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Last active July 9, 2020 08:43
Show Gist options
  • Star 2 You must be signed in to star a gist
  • Fork 0 You must be signed in to fork a gist
  • Save kounoike/18923bf31b2cdcb07a0af7af00375403 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kounoike/18923bf31b2cdcb07a0af7af00375403 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
GitBucket GitHub API Compatibilities table.
Title Usage Supported?
Title Usage Supported?
List public events GET /events -
List repository events GET /repos/:owner/:repo/events -
List issue events for a repository GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/events -
List public events for a network of repositories GET /networks/:owner/:repo/events -
List public events for an organization GET /orgs/:org/events -
List events that a user has received GET /users/:username/received_events -
List public events that a user has received GET /users/:username/received_events/public -
List events performed by a user GET /users/:username/events -
List public events performed by a user GET /users/:username/events/public -
List events for an organization GET /users/:username/events/orgs/:org -
Title Usage Supported?
Title Usage Supported?
List Feeds GET /feeds -
Title Usage Supported?
List your notifications GET /notifications -
List your notifications in a repository GET /repos/:owner/:repo/notifications -
Mark as read PUT /notifications -
Mark notifications as read in a repository PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/notifications -
View a single thread GET /notifications/threads/:id -
Mark a thread as read PATCH /notifications/threads/:id -
Get a Thread Subscription GET /notifications/threads/:id/subscription -
Set a Thread Subscription PUT /notifications/threads/:id/subscription -
Delete a Thread Subscription DELETE /notifications/threads/:id/subscription -
Title Usage Supported?
List Stargazers GET /repos/:owner/:repo/stargazers -
List repositories being starred GET /users/:username/starred -
Check if you are starring a repository GET /user/starred/:owner/:repo -
Star a repository PUT /user/starred/:owner/:repo -
Unstar a repository DELETE /user/starred/:owner/:repo -
Title Usage Supported?
List watchers GET /repos/:owner/:repo/subscribers -
List repositories being watched GET /users/:username/subscriptions -
Get a Repository Subscription GET /repos/:owner/:repo/subscription -
Set a Repository Subscription PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/subscription -
Delete a Repository Subscription DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/subscription -
Check if you are watching a repository (LEGACY) GET /user/subscriptions/:owner/:repo -
Watch a repository (LEGACY) PUT /user/subscriptions/:owner/:repo -
Stop watching a repository (LEGACY) DELETE /user/subscriptions/:owner/:repo -
Title Usage Supported?
List a user's gists GET /users/:username/gists -
List all public gists GET /gists/public -
List starred gists GET /gists/starred -
Get a single gist GET /gists/:id -
Get a specific revision of a gist GET /gists/:id/:sha -
Create a gist POST /gists -
Edit a gist PATCH /gists/:id -
List gist commits GET /gists/:id/commits -
Star a gist PUT /gists/:id/star -
Unstar a gist DELETE /gists/:id/star -
Check if a gist is starred GET /gists/:id/star -
Fork a gist POST /gists/:id/forks -
List gist forks GET /gists/:id/forks -
Delete a gist DELETE /gists/:id -
Title Usage Supported?
List comments on a gist GET /gists/:gist_id/comments -
Get a single comment GET /gists/:gist_id/comments/:id -
Create a comment POST /gists/:gist_id/comments -
Edit a comment PATCH /gists/:gist_id/comments/:id -
Delete a comment DELETE /gists/:gist_id/comments/:id -
Title Usage Supported?
Title Usage Supported?
Get a Blob GET /repos/:owner/:repo/git/blobs/:sha -
Create a Blob POST /repos/:owner/:repo/git/blobs -
Title Usage Supported?
Get a Commit GET /repos/:owner/:repo/git/commits/:sha -
Create a Commit POST /repos/:owner/:repo/git/commits -
Commit signature verification GET /repos/:owner/:repo/git/commits/:sha -
Title Usage Supported?
