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Last active March 23, 2023 12:12
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Logging function write_log() for debugging process
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Logging to debug.log in DEBUG_LOG_DIR dir (default is the root site dir)
* Note: In the wp-config.php:
* you need define:
* 0) define( 'DEBUG_LOG', true )
* you can define:
* 1) define( 'DEBUG_LOG_DIR', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/' );
* 2) define( 'DEBUG_LOG_INVERTED', false);
* 3) define( 'DEBUG_BACKTRACE', true);
* Author K
* Version
if ( ! function_exists( 'write_log' ) ) {
// const
if ( ! defined( 'DEBUG_LOG' ) ) {
define( 'DEBUG_LOG', true );
if ( ! defined( 'DEBUG_LOG_INVERTED' ) ) {
define( 'DEBUG_LOG_INVERTED', true );
if ( ! defined( 'DEBUG_BACKTRACE' ) ) {
define( 'DEBUG_BACKTRACE', true );
// function
function write_log( $log = null, $before = '', $after = '', $clear = false ) {
static $is_first_run = true;
static $backtrace_last = null;
if ( defined( 'DEBUG_LOG' ) && true === DEBUG_LOG && ( defined( 'DEBUG_LOG_DIR' ) || defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) ) {
// Smart formatting by the delta time in seconds
//$time_new = microtime( true );
//$time_delta = round( microtime( true ) - $time_new, 3 ) * 1000;
//$new_pass_separator = ( $time_delta > 3 ) ? ( str_repeat( '-', 80 ) . PHP_EOL ) : '';
//$time = $time_new;
// Destination File
$debug_log_file = ( ( defined( 'DEBUG_LOG_DIR' ) ) ? DEBUG_LOG_DIR : ABSPATH ) . 'debug.log';
// Clear debug.log if 'true' or the file is more than 10Mb (10485760 bytes)
if ( true === $clear || filesize( $debug_log_file ) > 10485760 || ! file_exists( $debug_log_file ) ) {
file_put_contents( $debug_log_file, '' );
if ( is_writable( $debug_log_file ) ) {
$content = '';
$date = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
// Only string can be in the wrapper role
$before = is_string( $before ) ? $before : '';
$after = is_string( $after ) ? $after : '';
// Build content ('-' & 'hr' define a separate line before the content)
$hr_normal = ( str_repeat( '-', 29 ) . '[' . $date . ']' . str_repeat( '-', 30 ) ) . PHP_EOL;
$hr_first_time = ( str_repeat( '=', 29 ) . '[' . $date . ']' . str_repeat( '=', 30 ) ) . PHP_EOL;
$hr = in_array( $clear, [ '-', 'hr' ], true ) ? $hr_normal : '';
$hr = $is_first_run ? $hr_first_time : $hr;
// Debug context info. Help:
$info = '';
if ( defined( 'DEBUG_BACKTRACE' ) && true === DEBUG_BACKTRACE ) {
$backtrace = debug_backtrace();
$backtrace_current = $backtrace[1];
// Separate line only for new context
if ( $backtrace_last !== $backtrace_current ) {
$info = ' Context: ';
$info .= ! empty( $backtrace_current['class'] ) ? $backtrace_current['class'] : '';
$info .= ! empty( $backtrace_current['object'] ) ? '[' . $backtrace_current['object'] . ']' : '';
$info .= ! empty( $backtrace_current['type'] ) ? $backtrace_current['type'] : '';
$info .= ! empty( $backtrace_current['function'] ) ? $backtrace_current['function'] : '';
$line = ! empty( $backtrace_current['line'] ) ? $backtrace_current['line'] : '';
$info .= ! empty( $backtrace_current['file'] ) ? ' in ' . pathinfo( $backtrace_current['file'], PATHINFO_BASENAME ) . '[' . $line . ']' . ' in ' . pathinfo( $backtrace_current['file'], PATHINFO_DIRNAME ) . '\\' : '';
$info .= PHP_EOL;
$hr = $is_first_run ? $hr_first_time : $hr_normal;
$backtrace_last = $backtrace_current;
$content .= $before . var_export( $log, true ) . $after . PHP_EOL;
// Write log
if ( defined( 'DEBUG_LOG_INVERTED' ) && false === DEBUG_LOG_INVERTED ) {
$content = $hr . $info . '↓ ' . $content;
file_put_contents( $debug_log_file, $content, FILE_APPEND ); // was (temp): error_log( $content, 3, $debug_log_file );
} else {
$content = '↑ ' . $content . $info . $hr . file_get_contents( $debug_log_file );
file_put_contents( $debug_log_file, $content );
$is_first_run = false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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