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Maxbotix simple test
- At least one of: (comment the appropriate code below)
* PW is digital pin 8
* TX is digital pin 6
* AN is analog pin A0
- Change code below according to your model (LV, XL and
HRLV supported)
For convenience, the getRange method will always return centimeters.
You can use convert fuctions to convert to another unit (toInches and
toCentimeters are available)
#include "Maxbotix.h"
#define DEBUG 1
#define VIBE 7 // attach Vibe motor to pin n°
#define VIBELENGHT 100 //
#define VIBEPAUSE 200 //
Maxbotix rangeSensorPW(8, Maxbotix::PW, Maxbotix::LV);
int distancePrevious;
void setup()
pinMode(VIBE, OUTPUT);
void vibe1(int repeat)
// più è vicino più volte vibra
for(int i=0; i<repeat; i++){
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.print("\t\t<<\t - VIBRA 1- \t>>");
digitalWrite(VIBE, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
delay(VIBELENGHT); // vibe a moment
digitalWrite(VIBE, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
delay(VIBEPAUSE); // wait a moment (for multiple vibes)
void vibe2(int frequence)
// vibra con impulsi diversi
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.print("\t\t<<\t - VIBRA2 - \t>> freq. - ");
digitalWrite(VIBE, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
delay(VIBELENGHT); // vibe a moment
digitalWrite(VIBE, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
delay(int(VIBEPAUSE/frequence)); // wait a moment (for multiple vibes)
void loop()
const int triggerFar = 120;
const int triggerBetween = 70;
const int triggerNear = 30;
int beep=0;
unsigned long start;
int distance;
// PW
start = millis();
distance = int(rangeSensorPW.getRange()); // Centimeters
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.print("PW: ");
Serial.print(" - ");
Serial.print("cm - ");
Serial.print(millis() - start);
if (distance < triggerFar){
beep = 1;
if(distance < triggerBetween){
beep = 2;
if (distance < triggerNear){
beep = 3;
// vibra / suona / fai qualcosa di spettacolare: è il tuo momento !!!
distancePrevious = distance;
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.println(" ");
// delay(100);
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