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Created August 24, 2014 00:22
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# coding: utf-8
import os
import glob
import struct
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
imgdir = 'img_kano'
# 利用するフォント、サイズ
font = ImageFont.truetype('consola.ttf', 18, encoding='utf-8')
shadow = '#252525'
fill = 'white'
def get_size(font, text):
# フォントのサイズを取得するダミーのImage
img_tmp ='RGBA', (128,128))
draw_tmp = ImageDraw.Draw(img_tmp)
w,h = draw_tmp.textsize(text, font)
return (w,h)
def drawtext_withshadow(img, font, text, shadow_color, fill_color):
# Draw 関数でオブジェクトを作成。
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
# 画面の左上隅にテキストを描画する。
# 影を先に描画する
draw.text((0, 1), text, font=font, fill=shadow_color)
draw.text((1, 0), text, font=font, fill=shadow_color)
draw.text((1, 2), text, font=font, fill=shadow_color)
draw.text((2, 1), text, font=font, fill=shadow_color)
draw.text((1, 1), text, font=font, fill=fill_color)
def make_movieend():
t = "Movie end."
w,h = get_size(font, t)
img ='RGBA', (w+2, h+3))
drawtext_withshadow(img, font, t, shadow, fill)'{0:s}\movie_end.png'.format(imgdir))
button_text = '<v^>AB'
text_tmp = "{0:s} {1:5d}/{1:5d} ".format(button_text, 0)
(w,h) = get_size(font, text_tmp)
# ボタン・カウンタ画像の幅、高さ
image_width = w + 2
image_height = h + 3
wtffile = ""
wtf_header_fmt = "4sII8sIIII48s16II160s712x"
wtf_key_fmt = "8c"
wtf = open(wtffile, "rb")
wtf_header_str =
wtf_header = struct.unpack(wtf_header_fmt, wtf_header_str)
wtf_frames = wtf_header[1]
wtf_rr = wtf_header[2]
print "frames:{0:d} rr:{1:d}".format(wtf_frames, wtf_rr)
f = open("airfli_kano_frames.txt","w")
f.write("wtf_frames = {0:d}\n".format(wtf_frames))
#f.write(r'm = AviSource("AVI\airfli_kano.avi", "' + '", "'.join(glob.glob(r"AVI\airfli_kano[0-9]*.avi")) + '")\n')
if not os.path.exists(imgdir):
for frame in range(wtf_frames):
keys_str =
wtf_keys = struct.unpack(wtf_key_fmt,keys_str)
keys = [' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ']
#print wtf_keys
for k in wtf_keys:
if k == 'Z':
keys[4] = 'A'
if k == 'X':
keys[5] = 'B'
if k == '\x25':
keys[0] = '<'
if k == '\x28':
keys[1] = 'v'
if k == '\x26':
keys[2] = '^'
if k == '\x27':
keys[3] = '>'
key_text = "".join(keys)
counter_text = "{0:05d}/{1:05d}".format(frame, wtf_frames)
text = "{0:s} {1:s} ".format(key_text, counter_text)
#print text
# デフォルト背景色の canvasを用意する。
img ='RGBA', (image_width, image_height))
drawtext_withshadow(img, font, text, shadow, fill)'{0:s}\btn_{1:05d}.png'.format(imgdir,frame))
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