Get a Reference GET /repos/:owner/:repo/git/refs/:ref ~4.11
Get all References GET /repos/:owner/:repo/git/refs -
Create a Reference POST /repos/:owner/:repo/git/refs -
Update a Reference PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/git/refs/:ref -
Delete a Reference DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/git/refs/:ref -
Title Usage Supported?
Get a Tag GET /repos/:owner/:repo/git/tags/:sha -
Create a Tag Object POST /repos/:owner/:repo/git/tags -
Tag signature verification GET /repos/:owner/:repo/git/tags/:sha -
Title Usage Supported?
Get a Tree GET /repos/:owner/:repo/git/trees/:sha -
Get a Tree Recursively GET /repos/:owner/:repo/git/trees/:sha?recursive=1 -
Create a Tree POST /repos/:owner/:repo/git/trees -
Title Usage Supported?
Find installations GET /integration/installations -
Create a new installation token POST /installations/:installation_id/access_tokens -
Title Usage Supported?
Find installations GET /integration/installations -
Create a new installation token POST /installations/:installation_id/access_tokens -
Title Usage Supported?
List repositories GET /installation/repositories -
Add repository to installation PUT /installations/:installation_id/repositories/:repository_id -
Remove repository from installation DELETE /installations/:installation_id/repositories/:repository_id -
Title Usage Supported?
List issues GET /issues -
List issues for a repository GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues ~4.11
Get a single issue GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number ~4.11
Create an issue POST /repos/:owner/:repo/issues ~4.11
Edit an issue PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number -
Lock an issue PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/lock -
Unlock an issue DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/lock -
Title Usage Supported?
List assignees GET /repos/:owner/:repo/assignees -
Check assignee GET /repos/:owner/:repo/assignees/:assignee -
Add assignees to an Issue POST /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/assignees -
Remove assignees from an Issue DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/assignees -
Title Usage Supported?
List comments on an issue GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/comments ~4.11
List comments in a repository GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments -
Get a single comment GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments/:id -
Create a comment POST /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/comments ~4.11
Edit a comment PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments/:id -
Delete a comment DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments/:id -
Title Usage Supported?
List events for an issue GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:issue_number/events -
List events for a repository GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/events -
Get a single event GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/events/:id -
Title Usage Supported?
List all labels for this repository GET /repos/:owner/:repo/labels ~4.11
Get a single label GET /repos/:owner/:repo/labels/:name ~4.11
Create a label POST /repos/:owner/:repo/labels ~4.11
Update a label PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/labels/:name ~4.11
Delete a label DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/labels/:name ~4.11
List labels on an issue GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/labels -
Add labels to an issue POST /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/labels -
Remove a label from an issue DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/labels/:name -
Replace all labels for an issue PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/labels -
Remove all labels from an issue DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/labels -
Get labels for every issue in a milestone GET /repos/:owner/:repo/milestones/:number/labels -
Title Usage Supported?
List milestones for a repository GET /repos/:owner/:repo/milestones -
Get a single milestone GET /repos/:owner/:repo/milestones/:number -
Create a milestone POST /repos/:owner/:repo/milestones -
Update a milestone PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/milestones/:number -
Delete a milestone DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/milestones/:number -
Title Usage Supported?
List events for an issue GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:issue_number/timeline -
Title Usage Supported?
Title Usage Supported?
Start a migration POST /orgs/:org/migrations -
Get a list of migrations GET /orgs/:org/migrations -
Get the status of a migration GET /orgs/:org/migrations/:id -
Download a migration archive GET /orgs/:org/migrations/:id/archive -
Delete a migration archive DELETE /orgs/:org/migrations/:id/archive -
Unlock a repository DELETE /orgs/:org/migrations/:id/repos/:repo_name/lock -
Title Usage Supported?
Start an import PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/import -
Get import progress GET /repos/:owner/:repo/import -
Update existing import PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/import -
Get commit authors GET /repos/:owner/:repo/import/authors -
Map a commit author PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/import/authors/:author_id -
Set Git LFS preference PATCH /:owner/:name/import/lfs -
Get large files GET /:owner/:name/import/large_files -
Cancel an import DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/import -
Title Usage Supported?
