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Created September 22, 2014 11:01
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# coding: utf-8
import datetime
import re
import sys
import urllib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import xlsxwriter
import pandas as pd
# コンソール出力をリダイレクトするときのおまじない
# 設定
wikipedia_base = ""
get_limit = 50
# 期間設定
start_date = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1)
end_date = datetime.datetime(2013, 12, 31)
# スコア設定
scores = {"New": 5, "Edit": 3, "MinorEdit": 1, "Delete": 2}
# 参加者設定(仮に過去のWAQWAQプロジェクト参加者を入れてます)
names = [u"Next49", u"Mishika", u"Theta K", u"蒋龍"]
# names = [u"Next49"]
# 出力CSVのエンコード設定(utf-8-sig: UTF-8+BOM)
csv_encoding = "utf-8-sig"
def get_wikipedia_history(username, offset=None):
# 結果格納場所
result = []
# URLの組み立て
urlparts = u"特別:投稿記録"
urlparts_quote = urllib.quote(urlparts.encode("utf-8"))
username_quote = urllib.quote_plus(username.encode("utf-8"))
url = u"" % (
get_limit, urlparts_quote, username_quote)
if offset is not None:
url += u"&offset=%s" % offset
# 取得&パース
req = urllib.urlopen(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(req)
found_old = False
for li in soup.ul.find_all("li"):
item = {u"執筆者": username}
# 日時の抽出
a_date = li.find(class_=["mw-changeslist-date", "history-deleted"])
a_date_str = a_date.string
# m = re.match(u"(\d+)年(\d+)月(\d+)日(.*)(\d+):(\d+)",a_date_str)
m = re.match(u"(\d+)年(\d+)月(\d+)日.*(\d+):(\d+)", a_date_str)
a_y = int(
a_m = int(
a_d = int(
a_h = int(
a_min = int(
item[u"変更日時"] = datetime.datetime(a_y, a_m, a_d, a_h, a_min)
if item[u"変更日時"] > end_date:
if item[u"変更日時"] < start_date:
found_old = True
# 該当ページ・該当版のURL取得
if a_date.get("href") is not None:
item[u"当該ページの当該版のURL"] = wikipedia_base + a_date["href"]
item[u"当該ページの当該版のURL"] = ""
a_page = li.find(class_=["exitw", "mw-contributions-title"])
item[u"当該ページのURL"] = wikipedia_base + a_page["href"]
# 変更種別の取得
abbr = li.abbr
if abbr is None:
if li.find(class_="history-deleted") is not None:
item[u"変更種別"] = "Delete"
item[u"変更種別"] = "Edit"
if abbr["class"][0] == "newpage":
item[u"変更種別"] = "New"
elif abbr["class"][0] == "minoredit":
item[u"変更種別"] = "MinorEdit"
# 変更したページ名の取得
a_title = li.find(class_="mw-contributions-title")
item[u"ページ名"] = a_title.string
# 変更バイト数の取得
plusminus = li.find(
class_=["mw-plusminus-pos", "mw-plusminus-null", "mw-plusminus-neg"])
m = re.match(r"\([+-]?([0-9,]+)\)", plusminus.string)
item[u"変更バイト数"] = int(",", ""))
# スコアの計算
item[u"スコア"] = scores[item[u"変更種別"]]
# 結果の先頭に挿入
print item
result.insert(0, item)
a_next = soup.find(class_="mw-nextlink")
if a_next is not None and not found_old:
print a_next
print ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"
a_next_href = a_next["href"]
m ="offset=(\d+)", a_next_href)
offset =
result_old = get_wikipedia_history(username, offset)
result = result_old + result
return result
def write_worksheet(wb, username, changes, date_format):
# 結果、チャートのワークシート作成
ws = wb.add_worksheet(username)
ws_c = wb.add_chartsheet(u"%s_c" % username)
# カラムヘッダ作成
ws.write("A1", u"変更日時")
ws.write("B1", u"変更種別")
ws.write("C1", u"変更バイト数")
ws.write("D1", u"ページ名")
ws.write("E1", u"当該ページのURL")
ws.write("F1", u"当該ページの当該版のURL")
ws.write("G1", u"スコア")
ws.write("H1", u"スコア累計")
# 各行データの埋め込み
row = 0
score_sum = 0
for change in changes:
row += 1
score_sum += change[u"スコア"]
ws.write(row, 0, change[u"変更日時"], date_format)
ws.write(row, 1, change[u"変更種別"])
ws.write(row, 2, change[u"変更バイト数"])
ws.write(row, 3, change[u"ページ名"])
ws.write(row, 4, change[u"当該ページのURL"])
ws.write(row, 5, change[u"当該ページの当該版のURL"])
ws.write(row, 6, change[u"スコア"])
ws.write(row, 7, score_sum)
row += 1
ws.write(row, 0,, date_format)
print "row = %d" % row
# チャートの作成
chart = wb.add_chart({"type": "line"})
"name": username,
"categories": [ws.get_name(), 1, 0, row, 0],
"values": [ws.get_name(), 1, 7, row, 7],
# "data_labels": {"value": True},
chart.set_legend({"none": True})
if __name__ == "__main__":
wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook("waqwaq.xlsx")
date_format = wb.add_format({"num_format": "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss"})
# df(DataFrame): CSVにするためにpandasのデータ構造を使う
df = None
for username in names:
result = get_wikipedia_history(username)
write_worksheet(wb, username, result, date_format)
if df is None:
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(result)
df_tmp = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(result)
df = pd.concat([df, df_tmp])
df.sort(u"変更日時", inplace=True)
df.to_csv("waqwaq.csv", encoding=csv_encoding, index=False)
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