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Created March 13, 2014 11:22
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Build calendars for things in Clojure
(ns evident.core
(require [clj-time.core :as time]))
(declare in-same-month?)
(declare first-day-of-week)
(declare weekyears-between)
(defn week-calendar
"Given a starting date this function will return a LazySeq of the enclosing date
for the same month of the start-date. Week days that are not in the the same
month will be nil"
([start-date day-handler]
(let [start-of-week (first-day-of-week start-date)]
(for [day-offset (range 0 7)
:let [current-day (time/plus start-of-week (time/days day-offset))]]
(if (in-same-month? start-date current-day)
(day-handler current-day)
(defn month-calendar
"for a given date or month/year combo this will return a representation of that month"
([date day-handler] (month-calendar (time/year date) (time/month date) day-handler))
([year month day-handler]
(let [first-day-of-month (time/date-time year month 1)
last-day-of-month (time/last-day-of-the-month first-day-of-month)
weeks-covered (weekyears-between first-day-of-month last-day-of-month)]
(for [week (range 0 (inc weeks-covered))
:let [current-week (time/plus first-day-of-month (time/weeks week))
; the first week of the month we want to start at the 1st. every other week
; we want to start at the first day of the week
starting-from (if (= week 0)
(first-day-of-week current-week))]]
(fill-week-of-month starting-from day-handler)))))
(defn year-by-month-calendar
"for a given year this will generate a calendar covering each month"
[year day-handler]
(for [month (range 1 13)]
(month-calendar year month day-handler)))
(defn- in-same-month?
"compares 2 dates and returns true if they are in the same month and year"
([first-date second-date]
(and (= (time/month first-date) (time/month second-date))
(= (time/year first-date) (time/year second-date)))))
(defn- first-day-of-week [date]
(.withDayOfWeek date 1))
(defn- weekyears-between [start end]
(- (.getWeekOfWeekyear end)
(.getWeekOfWeekyear start)))
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