Title Usage Supported?
Title Usage Supported?
Listing available templates GET /gitignore/templates -
Get a single template GET /gitignore/templates/C -
Title Usage Supported?
List all licenses GET /licenses -
Get an individual license GET /licenses/:license -
Get a repository's license GET /repos/:owner/:repo -
Get the contents of a repository's license GET /repos/:owner/:repo/license -
Title Usage Supported?
Render an arbitrary Markdown document POST /markdown -
Render a Markdown document in raw mode POST /markdown/raw -
Title Usage Supported?

Supported by ~4.11.

Title Usage Supported?
Title Usage Supported?
List your organizations GET /user/orgs -
List all organizations GET /organizations -
List user organizations GET /users/:username/orgs -
Get an organization GET /orgs/:org ~4.11
Edit an organization PATCH /orgs/:org -
Title Usage Supported?
Members list GET /orgs/:org/members -
Check membership GET /orgs/:org/members/:username -
Remove a member DELETE /orgs/:org/members/:username -
Public members list GET /orgs/:org/public_members -
Check public membership GET /orgs/:org/public_members/:username -
Publicize a user's membership PUT /orgs/:org/public_members/:username -
Conceal a user's membership DELETE /orgs/:org/public_members/:username -
Get organization membership GET /orgs/:org/memberships/:username -
Add or update organization membership PUT /orgs/:org/memberships/:username -
Remove organization membership DELETE /orgs/:org/memberships/:username -
List pending organization invitations GET /orgs/:org/invitations -
List your organization memberships GET /user/memberships/orgs -
Get your organization membership GET /user/memberships/orgs/:org -
Edit your organization membership PATCH /user/memberships/orgs/:org -
Title Usage Supported?
List outside collaborators GET /orgs/:org/outside_collaborators -
Remove outside collaborator DELETE /orgs/:org/outside_collaborator/:username -
Convert member to outside collaborator PUT /orgs/:org/outside_collaborator/:username -
Title Usage Supported?
List teams GET /orgs/:org/teams -
Get team GET /teams/:id -
Create team POST /orgs/:org/teams -
Edit team PATCH /teams/:id -
Delete team DELETE /teams/:id -
List team members GET /teams/:id/members -
Get team member GET /teams/:id/members/:username -
Add team member PUT /teams/:id/members/:username -
Remove team member DELETE /teams/:id/members/:username -
Get team membership GET /teams/:id/memberships/:username -
Add or update team membership PUT /teams/:id/memberships/:username -
Remove team membership DELETE /teams/:id/memberships/:username -
List team repos GET /teams/:id/repos -
List pending team invitations GET /teams/:id/invitations -
Check if a team manages a repository GET /teams/:id/repos/:owner/:repo -
Add or update team repository PUT /teams/:id/repos/:org/:repo -
Remove team repository DELETE /teams/:id/repos/:owner/:repo -
List user teams GET /user/teams -
Title Usage Supported?
List hooks GET /orgs/:org/hooks -
Get single hook GET /orgs/:org/hooks/:id -
Create a hook POST /orgs/:org/hooks -
Edit a hook PATCH /orgs/:org/hooks/:id -
Ping a hook POST /orgs/:org/hooks/:id/pings -
Delete a hook DELETE /orgs/:org/hooks/:id -
Title Usage Supported?
List blocked users GET /orgs/:org/blocks -
Check whether a user is blocked from an organization GET /orgs/:org/blocks/:username -
Block a user PUT /orgs/:org/blocks/:username -
Unblock a user DELETE /user/:org/blocks/:username -
Title Usage Supported?
List repository projects GET /repos/:owner/:repo/projects -
List organization projects GET /orgs/:org/projects -
Get a project GET /projects/:id -
Create a repository project POST /repos/:owner/:repo/projects -
Create an organization project POST /orgs/:org/projects -
Update a project PATCH /projects/:id -
Delete a project DELETE /projects/:id -
Title Usage Supported?
