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Last active January 27, 2021 21:34
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NASM Win32 example
; NASM Win32 example: print result of X + Y
; Compilation:
; 1. Download NASM:
; Recommended version:
; 2. Download Tiny C Compiler:
; Recommended version:
; 3. Unpack it. For example: c:\soft\tcc, c:\soft\nasm
; 4. Compile: c:\soft\nasm\nasm.exe -felf nasm_ex_sum.asm
; ELF is usually Linux format. But in our example we use TinyCC as a linker.
; TinyCC understands only ELF object file, so we use it.
; 5. Link: c:\soft\tcc\tcc.exe -m32 nasm_ex_sum.o
; By default, tcc expects to link 64bit executable,
; so we need to specify 32-bit mode explicitly.
; 6. Run: nasm_ex_sum.exe
section .text
extern printf, scanf
global main
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
; Allocate 8 bytes on stack for X and Y
sub esp, 8
; Input X
push str_input_x
call printf
add esp, 4
lea eax, [ebp - 4]
push eax
push str_format_num
call scanf
add esp, 8
; Input Y
push str_input_y
call printf
add esp, 4
lea eax, [ebp - 8]
push eax
push str_format_num
call scanf
add esp, 8
; Sum X + Y
mov eax, [ebp - 4] ; eax = X
add eax, [ebp - 8] ; eax += Y
push eax
push dword [ebp - 8]
push dword [ebp - 4]
push str_format_result
call printf
add esp, 16
; Exit status = 0
xor eax, eax
pop ebp
mov esp, ebp
str_input_x: db 'Input number X: ', 0
str_input_y: db 'Input number Y: ', 0
str_format_result: dd 'Result: %d + %d = %d', 10, 0
str_format_num: db '%d', 0
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