Step 2: Replace sites/all/modules/contrib with sites/all/modules/custom for custom namespaced modules
UPDATE system SET filename = REPLACE(filename, 'sites/all/modules/contrib', 'sites/all/modules/custom') WHERE name LIKE 'my_custom_namespace_%';
UPDATE registry SET filename = REPLACE(filename, 'sites/all/modules/contrib', 'sites/all/modules/custom') WHERE name LIKE 'my_custom_namespace_%';
UPDATE registry_file SET filename = REPLACE(filename, 'sites/all/modules/contrib', 'sites/all/modules/custom') WHERE filename LIKE '%my_custom_namespace_%';
Step 3: Move dev modules into sites/all/modules/dev
UPDATE system SET filename = REPLACE(filename, 'sites/all/modules/contrib', 'sites/all/modules/dev') WHERE name LIKE 'devel%';
UPDATE registry SET filename = REPLACE(filename, 'sites/all/modules/contrib', 'sites/all/modules/dev') WHERE name LIKE 'devel%';
UPDATE registry_file SET filename = REPLACE(filename, 'sites/all/modules/contrib', 'sites/all/modules/dev') WHERE filename LIKE '%devel%';
Step 4: Clear caches so that things will bootstrap properly
TRUNCATE TABLE cache_bootstrap
Note: If you use a custom module or a contrib like LoginToboggan to handle 403 (access denied) and you've gotten logged out during this process, you may need to update the include_file column in the menu_roter table to use the new path for the include file. This is probably a rare occurrence.
UPDATE menu_router SET include_file = 'sites/all/modules/custom/my_custom_namespace/includes/' WHERE path = 'access-denied'
Once these queries have run – which will only take a split second – hit up admin/config/development/performance and clear the cache so that menu paths rebuild.
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