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Created November 11, 2011 16:16
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Update the namespace declaration of a Clojure buffer according to its pathname.
(defun clojure-correct-ns
"Returns the namespace name that the file should have."
(let* ((nsname ())
(dirs (reverse (split-string (buffer-file-name) "/")))
(aftersrc nil))
(dolist (dir dirs)
(when (not aftersrc)
(if (or (string= dir "src") (string= dir "test"))
(setq aftersrc t)
(setq nsname (append nsname (list dir "."))))))
(when nsname
(replace-regexp-in-string "_" "-" (substring (apply 'concat (reverse nsname)) 1 -4)))))
(defun clojure-update-ns
"Updates the namespace of the current buffer. Useful if a file has been renamed."
(let ((nsname (clojure-correct-ns)))
(when nsname
(clojure-find-ns) ;; function defined in clojure-mode
(replace-match nsname nil nil nil 4))))
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