List project cards GET /projects/columns/:column_id/cards -
Get a project card GET /projects/columns/cards/:id -
Create a project card POST /projects/columns/:column_id/cards -
Update a project card PATCH /projects/columns/cards/:id -
Delete a project card DELETE /projects/columns/cards/:id -
Move a project card POST /projects/columns/cards/:id/moves -
Title Usage Supported?
List project columns GET /projects/:project_id/columns -
Get a project column GET /projects/columns/:id -
Create a project column POST /projects/:project_id/columns -
Update a project column PATCH /projects/columns/:id -
Delete a project column DELETE /projects/columns/:id -
Move a project column POST /projects/columns/:id/moves -
Title Usage Supported?
List pull requests GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls ~4.11
Get a single pull request GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number ~4.11
Create a pull request POST /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls -
Update a pull request PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number -
List commits on a pull request GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/commits -
List pull requests files GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/files -
Get if a pull request has been merged GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/merge -
Merge a pull request (Merge Button) PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/merge -
Title Usage Supported?
List reviews on a pull request GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/reviews -
Get a single review GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/reviews/:id -
Delete a pending review DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/reviews/:id -
Get comments for a single review GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/reviews/:id/comments -
Create a pull request review POST /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/reviews -
Submit a pull request review POST /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/reviews/:id/events -
Dismiss a pull request review PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/reviews/:id/dismissals -
Title Usage Supported?
List comments on a pull request GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/comments ~4.11
List comments in a repository GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/comments -
Get a single comment GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/comments/:id -
Create a comment POST /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/comments -
Edit a comment PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/comments/:id -
Delete a comment DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/comments/:id -
Title Usage Supported?
List review requests GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/requested_reviewers -
Create a review request POST /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/requested_reviewers -
Delete a review request DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/requested_reviewers -
Title Usage Supported?
List reactions for a commit comment GET /repos/:owner/:repo/comments/:id/reactions -
Create reaction for a commit comment POST /repos/:owner/:repo/comments/:id/reactions -
List reactions for an issue GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/reactions -
Create reaction for an issue POST /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/reactions -
List reactions for an issue comment GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments/:id/reactions -
Create reaction for an issue comment POST /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments/:id/reactions -
List reactions for a pull request review comment GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/comments/:id/reactions -
Create reaction for a pull request review comment POST /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/comments/:id/reactions -
Delete a reaction DELETE /reactions/:id -
Title Usage Supported?
List reactions for a commit comment GET /repos/:owner/:repo/comments/:id/reactions -
Create reaction for a commit comment POST /repos/:owner/:repo/comments/:id/reactions -
List reactions for an issue GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/reactions -
Create reaction for an issue POST /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/reactions -
List reactions for an issue comment GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments/:id/reactions -
Create reaction for an issue comment POST /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments/:id/reactions -
List reactions for a pull request review comment GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/comments/:id/reactions -
Create reaction for a pull request review comment POST /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/comments/:id/reactions -
Delete a reaction DELETE /reactions/:id -
Title Usage Supported?
List reactions for a commit comment GET /repos/:owner/:repo/comments/:id/reactions -
Create reaction for a commit comment POST /repos/:owner/:repo/comments/:id/reactions -
List reactions for an issue GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/reactions -
Create reaction for an issue POST /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/reactions -
List reactions for an issue comment GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments/:id/reactions -
Create reaction for an issue comment POST /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments/:id/reactions -
List reactions for a pull request review comment GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/comments/:id/reactions -
Create reaction for a pull request review comment POST /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/comments/:id/reactions -
Delete a reaction DELETE /reactions/:id -
Title Usage Supported?
List reactions for a commit comment GET /repos/:owner/:repo/comments/:id/reactions -
Create reaction for a commit comment POST /repos/:owner/:repo/comments/:id/reactions -
List reactions for an issue GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/reactions -
Create reaction for an issue POST /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/reactions -
List reactions for an issue comment GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments/:id/reactions -
Create reaction for an issue comment POST /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments/:id/reactions -
List reactions for a pull request review comment GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/comments/:id/reactions -
Create reaction for a pull request review comment POST /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/comments/:id/reactions -
Delete a reaction DELETE /reactions/:id -
Title Usage Supported?
