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Created April 26, 2016 09:34
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Generic AlgorithmでPDGやってみる(習作1)
# 囚人のジレンマ関数をつくる
PDG.rule <- function(A,B){
if(A ==1 && B == 1){ payA <- 8; payB <- 8 }
if(A ==0 && B == 1){ payA <- 12; payB <- 0 }
if(A ==1 && B == 0){ payA <- 0; payB <- 12 }
if(A ==0 && B == 0){ payA <- 4; payB <- 4 }
# 遺伝的アルゴリズムで遊ぶ
world <- list()
# 初期化
player <- data.frame(matrix(rbinom(20*100,1,0.9),nrow=100))
player$ritoku <- NA
next.gen <- data.frame(matrix(NA,nrow=100,ncol=20))
world[[1]] <- player
for(generation in 1:100){
# マッチメイク
match <- sample(1:100,100)
p <- seq(1,100,2)
for(set in 1:50){
A <- match[p[set]]
B <- match[p[set]+1]
ritokuA <- 0
ritokuB <- 0
optionA <- world[[generation]][A,]
optionB <- world[[generation]][B,]
for(j in 1:20){
ritokuA <- ritokuA + PDG.rule(optionA[j],optionB[j])$A
ritokuB <- ritokuB + PDG.rule(optionA[j],optionB[j])$B
world[[generation]]$ritoku[A] <- ritokuA
world[[generation]]$ritoku[B] <- ritokuB
# 世代交代
survive <- order(world[[generation]]$ritoku,decreasing = T)[1:10]
next.gen[1:10,] <- world[[generation]][survive,1:20]
# 交配/二点交叉
for(i in 11:100){
pair <- sample(survive,2)
father <- world[[generation]][pair[1],]
mother <- world[[generation]][pair[2],]
child <- cbind(father[,1:5],mother[,6:15],father[,16:20])
next.gen[i,] <- child
# 突然変異
mp <- sample(11:100,4)
for(i in 1:4){
st <- round(runif(2,1,20))
st <- st[order(st)]
next.gen[mp[i],st[1]:st[2]] <- 1-next.gen[mp[i],st[1]:st[2]]
next.gen$ritoku <- NA
world[[generation+1]] <- next.gen
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