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Last active September 3, 2023 08:28
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#!/usr/bin/gawk -f
bad_sector = non_split = non_trimmed = finished = non_tried = 0;
$3 == "-" {bad_sector += strtonum($2);}
$3 == "/" {non_split += strtonum($2);}
$3 == "*" {non_trimmed += strtonum($2);}
$3 == "+" {finished += strtonum($2);}
$3 == "?" {non_tried += strtonum($2);}
info("?", non_tried);
info("+", finished);
info("-", bad_sector);
info("/", non_split);
info("*", non_trimmed);
info("-/*", bad_sector + non_split + non_trimmed);
function info(stat, size) {
printf("%-3s: %17s bytes (%13s blocks)\n", stat, numsep(size), numsep(size / 512));
function numsep(v, _h, _l) {
if (3 < length(v)) {
_l = substr(v, length(v) - 2, 3);
_h = substr(v, 0, length(v) - 3);
return numsep(_h) "," _l;
} else {
return v;
#!/usr/bin/gawk -f
!/^#/ {
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
if (match($i, /^0x/)) {
$i = sprintf("%'18d", strtonum($i));
print $0;
#!/usr/bin/gawk -f
W = 64; // width of map
addr = 0;
s = "";
NF == 3 {
n = strtonum($2) / 512;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
s = s $3;
if (W <= length(s)) {
printf("%08x %s\n", addr, s);
s = "";
addr += W;
# skip continuous lines
continuous = int((n - i) / W);
if (0 < continuous) {
printf("<skip %d lines %s>\n", continuous, $3);
addr += continuous * W;
i += continuous * W;
printf("%08x %s\n", addr, s);
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