List reactions for a commit comment GET /repos/:owner/:repo/comments/:id/reactions -
Create reaction for a commit comment POST /repos/:owner/:repo/comments/:id/reactions -
List reactions for an issue GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/reactions -
Create reaction for an issue POST /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/reactions -
List reactions for an issue comment GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments/:id/reactions -
Create reaction for an issue comment POST /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments/:id/reactions -
List reactions for a pull request review comment GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/comments/:id/reactions -
Create reaction for a pull request review comment POST /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/comments/:id/reactions -
Delete a reaction DELETE /reactions/:id -
Title Usage Supported?
List your repositories GET /user/repos ~4.11
List user repositories GET /users/:username/repos ~4.11
List organization repositories GET /orgs/:org/repos ~4.11
List all public repositories GET /repositories -
Create POST /user/repos ~4.11
Get GET /repos/:owner/:repo ~4.11
Edit PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo -
List contributors GET /repos/:owner/:repo/contributors -
List languages GET /repos/:owner/:repo/languages -
List Teams GET /repos/:owner/:repo/teams -
List Tags GET /repos/:owner/:repo/tags -
Delete a Repository DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo -
Title Usage Supported?
List Branches GET /repos/:owner/:repo/branches ~4.11
Get Branch GET /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch ~4.11
Get branch protection GET /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection -
Update branch protection PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection -
Remove branch protection DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection -
Get required status checks of protected branch GET /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/required_status_checks -
Update required status checks of protected branch PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/required_status_checks -
Remove required status checks of protected branch DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/required_status_checks -
List required status checks contexts of protected branch GET /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/required_status_checks/contexts -
Replace required status checks contexts of protected branch PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/required_status_checks/contexts -
Add required status checks contexts of protected branch POST /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/required_status_checks/contexts -
Remove required status checks contexts of protected branch DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/required_status_checks/contexts -
Get pull request review enforcement of protected branch GET /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/required_pull_request_reviews -
Update pull request review enforcement of protected branch PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/required_pull_request_reviews -
Remove pull request review enforcement of protected branch DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/required_pull_request_reviews -
Get admin enforcement of protected branch GET /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/enforce_admins -
Add admin enforcement of protected branch POST /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/enforce_admins -
Remove admin enforcement of protected branch DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/enforce_admins -
Get restrictions of protected branch GET /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/restrictions -
Remove restrictions of protected branch DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/restrictions -
List team restrictions of protected branch GET /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/restrictions/teams -
Replace team restrictions of protected branch PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/restrictions/teams -
Add team restrictions of protected branch POST /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/restrictions/teams -
Remove team restrictions of protected branch DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/restrictions/teams -
List user restrictions of protected branch GET /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/restrictions/users -
Replace user restrictions of protected branch PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/restrictions/users -
Add user restrictions of protected branch POST /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/restrictions/users -
Remove user restrictions of protected branch DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch/protection/restrictions/users -
Title Usage Supported?
List collaborators GET /repos/:owner/:repo/collaborators ~4.11
Check if a user is a collaborator GET /repos/:owner/:repo/collaborators/:username -
Review a user's permission level GET /repos/:owner/:repo/collaborators/:username/permission -
Add user as a collaborator PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/collaborators/:username -
Remove user as a collaborator DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/collaborators/:username -
Title Usage Supported?
List commit comments for a repository GET /repos/:owner/:repo/comments -
List comments for a single commit GET /repos/:owner/:repo/commits/:ref/comments -
Create a commit comment POST /repos/:owner/:repo/commits/:sha/comments -
Get a single commit comment GET /repos/:owner/:repo/comments/:id -
Update a commit comment PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/comments/:id -
Delete a commit comment DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/comments/:id -
Title Usage Supported?
Title Usage Supported?
List commits on a repository GET /repos/:owner/:repo/commits -
Get a single commit GET /repos/:owner/:repo/commits/:sha -
Get the SHA-1 of a commit reference GET /repos/:owner/:repo/commits/:ref -
Compare two commits GET /repos/:owner/:repo/compare/:base...:head -
Commit signature verification GET /repos/:owner/:repo/commits/:sha -
Title Usage Supported?
Get the README GET /repos/:owner/:repo/readme -
Get contents GET /repos/:owner/:repo/contents/:path ~4.11
Create a file PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/contents/:path -
Update a file PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/contents/:path -
Delete a file DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/contents/:path -
Get archive link GET /repos/:owner/:repo/:archive_format/:ref -
Title Usage Supported?
List deploy keys GET /repos/:owner/:repo/keys -
Get a deploy key GET /repos/:owner/:repo/keys/:id -
Add a new deploy key POST /repos/:owner/:repo/keys -
Remove a deploy key DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/keys/:id -
Title Usage Supported?
List Deployments GET /repos/:owner/:repo/deployments -
Get a single Deployment GET /repos/:owner/:repo/deployments/:deployment_id -
Create a Deployment POST /repos/:owner/:repo/deployments -
List Deployment Statuses GET /repos/:owner/:repo/deployments/:id/statuses -
Get a single Deployment Status GET /repos/:owner/:repo/deployments/:id/statuses/:status_id -
Create a Deployment Status POST /repos/:owner/:repo/deployments/:id/statuses -
Title Usage Supported?
List downloads for a repository GET /repos/:owner/:repo/downloads -
Get a single download GET /repos/:owner/:repo/downloads/:id -
Delete a download DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/downloads/:id -
Title Usage Supported?
List forks GET /repos/:owner/:repo/forks -
Create a fork POST /repos/:owner/:repo/forks -
Title Usage Supported?
List invitations for a repository GET /repositories/:repo_id/invitations -
Delete a repository invitation DELETE /repositories/:repo_id/invitations/:invitation_id -
Update a repository invitation PATCH /repositories/:repo_id/invitations/:invitation_id -
List a user's repository invitations GET /user/repository_invitations -
Accept a repository invitation PATCH /user/repository_invitations/:invitation_id -
Decline a repository invitation DELETE /user/repository_invitations/:invitation_id -
Title Usage Supported?
Perform a merge POST /repos/:owner/:repo/merges -
Title Usage Supported?
Get information about a Pages site GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pages -
Request a page build POST /repos/:owner/:repo/pages/builds -
List Pages builds GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pages/builds -
List latest Pages build GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pages/builds/latest -
List a specific Pages build GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pages/builds/:id -
Title Usage Supported?
List releases for a repository GET /repos/:owner/:repo/releases -
Get a single release GET /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/:id -
Get the latest release GET /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/latest -
Get a release by tag name GET /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/tags/:tag -
Create a release POST /repos/:owner/:repo/releases -
Edit a release PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/:id -
Delete a release DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/:id -
List assets for a release GET /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/:id/assets -
Upload a release asset POST https://<upload_url>/repos/:owner/:repo/releases/:id/assets? -
Get a single release asset GET /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/assets/:id -
Edit a release asset PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/assets/:id -
Delete a release asset DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/assets/:id -
Title Usage Supported?
Get contributors list with additions, deletions, and commit counts GET /repos/:owner/:repo/stats/contributors -
Get the last year of commit activity data GET /repos/:owner/:repo/stats/commit_activity -
Get the number of additions and deletions per week GET /repos/:owner/:repo/stats/code_frequency -
Get the weekly commit count for the repository owner and everyone else GET /repos/:owner/:repo/stats/participation -
Get the number of commits per hour in each day GET /repos/:owner/:repo/stats/punch_card -
Title Usage Supported?
Create a Status POST /repos/:owner/:repo/statuses/:sha ~4.11
List Statuses for a specific Ref GET /repos/:owner/:repo/commits/:ref/statuses ~4.11
Get the combined Status for a specific Ref GET /repos/:owner/:repo/commits/:ref/status ~4.11
Title Usage Supported?
List referrers GET /repos/:owner/:repo/traffic/popular/referrers -
List paths GET /repos/:owner/:repo/traffic/popular/paths -
Views GET /repos/:owner/:repo/traffic/views -
Clones GET /repos/:owner/:repo/traffic/clones -
Title Usage Supported?
List hooks GET /repos/:owner/:repo/hooks -
Get single hook GET /repos/:owner/:repo/hooks/:id -
Create a hook POST /repos/:owner/:repo/hooks -
Edit a hook PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/hooks/:id -
Test a push hook POST /repos/:owner/:repo/hooks/:id/tests -
Ping a hook POST /repos/:owner/:repo/hooks/:id/pings -
Delete a hook DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/hooks/:id -
PubSubHubbub -
Title Usage Supported?
Search repositories GET /search/repositories -
Search commits GET /search/commits -
Search code GET /search/code -
Search issues GET /search/issues -
Search users GET /search/users -
Title Usage Supported?
Search repositories GET /search/repositories -
Search commits GET /search/commits -
Search code GET /search/code -
Search issues GET /search/issues -
Search users GET /search/users -
Title Usage Supported?
Search repositories GET /search/repositories -
Search commits GET /search/commits -
Search code GET /search/code -
Search issues GET /search/issues -
Search users GET /search/users -
Title Usage Supported?
Search repositories GET /search/repositories -
Search commits GET /search/commits -
Search code GET /search/code -
Search issues GET /search/issues -
Search users GET /search/users -
Title Usage Supported?
Search repositories GET /search/repositories -
Search commits GET /search/commits -
Search code GET /search/code -
Search issues GET /search/issues -
Search users GET /search/users -
Title Usage Supported?
Search repositories GET /search/repositories -
Search commits GET /search/commits -
Search code GET /search/code -
Search issues GET /search/issues -
Search users GET /search/users -
Title Usage Supported?
Search issues GET /legacy/issues/search/:owner/:repository/:state/:keyword -
Search repositories GET /legacy/repos/search/:keyword -
Search users GET /legacy/user/search/:keyword -
Email search GET /legacy/user/email/:email -
Title Usage Supported?
Get a list of provisioned identities GET -
Get provisioning details for a single user GET /scim/v2/organizations/:organization/Users/:id -
Provision and invite users POST /scim/v2/organizations/:organization/Users -
Update a provisioned organization membership PUT /scim/v2/organizations/:organization/Users/:id -
Update a user attribute PATCH /scim/v2/organizations/:organization/Users/:id -
Remove a user from the organization DELETE /scim/v2/organizations/:organization/Users/:id -
Title Usage Supported?
Get a single user GET /users/:username ~4.11
Get the authenticated user GET /user ~4.11
Update the authenticated user PATCH /user -
Get all users GET /users -
Title Usage Supported?
List email addresses for a user GET /user/emails -
Add email address(es) POST /user/emails -
Delete email address(es) DELETE /user/emails -
Toggle primary email visibility Status: 200 OK -
Title Usage Supported?
List followers of a user GET /users/:username/followers -
List users followed by another user GET /users/:username/following -
Check if you are following a user GET /user/following/:username -
Check if one user follows another GET /users/:username/following/:target_user -
Follow a user PUT /user/following/:username -
Unfollow a user DELETE /user/following/:username -
Title Usage Supported?
List public keys for a user GET /users/:username/keys -
List your public keys GET /user/keys -
Get a single public key GET /user/keys/:id -
Create a public key POST /user/keys -
Delete a public key DELETE /user/keys/:id -
Title Usage Supported?
List GPG keys for a user GET /users/:username/gpg_keys -
List your GPG keys GET /user/gpg_keys -
Get a single GPG key GET /user/gpg_keys/:id -
Create a GPG key POST /user/gpg_keys -
Delete a GPG key DELETE /user/gpg_keys/:id -
Title Usage Supported?
Promote an ordinary user to a site administrator PUT /users/:username/site_admin -
Demote a site administrator to an ordinary user DELETE /users/:username/site_admin -
Suspend a user PUT /users/:username/suspended -
Unsuspend a user DELETE /users/:username/suspended -
Title Usage Supported?
List blocked users GET /user/blocks -
Check whether you've blocked a user GET /user/blocks/:username -
Block a user PUT /user/blocks/:username -
Unblock a user DELETE /user/blocks/:username -
Title Usage Supported?
Title Usage Supported?
Get statistics GET /enterprise/stats/:type -
Title Usage Supported?
Update LDAP mapping for a user PATCH /admin/ldap/users/:username/mapping -
Sync LDAP mapping for a user POST /admin/ldap/users/:username/sync -
Update LDAP mapping for a team PATCH /admin/ldap/teams/:team_id/mapping -
Sync LDAP mapping for a team POST /admin/ldap/teams/:team_id/sync -
Title Usage Supported?
Get license information GET /enterprise/settings/license -
Title Usage Supported?
Upload a license for the first time POST /setup/api/start -
Upgrade a license POST /setup/api/upgrade -
Check configuration status GET /setup/api/configcheck -
Start a configuration process POST /setup/api/configure -
Retrieve settings GET /setup/api/settings -
Modify settings PUT /setup/api/settings -
Check maintenance status GET /setup/api/maintenance -
Enable or disable maintenance mode POST /setup/api/maintenance -
Retrieve authorized SSH keys GET /setup/api/settings/authorized-keys -
Add a new authorized SSH key POST /setup/api/settings/authorized-keys -
Remove an authorized SSH key DELETE /setup/api/settings/authorized-keys -
Title Usage Supported?
Get a single pre-receive environment GET /admin/pre-receive-environments/:id -
List pre-receive environments GET /admin/pre_receive_environments -
Create a pre-receive environment POST /admin/pre_receive_environments -
Edit a pre-receive environment PATCH /admin/pre_receive_environments/:id -
Delete a pre-receive environment DELETE /admin/pre_receive_environments/:id -
Get a pre-receive environment's download status GET /admin/pre-receive-environments/:id/downloads/latest -
Trigger a pre-receive environment download POST /admin/pre_receive_environments/:id/downloads -
Title Usage Supported?
Get a single pre-receive hook GET /admin/pre-receive-hooks/:id -
List pre-receive hooks GET /admin/pre-receive-hooks -
Create a pre-receive hook POST /admin/pre-receive-hooks -
Edit a pre-receive hook PATCH /admin/pre_receive_hooks/:id -
Delete a pre-receive hook DELETE /admin/pre_receive_hooks/:id -
Title Usage Supported?
Queue an indexing job POST /staff/indexing_jobs -
Title Usage Supported?
Create an organization POST /admin/organizations -



  is changed?
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def parse_subcategories(title, url):
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser")
toc ="ul#markdown-toc > li > a")
print "|Title|Usage|Supported?|"
print "|-----|-----|----------|"
for item in toc:
item_title = item.string
item_id = item.get("href")
item_url = url + item_id
h2_a ="h2 > a{}".format(item_id))[0]
h2 = h2_a.parent
pre = h2.find_next_sibling("pre")
if pre and pre.find_previous_sibling("h2") == h2:
code = pre.find("code")
code_string = code.string.replace("\n","") if code and code.string else ""
code_string = ""
if item_title not in ["Custom media types", "Text match metadata"] and code_string:
print "|[{}]({})|{}|~4.11 -|".format(item_title, item_url, code_string)
def parse_categories():
r = requests.get("")
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser")
categories ="li.js-topic")
for category in categories:
a ="h3 > a")[1]
title = a.string
url = "" + a.get('href')
print "# [{}]({})".format(title, url)
print ""
subcategories ="ul.js-guides > li > a")
if title != "Overview":
print "## [{}]({})".format(title, url)
print ""
parse_subcategories(title, url)
for subcategory in subcategories:
sub_title = subcategory.string
sub_url = "" + subcategory.get("href")
print "## [{}]({})".format(sub_title, sub_url)
print ""
if title != "Overview":
parse_subcategories(sub_title, sub_url)
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